Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1280: Great victory

Chapter 1280 Great Victory

Chapter 1280: Victory

The powerful lethality made this hit without suspense and directly killed the 820 shattered celestial beings. └ Although the Broken Realm is very powerful, the attack power of the Tiandu Mothership is even more horrible. Not to mention other, the 22,000 giant plane ancient cannons are enough to destroy most of the Broken Realm here.

The eight hundred shattered celestial beings were killed by bombardment, the plane was destroyed, and the flesh was ashes. And, just after the explosion of the Great Celestial Master, Guanghua flickered a bit, and the renyuan heaven orbit was intrigued, so the remaining power of more than 800 broken Great Celestial Masters was collected into the hybrid elementary plane for refining the power of the world.

On the super-plane battleship, Fengdu waited for the three severely broken Datianzun to shock to the extreme. Hongyun Datianzun hurriedly ordered the super-plane warship to catch up, and the super-plane cannon fired at full strength, banging heavily on the Tiandu mothership. .

Ten super plane ancient cannons and eight thousand giant plane ancient cannons blasted out an extremely dazzling kill. The three-layer defense of the Tiandu mothership was fully opened, and Shengsheng took the terror blow.

The mother ship vibrated, but was not damaged. Li Xing did not bother with the appearance of the super-plane warship. He directly gave the order to let the warship lock the remaining 180 broken celestial deities.

The one hundred and eighty Broken Celestial Masters who have survived have long been scared and are fleeing in all directions. Unfortunately, the Eye of War can still easily lock them down and then directly kill them.

One hundred and eighty killings broke out again, and the one hundred and eighty people were also sent to the Ghost Gate, where they could not die any more. The only thing they left was the power of a tyrannical world, and all of them were collected by the hybrid Yuan Tian rail.

Seeing that the super-plane battleships couldn't bombard the Tiandu mothership, Xuanming Datian sternly said: "Retreat, immediately retreat! All battleships, fight me hard, fast!"

He had a very ominous premonition in his heart. Even when he was in a super battleship, he was still restless and felt that something was going to happen.

The super-plane battleships retreated sharply, two million medium-level battleships, and 50,000 high-level battleships flocked in, and the Tiandu mothership opened fire. This attack is undoubtedly terrible and can shred everything.

The mixed mother ship did not fight hard this time. With the flash of Guanghua, it relied on the magical power of the sky to move out instantly, which led to the failure of many battleships to lock up and miss.

Tiandu Mothership flashes like a giant whale in the battleship group, with hundreds of millions of ancient artillery shells constantly bombarding it. Whether it is an intermediate battleship or a high-level battleship, it constantly explodes in front of it and falls.

There are three super-immortal battleships of the immortal Datianzun who are sitting in the town, but like a bulky cow, they can not keep up with the rhythm of the Heavenly Poison Mothership. They just turn around and behind the buttocks, and see their own There are fewer and fewer warships.

In the space around the mothership, countless brilliance flashes. These brilliance is the function of the mixed Yuan sky rail. Today, the sky rail has been fully integrated into the mixed Yuan civilization, and from this, an ancient sky rail tree was born.

The ancient sky orbit tree is a supplement to the tree in space. Its existence makes the sky orbit more powerful, can break through the restrictions of space and plane, and arbitrarily travel between heaven and earth.

Thousands of enemy battleships will be swallowed up directly where the sky rails go. Part of these swallowed warships was ### 古树 给 ###, and the other part was directly invested in the construction space of the ancient trees, which was instantly broken down.

You should know that the current ### 古树 and the ancient building are extremely powerful. After they are transformed into giant ancient trees, the former can ### Advanced battleships, and the latter can instantly disintegrate battleships.

Li Xing's decision was undoubtedly correct at first, condensing all its power into one fist. Wherever the iron fist went, if there was no one, there was nothing to stop it, not even a super-plane battleship.

"Damn, if we continue this way, we will lose!" Fengdu Datianzun never dared to underestimate Li Xing at this time. He roared angrily and was shaking.

Xuanming Datianzhuang gritted his teeth and said, "Do you still think that we are doing something trivial?"

Fengdu Datian Zun Shen said: "I admit that I underestimated this child, Xuanming, what should I do now?"

Xuanming Datianzun sighed: "Do n’t you find out that the warship is stronger than the super-plane warship, has stronger attack power, and is more flexible than us. If we do n’t retreat, we will be eaten a little bit by it No bones left. "

"What? You say we retreat?" Hong Yun Dayzun shook his head. "Impossible! If you retreat, how do you tell the head of state?"

Xuanming Datianzun said coldly: "Did you drop the entire fleet and you can confess to the head of state? A thousand broken Datianzun have been killed, what else do we fight for? Do you think these warships can be stronger than a thousand broken Datianzun? "

Hong Yun Datianzun paused, the muscles on his face kept convulsing, and he was extremely unwilling. But he had to admit that Xuanming Datianzun was very correct, and if he did not retreat, I would really be buried here.

