Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1278: Main artillery

Chapter 1278: Master God Artillery

Chapter 1278

"Xumi Pure Land is at war with another advanced civilization and can't afford to worry about it ... ┝ & 网, but Shentu is still worried that Xumi will end the battle ahead of time, so he is anxious to destroy Putuo Lingshan." Yumian Tiantianzun explained Road.

Li Xing nodded: "It seems that the situation is not optimistic. Please rest assured that God Chamber of Commerce will repair the warship as soon as possible without delaying the war on the soil."

The King of Jade Face is very grateful, saying that God Land will definitely remember the goodness of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. When it comes to the maintenance of battleships, the God King suddenly thought of something, saying: "The Emperor, God Earth actually has a successful battleship. Unfortunately, the damage is severe. Several **** emperors think it is impossible to repair. I do n’t know if your chamber of commerce can repair it. ? "

When Li Xing moved, he had to give preferential treatment to the gods' pure land. On the one hand, he wanted to retain this big customer. After all, the war between pure land and Lingshan must continue for a long time. Warship maintenance is a continuous business.

On the other hand, he just wanted to study the mysteries of the Shentu battleship through battleship maintenance, so that the mixed Yuan battleship would be more powerful in the future. The advantage of mixed civilization is that it can absorb everything useful and beneficial, as well as build warships.

The first and second editions, up to the third and fourth editions of the warships, are constantly optimized and upgraded. Maintenance of warships can not only profit, but also improve the craft of the mixed-yuan civilization.

At this moment I heard that there are still perfect class warships. He suddenly got on his mind and thought for a while, and said, "Is it repairable? I have to read it before I know."

The king of jade face gave hope in his heart, and rejoiced, "Okay! I'll go back to the king of the **** Ming, if it can be repaired, it will greatly enhance my **** power!"

Li Xing also said: "If the warship is damaged too much, it may not be recovered. If so, I suggest that you sell the warship. The Shihuang Chamber of Commerce has been acquiring the destroyed warships, and it will definitely give God a fair land. s price."

Jade-faced God said: "Okay, I will explain this to the Emperor. If it can be sold, it must be sold to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce." He thought for a while and said, "In fact, there are three main artillery guns in the land of God, but Severely damaged, I wonder if the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce will not accept it? "

Li Xing jumped to his heart and laughed, "Those that destroy too much can only be bought as waste products. But if it's sacred, we can discuss it and raise the price as much as possible without letting you lose."

The king of jade face arched his hand and said: "The emperor is really a temperament person. If my gods have a business in the future, they will definitely do it with the emperor."

"Oh, good to say, everyone will be good friends and neighbors in the future, it should be to help each other." Li Xingdao.

The two sides talked differently, and the king of the jade face left, and returned a few days later, bringing a successful battleship and three main artillery pieces.

After seeing these two things, Li Xing's mind was quite ###. On the successful battleship, there are eighty-one perfection artillery cannons. This artillery can absorb the power of faith by itself and transform it into a scary attack power.

Moreover, the normal perfect battleship can send out the perfect shield, which is very strong. The power of the consummate artillery is much higher than that of the giant plane artillery, and it is weaker than the super plane ancient artillery that is still being created, and its killing power is about one eighth of the latter.

The three main artillery cannons shocked him even more. This gun should be more than twice as powerful as the super plane ancient cannon.

It is worth mentioning that both types of artillery have a significant feature, that is, they can absorb the power of faith from the heavens and the world, and then turn it into a powerful lethality.

Moreover, the power of faith absorbed by the artillery can be divided into different types, regardless of time and space. As long as it is the power of faith, it can be captured by him and then transformed into power.

This is an advantage and a disadvantage, that is, it takes a long time to fire a second shot after this shot. Therefore, the use of this artillery is mainly to snip enemy leaders and quickly decide.

After a careful observation, Li Xing regretted the king of the jade face: "Brother Jade face, whether it is a battleship or a cannon, has been damaged too much, and the Chamber of Commerce cannot repair it."

The King of Jade Face smiled bitterly and said, "These two things are damaged so badly that they have been sealed in the dust of God for an unknown amount of time. Presumably no one can repair them, right?" He paused, "I have reported with God Emperor, The Emperor said that these things are also a waste of being placed on the Divine Land. If the Four Wild Businessmen are interested, as long as the price is appropriate, the Divine Land can be sold. "

Li Xing looked still, saying: "If you are willing to sell, the price is negotiable."

Jade-faced **** Wang Gan laughed: "The emperor meant to send these things to the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, but on the condition that it would reduce the maintenance cost of battleships in the future by 10%."

