Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1286: Ark attack

Chapter 1286: Ark Attack

Chapter 1286 Ark Attack

I have seen these five people who fell in the pool of blood one by one, with a look of fear on their faces, and scratching their heads toward the **** hunting Datianzun, begging for mercy, hoping to let them die. ┝ & 网 ,,

Before and after them, all were stumps and broken arms, exuding acrid blood. This seems to herald their end. They will die here today, and it is very ugly.

God hunting the Great Heavenly God said arbitrarily, "You guys are so daring and dare to run to the mixed empire to spy on the news. Today, you end up deserving the crime you deserve."

One of the five people couldn't help but exclaimed, "Don't kill us, kill us, it's not good for the mixed Yuan empire!"

God hunted Da Tianzun for a moment, and asked, "Killing you is not good for the mixed empire? What a nonsense, what are your five bad birds? Can it have such a big impact?"

That humanity: "Don't dare to lie to you. The mainland of Ark is investigating the attack on the Ark caravan and the robbing of several young masters. It is suspected that the Yuan Dynasty Empire did it. Therefore, we sent us to spy. I did not expect to be caught Up. "

God Hunting God asked strangely: "Doesn't your protagonist know that those fleets are indeed under the hands of the Hunyuan Empire, and how many of them are we tied?"

All five were startled, staring at God Hunt: "It turned out that you did it with the Yuan Empire, so brave!"

God Hunt sneered: "The Ark mainland is a fart. Our emperor is afraid of the Northern Alliance and will destroy the entire alliance in the future."

One smiled sadly and said, "It's worth the death to get the news. A few, I'll go first!"

Then, the person's plane suddenly exploded, and that life was transformed into a strange brilliance, flashed away. But it was at the cost of his life that he passed the news revealed by God Hunting God with mystery.

At the same instant, the three heads of the Ark mainland got the news.

The **** hunting the Great God pretended to be furious, and shouted: "Damn everything, die!" His big hands fiercely ### Down, to kill the remaining four people.

The four knew that they would die, and they all operated mysteries to spread the same message. However, the movement of three of them was a little slow, and they were directly shot dead by the **** hunting Datianzun.

The remaining two will also pass the message on.

After killing all the Ark mainland detectives, God Hunting Tian Tianzun smiled yin and yin, and then found a way to leave the mixed empire secretly for the first time and disappeared without a trace.

The Ark mainland, Wuyin, Fengrui, and Zhiyan are all three gods. At this moment, they are all killing themselves. They have just received the news and determined that the Hunyuan continent is under their hands.

"It really is him!" Fengrui Tianzun filled his anger with rage. "We don't have to discuss it anymore. We will immediately send troops to destroy Junyuan!"

Wuyin Tianzun also said arrogantly: "Yes, since it has been confirmed, then there is nothing to say, do it!"

Zhiyan Datianzun no longer hesitated at this moment, his sword frowns, and said: "We will rectify our troops separately, and use the army against the mixed Yuan empire three days later!"

Once the Ark continent is ready to fight, the 7th District of the Chamber of Commerce will know that the 12 leaders are very excited and secretly prepare soldiers and horses, and they will try to shoot at the appropriate time in an attempt to profit.

The mixed-yuan empire also had a hunch. After learning about the disappearance of the **** hunting prince, Li Ba immediately asked the situation, and immediately found a flaw in it, and informed Li Xing of this news.

With a little calculation, Li Xing's face changed greatly, and he said, "We have made a plan, I am afraid that the Ark mainland will arrive soon."

Li Ba was taken aback: "What did my father say? The Ark mainland wants to do something to us? How is this possible? Our warship business is less than half of its business in the seventh district, let alone its business in the four districts. The Chamber of Commerce cannot even reach one tenth of it. "

Li Xing sighed and said: "That **** hunt will destroy all the detectives on the Ark mainland, and there must be a plot. In addition, I have already heard that the Chamber of Commerce Chamber has secretly acquired many mixed yuan battleships. In addition, the Ark mainland and our company It is a competitive relationship. Combining these, the truth is ready to come out. The Ark mainland must have won the strategy of the Chamber of Commerce, so it can use a knife to kill people! "

Li Ba's temper was the hottest, and he smiled coldly, saying, "Only this knife is not so sharp, and it will be broken by us!"

Li Xing laughed: "That's right, I have been thinking a while ago that the warship business is the most profitable, if we can swallow the power of the ark continent, it will be greatly beneficial to us. I heard that the ark civilization is special, special The civilization that built the ship. If you can understand this civilization, the mixed Yuan battleship will be more complete and powerful. "

Li Badao said: "After years of development, the mixed-yuan empire has no fear of any forces on this one-third of the acre. Let's fight a beautiful battle and swallow up the ark continent!"

Li Xingdao: "The Ark mainland has done business for so many years and has accumulated so much that even the four chambers of commerce can't compare with it. The heritage is very deep. It will be difficult to destroy it and it needs to be fully prepared."

Li Ba couldn't help asking: "Can my father have a good policy?"

He has always trusted Li Xing very much. Now that he has said the above, he will definitely think of a countermeasure.

