Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1279: Strike 1

Chapter 1279: The First Strike

Chapter 1279: First Strike

Today, the full combat power of the Hunyuan Empire has been put on the battleships of Heavenly Poison. On the battleship, the available combat power includes three main artillery cannons, ten broken ancient cannons, thirty ancient poison cannons, and 22,000 giant plane cannons. There are also hundreds of thousands of ancient artillery pieces of civilization at all levels, all of which are placed on the cannon.

In terms of battleships, there are one successful battleship, more than 3,000 three-version mixed battleships, 17,000 high-level battleships, more than 12,000 mixed-version battleships, and 400,000 intermediate-level battleships. More than 130 million mixed-yuan battleships.

In terms of defensive power, the Heavenly Poison Ship has two types of defense, namely active defense and passive defense. Active defense is relying on powerful firepower to blast the other's attacks. Passive defense has three layers, the outermost is a giant plane shield, the middle is a perfect level shield, and the inside is the shield supported by all battleships.

After the shields of all battleships are enlarged, they are superimposed together, and their defense power is more powerful than the first two layers of defense.

The poisonous warship on this day can now be said to be a mothership, and its combat power is amazing. Coupled with many warships, its combat power has reached an incredible level.

In addition to powerful attack and defense, a huge eye of war made of the ancient trees of war is located on the battleship. At the Eye of War, its reconnaissance range reached 100,000 broken steps.

The so-called broken step is one of the standards used by Datianzun to measure distance, that is, the average distance that a master in broken territory can walk with one step. Of course, there are immortal steps, immeasurable steps, infinite steps, etc. above; there is a double step, a double step, which refers to the distance between a single broken and a double broken limp step.

The 100,000 broken step is a fairly long distance. It takes three or four hours for the broken Datianzun to complete this journey.

In addition, the Eye of War can lock and track up to 100,000 targets at the same time, and can command and dispatch all the combat power on the mothership to achieve the most powerful and efficient killing.

Once the enemy's target was locked by the Eye of War, a large number of ancient artillery pieces were subsequently locked. The artillery fire generally has the function of locking the soul, so being caught in the eye of war means to embark on the road of death.

Soon, the battleships, ancient artillery, and Tiandu mothership completed their break-in, and after a period of training, they formed a powerful combat capability.

Time flies and it takes another three or four months to go. During this time, three new super plane cannons came out. This ancient artillery has a lethal force directly approaching the main-level artillery. Once it is fired, it will instantly kill and break, and it will be severely broken!

As a result, there was another killer on the Tiandu mothership.

However, it has been said that almost a year has passed since Li Xing was preparing for war and preventing the attack by the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce. In this year, the promotion of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has not stopped, helping Li Xing to make trillions of immortal great fortune.

Until this day, Li Xing finally got the news. A large number of warships and masters began to gather in the turbulent space and time not far from the mixed yuan empire. He immediately made all the four wild chambers of commerce stop business and all the personnel returned to the mixed Meta Plane.

Half a day later, millions of warships jumped out of the void near the quadricontinental continent, the second of which was also a mid-level warship. As well as thousands of Broken Realms, three heavy Broken Realms, and a giant super plane battleship!

On the super-plane battleship, the three broken celestial bodies through the window and cold condensation look not far away, a splendid mixed Yuan Empire, one continent after another, like the size of a fist, densely lined up, A huge band of light is formed, suspended in the boundless space and time.

One of the three shattered celestial deities, one is Xuanming celestial deity, and he said to the other two: "Fengdu, Hong Yun, you must not underestimate that hybrid Yuan emperor. He has at least 200,000 broken realms around him. Master. "

Fengdu Datianzun and Hongyun Datianzun are both middle-aged men, the former is grim and the latter is mighty. That Fengdu Datianzun said: "Xuanming, what's wrong with you? What about the 20 broken pieces? What about the three of us? The alliance dispatched a thousand broken Datianzun, a superplane battleship, five Ten thousand high-level battleships, two million medium-level battleships. "

"This power is already one-third of all the forces that can be mobilized in the Seventh District of the Alliance. In such a big move, all the heads of the Seventh District have listened to you, and they have paid so much attention to the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty."

Hong Yun Da Tianzun also said: "Yes, this is a big deal. It doesn't require much combat power. As long as the three of us go out, it's as easy as hunting down the emperor. It's easy for us to do this if we are known by other districts. , I will certainly laugh at me and wait. "

Xuanming Datianzun sneered: "It seems that you still don't believe what I said, then look down and that person will surprise you."

More than two million battleships passed through the four-phase empire and approached the mixed-yuan empire. Wherever it went, any force trembled, and the war between the gods' pure land and Putuo Lingshan was temporarily stopped.

