Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1277: Prepare for war

Chapter 1277: Great Preparations

Chapter 1277

The six people limping in front of the spirit stopped and a broken Datianzun laughed: "He is reacting now, but it is too late. Hey"

The divine spirit slumped coldly: "Let's go!" With a flash of his mind, the six of them flickered through the portal of the Great World and rushed to the mixed Yuan empire in an instant.

When Xuanming Datianzun returned to the four-phase empire at the fastest speed, he found that the empire hall had been destroyed, and all three empire leaders and the masters around them disappeared. In addition, forty-one thousand eighty-eighth warships disappeared.

Xuanming Datianzhuang was furious and roared, "Hunyuan Empire! You must bear the anger of the Alliance!"

This time, the alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce lost his wife and defeated the army. Not only did the strategy of killing by sword fail, but also lost hundreds of thousands of warships!

Originally, he believed that the strength of the four-phase empire was not weak, and he was guarded by a heavy broken figure, so there was no need to worry about the king-hunting action taken by the mixed-yuan empire. But he never imagined what strengths the Junyuan Empire actually had, and he could go out to two batches of broken masters!

As soon as the 418,000 battleships, wealth, and monks arrived, Li Xing ordered people to settle quickly, and began to arrange defenses. To the people: "The Alliance of Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce should have immediate action, and the mixed Yuan empire will enter full scale. Readiness! "

More than 130 million first-generation mixed-yuan battleships, more than 120,000 second-version mixed-yuan battleships, more than 3,000 third-version mixed-yuan battleships, and four fully-equipped four-version mixed-yuan battleships are all listed at any time. Prepare to meet the enemies.

In addition, 400,000 medium-level battleships and 18,000 high-level battleships were quickly controlled by the soldiers of the Empire to cooperate with the attack of the mixed Yuan battleships.

Li Xing also expected that in the Northern Alliance, there must be a severe fragmentation, even more powerful existence, so he ordered all masters of the fragmented environment to enter the four versions of the mixed yuan, that is, the ten poison battleship, to control the ten broken Ancient cannon.

This broken ancient cannon is the most powerful, and it was cast by the broken Datianzun himself. It can combine the power of more than ten shattered celestial deities into a whole and bombard them in the most overbearing way.

In the best state, this cannon can definitely kill a heavy broken master, which is specially used for the important task of decapitation.

In addition, in the past six months, the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce has earned a lot of unworthy Dan, and has plenty of money on hand. Li Xing also let the miracle ancient tree work overtime to drive out two thousand giant plane cannons. As a result, the Heavenly Poison Ship is equipped with an ancient civilization cannon, 4,000 giant plane cannons, 10 broken ancient cannons, and 30 heavenly poison ancient cannons.

Li Xing has always advocated the principle of concentrating firepower and destroying the living force of the enemy. In addition, there must be masters in the Northern Wilderness Alliance, so after receiving the enemy's 18,000 high-level battleships, he immediately removed all the giant planes above and installed them on the gunship of the Heavenly Poison Battleship. .

As a result, the number of ancient cannons on the battleship Tiandu increased to 22,000!

This is definitely a horrible figure. You must know that a giant plane cannon can kill the peak of the immortal Deity, and it can pose a certain threat to the characters in the Broken Realm.

Volleys with more than ten huge plane cannons, it is not difficult to kill the Broken Great Celestial Master. Twenty-two thousand ancient cannons, plus ten broken ancient cannons, if fired with all their strength, can definitely cause great power to destroy the world and kill everything.

However, as a result, the 18,000 high-level battleships will be misrepresented. Together with the 400,000 medium-level battleships, they will mainly cooperate with one to three versions of the mixed yuan battleships to resist the army.

In preparation for the invasion of powerful enemies, the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce has not stopped doing business at all, and its sales are constantly increasing. It's not that Li Xing didn't know the danger of this move, but that he needed immortal too much.

You know, the war of the world is fought for money, and the war of the monks is fought for nature. All Li Xing's warships are basically equipped with plane cannons, and when the plane cannons are shot out, they are plane cannonballs.

Planar shells are made from virgin alchemy, with fewer shots. Taking pride in the large-scale ancient cannons, it will consume about 8,000 immortal Great Fortune Dans in one shot.

Another example is an ancient cannon with a huge plane. Each cannonball must be refined with at least 1,000 pieces of broken alchemy, that is, one shot will burn out a hundred pieces of broken alchemy.

A shattered big fortune pill can be exchanged for about 50,000 immortal big fortune pill. In this way, one shell of a giant plane cannon is worth five million immortal fortune.

In this way, once the giant cannons of the Tiandu warship volleyed in one shot, it would cost about 110 billion yuan of immortal fortune. The large planes on all the warships fired a single volley, which would consume 200 billion billion immortals.

If the primary plane cannons on the Mixed Yuan battleship are counted, a salvo will burn more than 500 billion immortal fortune.

Such huge consumption, coupled with the unpredictable depth of the war, therefore Li Xing must make adequate preparations. If not, it would be a bad thing if the shells were used up.