Li Xingdao: "The Ark mainland is undoubtedly strong. It is said that there is also an old ancestor sitting in the town, named Ming Yang, the ancestor, the cultivation is unfathomable.

Li Ba nodded: "Also, the three leaders of the Ark mainland are said to be all broken and powerful, with hundreds of super-plane warships, it is really difficult to deal with. Their ship civilization is well known to the world. The battleship was created by this civilization. "

Li Xing nodded: "Exactly, so to fight against it, we are not sure, we can only escape one way."

Li Ba frowned: "Are we really going to run away?"

"Of course not," Li Xing said, "you don't forget my other identity, the King of the Northern Wilderness."

Li Ba hesitated, then thought of something. He patted his head and smiled: "Yes! My father is the King of the Northern Famine in Heaven, and the Ark mainland's war against the mixed Yuan empire is to declare war on Heaven!"

Li Xingdao: "This is just a name. It can only scare a timid person, but it can't scare the superiors of the Ark mainland. Being a person in the heavens is only one reason, and the other is that the heavens must not tolerate the Yuan Empire Lost. "

"Why?" Li Ba asked.

"The truth is very simple. If Tianting wants to defeat the prefecture, they must control the four wastelands. The four wastelands and the eight kings are too disappointing to heaven, so the heavenly courts have bet all their bets on their fathers." Li Xingdao, "Wait, the Ark mainland dares , Heaven will send an army. "

Li Ba savored Li Xing's words and couldn't help but smile "Hehe" and said, "I really want to know, what kind of power will heaven go out to?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "If I am the Emperor of Heaven, I will imperial conspiracy."

Li Ba was startled: "Father, didn't you laugh?"

"You look like I'm kidding?" Li Xing glanced at him. "So you go back and prepare for me. Let's meet the big ones."

Three days later, the three men on the Ark mainland carried the wrath of Thunder, led all the warships, traversed the Ark mainland, and approached the mixed Yuan empire. The ark continent itself is a huge battleship with an attack power that surpasses that of the four versions of the mixed Yuan battleship, which can kill the triple-breaking Great Celestial Master!

In addition, there are 120 super-plane warships and 8 million advanced plane warships. In addition to the thousands of broken monks on the tens of billions of continents, millions of immortal deities, their combat power is far superior to the mixed Yuan Empire.

The black battleship approached, and the huge ark continent was regarded as a battleship, causing tremendous pressure before all the battleships. On the battleship, three great figures manifested are the three great celestial deities, including Wuyin, Zhiyan and Fengrui.

The three big men are watching the 2.3 billion continent of the Hunyuan Empire. The more they look, the more their brows are locked. Zhi Zhi said: "You see, these continents are controlled by a mysterious force, it seems to be the power of civilization."

"Is it the civilized field?" Feng Rui Datianzhuang frowned, his face shocked.

"I've heard that this person is a civilized god, but he didn't expect his civilization to be so brilliant, it should be a civilization with an intermediate level of six or above!" Wuyin grand **** took a breath of air, "No wonder Ming Yang ancestor would say that Then, if this person grows up, it is truly terrifying! "

"But even if he is a genius, he can't escape today, who can save him?" Fengrui Tianzun quickly adjusted his psychology, said Yin.

At this moment, the light of billions of civilizations emerged from the mixed Yuan empire, and that Guanghua condensed into an image of Li Xing. He is a young man with a perfectly shapely body, noble temperament, and handsomeness.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Three came from afar, what's your advice?"

Zhiyan Datianzun yelled: "Hunyuan, don't pretend to be garlic, let our descendants quickly, otherwise today will be the time when the Hunyuan Empire will fall!"

Li Xing laughed: "Three good friends are also masters who are broken and heavy. How can they be cheated casually? The Hunyuan Empire has never dealt with your descendants, nor has it done anything else that harms the Ark mainland. This For one thing, you should be able to imagine that it was a conspiracy set up by the people of the Chamber of Commerce. "

Wuyin Tianzun Yin Yin said: "Today the army is out. No matter what you say, whether it makes sense, you can't change the outcome of the demise. Now, you only need to surrender the person, and then surrender, maybe there is a way to live."

Li Xing sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ and shrugged, saying: "Unfortunately, the three relied on their powerful strength and were unreasonable and unreasonable. This made the emperor very disappointed."

"Mixed Yuan, don't bother with your lips and surrender immediately, otherwise you know the consequences." Fengrui Tianzun also yelled loudly.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Several people seem to have overlooked the fact that this great emperor is the King of the Northern Wasteland who is close to heaven. Do you not kill me if you kill me?"

After hearing that, Fengrui Tianzun laughed as if he heard the best jokes in the world.

(Can't say sorry to the students first, and expressed a bottleneck in depression. Obviously there is time, but I can't write it, it's been a week. So in recent days, write two chapters a day, and make up for it slowly. Make up At that time, there were three thousand words chapters, and thirty-three chapters, about 100,000 words. Counting this month, it can be more than 300,000 words, not a lot. Give me some time, anyway, I will make up this month, Ca n’t make up, I committed suicide in order to thank Zhujun. In addition, this chapter is here. During the fever, the hospital found fatty liver today and was sad. The doctor said not to stay up late, otherwise it would easily lead to cirrhosis.)


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