Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1283: Root of civilization

Chapter 1283: The Root of Civilization

Chapter 1283: The Root of Civilization

The King of Deer frowned: "The ancient blood river is not small, but it is a treasure passed down from the ancient mother star of civilization ... 'The age of the ancient mother star was a big world, and there were many eternal characters, shining Many epochs have continued to this day. With your current strength, there is no way for you to get involved in cultivation, or you have to catch even a small life. "

The King of Snakes said, "This secret is only known to you and I, but we can't help divulging the news, so it's better to learn as soon as possible."

The deer king thought about it and bit his teeth: "Okay! After we have dealt with the little thief of Li Xing, we will find a time to learn about this treasure!"

The two did not know that their conversation was passed on to Li Xing's ears. At this moment, Li Xing was sitting on the throne, and an image appeared in front of him, showing the dialogue between the snake king and the deer king.

Several subordinates next to each other killed, Zilong Datian said: "Your Majesty, these two **** things, speak out of disrespect, please let the teenager go to kill!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "No hurry, they will come sooner or later." He also said, "I did not expect that these two little people still have ancient treasures."

Seeing the Supreme Celestial Master said at this time: "Lord, it is said that civilization originated from the Archaeological Mother Star, but the specific things are not known to the subordinates. But what the Archaeological Mother passed down must be the most precious. Get it. "

Li Xingdao: "Can't run away, these two are under the surveillance of the emperor."

The Snake King and Deer King did not wait to see Li Xing on the third day, they arrived the next day, for fear of being late, they would give Li Xing an excuse to kill them.

Under the main hall, the two strong men who were opposite Li Xing were now so weak as to lie on the ground like a development, respectfully saying: "The villain sees the King of the Northern Wilderness!"

Li Xing opened his eyes, and the cold light in his eyes was like a sword's breath, so that they could not breathe. At the same time, "Wow" bleeds and looks pale.

"I haven't seen each other for a long time. The bones of the two are getting more and more fragile. Is it that they are old and weak?" Li Xingdan said lightly.

The snake king and deer king said, "Yes, we are vulnerable, we are vulnerable."

Li Xing felt ridiculous in his heart, and at the same time obviously felt the position that power brought him. At that time, he was still at the limitless state. In front of the two, they could only be regarded as weak and forced to show some difficulties.

Today, Feng Shui turns, and the original strong has become weak before him. He can even kill the snake king and deer king with his breath.

The feeling of emotion in his heart flashed away, Li Xing said: "King of the deer, come here to meet the emperor, can you prepare a gift?"

The snake king and the deer king were stunned. What gifts did they prepare? Your family has no daughter-in-law! The two were slandered, but did not dare to say that they were not prepared. They had to say, "Be prepared, naturally prepared."

Just when they were preparing a round of blood and taking something from the treasure house, Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he said, "The deer king is funny. He actually sent such a thing, haha, this emperor is disrespectful."

In other words, he grabbed his hands, and the supreme power penetrated into the plane of the King of Deer, and he shot a bright ancient river. The river is a billion miles long, flowing out of nothingness and flowing into nothingness.

The river is nine-colored, brilliant, and has a desolate and ancient atmosphere. Instantly, Li Xing knew that the river was extraordinary, and it was definitely a treasure, because he felt the root of civilization from the river!

Hercules deer completely stopped, and trembled: "Great, great, this is not ..."

But suddenly there was a strong shroud, and what he was about to say was actually forced back into his abdomen, making his eyes blood red and his fists clenched.

Li Xing smiled: "King of the deer is so polite, so the emperor accepted it." Then he asked the snake king, "What is your gift?"

At this time, the snake king wanted to cry together. His last hope with the deer king was shattered. Without the ancient blood river, they had no chance to surpass the person in front of them. His heart was as dead as a smile in despair, and he said: "The emperor can take whatever he wants."

Li Xingdao: "The King of Snakes is so generous, it pleases the Emperor." He naturally would not be polite. He grabbed his hands, and the treasure that the King of Snakes accumulated over the years was taken away by him.

In fact, Li Xing had no interest in taking a closer look at these things on the snake king. However, as he treats the enemy, the heavier the blow, the better, he will never give the enemy a chance to breathe.

He was going to kill these two people, but as the King of the Northern Wasteland, he could not kill his subordinates for no reason, so he could only punish him like this.

"Very well, you can go back. Remember, within one month, hand in all the soldiers and resources to the Great Emperor. If you don't, you will be spared." Li Xingdao waved his hands and let the two retreat. under.

The King of Hydra and the King of Deer departed from the Yuan Empire impotently, and they bowed their heads along the way and were completely angry.

"It's over!" Dali Wangwang cried, "We have no hope of advancement, no more!"

