Chapter 1284 The Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1284 Ark

With this ancient blood river, the ancient civilization tree will grow faster and stronger. Li Xing even felt that when he was out of customs, he should have the opportunity to enter advanced civilization.

There is a huge gap between intermediate civilizations and advanced civilizations. How many heroes and heroes are blocked before this gap, and they can't be broken throughout their lives. Li Xing is undoubtedly fortunate. He obtained the ancient blood river, which can be used to inherit the bloodline heritage of the great powers in the ancient times, thereby improving the civilization and physical quality of the mixed Yuan.

While participating in the blood river, Li Xing continued to take care of the huge mixed Yuan empire, and fully developed the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce.

After more than a hundred years of development, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has grown many times. Although it can not be compared with the huge Beihuang Chamber of Commerce, its business can suppress the chamber of commerce in a local scope.

This kind of development will undoubtedly give birth to the heart of annihilation once again. At the entrance of the Seventh District of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, the twelve leaders sat together again, each one with a solemn look.

They are discussing the issue of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, because the development of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is far from reaching the entire Beihuang, and the main active area is on the site of the seventh district. Therefore, the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce mainly affects the business in the seventh district, and is the biggest opponent and enemy.

The twelve people actually wanted to destroy the mixed Yuan empire and took two actions.

For the first time, the Alliance Chamber of Commerce relied on the four-phase empire and wanted to eat the mixed Yuan empire. It was hurt by Li Xing and it lost a large number of battleships. For the second time, one-third of the soldiers in the Seventh District of the Alliance were mobilized to fight against Li Xing.

But that time, they still came back, lost soldiers, and lost thousands of broken masters. One of the leaders, Fengdu Datianzun, fell, making the seven districts vitally injured. So for a long time, the seven districts did not move, and the twelve leaders were waiting for a better time.

But they never imagined that the development of the Hunyuan Empire and the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce was so fast. This speed made them afraid and realized that if they were allowed to let go, it would not take them long. .

The inner uneasiness forced the twelve heads of state to seek help from the top of the alliance, hoping that they could send experts to solve the mixed yuan empire. However, there are many districts in the entire league, and the different districts are usually intriguing, so the response is very slow.

When the above meaning was given, the twelve leaders of the seventh district almost vomited blood. It turned out that the above means to let the seventh area continue to send troops ###, and I believe that the seventh area will definitely be completed.

"Damn! Our request has been sent for decades, and the news is now returned, and it is ridiculous to let us think of it ourselves!" Xuanming Datian shivered with anger.

Hong Yun Datianzhuang sighed: "The alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce is too huge. What is a small seventh district? The seventh district is not the largest or the strongest, and has almost no right to speak in the alliance."

The head of state spoke at this time, saying: "The Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce is clever. It was formed by the ten major forces of the Northern Wilderness. The ten major forces are the core forces. As for the other places, they will not be valued above."

"Our twelve leaders are the heads of the twelve largest chambers of commerce in the seventh district. I must be very clear in my heart. Except for paying one-third of the profits every year, we cannot get the above assistance at all. We It's just pigs and dogs they raise. "

The remaining eleven people all showed anger and helpless expression, which is also no way out. The seventh district is too small. It is indeed like a pig stocked by the Alliance. When it is fattened, it will kill a few knives and eat. Secret pork.

When pigs are in danger, the people above will not show up. A few words can be mentioned at most, which makes everyone feel cold.

"It's really unwilling! If we formed an alliance ourselves, it would be 10,000 times better than joining the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce alliance." Xuanming Datian said angrily.

The head of state said: "If you did not borrow the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Union, do you think we can develop it? I am afraid that it will be destroyed in the early days. The other districts are the same as the seventh district.

"I want the high-levels of the alliance to take action, unless the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce endangers the interests of the Ten Districts." Hong Yun said, "but the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce cannot develop so fast. It will take a long time. "

The head of the nod nodded: "So for now, we can only think of countermeasures ourselves. Fortunately, while we are waiting for the news, we have made the worst plan and agreed on the countermeasures. It is time to start."

After the fiasco last time, the twelve leaders felt pained and thought that they should not have a hard time with Li Xing, but still had to use a knife to kill people.

The business of the seventh district, the battleship business accounted for a large part, but it was not building warships by itself. Because there is a powerful force in the seventh area, the Ark mainland. The ark continent has tens of billions of continents, with a vast area, and masters like clouds.

The strength of the Ark Chamber of Commerce is not how many masters sit in the town, but the warships it makes. The Ark mainland, specializing in the manufacture of warships, has contacts with many chambers of commerce.

