Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1272: 500 Immortal

Chapter 1272: Five Hundred Immortals

Chapter 1272: Five Hundred Immortals

The sound of chilling air around him, the three hundred peaks of Immortal God, how powerful would that be?

After the ice emperor took the lead, Li Xing immediately prepared everything. 'The Jiuyang avatar is responsible for receiving the work, and the **** avatar is responsible for establishing faith in the newly joined continent and further consolidating the rule. Seven-color avatars, on the other hand, drove the Hunyuan Snake Ship and continued to collect mainland refineries.

In fact, most of the refined continents are not actually under the control of the realm, so once the snake ship appears, it will suffer resistance. However, whenever millions of warships are lighted up, no matter how powerful the resistance is, they disappear instantly.

Those who control the continent understand that such a powerful force cannot afford to provoke it. If there is a fight, there may be more than one continent to be swallowed up. Moreover, these people did not know the purpose of Li Xing's engulfing the mainland, and thought that they were practicing some sort of taboo magic, and they were very frightened.

The three avatars each performed their duties and managed the flourishing empire of the Yuan Dynasty, which can be said to change every day. After the ice emperor went out to persuade the leaders of the forces, the fourth version of the mixed Yuan battleship was finally built successfully.

This battleship is quite special, built with the entire Heavenly Poison Continent as a skeleton. The battleship is not only a battleship, but also a moving continent, and it is the gateway to the world of the Hunyuan plane.

This battleship was therefore named the Tiandu Warship. The word Tiandu is not only related to the Tiandu mainland, but also to its attacking country.

In the original design of the battleship Tiandu, there were two thousand giant plane cannons and one ultimate civilization cannon. Later, Li Xing added thirty newly created ancient poison cannons on top of the reserved gun positions.

Each of the ancient poison cannons can fire highly toxic cannonballs, which is suitable for large-scale killing, poisoning thousands of types of heaven and earth, and being extremely poisonous.

In addition, Li Xing expected that in the future, there will be masters in the Broken Realm. In combination with the war weapons in the war country, a broken ancient artillery was built. Broken ancient artillery is based on war ancient artillery, but it is much more powerful.

It can also be said that the broken ancient cannon is an upgraded version of the ancient war cannon. A broken ancient artillery requires at least ten masters in the broken realm to exert its power.

In the end, Li Xing built ten broken ancient cannons, all of which have been placed on the cannon.

Of course, the battleship is very huge, and numerous gun positions are reserved on it, which can be added and upgraded at any time.

Tianduo battleship also has a strong defense force. The giant shield above it can block the attack of a heavy broken master. Under the volley of two giant plane cannons, you can also instantly kill the broken master. Even if it is broken, you must drink hate.

It is a pity that the ancient civilization cannon cannot be used at present, only because its level is too high, Li Xing must have at least advanced civilization to use this artillery.

These forces are only temporary. As the level of Li Xing's civilization rises, more powerful weapons will be built to enhance its combat effectiveness.

For example, ancient civilization cannons, Li Xing found that no matter whether it is a small civilization ancient cannon, a large civilization ancient cannon, or the ultimate civilization ancient cannon, there is no detailed division, just a thing built with a rough craft.

In the future, of course, the civilized warships he built will be mainly equipped with ancient civilizations. By that time, there must be more and more powerful types of ancient artillery.

At present, new-style civilization artillery is under development, and he will link civilization artillery to civilization level in the future, and subdivide it into primary civilization artillery, intermediate civilization artillery, advanced civilization artillery, perfect civilization artillery, Too superior civilization cannon.

In addition, each type of ancient artillery is divided into layers. For example, the medium-class civilization cannons are divided into nine categories, namely first-class ancient cannons and second-class ancient cannons, which will be divided into the same level as the civilization level.

At that time, different levels of ancient artillery must use different levels of shells. For example, an intermediate artillery cannon can use only civilized artillery shells made by intermediate nineth grade civilization.

Moreover, the ancient artillery will be integrated with the civilized war, and will progress with the mixed civilization. In other words, when the civilization of the Yuan Dynasty is promoted, the civilized warships and many ancient artillery will all rise to the level and keep in sync.

Of course, there will not be only a weapon of civilized artillery on civilized warships. Li Xing is still developing a super plane ancient cannon. The appearance of this kind of ancient cannon will not come out until Li Xing goes out of customs.

Super Plane Ancient Artillery, the plane cannonballs used by it must be made by the power of a world that breaks more than one character. In addition, such super plane ancient artillery will also be divided into 33 levels according to plane power.

They are called ancient cannons with one plane, two cannons with planes, and up to thirty-three planes with cannons. Among them, the thirty-three planes of ancient artillery, also known as the artillery of non-superior planes, can be smashed and broken through the bounds of heaven and earth if one is shot out.

