Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1275: Make a lot of money

Chapter 1275: Great Profit

Chapter 1275 Make a Big Profit

Plane warships are the most widely built warships among the four forces. [?:! Net This battleship is roughly divided into four categories, primary plane battleships, intermediate plane battleships, advanced plane battleships, and super plane battleships.

Beginner level battleships are usually equipped with several to hundreds of ancient plane cannons; intermediate level battleships are generally equipped with dozens to thousands of large plane ancient cannons; advanced level battleships are equipped with at least one giant Plane ancient artillery, and several large plane ancient artillery.

As for the super plane battleship, it is the most powerful and the most difficult type to build. Only the superpowers in the four shortages have the ability to build it. These plane warships are equipped with super plane cannons, which can directly kill and break, threatening the thirty-three heavy monks.

The general plane ancient cannons, large plane ancient cannons, giant plane ancient cannons, and super plane ancient cannons in the four types of warships are rough divisions of plane ancient cannons. In fact, ancient guns of the same level built by different forces have very different powers.

They are also large-scale ancient cannons. The A force may be several times stronger than the B force.

Generally speaking, ancient cannons at the same level are basically in the same level of lethality.

Therefore, after hearing that the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce alliance was willing to provide 400,000 mid-level battleships and 18,000 high-level battleships, the three powers of the Four-Phase Empire were shocked.

Xuanming Datianzun was very satisfied with their shock, smiled slightly, and said, "The alliance's plane warships have always been powerful. Among them, the intermediate plane warships have two hundred large plane cannons. There are 800 large plane cannons and a giant plane cannon. "

"In the market, the price of a mid-level battleship is 300 million immortal; a high-level battleship is as high as 10 billion immortal. All these battleships add up to a price of at least 4 trillion immortal!" Xuanming Datianzun smiled slightly. "This is the support provided by the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce."

The three Great Celestial Masters quickly responded, and the Great Celestial Master almost immediately said, "Okay! The Four Phase Empire completely agreed!"

The conditions offered by the other party were so tempting, he could not help but not agree. However, the three also knew that things might not be so simple, so wait for the post.

Sure enough, Xuanming Da Tianzun said: "With this strength and the strength of the four-phase empire, it is not difficult to destroy the mixed Yuan empire. The rest is the conditions of the chamber of commerce alliance."

"First, after the event is completed, the chamber of commerce alliance must recover the intact warship. Second, to destroy the mixed empire, the chamber of commerce alliance must have priority trading rights in the four-phase empire, establish a business name, and the four-phase empire does not allow the alliance Foreign chambers of commerce entered the field. Third, the four-phase empire established a cooperative defense relationship with the chamber of commerce, and could provide military assistance when the alliance needed it. Of course, if the empire was in trouble, our alliance would also be generous.

After listening to these three conditions, Yuanyuan Tianzun felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Compared to swallowing the mixed Yuan Empire, these conditions are nothing at all. So after a little discussion, the three Broken Celestial Masters agreed.

Xuanming Datianzun was very satisfied and said: "Okay, the three are really smart people. All the warships will arrive in three months, and then they can start fighting against the mixed Yuan empire."

At this time, the mixed-yuan empire did not know that danger was coming. It was still dumping commodities in full swing and making a lot of money.

However, Li Xing believed that the strength of the Junyuan plane had not yet been fully mobilized, so he launched a promotion on warship maintenance, and all maintenance ships were discounted by 40%.

At this moment, a surge of repairing warships was immediately blown. Every day, a large number of warships were brought to the door and entered the plane of the Hunyuan for maintenance, and soon the work of building ancient trees reached a saturated state.

Repairing warships is actually more profitable than selling warships, because you can charge one-tenth to one-half of the price of a warship as long as you have very few materials. Moreover, the maintenance speed of warships is much faster than that of fully built warships.

Often, most of the warships to be sent for repair are generally severely damaged and the maintenance costs are relatively high, ranging from one-third to one-half of the warships.

The appearance of the ancient ship of the warship made the repair of the warship many times faster than before, but even so it reached saturation. Now, with almost every breath, about a hundred warships have been successfully repaired.

On average, when a warship is repaired, the chamber of commerce can earn five million immortal fortunes.

When more than three months later, when business accounting calculated the earnings, everyone was scared, even Li Xing was amazed.

In terms of maintenance, from the beginning of the maintenance frenzy to the retreat, it lasted for nearly three months. About 20 million large and medium-sized warships were repaired, with a total income of 126 trillion yuan.

Commodity sales continued for about half a year. During this period, the transaction volume was three times that of the past three years, and the profit was as high as 69 trillion yuan.

Adding the two together, during this period, the Junyuan Plane earned 19.5 billion immortal Dan, which is close to 2 trillion!

Just as the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce was immersed in joy, preparing to work for another half a year, and earn a second two trillion yuan, bad news came.

In the military aircraft hall, Li Xing looked dignified, and the kings were all there.

"According to reliable information, the four-phase empire is rapidly expanding, and the number of warships has reached an astonishing level." Li Xingdao, "The mid-level warships are 400,000. Although the attack power of these warships is not as good as the second version of the mixed Yuan warships, it is not too bad. Many. There are 18,000 high-level battleships, which can also fight three versions of the mixed Yuan battleship. "

Speaking of which, Li Xing said: "The mixed Yuan empire will usher in the crisis of the first diplomacy. We must make adequate preparations before the war."

Among the kings ~ www.readwn.com ~ A broken celestial deity stood up and dismissed the truth: "Don't worry about the Lord. There are 427 masters in the broken realm in the mixed empire. How would you be afraid?"

More than 500 peak immortal gods of various forces joined the mixed Yuan empire after the ice emperor snow for more than a year. For a year, Li Xing has been using the gate of time to help them break through the broken realm.

In this process, most people successfully broke through, ascended and shattered, and their strength was greatly improved. However, a small number of people failed and disappeared. In the end, there were only 425 people left, but they were all masters of Broken Realm.

Coupled with Ice Queen and Snow, the Hunyuan Empire has 427 broken masters, which is definitely a horrible figure. You should know that in the Five Elements Empire at that time, only the Five Elements Emperor was a broken-world figure.

Another example is the neighboring four-phase empire. There are only three masters of shattering. But in Li Xing's hands, there are more than 400 broken masters. If this matter is spread out, I am afraid that people will be directly scared to death.

(Last month is two to two more.)


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