The accumulation of the four-phase empire is very rich. After all the fleeing households have been counted, they can be worth about 50 trillion immortals. This amount can be borrowed 100 times from all planes.

In fact, when Xuanming Grand Celestial sent the plane warship, he brought a considerable portion of plane bombs, including 50 billion large plane bombs and 3 million giant plane bombs.

Just as he was preparing for the war, a message came from the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, saying that it was a great man from the Pure Land of the Gods, and a big business.

It turned out that the Pure Lands of the Gods were at war with another great power. That power was not weaker than the Pure Lands of the Gods. It was called Putuo Lingshan.

During the war with Putuo Lingshan, the gods made a lot of losses in the Pure Land and lost a large number of warships. It is hoped that the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce can provide maintenance. In the words of the other party, if these warships are repaired in the pure land of the gods, the first is insufficient staffing and capacity. Second, the cost of maintenance is very high, and it is better to build another new warship.

The warships to be repaired by the Pure Lands of the Gods are numerous and diverse, including 1,800 emperor warships, 18,000 truth warships, and 160 million throne warships.

The battleships of the Pure Lands of the Gods are slightly different from the outer battleships, and their battleship levels are divided according to gods. The godhead includes the lower godhead, the middle godhead, the upper godhead, the throne godhead, the truth godhead, the emperor godhead, the complete godhead, the main godhead, and the nothingness godhead.

The battleships on the Pure Land also include the lower battleships, the middle battleships, and the empty battleships. Of course, the pure land of the gods does not currently have all types of warships.

Among them, the Emperor-class battleships are equipped with 800 Emperor-class artillery pieces. The power of this artillery piece is roughly equivalent to that of a giant plane ancient cannon, which is slightly weaker.

The battleship of truth is equipped with four hundred truth artillery cannons. The power of this artillery is roughly equivalent to that of a large-scale ancient cannon, which is slightly stronger by three points.

King-class battleships are equipped with two hundred king-class artillery, which have about twice or three times the lethality of ordinary plane artillery.

After receiving the news, Li Xing took it very seriously and decided to personally meet the big man in the pure land of the gods.

The meeting place was in a palace on a continent of the mixed Yuan empire. The pure land came from a peak and immortal deity, possessing a throne god, that is, a **** king. This god-king Tao Jade noodle is very kind to Li Xing, and when he comes up, he worships.

"The little **** sees the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. He has heard of his name for a long time. It is a great honor to see him today."

Li Xing smiled and said, "God King is kind, please sit down." He was also very kind.

In the pure land of the gods, there are only three thousand **** kings. Whether it is a **** king is determined by the level of the gods, not cultivation. As long as you have the throne of the throne, it is the **** king, which has a very high status.

For example, at the time of Li Xing ### The eight **** kings of Pure Land were all infinite. Although they are very weak, they have throne gods, so they are all real **** kings, as noble as the immortal **** king in front of them.

In a sense, the rank of godheads is a division of bloodlines, which has little to do with strength. This led to a huge gap in the power of the Three Thousand Gods, some were infinity, and some were broken.

The King of Jade Noodles sat down and said, "The small **** is here, and there is a business to be traded with your chamber of commerce. The specific things have been discussed with the relevant people."

Li Xing nodded and said: "This is something that the Emperor already knows. This is to discuss the maintenance with the King of God." He smiled slightly. "Your number of warships is large, and the Chamber of Commerce is willing to further discount 10% of the maintenance. cost."

Upon hearing this, King Jade Face was shocked and delighted, and he stood up and said, "The Emperor is so brave, no wonder that the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce can be run so prosperously and admirably!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "The gods and pure land are neighbors of the mixed Yuan empire, and neighbors help neighbors. That is what they should be." Then he asked, "I wonder how the recent war has happened. I heard that Putuo Lingshan is not a weak person, and this battle is not easy. hit."

The king of jade face sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said: "Who said no? If we continue this way, our gods are afraid to consume the family."

Li Xing couldn't help asking: "Since Putuo Lingshan is not weak, why should Pure Land eat him in one bite?"

"This is also a helpless move." Jade-faced God Road, "The practice of Putuo Lingshan is also the establishment of faith, so the two sides have always been in conflict. Originally, even if there was a conflict, it would not be killed or killed like this. But some time ago , Putuo Lingshan has heard that they are in contact with Bliss Pure Land and are preparing to return to Xumi Pure Land. "

"The emperor also knows that Nasu Pure Land is not a good kind, and its strength is extremely powerful. If it is to be submissive, isn't my Divine Land dangerous? Therefore, several **** emperors decided to take Putuo Lingshan at any cost and avoid future troubles."

"Is there no reaction in Xumi Pure Land?" Li Xing asked. "It is said that the Xumi continent belongs to a high-level civilized continent.

The Jade-faced God said: "In fact, there is also a troublesome thing in Xumi Pure Land, and now there is no time to split, if not, the Divine Land will not be shot."


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