"We can go out." Fengdu Datianzun said fiercely, "With our broken strength, we should be able to cause losses to the other party!"

Xuanming Datianzhuang frowned: "We are the leaders of the seven districts. It's not worth doing this. It's a risky thing for the people below."

Fengdu Datianzun said coldly: "If you are afraid, I will do it alone. I think I will be severely broken. If even such a small force cannot be destroyed, it will make other leaders laugh."

Hong Yun also said: "Yes, Xuanming, we should try it, no matter how powerful the other party is, it is impossible to keep us, so let's retreat."

Xuanming Datianzun sighed and said, "Since you and the two are so obsessed, I have to accompany you, but you must listen to me, not carelessly."

"Naturally, the battleship is very weird, and we didn't underestimate it." Hong Yun said.

After some discussion, the three smashed Datianzun rushed out of the super-plane battleship and turned into three lights and shadows, and immediately approached the Tiandu mothership.

At this time, the Eye of War immediately found three people and passed the information on to everyone. Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he said loudly: "Big fish appear, please prepare them for me, kill one first!"

It is not a trivial matter to break a big celestial body, even Li Xing can't figure out how much power can be used to kill one of them, so he decided to use the most secure method, then lock only one of them and then kill it with all his strength.

The three lights and shadows were not approaching yet, and Fengdu Datianzun suddenly felt tight and locked by a force. He sneered, the whole body's crushing force was running, and he easily shattered this force and continued to approach.

The Eye of War passed the temptation just now, and probably knew the power of Fengdu Datianzun, so the second lockdown began. This time, ten broken ancient cannons, three super plane ancient cannons, three main artillery cannons, 22,000 giant plane ancient cannons, etc. at the same time issued a locking force and combed in the eye of war Below, Hunyuan became a powerful locking force that captured Fengdu Datianzun.

Once the mighty power came, Fengdu Dazun sank all over and couldn't move at once. He changed his face and turned the broken power again. Unfortunately, this time he remained motionless. He was suddenly afraid, and his face showed the color of fear.


This locking force is too strong, even his severe fragmentation plane has some local fragmentation.

Xuanming Datianzun and Hongyun Datianzun were startled, and at the same time, they wanted to dispel the locking power. However, between the twinning of the Yuanyuan sky orbit, Fengdu Datianzun and Tiandu Mothership disappeared, appearing in another place far away.


Li Xing coldly issued an order and issued a killing order to the locked Fengdu Datianzun. Suddenly, countless artillery lights came together, all blasted to Fengdu Datianzun.

A violent explosion occurred, and Fengdu Datianzhuang yelled: "I'm not willing!"

He can only roar like this, because the next moment, his plane will be broken, the order will be destroyed, and the powerful one will break down.

The sky rail has not let go of the energy of a broken shrine, and the broken limbs and bones have been gathered up, which can contain a lot of world power. It is an excellent material for making plane shells.

As soon as Fengdu died, Xuanming and Hong Yun had chills on their backs. They returned to the super-plane battleship without a word, and turned away. Fengdu's death shocked them too much, but it was a big broken Supreme, saying that he died!

All the plane warships subsequently retreated, and they quickly sailed into the super plane warships to avoid being chased by the mother ship. At this time, the Super Plane battleship had no fighting spirit, flickered for a moment, and disappeared.

Li Xing didn't pursue, because he knew that even if he overtook, the Tiandu mothership could not keep the super-plane warship.

In this battle, the mixed empire was unscathed, but it destroyed one thousand broken Great Celestials, one heavy broken Celestial Supreme, and more than half a million medium-level battleships and nearly 10,000 high-level battleships. .

The Chamber of Commerce alliance suffered heavy losses, raging violently, but dying. This battle shocked the entire Northern Wilderness, making the name of the mixed empire resounding to all directions ~ www.readwn.com ~ Indirectly, the name of the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce was also loud.

The Beihuang Chamber of Commerce retreated, but did not immediately counterattack. And, shortly after, some member chambers of commerce of the nearby chamber of commerce alliance also disappeared in Li Xing's sight, and seemed to give up competing with the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

However, Li Xing understands that the Chamber of Commerce will definitely appear, but it is only a matter of time. Its retreat now is about to be frightened, or it can not mobilize enough warships and masters for a while.

A few days after the war, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce reopened, and the business was even more popular than before. It was victory that made its reputation farther north, which directly led to the increase in business.

For the Chamber of Commerce, Li Xing has no fear. For him, he can't run but can make money after playing. Therefore, shortly afterwards, after the reorganization, the mixed Yuan Empire began to expand again.

Perhaps defeating the prestige of the Chamber of Commerce, Li Xing soon occupied the sphere of influence of the original Five Elements Empire, together with the sphere of influence of the Four Phases Empire, and did not even encounter decent resistance in the meantime.


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