Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1281: 5th civilization

Chapter 1281: The Fifth-Class Civilization

1281 Fifth Class Civilization

The territory of the Five Elements Empire plus the four-phase Empire has more than two billion continents. . . ╠ With such a large range of influence, there are many people, and masters are like clouds. Wanting to really control it is a very complicated and troublesome process.

However, Li Xing has no pressure on this, because not long ago Li Xing broke through again and entered the intermediate and fifth-class civilization. The fifth-class civilization has increased the abilities of the ancient trees by many times.

Especially the ancient civilization tree, it can now build a powerful civilization field outside the Yuanyuan plane. Wherever the civilization domain is shrouded, any existence must be restricted by the rules of mixed civilizations.

The civilization field of the ancient civilization has covered more than two billion continents in the first time. In this way, although these continents have not been refined, they are also controlled by Li Xing to a certain extent. They seem to have become a part of the mixed civilization and an organic whole.

The emergence of the field makes the small things that happen on every continent known to Li Xing, and make the best response under the calculation of the ancient civilization tree.

There are as many monks on the two billion continent, what are they doing, how much wealth, mines, resources, etc., all this can not be hidden from Li Xing, he knows everything and is the master of all things.

However, even if there is such a powerful force as the ancient civilization tree, it will take a long time to completely digest such a large area. Li Xing has paid a full 30 years for this.

In the past 30 years, the people of the Chamber of Commerce have not reappeared, and no power has come from begging for help. On the contrary, during these thirty years, Li Xing completely controlled the entire mixed Yuan Dili.

In particular, the powerful monks in this area are now serving the empire, and a considerable number of people have stepped into the broken territory.

There are countless resources, all of which are now owned by the empire and allocated by them. Controlling such a huge power will also be of great help to the development of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce.

Because the two billion continent is not a closed continent, many of the monks on the top have a lot of friends. They have a lot of acquaintances outside, letting them be in charge of some of the affairs of the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce, which will do more with less.

At present, the Hunyuan Empire controls more than 2.3 billion continents. His Majesty has 146 people in the Broken Realm and nearly one million masters in Immortal Realm!

In addition, after thirty years of development, the empire had strong financial resources and produced a large number of warships. Until now, in addition to the mother ship, the Empire has five versions of the four mixed-yuan battleships and three versions of the 100,000 mixed-yuan battleships.

As for other plane warships, the second and first versions of the mixed yuan battleships have long been sold by the chamber of commerce to build more powerful mixed yuan battleships. It is worth mentioning that the three main class artillery and the perfect class warships were sold to the gods' pure land at a very high price.

Although the gods and the pure land are painful, they also knew that Li Xing had gone to the wrong place, but he still had no temper, because he could not provoke the mixed Yuan empire at all. These things belong to the weapon of belief and civilization. Li Xing does not need it. As long as he has elixir, he can build a more powerful warship.

The five four-version battleships created belonged to the super battleship level. Sixty super plane cannons were set up there, and they had super plane shields. This ship's lethality is much stronger than the warships of the Chamber of Commerce.

One hundred thousand three-version mixed-yuan battleships have changed greatly from their original style. It is now fully equipped with giant plane cannons, and there are as many as six hundred. And, there are large plane shields on it.

Li Xing saw that the future wars need more powerful, powerful battleships with one enemy, so he decisively abandoned some weak miscellaneous battleships, and even abandoned the first and second edition warships.

The main reason why the mixed-yuan empire can achieve such brilliant achievements in a short period of time is the mixed-yuan civilization. The mixed-yuan civilization has now entered the intermediate fifth-class and has incredible power.

The mixed Yuan empire is constantly becoming stronger, and major changes have taken place within the mixed Yuan plane.

First of all, the three avatars have increased their strength one after another, because Li Xing within the gate of time is constantly comprehending one civilization after another, which not only promotes the mixed Yuan civilization, but also allows them to make breakthroughs.

Jiuyang is worthy of being the king of destruction with Panguzhu. Nowadays, its realm has already broken through immortality and reached 108 broken territory. The Jiuyang avatar in this state is terrifying in strength, and it has entered a broken level steadily.

The deities are not bad, and the two billion continents have all become the source of his faith under the control of the civilization field. Therefore, his progress is very enjoyable, and he also reaches 108 and enters a broken state.

Moreover, the combat power of the **** avatar also reached a severe fragmentation, only slightly weaker than the Jiuyang avatar.

In comparison, the Seven-Color avatar is weaker. Although it has also entered a broken state, it has not reached a major level of fragmentation, only about 800 million steps of broken combat power.

Li Xing needless to say that the three important figures in the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor did not disappoint. The emperor and the emperor were born of a mixed Yuan civilization, so they made rapid progress and entered the broken state before Li Xing's avatar.

Moreover, the second emperor's combat power is now no less than that of Jiuyang. In addition, the Emperor Ding and Emperor Sword in their hands also broke through immortality and became broken magic weapons.