However, the super plane cannon is only an idea of ​​Li Xing. To realize this idea, he must wait until he is strong enough.

Time flies, and a year has passed. In the meantime, the Hunyuan plane swallowed nearly 10,000 continents, making the number of continents stored in the Hunyuan plane used for Lixing's refining.

The further you go, the higher the level of civilization required by a civil warship, and it becomes more difficult to find the next devouring target.

After a long wait, on this day, within the plane of Hunyuan, hundreds of forceful fluctuations suddenly appeared. Hundreds of peak immortal gods, led by the ice emperor and the snow, entered the Hunyuan hall and met Li Xing.

Li Xing got the news long ago. He has been waiting for a while, and important figures from the mixed plane are also present.

Bing Huangxue first referred to Li Xing: "Lord, these people are all old friends who have had friendship with old servants for many years, and they have all been brought in."

"See the emperor!" Everyone worshiped respectfully and bowed to Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled and said, "You don't have to be polite." Then he said, "Bing Lao, please introduce these Taoists."

Therefore, the ice emperor introduced Li Xing's identity background one by one. There are a total of 563 peak immortal deities, their strengths ranging from a hundred steps to a hundred million steps.

The forces controlled by these people are more than 300, and they have nearly 400 million continents in their hands. Each of them is a hegemonic figure. When the Five Elements Emperor was still there, he always called them brothers and brothers.

In fact, when you compare it, you can see that when the Five Elements Emperor was recruiting troops, at most, he could organize three or fifty immortal peaks to appear, only a few masters in a billion continents.

These people added the power they had, representing one-third of the power of the Five Elements Empire. Like the Queen of the Ice Queen, they broke through the hopelessness and feared the strong in their hearts. They belonged to the diehards.

However, when they heard that Li Xing could let them break through, their ideas changed. Compared with the breakthrough, no matter how great the power is, it can be abandoned immediately.

So, after more than a year of visiting around, it appeared that the ice emperor finally moved a group of people to make them determined to surrender Li Xing and find breakthrough opportunities.

Being in a billion continents and having influence is by no means a leisurely generation, and a considerable part of them are immortal. The people who came with the ice queen now occupy only a part of them, and some people are hesitant and have not come with them.

According to the Ice Emperor, those people still have doubts and want to wait and see for a while. Li Xing didn't care about this. In the future, after waiting for these hundreds of immortals, after purification from the plane, they all stepped into pieces. Presumably, they will also choose to join their own camp.

When everyone was introduced again, Li Xing smiled, "Everyone is very happy that you can trust the mixed Yuan empire. Next, I hope you will cooperate with the power transfer. After all these things are completed, my great emperor will fulfill his promise and help You break through immortality and set foot to pieces. "

The hearts of the people rejoiced, and Qi Qi worshipped, "Thank you, Lord!"

This time, they said that they all regard Li Xing as the main son.

Li Xing nodded slightly and said, "Together the two is beneficial, and I promise you will be proud of today's decision."

At this time, an immortal **** named Tao Xunhuan said: "Lord, before the old servant came, he had many contacts with the four-phase empire. Among the old friends present, there were many similar situations with the old servant. Today we all return to the Lord, and we will surely make the Four Empires unpleasant. Please prepare him. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Anyway, this four-phase empire has always been small, ambitious, and wants to nibble the mixed-yuan empire. Let it be proud for a while, and when the time is right, the emperor will promote the four-phase and destroy it.

Everyone was shocked by Li Xing's ambition. At the same time, they felt that only such a character was worthy of the name of "Great Emperor".

"May my Lord dominate the universe and dominate the universe!" Everyone cried in unison.

Li Xing waved his hand and said, "Okay, you guys are very cooperative and you will clear the site."

Nearly 400 million continents, countless living people, if you want to deliver it, it will not be completed overnight. After more than a month, Li Xing dispatched almost all the available ones under his hands. Even the guardians of 300,000 civilizations were sent out to www.readwn.com ~ These civilization guards were born from civilization. Wisdom is extremely high, and it is very easy to handle similar situations, which makes Li Xing worry a lot. The guarding of civilization, with the improvement of the mixed civilization, is also constantly improving, but the number will not change, remaining at 300,000.

It is not only power that is delivered, but the wealth that these forces have accumulated over the years must also be confiscated in full. Forty million continents, how much wealth can be accumulated, this number can be imagined, it must be a huge number.

However, Li Xing returned about half of the property after checking his belongings. After all, these continents also need to maintain their livelihoods.

Among the wealth, what Li Xing most valued was the battleships accumulated by these hundreds of forces. These battleships are numerous and numerous, the largest of which is a plane warship.

Planar battleships, although configured in many different ways, have similar principles. All are based on the power of the world and have ancient cannons. The differences are the number of ancient cannons on the plane, the size of the battleship, and so on.


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