Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1282: King of the north

Chapter 1282: The King of the North Famine

Chapter 1282 The King of the North Famine

Li Xing took the letter, and with a touch of his hand, a voice came into his ear. It was the voice of the great soldier and horse: "Li Xing, you are now famous in the North Desolation, and your strength is no longer under this Marshal.┝ & Today, the admission of Heaven Court is truly sincere, and it is intended that you will replace the King of Snakes and Deer, and take charge of the affairs of Heaven in the Northern Wilderness. In the future, you will be in charge of the Southern, Eastern and Western Wastes. "

"For you, this is an opportunity to strengthen yourself with the power of heaven. I have been informed that the Gates of Order and the Alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce are intensively acting on you, and your presence has threatened this. Two forces. If there is a backing behind the heavens, they cannot act lightly, please consider carefully! "

After hearing what Marshal Bingma had said, Li Xing smiled slightly, put away the letter, and said to the messenger of the court that day: "This letter was handed to you by Marshal Bingma?"

"Yes, when the villain came, the Marshal gave it to himself." The messenger said quickly.

"What's the situation of Marshal now? What about the situation in Heaven and Earth?" Li Xing asked.

"Back to the emperor, the Grand Marshal had victory and defeat in the battle with the army of the land government, but generally did not account for the disadvantage. As for the land government, the recent offensive is getting more and more fierce, and the power of broken territory has begun to appear. "The battle has further escalated," said the messenger. "The heaven has now had to reveal the details in order to suppress the land government."

Li Xing nodded: "This battle is destined to have no victory or defeat, it will only be consumed, unless someone can turn things around." After thinking about it, "Go back and tell the Emperor and the Grand Marshal that this emperor is willing to play for the heaven, but the heaven also Don't be too restrained by this great emperor. "

"Sure, the villain must bring this to me," the messenger said.

Li Xing waved and said, "Reward."

Suddenly, a guard held a tray towards the messenger with both hands, and placed ten magical effects on the plate, each with a magic effect, and its price exceeded 100,000 immortal chemical agents.

The messenger's eyes brightened, and he gave thanks again and again, and then left after a compliment.

As soon as the messenger left, everyone began to talk, and Bai Xiaoda said: "Why does the Lord join the heaven? Now that the mixed Yuan empire has become a reality, there is no need for the backing of the heaven, and it can sweep the northern wasteland and unify the universe."

Li Ba also said, "Yes, father, the four wastelands are big and the earth is big, and the fists are hard to eat, and the good fortune is made. What do you want to see in the heavenly courts? And the heavenly courts are nothing great. It is estimated that some of the big forces in the four wastelands must be Better than it. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "You only know one and not the other. The strength of the heavenly court may not be as powerful as the one on the top, but the strength of the dominance of the yin and yang is unpredictable and has the luck of the heavens and the earth. It is God's intention to dominate this life. , Cannot be reversed. "

Li Dadao said, "Father, does Da Tianzun still believe in God? He has God's Will, and he can break it!"

Li Xing reprimanded: "The strength is not good, and the tone is not small. To say this day for the father is the fundamental order of the main plane, the will of supreme power in the deep, how can you despise?"

Li Ba's head shrank. Although he is now a master and he is not too young, he is still scared in front of Li Xing. When Li Xing roars, he will tremble his heart and shut up obediently.

"Alliance with the heaven court, one by its luck, the second by its strength, the third will give Marshal Bingma a face. Well, this is so settled, you prepare to exchange with the personnel of the heaven . "

Everyone took orders and went to work.

Within a few days, the heavenly court again sent messengers, and this time it was much more solemn. There were hundreds of heavenly officials and generals in the huge team, and brought the emperor's purpose of the emperor, the royal seal of the Northern Wasteland, the documentary proof, the king's sign Wait.

The emperor's amulet is an immortal weapon, and the Northern Wild King Seal is a broken-level magic weapon. With these two things as evidence, Li Xing is the true Northern Wild King. With this money, he can govern all the heavenly personnel in the northern wilderness, including the King of Hydra and the King of Deer.

Mentioning the Hydra King and Dali Deer King, the two were gathering at Dali Deer King's Mansion at this time, both with ugly faces. The King of Snakes slaps at the table, angrily: "Heavenly, this is a bridge breaking across the river. It's really hateful to treat me as a son!"

The King of Deer sighed: "Even if you know this, what can you do? What's terrible is that both of us are the enemies of the little thief of Li Xing, let him control us, shouldn't you and me be dead?"

The King of Hydra had a cold heart and said, "Who said no! This little thief is now extraordinary in strength. His masters are like clouds. He manages billions of continents and is a master of broken territory. It can be said that he is far away. You and I are left far behind, we are no longer one level with him. "

King Deer's eyes were full of unwillingness and doubt: "I really don't understand. How could he become so powerful in such a short period of time? At that time, he would have to walk around when we met, but now destroy you I'm as simple as pinching an ant! "

"I said at the time that this little thief had great potential, and it would be a confidant in the future, and it will be fulfilled today." Snake King said, "Now, we must think of a way to protect ourselves, otherwise we will be miserable."