Until that time, that power also disappeared, and the strong Deer King was able to speak. He was extremely reluctant and utterly resentful, but he couldn't hold Li Xing up, hating him to grit his teeth and scratch the ground.

Hydra's eyes were bewildered, and he said, "Brother Deer, what should you do next?"

This snake king has always been resourceful, but when he meets a powerful and fierce opponent like Li Xing, he has no idea at all.

"Live!" Said Dali Deer Shen, "then go to the Lord, and the backstage of the Lord is the Lao Lao. I don't believe this little thief will die!"

The snake king sighed, "It can only be so, this is the only way."

Over the next few months, the King of Hydra and the King of Deer both obediently handed over their military power in the hands, totaling more than 13,500 continents, and handed them all to Li Xing.

Li Xing gave the two men a position to serve as a guard at the gate of the Beihuang King's Hall. In fact, the two who made him the gatekeeper had a high look, because the people who are generally Li Xing's gatekeepers are masters of the broken and immortal world, and the immense number of people are simply not qualified to be the gatekeepers.

However, after saying that Li Xing obtained the ancient blood river, he immediately started participating in the research. This thing was locked in the gate of time and was given to the deity, and only the deity could understand the mystery in it.

Inside the gate of time, Li Xing opened his eyes. He looked at the magnificent river in front of him, his eyes clear, and he smiled, "Good thing! It seems to be the source of civilization."

The branches and leaves of the ancient civilization trembled and seemed very excited. It stretched out numerous branches and leaves and entered the gate of time, as if to extract the power in the blood river.

In the Supreme Court, the Emperor's eyelids jumped and said to himself: "With this treasure, a breakthrough is expected."

Li Xing smiled, "Go!"

Then, the blood river turned into a blood dragon, and suddenly broke out of the gate of time, forming a large river under the ancient tree of civilization. It starts with nothingness and ends with watering the roots of ancient civilization trees.

The ancient trees of civilization suddenly stretched out, giving out a human-like contented sigh.

When the ancient civilization tree absorbed the ancient blood river, the fragmented ancient memory was awakened, so that Li Xing had a vague understanding of the ancient mother star.

In the distant past, chaos has just disappeared, forming a great planet in the chaos. That planet is extremely vast, much larger than the current four shortages, and it is the predecessor of the main plane.

Li Xing now understands that due to the fall of the four continents, they are now in a low-level state, that is, the state of the continent. The real planes of civilization are all in the form of planets.

The star mentioned here is different from the countless stars and ancient stars that exist in the main plane. It is the star of civilization and the state of the most complete civilization in the universe.

In the future, the planet will form a planet, Wenxing ball.

The Archean mother star is the cradle of civilization. It existed in a big age, with many masters and numerous people. Above the Taikoo mother star, masters of the Broken Realm can be seen everywhere, and even most of the ancient ancestors of the Ancients had the power of Broken Realm as soon as they were born.

The ancestors were born to create the world and open up new horizons. The strongest among them can break through the shackles of the thirty-three heavens and gain freedom.

A considerable part of the powerful civilizations of later generations were born on the Archean mother star. Even the source of civilization is closely related to the mother star. Unfortunately, this memory is missing and Li Xing cannot know in detail.

There are many powerful races on the Archean mother star. They are born strong and have extraordinary physiques. Like the chaotic war body, the supreme **** body, the heavenly spirit body, the destroying body, the red gold bull body, the immortal holy body, the diamond indestructible body and so on.

These are the blood of civilization. You can easily realize the power of civilization and become the great deity of civilization. It is very powerful. This civilization belongs to ethnic civilization.

The ancient blood river in front of us is the blood of countless ethnic groups. However, Li Xing did not know the origin of the river, only that it contained the powerful blood of the ancestors.

Any drop of these blood can propagate the immortal deity, which is terribly powerful. Only the aliens like the ancient civilization tree ~ www.readwn.com ~ can slowly absorb them and transform them into their own strength.

Later, on the Archean mother star, two great beings clashed. They both had the ability to penetrate the earth. After a big war, they broke the mother star, turned the mother star into countless fragments, and scattered the theme Countless corners among them.

The parent star fragment, which constitutes today's main plane, is extremely vast and contains countless secrets. In fact, Li Xing did not enter the depths of the theme. He was in the Dragon Elephant World in his early years, later entered the heavenly courts, and later entered the Four Desolates.

Regardless of the Four Wildernesses, Heavenly Courts, Earth Houses, and Dragon Elephant World, none of them is just a secondary plane in the main plane. Compared to the vastness of the theme, they are really nothing, they are just the world born in the theme.

If the main plane is an endless ocean, then these planes or group planes are small bubbles one after another.

This is the vastness of the theme, boundless, contains countless secrets, and has endless legends.


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