Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1285: Life and death symbol

Chapter 1285: Life and Death Amulet

Chapter 1285 Life and Death Symbol

Wuyin Datianzun's face changed, and he said, "What is the meaning of the ancestor? The three of us saved the ancestor at that time, and there was no intention to report it. We just saw that the ancestor was cultivated to a high level. It would be a pity if it fell. │ '' Regardless of the difficulties, find the peerless extraordinary, and heal the injuries of the ancestor. "

"Today, the ancestor wants to prevent the three of us from acting. Why is that? I hope that the ancestor would give me a statement. If there is enough reason, the three of us might not be able to let the four businessmen go."

Fengrui Tiantian also said: "Yes, we have been dating the ancestors for so many years. The ancestors have something to say, and we won't listen. Is there any relationship between the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce and the ancestors?"

Ming Yang ancestor shook his head and said, "The Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce have nothing to do with my husband. He has a relationship with you. If one is not careful, all three of you will be killed."

Zhiyan Datianzun's face was unpleasant, saying: "Are the ancestors joking? I can't think of the entire seven districts, who can kill us!"

The ancestor Mingyang knew the three people's temperament well. If they didn't explain it, they would never believe it, and said, "The old husband had a friend and he got an ancient rune. That ancient rune was called a" life and death sign ". Is to die and die, rumored to be Swire's powerful refining. "

"Later, the friend gave the ancient charm to the old man. Because of the restlessness, the old man inferred the life and death through the life and death sign a few days ago, and the result of the inference was that he would immediately leave the Ark mainland, otherwise he could not escape."

The faces of the three great celestial bodies changed greatly, and they all knew that the ancestors of Ming ancestors could not deceive them by words. Zhiyan Datian said: "The ancestor means, there will be a huge disaster in the Ark mainland, so the ancestor is involved?"

The ancestor of Mingyang said: the life and death talisman can only break life and death. But after my careful consideration, I found that if there is any great difficulty, it may be related to the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce. "

"So the ancestor wants to stop us from being busy with the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, thinking that the mixed-yuan empire can't be messed up?" Wuyin Datianzun sneered, "The ancestor seems to have forgotten the fact that Datianzun doesn't believe in himself, only believes in himself!"

The practice of Da Tianzun begins with the death, change of life, and establishment of life, and can dominate his own destiny.

The ancestor sighed with a long sigh and said, "Da Tianzun Gu Neng can dominate his own destiny, but if he encounters a person with a strong destiny, he will become a subsidiary and be involuntarily drawn into the destiny vortex of others, becoming a victim and step. Foot stones. "

Fengrui Tianzun laughed "haha": "Are the ancestors scaring us? Dependent on the fate of others, so that person must not only let us live, but let us die?"

"It's not wrong to say so," Mingyang ancestor said indifferently. "Even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance, you can't start with the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce and talk to them at the end."

The three Datianzun were quite unhappy. This situation was like three male lions, and they were suddenly persuaded by an elephant, so that they should never provoke a sheep, saying that the sheep were very dangerous and they could only talk about not being beaten.

It is conceivable what the three male lions would think. They only think that elephants are troublesome. They don't even need help. They shouldn't run out of trouble.

However, the three have always respected Mingyang ancestors, so they did not speak out. Zhiyan Datian smiled "Hehe" and said, "The ancestors have been sitting in the ark over the years, which has made many young children dare not act wildly. Thank you. It is an inevitable move to use soldiers at the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce. If they continue to develop, the Ark mainland will be squeezed out of this market. This is unacceptable to us. "

"But this time, I don't bother to show up. I'll wait for the three of them to come forward enough." Having said that, Zhiyan Dazun looked away and stopped talking.

The ancestor Mingyang sighed and said, "It seems the old man is troublesome, but the above is purely good intentions." He paused, and said, "The old man's cultivation has already reached the broken triple level, but it is just troubling. The breakthrough is intended to be broken in these few days and enter the triple sky. "

The three of them were taken aback. Zhiyan thought his words were important, and said, "Why is this the ancestor? Everyone knows that once they enter the thirty-three heavens, they can't come out. They can only be brave and advanced. Fang You Live. "

The ancestor Mingyang said faintly: "The old man has lived long enough. Since there is a power to break, why not try it? Even if he is buried, he will die without regret."

A few people knew that the ancestor was determined, so they stopped advising, and only said, "The ancestor is there, everything is careful, maybe we can meet again in the triple sky."

Ming Yang ancestor said: "My words, I hope you can adopt, it is best not to conflict with that person." Then, he took out three ancient runes, saying, "This rune is called a life-saving rune, the same as the life and death rune. It is an ancient thing. If you are in danger, you can save it once you input the power of the world. But this symbol can only be used once, and it will be invalidated after use. Be careful. "

The three were overjoyed, knowing that this was a treasure, they all took it over and thanked them.

