Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1273: Integration force

Chapter 1273: Integrating Strength

Chapter 1273: Integrating Strength

For these various types of battleships with different powers, Li Xing did not think they were suitable for the mixed Yuan empire. [Regardless of attack power, defensive power, and cost, these warships are far from comparable to several versions of the mixed yuan warships.

After Li Xing got these warships, they dealt with them in the following two ways. The first method is to sell them directly through the powerful sales network of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, and then use the price to buy materials for the construction of the mixed yuan battleship.

The second method is to remove some battleships suitable for splitting, and then build a mixed yuan battleship from the materials and components above.

The purpose of both methods is to transform all these miscellaneous battleships into the most combative mixed yuan battleships.

In addition to warships, there are a large number of experts on the 400 million continent. After a rough calculation, there are more than 200,000 monks entering the immortal realm. As for the non-gravity experts, there are even more, the number is between 400 billion and 500 billion.

If such a huge force can be integrated, even if there is no warship, it can easily unify the one billion continents. It is just that it takes a period of running-in period to control these monks.

In order to be able to turn these forces into real combat power as soon as possible, Li Xing will be the leader of all forces and all the kings, and they will still control their own power and manage all matters.

The difference is that if there is a military operation or the empire needs a place to contribute, the kings must cooperate fully.

This is undoubtedly a rapid and effective control method. Li Xing does not need too detailed management, but only needs to keep the kings loyal.

During the period of power integration, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce launched a warship promotion at various locations for 20% or 10%. For those who buy warships in large numbers, it is a good thing to save 10% or 20%.

As a result, many forces rushed to the wind, rushing to the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce to set up shops in various places, buying in vain, for fear that they would be robbed of it later.

In just over a month, tens of thousands of points of sale sold all kinds of miscellaneous warships, making a profit of more than 38 trillion immortal.

A considerable part of these elixir was used by Li Xing to purchase materials for the construction of the mixed Yuan battleship.

The Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has been established for many years, and has established good trade relations with numerous forces and chambers of commerce, and has a strong ability to pick up goods. Therefore, the materials for building the warship were fully purchased within three months.

While purchasing a large amount of materials, Miracle Ancient Tree began its construction with full force and began to build more mixed Yuan warships, and then released them to the kings.

The advantage of civilization is that it can continuously optimize the plane structure. As Li Xing continued to build warships, a new ancient tree was born. This ancient tree, called the battleship ancient tree, is a supplement to the construction of ancient trees.

The battleship Gushu specializes in building mixed yuan battleships, and different levels of ancient trees build different levels of mixed yuan battleships.

Moreover, with the continuous increase of the ancient trees of the battleship, more branches and ancient trees were born. Some specialized in the production of certain types of ancient artillery, some specialized in the production of certain parts of the battleship, and so on.

This pipeline-like construction mode immediately increased production speed greatly, and various types of warships were built.

The most produced warship is the second version of the mixed Yuan battleship. This type of warship has 400 large plane cannons and small plane shields. It will be the mainstream battleship of the mixed Yuan empire in the future. .

The second version of the battleship can fight against the immortal Great Celestial Master at the lower and middle levels. In addition, the monks who control the occupation of the ship do not need to be too high to practice, and the celestial being above the limit can be used to greatly enhance their own combat effectiveness.

Li Xing plans to build another 120,000 ships and 120,000 second-version battleships, which can definitely sweep one side.

In order to be able to conquer the mainland in large numbers in the future, Li Xing had to build another version of the mixed yuan battleship. These warships are equipped with six hundred plane cannons and one large plane cannon, as well as miniature plane shields.

A version of the battleship is basically able to fight against the immense amount of celestial celestial beings, and it is cheap in cost. Therefore, Li Xing plans to build a large number of 130 million ships.

There are two versions of the mid-range battleships and one version of the low-end battleships. Naturally, a considerable number of high-end battleships must be equipped, so the construction of the three versions of the mixed-yuan battleships was also put on the agenda.

The third version of the battleship is extremely powerful in attack and defense. It is equipped with plane shields, two giant plane cannons, and two thousand large plane cannons, which can fight low-level fragmentation and peaks.

The cost of the third edition warship was too high, so Li Xing decided to temporarily build three thousand ships.

The cost of building so many warships exceeded 40 trillion immortals. Not only did they exhaust the revenue from the sale of warships, but they also posted 2 trillion immortals, which immediately strained the capital chain of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce.

Due to the large number of warships built, the construction period will be about three years.

In these three years, the mixed-yuan empire did not use external troops, only to stabilize the site it had swallowed, and at the same time to further expand the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

The Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has made great progress in the past three years, and monthly sales have increased by more than ten times compared with the same period. The reason why Li Xing was able to achieve such brilliant achievements was mainly due to the appropriate employment of people.