As soon as Li Xing heard that, his face sank immediately, and said, "Isn't Jade noodle joke? The chamber of commerce has already reduced the cost by 10%. How can it be lowered again? If it is lowered, we can only lose money. It won't do it. "

The King of Jade Face smiled bitterly: "But this is indeed the meaning of the Emperor. The Emperor said that the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce can repair various warships, indicating that they have a strong ability to build warships. Level."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Don't hide the face of Jade, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce does not have a warship of this level, so it is not necessary to broaden your horizons." He paused, "It seems that you have no sincerity, even if this matter Now. "

The Jade-faced God King was in a hurry. In fact, the successful battleships and the main artillery were a kind of chicken ribs to Shentu. It was a pity that it was lost and not used. Therefore, the **** emperors should discuss it and simply Sell ​​it, anyway, for some benefits, come in handy.

"Everything is good to discuss, the emperor should not be angry." God Wang accompanied and laughed. "This condition is indeed a bit excessive, but the God Emperor also said that if the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce does not agree, you can use another way."

"Oh? I wonder how?" Li Xing asked.

"Shentu wants to purchase a thousand advanced plane warships at the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce. The requirement is that the warships should be equipped with two giant plane cannons, one thousand large plane cannons, and have a strong defense. If four If the barren chamber of commerce can be sold at half price, then Shentu is also willing to give away these things. "God Wang said the conditions.

Li Xing secretly calculated that the cost of such a high-level battleship was about 3 billion immortal great fortunes, and the market price after discount was as high as about 20 billion. Calculating at half price, if you have a thousand ships, you will lose a trillion trillion immortal creatures.

The price can't be said to be low, but the successful battleship is completely repairable. At that time, the price of such a super battleship will be no less than five trillion trillion immortals.

The other main artillery can also be repaired, and the value is also very high. He estimated that one can sell at least three trillion trillion immortal fortune, three three is nine trillion trillion.

Taken together, the total value will be more than 140 trillion billion immortals! This is definitely an astronomical figure, even if the minor maintenance cost of less than one percent is deducted, it is still profitable.

In such a comparison, Li Xing sighed when he felt that business could be done. "It is always our customer. It is so light. This condition can be promised. However, I hope that in the future, when you buy a warship, you can find the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce"

"It must be." The king of jade face was very happy. He thought that Li Xing would bargain with him, but he agreed directly, and his feelings for Li Xing increased a lot.

Since then, Zhushen Pure Land has indeed become a big customer of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, regardless of whether it is the purchase or maintenance of battleships, all are carried out at the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce. It also received enough concessions for this, and used it to help defeat Putuo Lingshan, which is later.

After taking over the business of the Pure Land of the Gods, Li Xing immediately let the ancient civilization tree repair the battleship and the main artillery. Although these two things were damaged too much, the repair was successful. This is just a piece of cake for intermediate sixth-class civilization.

The repair process was quite long and took about two months. In the process, the deconstruction of the main-level artillery deconstructed the mixed Yuan civilization absorbed a lot of novel ideas, which had a significant impact on the superplane cannons that were in the theoretical stage, and directly spawned such superplane cannons.

Originally, the super plane cannons might have to wait until the day when Li Xing went out of the customs before they could come out, but now they are appearing in advance. However, the construction of the gun also required some special materials and at least three months of construction time.

In addition, the successful battleship has also given the mixed Yuan civilization a lot of gains, which is helpful for the fourth version of the battleship and even the civilization battleship.

However, in the recent period, the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce has not appeared, and the situation of the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce also shows that within the known range, no major action has been found on the other side.

However, Li Xing understood that the more calm now, the fiercer the storm, the more must be prepared. Therefore, he ordered everyone not to be slack and focus on preparing for the fierce battle in the future.

After the successful battleship and the three main artillery guns were repaired ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing put them all on the Tiandu warship. There are not only a large number of free gun positions on the Tiandu battleship, which can improve the combat power at any time, but also a large number of positions that can store warships.

When the battleship enters the position, it will be fully integrated with the Sky Poison Ship and become part of the Sky Poison Ship. Its defensive ability and attack ability will be more perfectly embodied, and it will exert more powerful power in battle.

In addition, all three versions of the mixed Yuan battleships, as well as 417,000 plane warships, were also placed on the numerous positions of the Tiandu warship.

In the future, Li Xing will take measures to strengthen the walls and clear the field, condensing all the combat power on the Heavenly Poison Ship, and turning it into a sharp knife, which can kill the enemy's living force at any time ###.

In the meantime, among the 18,000 high-level battleships, 1,000 were transformed into the pure land of the gods by Li Xing and delivered to the other side. The transformation process is relatively simple, just adding a few more plane cannons, and it is quickly completed.


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