Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1287: Heavenly Emperor visits

Chapter 1287: The Emperor Heaven Comes

Chapter 1287

After hearing the words, Fengrui Tianzun laughed as if he heard the best jokes in the world. Zhixing pointed to Li Xing and said, "Hunyuan, you are really naive. If not for luck, what is heaven? Send troops for your little King of the Northern Wilderness, we don't look at it! "

"Really? People in Beihuang are crazy!"

A majestic voice sounded, and countless warships appeared in the back of the mixed empire. Standing in front of the battleship, a magnificent arrogant figure stood proudly, revealing the supreme momentum, it seems that he can reach thousands of troops.

Before Xingying, Bingma Tiantian looked indifferent. He brought a sword in his hand. Although it was not unsheathed, the sword was already aggressive. It can be seen that this sword is definitely an innate magic weapon, and it is at least a two-fold broken realm.

With a sword in hand, the momentum of the Bingma Tianzun soared to the height of double fragmentation. Before that, it was from his mouth.

On the side of the ark, the three leaders were taken aback. They were totally surprised that the heavenly court would really appear here! Zhiyan Datian Shen Shen said: "Here is the north shortage, not heaven!"

The soldier and horse sighed coldly, and stunned him, turned to pay homage to that great long shadow master, and said: "Please order from the emperor!"

This ghost figure is actually the emperor! The Supreme Master of Heaven!

"Sword slave, sword slave." Tiandi's voice sounded ethereal and uncertain, and the order of heaven and earth followed the rhythm of his voice.

There were two people suddenly appearing beside him. Both of them are like young people, a domineering cold and a sharp and sharp. In Li Xing's eyes, he couldn't see through the cultivation of the two, and was shocked.

"Sword slaves are here!"

"Sword slave!"

Heavenly Emperor said: "You two help each other to eliminate rebellion."

"Yes!" The two responded, both standing behind Bingma Dayian.

The ecstasy flashed in the eyes of Bingma Datianzun, coldly toward the three big Tianzun of Zhiyan: "Three of you, immediately surrender the Ark mainland to surrender, otherwise you will be besieged by the heavenly army and all killed!"

The three chiefs of the ark suddenly became furious, and Wuyin Tianzun shouted, "A big breath! Even if the Emperor is here, we can't do anything to us!"

Bingma Datianzun's face was cold, and Jiji reprimanded: "Sword slave, this man is very vocal, ignore the majesty of heaven, kill it!"

The sword slave stood up and opened his mouth with a sword light. This sword is light, dark and gloomy. It is only three inches long and has a restrained atmosphere, which makes people see nothing extraordinary.

Wuyin Tianzun hid in the huge battleship of the ark continent and heard sneer: "No one has ever been able to destroy the ark battleship. I'll see how he kills me!"

At this time, the gray sword light "Silk" disappeared, and the next moment was outside the Ark battleship. Just listening to the sound of "噗", Jian Guang easily tore off the shield of the battleship, crossed a distant distance, and appeared on the neck of Wuyin Datianzhuang.

When Jianguang walked around, Wuyin Datianzun's head fell to the ground, the jade **** panicked out, and then he was surrounded by Jianguang and turned into fly ash. Before dying, the severely shattered celestial deity only uttered a sharp and scream.

After killing Wuyin, Jianguang flashed back.

Zhiyan Datianzun and Fengrui Datianzun were shocked at the scene, couldn't believe their eyes, did they kill people in one move? Even the five-voice Datianzun had no chance to respond, and could not display the ancient life-saving amulets left by the ancestor Ming Yang.

Jian Guang returned, and Bingma Tiantian said coldly, "Give you another chance, surrender immediately, or die!"

Zhiyan and the sharp face are as dead as they have just seen each other's power, and they can break through the defense of the Ark battleship and kill them. This is too scary! Moreover, this is just a sword slave in front of Celestial! Wouldn't it be more horrifying if the Emperor shot himself?

They now understand that heaven has not only luck, but also terrifying power! The realm of that sword slave is very high, it may be a supreme figure above five broken!

At this time, Li Xing's Jiuyang rushed out of the mixed Yuan empire and fell in front of Marshal Bing Ma. He respectfully met with the emperor: "Wei Chen Li Xing, see Emperor Tian!"

Tiandi nodded slightly, and said, "You are very good. With each avatar, you have a broken power, good, good."

Tiandilian said two "good" words, which shocked Bingma Datianzun. You know, in his lifetime, he has never seen a man like Tian Di praise him.

Li Xingdao: "The Emperor has won a prize." Then he said, "The people in the Ark mainland have no heaven, and they must not be spared. Please ask Emperor to allow Weichen to compile their warships, so as to expand the territory of the heaven."

Heavenly Emperor said: "The Ark mainland will be left to your disposal."

Li Xing was overjoyed, turned around, and shouted, "Don't you still surrender, do you want to be cut under the sword one by one?"

Bingma Datianzun yelled, "Sword slave! Sword slave! The two will not surrender, they will be killed immediately!"

Suddenly, two lines of killings faintly locked Zhiyan Datianzun and Fengrui Datianzun, and they knew nothing when they were cold. If the other party starts, they will be in danger and they will never escape that blow!