"My God! This is the smart fleet of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce! All are plane warships. There are millions of ships. Who is this to attack?"

"Of course it is the mixed-yuan empire. The Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce must have threatened the interests of the Chamber of Commerce, so they couldn't help it. Alas, I am afraid that such a large formation may be the birth force of those advanced civilized continents, and its combat power is just that.

"The Chamber of Commerce Alliance has 370 million chambers of commerce. This is only a small part of its strength. It should be only a part of the seven districts. You know, the entire chamber of commerce is divided into more than 300 districts by region. Each district acts independently. Only pay a certain amount of profit to the General Assembly at regular intervals every year. "

"But even so, the mixed-yuan empire is unlikely to escape this calamity, and the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce are now finished, and they will be removed from the list."

"It's not necessarily because the mixed-yuan empire can destroy the Five Elements and Four Phases empires in succession. There must be extraordinary means. Let's wait and see the excitement."

Every monk who saw this scene talked about it, and everyone wanted to know how the mixed empire spent it. Some of them worry about it, others applaud, and more just want to see the excitement.

Due to the development of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, the nearby mainland did not know that there were very few people in Li Xing. They were more concerned about the war. Some monks, not even far away, gathered in groups of three or five to watch the war.

However, they are all very far away, watching with mystery, because if they are too close, they may be affected by the bombardment of both sides, and it is worth the loss.

The Eye of War captured the enemy and conveyed the message.

Inside the military aircraft hall, Li Xing quickly laid it down. This time, most of the people who participated in the battle were in battleships. As long as the sky poison battleship was not destroyed, they would not love harm.

Therefore, the task arranged this time is mainly to cooperate with the mothership to kill the enemy to the greatest extent.

With the help of the Eye of War and the control of the ancient trees, the poisonous warships can unite all the warships into one unity, which can achieve unified action to achieve the greatest lethality. This control of ancient trees is a newly born ancient tree, supplementing the ancient trees with information.

This tree can convert information into instructions and pass it to any single person, including warships, ancient guns, and monks, and they can immediately receive the preparation information that controls the transmission of ancient trees, so as to make correct actions.

The combination of the old tree of war and the old tree of information has greatly enhanced the power and efficiency of the Tiandu mothership, making Li Xing full of confidence in this tough battle. Even if he can't win, he can calmly walk away.

In the boundless time and space, Tiandu mothership was quietly suspended. From the outside, the warship was just a little bigger, and there seemed to be nothing special about it. However, if you take a closer look, you can see the dense muzzle that surrounds it, hundreds of millions!

In particular, there are some huge muzzles, black holes, yousensen, huge, seemingly can devour everything.

The fleet of the Chamber of Commerce Union finally appeared in sight. When they saw each other, Xuanming Datianzun jumped his eyelids and said, "No! What kind of warship is that? Super-plane warship? Not like ! But such a huge warship and a terrible warship must be extraordinary! "

Fengdu Datianzun said coldly: "Xuanming you are too fussed, but it is just a huge battleship, and I will let it die now!" He smiled faintly, and the first order was passed on.

"Attention all 1,000 Broken Great Celestial Masters! Give me a full attack and destroy the battleships ahead!"

Suddenly, a thousand glorious brilliance burst out on the super-plane battleship, which was as fast as electricity, and immediately surrounded the Tiandu mothership. Thousands of broken big celestial beings gathered together and could almost walk sideways in Beihuang.

Each of them struck a big technique, and a thousand sharp and violent kills, blasted heavily to the mother ship of Tiandu. Outside the mothership, a thick layer of three-color light shell flickered. After a thousand kills hit it, they collapsed without causing any damage.

The brutal smile on Fengdu Datianzun's face was instantly stiff, and he couldn't help screaming: "How could it be! It's all right?"

Xuanming Datianzun has seen Li Xing's means ~ www.readwn.com ~ his face changed greatly, and he hurriedly said: "Not good, let them retreat!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. When the one thousand broken celestial deities approached, the Eye of War had calculated the optimal combat method, and directly locked the eighty-two people in the one thousand broken celestial deities.

These 820 people are the maximum number of kills that a Tiandu mothership can kill in one shot after precise calculations by the Eye of War. Except for the main class artillery and the perfect class warships, all the mixed Yuan battleships, plane warships, and broken ancient cannons and plane cannons were blasted out.

Hundreds of millions of shots are condensed into 820 rays of light in a very orderly manner. Each light of different strengths and weaknesses should be broken by the heavens. In this way, you can use the least power to kill the most enemies.


The eighty-two locked monks in the Fragmented Realm only felt that the forces of terror locked them in their hearts and could not move. Before they struggle, the devastating light has been emitted, causing them to instantly lose consciousness.


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