Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1276: Capture the thief

Chapter 1276 Jiu Yang Xie Jun Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

Li Xingdao: "You are the core strengths of the mixed-yuan empire, you must not move lightly. ┝ & amp; net, the real enemy of the mixed-yuan empire is not the four-phase empire, but the alliance of the Northern Desert Chamber of Commerce hidden behind the scenes. The four-phase empire, this The Emperor never put it in his eyes. "

"The Beihuang Chamber of Commerce has existed for countless years. The depth of its foundation and the strength of its forces have reached an appalling level. Therefore, you must save and hide your strength, and you must not come forward unless you have to."

"In the future, once the Alliance of Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce hits, you will face major challenges, and that is the time for you to perform." Li Xingdao.

These shattered celestial deities have been crowned kings, loyal to Li Xing, and they have fought one after the other without any objections. Ronghua Datian remarked, "Lord, the four-phase empire is going out of many warships this time, can we have a response?"

Li Xingyang raised his eyebrows: "There is no other way but to fight."

"However, the strengths of the two sides are almost the same. If we fight with each other, we will certainly suffer heavy losses." Ronghua Datianzun said anxiously.

Li Xing sneered: "When did I say I had to fight against it? Suddenly, the four-phase empire has so many warships, and there is only one possibility. That is, the Alliance of Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce funds a large number of warships at the moment, and then kills with a knife."

Everyone nodded, Ronghua said: "No hard fight, there must be a good plan for the Lord."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I said a long time ago that no matter how powerful a warship is, there are no more warships, but if their leader is too weak, then this power is not terrible, and a master can let it fall apart at any time."

The ice queen and the snow Queen immediately remembered Li Xing's strategy against the Ice and Snow dynasty, and immediately realized that Li Xing's strategy was "decapitation", and the ice queen immediately said: "Master, the old servant is willing to take this shot and capture the three major empires. broken."

The masters of the Broken Realms were grateful for Li Xing's help to break through, and they came up with meritorious returns and expressed their willingness to kill the three masters of the four-phase empire.

These people are now the princes of the empire, with a high weight and both prosperous with Li Xing, so they all have a very high degree of loyalty, and everyone is willing to play.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "This operation does not require too many manpower, eight are enough." He glanced at the kings, and successively ordered the names of the eight broken celestial deities.

These eight people are all 427 broken masters, the strongest of which are generally between 800 million steps and one billion steps. The combined strength of the nine individuals will far exceed a severely broken level.

Eight shattered celestial princes stood up and Li Xing said: "The eight will sneak into the four-phase empire with me and take the opportunity to control the three shattered characters."

Then he pointed out five more people. These five were in a state of 500 million steps. Then he said: "The five of you are responsible for leading the master of the chamber of commerce together with this emperor. The chamber of commerce will definitely try to protect the four phases Several leaders of the empire, but they also absolutely did not expect that we could go out two batches of broken soldiers at the same time. "

Everyone laughed: "This is a wonderful plan. The three empires will not be attacked by seizing the three rulers."

Li Xingdao: "I don't know how many masters left by the chamber of commerce alliance, so be careful and not careless."

In the empire hall of the four-phase empire, the three broken big deities are sitting together with smiles, and opposite them is the Xuanming deity.

Xuanming Datian said: "All the battleships have arrived, and the three can now shoot. This deity wishes the four-phase empire to success."

Yuan Yuan Tian Tianzun said: "Thanks to the help of the leader, otherwise our four-phase empire will not be able to destroy the mixed Yuan."

As the four discussed the next step in attacking the Yuan Empire, a huge fist, with a terrifying breaking force, was hit hard in the chaos of time and space outside the four-phase continent.

If anyone looks outside, they will find five masters in the Broken Realm, forming a mixed Yuan killing team, and condensing together into a huge fist, severely bombarding the four-phase empire.

The five broken Datianzuns hit together to break through a severely broken combat power. This fist blasted out as if something had been broken. Some rules and orders that did not exist in this world were hidden in this fist.

This is the inevitable phenomenon that the force breaks through the heavy sky. Those laws of order originate from the heavy sky and possess extraordinary destructive power.

"What? A broken master?" Xuanming Datianzun's face changed drastically, "Just stay where you are, don't fool!"

Then his body soared into the sky, and the sky was a palm, and a huge palm of light bombarded it, colliding with that huge fist, and a huge noise broke out. A terrifying shockwave broke out, involving thousands of continents.

Most of the beings on the mainland were vomited by shock, and some even died as a result, and the flesh exploded.

After a hard fight, the divine spirit appeared in the mixed Yuan array, his face changed, and said: "This person is a master of heavy fragmentation, everyone be careful, quickly retreat!"

Five shattered celestial deities, together with the avatars of the gods, cast their light and hurried away.