"At this point, surrender." Zhiyan Datianzhuang sighed, and the first one to step out of the battleship and appeared before Bingma Datianzun.

Subsequently, Fengrui Tianzun also looked dark, and then came out. Behind them, all battleships were also released from combat.

Bingma Datianzun said indifferently: "It's your two to know the practice, or you will have been beheaded. Sword slaves and sword slaves are both eightfold broken realms, which you can't resist!"

Zhiyan Da Tianzun and Feng Rui Da Tianzun had a cold heart, and secretly rejoiced that they hadn't fight hard, otherwise this would have turned into a dead body, and the ancient amulet of the ancestor could not save them!

Li Xing stepped forward and shouted, "You two, you will be all-out loyal to me in the future!" After saying that, he stretched out his hand, and countless predatory fighters were sent into the two-person plane and began to control.

In front of the sword slave and sword slave, Zhiyan and Fengrui did not dare to resist, but stared resentfully at Li Xing. But it didn't take long for them to have a look of fear on their faces. This was because the looters had grown into looting ancient trees and began to take over their broken planes.

Ten can't breathe, and the two big deities who broke up one by one lost their consciousness and became war puppets in the hands of Li Xing. However, because the plundering of the ancient trees has evolved to perfection, these two princes are very intelligent and can replace the previous Zhiyan and Fengrui to do things and control the Ark continent.

Regarding Li Xing's approach, Bingma Tiantian has no objection, and laughed: "King of the Northern Wilderness, you have the power of the Ark mainland, and your power is more than doubled. How can you thank Heaven?"

Li Xing knew that Marshal Bingma was implying that he was loyal. He stunned the emperor and said, "Wei Chen must do everything he can to drive the power of the local government out of the wasteland!"

This sentence, when it comes to ideas, is what Emperor Tian wants to hear, and the latter nodded and nodded: "Okay, do n’t hesitate to make a difference, and save you once." towards."

Li Xinggong sent the emperor to drive away, and immediately set about receiving the power of the Ark mainland.

Zhiyan Datianzun and Fengrui Datianzun have been controlled by Li Xing and become his puppets. With these two people, he has actually mastered the entire Ark continent.

Just when the ark was destroyed, Xuanming Datianzun and other 12 leaders of the 7th District of the Chamber of Commerce were observing the war between the Hunyuan Empire and the Ark mainland through a "peeking eye".

However, as soon as the Emperor appeared that day, the eyes of the peeping exploded, which surprised everyone.

"What's going on? How could the peeping eye explode?" Xuanming Datianzun exclaimed. This peeping eye is a broken instrument, and it has never been missed.

The head of the sigh sighed and said, "A big man has appeared, and the peeping eye cannot bear its power, so it is destroyed."

"What kind of person will it be?" Hong Yun Dayzun asked, "There don't seem to be any powerful people nearby."

"It should be a person from heaven." The head of his head frowned tightly. "When I was designing, I was worried that heaven would intervene in it. Today, heaven court really did."

Xuanming Grand Celestial Master: "The Emperor Yuanyuan is the King of the Northern Wasteland in Heaven's Seal, and Heaven's intervention is also reasonable. However, I never imagined that Heaven would send such a powerful person, I don't know who it is."

The head of state: "If heaven intervenes, things will definitely be reversed and the ark continent will be destroyed. We must be careful. The next goal of the mixed Yuan empire should be us."

Everyone was shocked. If the mixed empire ate the Ark continent with the help of heaven, the power would inevitably increase, and it would not be impossible to destroy their seven districts.

"Head of state, we must think of a way out, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in the future and worry about revenge on the mixed Yuan Empire day and night."

The head of state was silent for a moment, and said, "For the sake of today, we can only ask for a shot."

"But, why did you ask us above?" Xuanming Datianzun sighed. "We tried it a long time ago. As a result, everyone saw it, let us handle it ourselves."

"That's because our strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ didn't use any ideas." The head of state said, "This time, we went directly to the head of the head of the son, they all have great power, as long as we are willing to bleed , Those boys will definitely help us. "

(I haven't read the book review for a few days, I looked at it today, and I heard a scold, which suddenly made my heart sink. I think this time, I really feel sorry for you, ### By now, ### is not small during this time? It has been more than fifty days, and an average of about 10,000 characters a day. ###. It is precisely because of setting goals again and again that we can ### so many. Even if the little demon is procrastinating, but the original intention is good, I will always remember to pay the bill. In fact, I have done this kind of thing in an old book before, and it is still unpopular at that time. I will someday As soon as I was excited, I suddenly decided how many chapters in this month ###. At the beginning, it was really exciting, but because of myself or because of things, sometimes I had to drag back. In fact, I was more depressed than everyone at this time because I lost faith in People ’s feelings are not good. I have a feeling of being mixed with water. Today I introspected myself and realized that this way of making a decision on the head is very unreasonable. I apologize to everyone here because my approach has disappointed everyone. Sorry. In the future, the little demon will say less and do more to strengthen self-discipline. In the future How many chapters would not have committed, best for you, so thank greatly have been chasing the book again, I wish you liking life and good luck.)


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