The ancestor sighed, "I'm in the triple sky, waiting for the three of you." After finishing speaking, she flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

They knew that the ancestor Ming Yang was broken, and he would directly enter the third heaven, and he would never return. Thirty-three heavy days, each heavy sky can only enter, can not go out, and can only rise from the next heavy sky to the previous heavy sky, until it enters the highest thirty-three heavy sky, and goes to the top and breaks.

It is said that in the thirty-three days, there was a series of horrible orders, which urged the monks to make continuous progress, otherwise there would only be death. Because a considerable number of people are unwilling to enter the thirty-three heavens, the world below is relatively more free and safe.

Zhiyan Datian said: "The words of the ancestor before he left must not be alarmist."

Wuyin Tianzun said: "Why, are you afraid? The ancestor naturally thought for us, but his idea was wrong. It is just an ancient charm that can even kill me for three lives? It's ridiculous!"

Fengrui Tianzun also said, "Yes, we are all broken figures. They belong to the world's top peerless people. Who can threaten us? Even if there is, we must first defeat the infinite warships on the Ark mainland."

Zhiyan Da Tianzun nodded: "You are right, but be careful, the ancestor's worry is not unreasonable."

A few people were discussing, and suddenly someone hurriedly entered the hall to report: "Three principals! Great things are not good. Our dozen or so merchant ships have been looted and lost a lot of money!"

"What?" The three heavenly men stood up with esteem, angrily, "Who dares to attack the mainland?"

The reporter said: "Several of them escaped, saying that the other's warships seemed familiar, as if they were mixed-yuan warships sold by the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce."

"Slap!" Wuyin Datianzun shot the broken table with one palm, and said angrily, "This matter is not related to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, it is related to it!"

Fengrui Tianzun sneered: "Let's not shoot, they have moved ahead of time, so good! We immediately sent troops to destroy the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce and settled the mixed Yuan empire!"

Zhiyan Datianzun was about to make a clear investigation first, and then another house slave rushed to report. This man was covered with blood, his image was embarrassing, and he said loudly: "Three principals, it's not good! Several young principals go out to play. Robbed by a battleship, unknown whereabouts! "

At this moment, even Zhiyan Datian can't calm down. The so-called little masters are the children of the three of them. They are not very old or are teenagers. They are all wizards of cultivation. The success in the future will be in their fathers. on.

Wuyin Tianzun yelled, "What are you talking about? What battleship? Where did it happen?"

The slave's face was so white that he was scared and said, "On the mainland of Baqi, it seems to be the kind of mixed Yuan battleship sold by the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. It emits a light, and it takes away a few masters."

"Where is the guard? Why doesn't the guard stop it?" Fengrui Tianzun rebuked.

"All dead, they're all dead!" Jia Nu cried, "killed by the gunfire fired by the battleship."

"It's a mixed Yuan battleship again!" Zhiyan Datian glorified his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Send someone to ask about the mixed Yuan empire, did they do it?"

At the same time, in the seven districts of the Chamber of Commerce, twelve leaders also gathered.

The head of state said: "Everything is going according to plan, but there is still a difficulty. The three family members of the Ark mainland must believe that the matter is related to the mixed Yuan empire."

Hong Yun Da Tianzun said: "This has been resolved. The mixed empire has our internal responsibilities, and they will definitely perform well."

Xuanming Datianzun: "We don't have to do anything right now, just sit back and watch the show, a lively show."

After all, the twelve leaders all showed cruel smiles.

A few days later, Li Xing got the news. The following said that recently many strangers entered the mixed Yuan empire, like spies from the Ark mainland.

Li Xing already knew about the Ark mainland, and knew that the other party was an oligarch that made warships, so he was stunned by the current Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, and he couldn't compare with it. It is also reasonable that the other party sent someone to spy on the information at this time, so he didn't take it seriously and only let the people below deal with it.

Mixed Yuan Empire, a newly promoted general, volunteered to deal with these spies. This humane hunter, immortal figure, is very active in doing things, making Li Ba very optimistic about him and entrusted with a heavy task.

After the **** hunting Datianzun self-recommended himself, Li Ba didn't think much about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ and ordered him to act cheaply, without having to report to him.

In this way, an operation was launched against the mainland detectives of the Ark. When the mixed-yuan empire was mobilized, the energy of this violent machine was huge. In just three days, all the spies were captured and concentrated in a secret cell.

This cell, located in the level of God Hunting, is absolutely hidden, and only he knows what is inside. These detectives are not high in practice, because they are listening to the news and generally do not encounter danger.

Tens of thousands of detectives were gathered together, all locked up, and lost their resistance.

An executioner appeared before them and then beheaded one by one. For a time, the blood flowed into the river, and the corpse filled the ground, making the undead frightened.

When the last five people were killed, God hunted the Great Emperor to manifest himself, and stared coldly at these five people.

(Today's outbreak plan was accidentally disrupted, depressed, and tense in the remaining four days.)


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