Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1274: Conflict

Chapter 1274: The Conflict Begins

Chapter 1274: Conflict

The Emperor said at this time: "If the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce is so radical, it will definitely cause a rebound of the North Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, and the other party is likely to take more drastic measures to deal with the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce."

Li Xingdao: "Your worries are not unreasonable, but you can't hide your head at this time. If the Alliance of Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce really makes a dangerous move, the mixed Yuan empire can only fight!"

The Beihuang Chamber of Commerce began to reduce commodity prices in the next day. The discount of 30% is enough to allow the monks who consume it to travel at a distance to save 30% of the good fortune.

Moreover, the effect became more and more obvious. The monks passed on ten times and ten times, and quickly set off a storm of buying. After only a few days, the buyers broke the threshold of the shop and had to form a long line outside the door.

It is an opportunity as well as a challenge. This is the time to test the shipping capacity of the Shihuang Stores, because a large number of products are available at all times, with many types and large quantities.

All the ancient trees of the Miracle series are up and running, constantly constructing a variety of goods, creating great pressure. Li Xing had to temporarily suspend the production of warships, and devoted all his energy to dealing with this storm of buying.

On the seventh day, the Chamber of Commerce reported its sales performance, and the total sales in just seven days could catch up with the sales of the previous two months, and the sales volume soared ten times!

The monks of Beihuang often meet with the first sentence: Did you buy it today?

Several companies rejoiced and some were worried, and the commercial chamber near the mixed empire empire, the sales enthusiasm dropped to the freezing point, and even some shops did not see a customer a day. After this situation lasted for nearly a month, the Li Xingbei Famine Chamber of Commerce finally couldn't sit still.

This is a huge battleship. If Li Xing sees this battleship, he will be astounded, because the attack and defense of this ship must be on the fourth version of the mixed Yuan battleship. The battleship itself is a group plane. .

One of the battleships was at the highest time and space, and in the golden mist of thirteen, there were thirteen thrones. On each throne, there was a person sitting at this moment. These faces are blurred.

The thirteen thrones are enclosed in a semicircle. The most central throne is the most noble. The people above said: "The Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce is getting bigger and bigger, and it has begun to threaten the interests of the alliance. Today, the thirteen leaders are gathered. I want to hear Listen to you. "

A person on the throne below snorted coldly: "What else is there to say? It's time to get rid of this epidemic, or sooner or later it will be a confidant! Head of state, I mean, come directly from the alliance and destroy the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce."

"Yeah!" Humane on the other throne, "This chamber of commerce is too arrogant. Listen to his name, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, do you really want to control the Sihuang trade? Really a joke, I can't destroy him, my heart is upset. "

The head of the middle throne said lightly: "The two said very well, but the alliance is in business, and it is not appropriate to fight with others, otherwise it will be discouraged by others, and it will be trivial."

Another person said: "The head of state Yingming, this kind of sword sword sword shadow thing, the alliance has not done. I think it is better to find a knife and let it kill the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce?"

"Since you say that, you must know which knife is the right one," said the head. "It would be better for you to do it."

That humanity: "The root of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is the mixed Yuan empire. When the mixed Yuan empire was destroyed, this chamber of commerce also disappeared. According to information, soon after the mixed Yuan empire ate the Five Elements Empire, it cannot be fully digested yet. The neighbor's four The empire seems to be deliberately annexing the Yuan, and now the two are fighting furiously and sooner or later.

"I mean, it is better to support the four-phase empire and let him destroy the mixed-yuan empire. At the same time, we also have to put forward the conditions. If we want the help of the alliance, we must promise to allow the alliance to do business on its site. In this way, our alliance will serve two purposes , That is to destroy the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, and get another piece of fat. "

The head of state said: "It is so good that you are solely responsible for this matter."

"Yes, head of state."

Three days later, on the continent of Four Phases, a distinguished guest came. The three broken masters of the Four Phases Empire greeted them in person, invited them to the Four Phases Hall, and gave them a high-level reception.

The visitor was a middle-aged man in a white robe with a magnificent spirit. He was invited to the VIP seat, accompanied by three Broken Masters.

There are three Broken Great Celestial Masters of the Four-Phase Empire, all of whom are present at the moment, namely the Great Emperor, the Great Emperor, and the Yuanyuan Emperor. Although these three people have not reached a severe fragmentation, they are still very powerful, and they all have a combat strength of more than 500 million steps.

The Emperor Tianzun smiled "Hehe" and said, "The Emperor Xuanming Emperor is the leader of the Alliance of Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, and has a distinguished status. Today, he can come to the four-phase empire and let the puppets shine."

The leader of the Alliance, No. Xuanming, smiled slightly and said, "Three people are polite, and they are all going to the Three Treasure Hall. I have a business to do with the three people."

Yuan Tian Tianzun laughed: "The leader came in person, it must be a big business, I'm afraid we have a small four-phase empire, and we don't have much capital."

Xuanming Datianzun smiled "haha" and said, "Naturally is a big business, but it is a big business without capital."

Yuan Yuan's glorious eyes flashed: "Please tell the leader clearly."

Xuanming Datianzun said lightly: "Does the four-phase empire want to annex the Yuan Empire?"

Wu Datianzun said coldly, "This word is bad, let's just gradually accept the site of the Five Elements Empire. What is it with the mixed Yuan Empire?"

Xuanming Datianzun laughed and said, "Anyway, the mixed Yuan empire is a potential enemy of the four-phase empire. Is this correct?"

The three empires of the four-phase empire looked at each other and said, "The leader might as well have something to say."

"The Hunyuan Empire, the established Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, has developed rapidly and sold all things at a low price, which has caused great pressure on the Alliance and caused some Chambers of Commerce to do nothing. Therefore, the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce is the enemy of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce. They are also enemies of the Four Phase Empire. "

"After discussing the 13 leaders of the alliance, we decided to cooperate with the Four-phase Empire to destroy the mixed Yuan empire. Once the mixed Yuan empire dies, the chamber of commerce will naturally disappear, and we will take whatever we want." Xuanming Datianzun said.

The three big Tianzun hearts moved ~ www.readwn.com ~ They had intended to destroy the mixed Yuan country, and now someone is willing to help, it can't be better. But the three were unmoved and wanted to fight for greater benefits.

Yuan Yuan Tianzun said: "The mixed Yuan empire is our enemy, but the four-phase empire has limited strength, and I am afraid that it will not be able to launch a large-scale attack on it in a short time."

"This is easy to handle." Xuanming Datianzun laughed. "The Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance will provide strong support to make it easy for you to drop the Four-Phase Empire."

"Oh? I do n’t know how big your support is? Maybe you can hear it." Kongkong Datianzu squinted.

Xuanming Grand Celestial Master: "How about 400,000 medium-level battleships and 18,000 high-level battleships?"

The three celestial beings were shocked and couldn't believe their ears.

(One of the two basic chapters owed last month)


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