Taking the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce as an example, the Ark mainland trades with the 7th, 10th, 9th, and 13th districts at the same time. The warships manufactured on the Ark mainland were sold to the above four regions at relatively low prices, and then distributed by the four regions to earn profits.

In terms of financial resources, the ark continent is larger than the four districts combined. The king of the region and the leaders of the four districts have no idea what to do with it.

At this time, Hongyun Datian said: "In recent years, the sales volume of the four barren chambers of commerce has been close to half of the sales volume of the Ark mainland. It cannot be unaware of it. In fact, the battle between the two sides will occur. Provoked the fight ahead of time. "

The head asked: "Are you all ready?"

The eleven broken celestial deities all said, "Yes, it's done."

"Okay, act now, and be careful not to alert the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce." The head of state warned.

A few days later, the Seventh District Chamber of Commerce suddenly began to sell one and two versions of the mixed yuan battleships. These battleships were all eliminated by Li Xing and sold to the outside. They did not want to be bought by the people of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

What's more, these warships were sold at extremely favorable prices and immediately attracted many buyers. In addition to the mixed yuan battleships, there are a large number of miscellaneous battleships, which are also sold at preferential prices.

Suddenly, a panic buying spree was set up across the seven districts, making the business of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce difficult for a while. If the price agreed with it, the chamber of commerce is difficult to even protect the capital, and it will suffer heavy losses.

At first, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce only believed that this was a price competition, but did not know it, but it was not a conspiracy carried out by the seven districts.

The Ark mainland is located within the reach of the Seven District Chamber of Commerce, and there are tens of billions of continents surrounding it. On top of a giant super-plane battleship, several giants of the Ark mainland are holding an emergency meeting.

A middle-aged man with a parrot on his shoulder was dumbfounded and said coldly: "The news came from the Seventh District of the Alliance, saying that they would join forces with the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce to sell their warships and no longer use our goods in the future."

A young man with a pipa in his arms, clear eyes and frowning: "The Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has developed rapidly. Since its emergence, our business in the seventh district has been reduced by at least 20%. Now, it will be the same as the seventh. District cooperation, this is to exclude us. "

"I have already investigated that the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce is indeed very powerful. They have many types of warships, large numbers, and very strong productivity. If they are allowed to survive, they will definitely grab the rice bowl with us." The third middle-aged humane His beard is golden, sparkling and very eye-catching.

The three said their suggestions, and the oldest man in the middle opened his mouth. The old man had a bald eyebrow and wore a wide red robe. His eyes were warm and peaceful. He said lightly: "Young people are too aggressive. Does the empire know the roots? "

Pipa Youth raised his eyebrows and said, "The ancestor might have looked at the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. What can he know?"

The bald old man, Taoist Mingyang ancestor, is the first master of the Ark mainland, and the cultivation is unfathomable. However, the ancestor did not usually ask questions, and most of them were decided by the three people in front of him.

The ancestor of Mingyang said: "Have you ever thought about why the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce can rise in the short term? Or even defeated the seventh district of the Chamber of Commerce twice? Such a force, if it is not sheltered by an expert, is its own potential. In either case, this force must not be provoked. "

Jin Xu middle-aged humane: "The ancestor has not asked all things for many years, why did he show up today? Is it for this Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce?"

The ancestor said: "In the past few days, the old man suddenly felt restless and difficult to settle in. Only then came out that so many things had happened outside, there was a mixed-yuan empire in the seven districts, and its Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce."

Then the ancestor said to the middle-aged man of Jin Xu: "Feng Rui, don't you feel it?"

The middle-aged Taoist Fengrui was sharp, and he laughed: "The ancestor retired for many years, and many things really happened outside ~ ~ such as the war between heaven and earth. As for the small four wild business chambers, what can be considered a major event? As for the feeling, when it was the decisive battle in heaven and earth, the instinct that was born in my heart was vigilant. "

The ancestor looked at the pipa youth again and said, "Wuyin, how about you?"

The five-tone Youth Road, he laughed, "You ancestor, you think too much, even if the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce has some potential, how can it be against our Ark mainland? The Ark mainland itself is a powerful battleship, we have a hundred and twenty ships. Super plane warships, eight million advanced plane warships. Such a power, even if it destroys the four surrounding areas, is not a problem. "

The ancestor showed disappointment, and turned to look at the middle-aged man with a parrot on his shoulder, and said, "Zhiyan, what do you think?"

Zhiyan Dayzun smiled "Hehe": "Master, you even asked me three, what is there to say, please speak up."

Ming Yang ancestor said: "The old man was in a difficult situation in the past, and with the help of three people, he was able to resume his practice today. I am deeply grateful. Therefore, no matter how old the man is today, we must prevent the three from using soldiers against the four wild business chambers."


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