He put more than 500 immortal peaks in charge of the Chamber of Commerce after they handed over power. And this is not a dry job, they can make a 10% profit from it, as the daily expenses of the fiefdom.

In this way, the enthusiasm of these old antiques was greatly aroused. These people live a lot of years. They have a wide range of knowledge and extensive exchanges. In their early years, they traveled across the Northern Wilderness. It was the best choice for them to build the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce.

The business of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce has blossomed all over the world, and its income has soared. But it also brought problems. On the one hand, the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce raised the requirements of Miracle Ancient, and it needed to be able to create more and more advanced products.

This demand objectively promoted the evolution of miracle ancient trees. Soon, under the ancient miracle tree, in addition to the ancient tree of elixir, there were many professional ancient trees, such as the ancient caster tree, the ancient rune tree, the ancient material tree, and the ancient weapon tree.

The evolution of the miracle ancient tree has made it more professional and efficient, which in turn has enhanced the strength of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

However, the evolution of miracles and ancient trees has also placed tremendous pressure on the mixed civilization. Fortunately, not long ago, the mixed-yuan civilization was promoted again, and the pressure from the seventh-level civilization to the sixth-level civilization was eased.

On the other hand, the mad expansion of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce also began to affect the interests of the North Wild Chamber of Commerce. The chambers of commerce in the alliance all clearly feel that the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce are robbing their business, and this trend is becoming more and more apparent, and gradually becoming unacceptable.

Therefore, in the recent period of time, the conflict between the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce gradually turned from darkness to light, and even bloodshed occurred. In this regard, Li Xing has always exercised restraint, and issued an order to temporarily stop the expansion of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce to maintain the current scale.

However, when the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is endless, the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce launched an offensive against the Four Wilders' Chamber of Commerce.

On this day, Li Xing just helped the three peaks immortally refine the power of the world and made them successfully break into pieces, and got a message from the Four Famine Chambers through the ancient trees.

Sources said that most of the chambers of commerce with the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce had announced the severance of communication with the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce almost at the same time.

This move is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. You know, even if the miracle of the ancient tree is even more amazing, raw materials are needed when manufacturing items. The Miracle Old Tree is equivalent to a precision processing machine, capable of processing raw materials into various things.

There are two sources of raw materials for the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, one is sporadic acquisitions, and the other is transactions with other chambers of commerce. The transactions between the chamber of commerce and the chamber of commerce are often huge, accounting for most of the input of raw materials.

When this approach is strangled at once, it is tantamount to breaking the operation chain of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, making it unable to produce enough goods.

After receiving this news, Li Xing couldn't help laughing, he knew that it must be that the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce felt the threat from the Four Wilders' Chamber of Commerce, so he made such sanctions.

"The Beihuang Chamber of Commerce is really hateful. In this case, how can the Chamber of Commerce work?" Li Ba was so angry that he heard the news.

Sanqing Datianzun smiled "hehe", but said: "The grandson doesn't have to be angry. The Lord has a long-term vision. As early as the establishment of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, he established a broad development policy. Especially in the last ten years, the chamber of commerce not only has There are deals, and they are also in close contact with the other three wastes. "

Li Ba's eyes lightened: "You mean, this move of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce will not affect us much?"

"The impact is a little bit, but it will not affect the normal operation." Sanqing Tiantianzun said, "There is more than one Beihuang Chamber of Commerce in the world to do business, and there are many chambers of commerce."

Li Ba couldn't help admiring Li Xing, saying, "It's still my father's long-term vision. Otherwise, today would be too passive."

Li Xingdao: "The alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce ~ www.readwn.com ~ is equivalent to fighting the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, and we cannot help but respond." He paused, "From now on, you don't have to keep a low profile and let all the chambers of commerce All promotions are sold at a 30% discount. "

Sanqing Datianzun was taken aback and said, "Lord, the gross profit of the chamber of commerce is only about 60%. If you reduce the sales price by 30% at once, your income can be reduced by half!"

Li Xingdao: "No matter, if we sell small profits and sell more, in the end we will only earn more than the original." Also said, "Recently, to guard against the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, I would like to see how long the nearby chamber of commerce can support . "

Guangyan Datianzun laughed and said, "The things in our chamber of commerce are all made by ancient miracles, and the cost is less than half of the outside. We can get a 30% discount, I'm afraid they don't have this ability."

Ronghua Datianzun nodded: "Unless they are willing to lose money and make money, I did a survey, and the gross profit of outside chambers of commerce is generally only 30% to 40%. If they sell at 30% off, I'm afraid they won't make anything."


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