"Well, you and I come back to the Lord, don't stay here anymore?" Dali Wang's eyes flickered and he expressed his thoughts.

The King of Hydra sneered: "Let ’s go? Our name is still the King of the North Famine. This is not a violation of the Heavenly Court military order. It is to kill our heads, and even the Lord will not protect us."

"What to do? Can't you wait for death?" Dali Wang said angrily.

The Snake King reluctantly said: "Knowing the danger, you can't go, otherwise the little thief will have more excuses to fight against you and me. Do you think that after you become the King of the Northern Wasteland, will you not monitor your every move?"

Hercule Deer's face changed drastically, and he trembled, "You mean, can't we go?"

"As long as we want to leave, I can guarantee that the thief will kill you and me as soon as possible." The King of Hydra hated, "So I can only endure, no matter what he does, what we ask, we will go Keep him, save your life first. "

The King of Deer slammed the table fiercely: "But I can't swallow this breath! I thought this little thief would be a fart. We pressed him to death with one finger, and now we are riding on our heads."

The King of Hydra sneered: "The situation is stronger than people. We only have tens of thousands of continents in our hands, and they are all located on the edge of the northern desert. Can they be compared with the billions of high-end continents? We are ants, recognize them!"

The King of Great Deer said: "It seems that the court of heaven is to use the power of a thief to deal with the prefecture. Before we held tens of thousands of continents, we were considered a hero, so we got the eye of the court of heaven. But when the great emperor appeared, You and I can only be counted as small shrimps, and of course Tianting will abandon them in favor and choose Li Xing.

"This thing was expected." The Hydra King sneered. "It's just that we were too late to prepare, so that we are so passive today."

The two were negotiating, rushing into a small cricket outside, shouting: "Master, it's not good, it's not good!"

Dali Wang was very upset and was screamed by this little sister. He couldn't help anger and said, "What a panic!" He threw out a slap, hitting Xiaoyan's front teeth and flying, and his nose and mouth were bleeding.

Xiaoxi didn't dare to cry, he struggled to get up, and trembled, "King, the emperor of Yuanyuan sent a messenger to see the two kings."

Both the snake king and the deer king trembled, looked at each other, and saw panic from each other's eyes.

"What to do?" Deer King clenched his fists and asked Shen Sheng.

The King of Snakes looked dignified and said, "Let's go, we'll be here in a while!"

Dali King Hall, an immortal realm standing in the Yuan Dynasty, stands with his hands up. When the second king appeared, he turned around and asked coldly, "You are the King of Deer and Hydra?"

Hercule Deer cocked his chest, and said loudly, "My King!"

The messenger suddenly threw out a slap, "snap" to draw the strong deer king, hit him on the ground with one buttock, five blood red fingerprints on his face. Suddenly, the deer king was furious and stood up, shouting, "You are so bold!"


The real man in Xunyuan slaps again. At this moment, the deer king hits half of his body into the ground, his head fainted, and seven holes bleed, but he did not dare to return to his mouth.

The mixed Yuan is truly human: "It seems that I have to teach you how to be polite. My emperor Jiafeng King of the Northern Wilderness, why do n’t your two **** go to Daohe and congregate here to conspiracy. Is there a rebellious heart?"

The strong deer king spit out another blood, and the snake king was full of humiliation. When he was full of life, when was he so oppressed. But the comer is a subordinate of Li Xing, and the strength is far stronger than them, it is the immortal great respect.

The immortal Great Supreme, is a high-end character in the heavenly court, but the mixed Yuan Empire sent one person casually, it is the master of this series, they are quite shocked.

They were even more afraid of Li Xing's strength, so they all held back and did not dare to break out. The King of Hydra said: "We got the news late, so we couldn't make it. We are together today to discuss how to get to Dahe. Please don't misunderstand the messenger."

"Misunderstanding?" The real Yuanren hummed, "It's a good word, I'm afraid you're scolding the messenger in your heart, right?"

"Dare, dare not." The Hydra King was startled and said quickly.

The real person in Junyuan ruthlessly said, "Do n’t talk nonsense ~ www.readwn.com ~ The King of the Northern Wasteland has a life, let you two go to the Empire of the Three Yuan in three days, and meet the King of the Northern Wasteland. amnesty!"

Their hearts were cold, and they quickly said, "Yes, I and I must go on time. Please rest assured."

The real person in Hunyuan hummed, and no longer said a word, turned around and walked out of the hall, and went back to life.

After the people left, the snake king and deer king could not help but roar at the same time, and the roar was full of anger and humiliation.

"Little thief, I will kill you in the future!" The snake king gritted his teeth.

Hercule Deer King was also furious. "If I can absorb the ancient blood river in the future, then this little thief will look good!"

When he mentioned the ancient blood river, the snake king's eyes brightened and said: "Brother Lu, it seems you and I have to get to know this blood river in advance, otherwise, eternal life will be suppressed by the thief and it is difficult to turn over!"


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