Xuanming Datianzhuang grunted angrily, "You can go?"

The two sides moved away from each other in an instant, away from the four-phase empire. The five Broken Great Celestial Masters spurred the Hunyuan Array, rushing their strength to a severely broken level, and that Xuanming Grand Celestial Master could not catch up with them.

After chasing for about half an hour in this way, the two sides went deep into the deepest part of Beihuang. At this point, Jiuyang avatar and nine other broken celestial princes appeared outside the four-phase continent, once again condensing giant punches.

Nine immortal gods, with the help of the mixed Yuanyuan formation, have incredible power, even if they are severely broken, they must be jealous. The powerful continental defense cannot stop this punch at all.

A chest sounded and the defense was broken. Li Xing led nine people directly to the Empire Hall, performing a secret technique taught by Li Xing, calling it “大 混元 ### 手”, condensing into a huge palm print, fierce Slap hard.


The emperor's hall collapsed, and Yuanyuan, Kongkong, and the three great celestial beings were ashamed and frightened, and then caught by the giant palm in their hands, ### 起来.

In all directions, countless masters rushed over and attacked the big hands. It is a pity that these attacks are not enough to see in the face of a heavy crushing level of combat power. This is the strength of a single shatter, and can ignore any attack below the shatter.

The huge palm was slightly shaken, and a huge wave of power surged out. All the attacking monks were shocked to fly, but no injuries were caused. This is what Li Xingjian let them go, because in the future, these monks will belong to the mixed Yuan empire.

The three shattered celestial screams repeatedly, but can't struggle for a moment. Just as they cursed and scolded, Li Xing stepped out and said lightly, "Three, have long been famous."

Emperor Kongkong said angrily, "You are the Emperor Jiuyang?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Yes, it seems that the three are very fond of the emperor and know my appearance." Then smiled slightly, "then take the liberty to visit today, three do not blame."

After the extreme shock, all three calmed down, and Yuanyuan Tianzun said coldly, "Jiuyang Emperor, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Li Xing touched his chin, seemed to be thinking about the problem, and then said with a smile, "Don't you know?"

Xi Datianzun took a deep breath and said: "Even the Great Emperor Jiuyang, although we have had some unpleasant passages, we don't need to be so active."

Li Xing looked cold, and said, "I'm very active? So 400,000 medium-level battleships and 18,000 high-level battleships are small actions? What are the three people's thoughts, everyone knows very well, so don't say so much False remarks. "

Yuan Yuan Datian Zun sighed and said, "We can't imagine that there are so many masters around your emperor Jiuyang. No wonder there are so many immortal Da Tianzun following you, so you have no secrets."

"We conceded, Emperor Jiuyang, I hope you will let us go, we are willing to surrender the entire four-phase empire."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It seems that the three are smart people, and the emperor likes to talk to smart people best. Well, then please open the plane to let the emperor put something in. Of course, you can choose to refuse, but if If you refuse, you will die now. "

All three are in a broken state. They have a bright future. How can they die like this? After a fierce psychological struggle, they reluctantly chose to yield and let the plundering seeds released by Li Xing enter their bodies.

The predation of ancient trees under the state of intermediate sixth-class civilization has evolved to a quite powerful level. Part of the looting seeds now, one by one, is looting one by one.

After the plundering Yuan tires land, they will turn into plunderers and have the highest combat power. These plunderers can step on the ground to swallow the power of the plane and control everything.

Soon, the predatory warriors will become more and more powerful, and then incarnate to plunder the ancient trees and start to grow crazy. Afterwards, the plundering ancient trees once again drew the power of the world and produced more plunderers.

So in just a few hours, the three broken Datians were kept under control, they had to follow Li Xing's command line. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. So the three people ordered that 400,000 medium-level battleships and 180,000 high-level battleships be filled with the wealth accumulated by the four-phase empire over the years. Entering the mixed empire.

Li Xing not only plundered all the wealth of the four-phase empire, but also ordered all monks who were loyal to the three broken celestial monks to follow the ship. As long as Li Xing controls Yuan Yuan and the other three, it is tantamount to controlling these masters.

Among the monks, there are more than 13,000 people including Immortal Deity, among which there are nearly 200 people. The immeasurable Datianzun has more than 470 million people, of which the immeasurable peak accounted for more than 3 million.

With so many masters, all of them entered the continent with the ship, and will later merge into the empire of the mixed yuan, become part of the empire, and contribute their own strength.

However, it is said that Xuanming Datianzun pursued and killed for half a day, and he could not catch up with the **** avatar and others, and could not help anxious. Suddenly, his heart moved, his face changed, and he cried, "Not good!"

The severely broken Datian could not kill him, and hurried to the four-phase empire.


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