It can be said that the second emperor is the most powerful empire in the whole empire besides Li Xing.

The most elusive is the Emperor. The Emperor's strength is actually the strength of the mixed Yuan civilization. How powerful this civilization is, needless to say, it is unfathomable that the emperor repairs it. No one can say clearly except Li Xing.

In addition, Li Ba entered the 107 Immortal Immortal, and Li Xing's nine wives also entered the Immortal Great Immortal Rank.

The real people in the mixed Yuan also made rapid progress. In the mixed element plane, more training grounds are opened by themselves. In the training ground, time can be changed to provide enough planes.

Therefore, after nearly a century of accumulation and promotion, the real people in Xunyuan have become very powerful. Among them, three characters from the broken realm appeared. They all rushed to this step with their own strength, so the strength is very strong, and the potential is also very large.

There are hundreds of thousands of immortal mixed Yuan real people, and quite a few of them can be ascended, and they are expected to eventually break into pieces.

As for the immortal realities in the mixed world, there are even more real people. Under the impetus of the mixed civilization, nearly 10% of the real people in the mixed world have entered the infinite realm.

Even the old people who followed Li Xing, such as Qingyun Great Celestial Master, Chaoyang Great Celestial Master, Eight Insight Great Celestial Master, Daohuang, etc., have also made breakthroughs and reached immortality. This is not a question of high or low qualifications, but as long as it is in the mixed Yuan plane, civilized forces can virtually upgrade the qualifications of all people. This is the magical use of civilization.

Thirty years have passed, and the mixed-yuan empire is more powerful, but Li Xing has still not been able to exit the customs. He is still refining the mainland and learning about civilization. However, there are three major avatars, enough to deal with things outside.

One day, someone came to the newspaper saying that the court sent a messenger to see Li Xing. At this time, Li Xing was enlightening on the way of destruction, and was planning to strike towards the realm of the emperor of destruction, but had to go out to meet.

This era, or the era of the Yin and Yang era, is to be dominated by heaven. This is a reality, a doomed thing, and it has nothing to do with strength. Therefore, as a civilized celestial deity, he must respect the heaven, which is the rule of respect.

Li Xing met Lai Shi in the Five Elements Palace on the Five Elements continent. The messenger's high-toed face was actually just a monk with countless peaks. He saw Li Xing, who was high above him, with a hum in his nose, and said, "Heavenly will the people above kneel down?"

"If you want to kneel, then kneel." Li Ba stood out at this time, pressing a big hand, the power of terror ### came down, the messenger's knee broke with a click, and blood broke.

He screamed and knelt on the ground, screaming resentfully: "You are so bold! Dare to disrespect the angel of heaven!"

Li Ba drew it with one palm and beat the other side within five fires. The plane collapsed and he couldn't move softly. He was about to fall.

At this moment, the messenger was too scared to yell again. He knew that this man really dared to kill him, and he was not afraid of any heaven or heaven.

"Can you speak now?" Li Ba asked coldly.

The messenger's heart was cold, and he repeatedly said, "Yes, you can." He hurriedly grabbed it, kneeling to Li Xing, and said, "The villain **** it, offend the emperor, please the emperor forgive me."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "You messenger, this emperor is not a person in heaven, but you are using heaven to press me, aren't you looking for a pump?"

"Yes, the villain deserves it, the villain deserves it." The messenger wiped his sweat again and again, sucking at himself, his voice crackled.

Li Xingdao: "Well, what's the matter with you from heaven?"

The messenger hurriedly said: "Report to the emperor, Tianting hopes that the emperor can serve the heavenly court, and has informed all places that the emperor has been named King of the Northern Wasteland and oversees everything."

Li Xing's heart moved and said: "Heaven is willing to do so, what if the emperor is not willing?"

The messenger said: "Tianting said that the emperor became the king of the Northern Wilderness, that the King of Hydra and the King of the Great Deer both obeyed the order of the Emperor, and that the Emperor was their boss. Moreover, Tianting has all the power in the Beihuang ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ are subject to the dispatch of the emperor, without exception. "

"Your Majesty, Tianting must have ulterior motives to do so, and cannot agree!" Bai Xiaoda Tianzun immediately stood up and said.

The messenger hurriedly said: "The emperor must not misunderstand. This is no bad intention in this court of heaven, but he just wants to use the emperor's supreme prestige in the northern desert."

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and stared at the messenger, "You have the courage to know the name of the emperor, but you dare to be so arrogant before. Is it because you know it?"

The messenger was taken aback and hurriedly said, "The villain is afraid, the villain is afraid."

Li Xingdao: "You have done it, do you dare to say it?" Then smiled slightly, "However, the great emperor has been arguing with you and other small figures. You go back and tell the emperor that the emperor is very comfortable and does not want to do anything in the north. king."

The messenger seemed to be anxious, and said, "The emperor, there is a letter from the small marshal and the marshal of the horse and the marshal, let me look at it." After that, he put his hands up.


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