Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1288: Empire grows

Chapter 1288 The Empire Grows

Chapter 1288

When everyone's eyes brightened, it seemed that they saw hope. Hong Yun Datian said: "The head of state is right. The heads of several leaders have not only cultivated high strength, but have also established powerful forces. character."

The head said: "Right now, the seven districts should be careful not to clash with the mixed Yuan empire. Now it is strong enough, and it is not time for us to control life and death."

It is said that the mixed empire is celebrating victory at the moment. This time, the soldiers occupied the entire Ark continent without blood, which greatly enhanced the strength of the empire.

Through the memory of Zhiyan Tianzun and Fengrui Tianzun, Li Xing had a general understanding of the situation on the mainland of Zhou. The ark continent, with 13.6 billion continents under its jurisdiction, has countless living people, and has abundant resources, such as a master.

Among them, what most inspired the empire was the accumulation of the Ark mainland. The business of the Ark mainland spans the four districts of the Chamber of Commerce, and over the years, it has accumulated a large amount of good fortune and treasures.

Li Xing made a rough calculation. If all these inventories were converted into a heavy broken Dan, the value would be about 860 million!

A heavy broken dan is actually a kind of great fortune, but it is a combination of the power of a big broken celestial body and higher quality. One fortune, one fortune, can be exchanged for two thousand broken fortunes. And a broken big fortune Dan, you can exchange about 50,000 immortal fortune.

Therefore, one piece of broken Dan can be exchanged for about 100 million immortal great fortune Dan! Then, 860 million major fortunes can be exchanged for more than 800 billion immortal great fortunes. This is an astronomical figure and it is shocking.

We must know that the Li Xing's Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce now has a profit of several trillion trillion immortal petrochemicals a year, and it takes many years to accumulate to reach this amount.

Moreover, this does not count as a battleship on the Ark mainland. The Ark mainland is best known for its warships, including more than 8.87 million high-level battleships and 120 super-plane battleships.

There is also the entire Ark continent. It is also a giant version of a super-plane battleship. Its power is more than twenty times that of a general super-plane battleship. It is very scary.

The reason why the Ark mainland can build so many powerful warships, the Gain Ark civilization, and a treasure on the Ark mainland, the heart of the Ark. The heart of this ark is said to be the dirty one that survived after the lord of the ark fell.

The heart of the Ark has a strange ability. As long as it provides enough fortune and materials, it can assemble warships by itself. The more precious the materials, the stronger the warships it builds.

Li Xing attaches great importance to the heart of this ark. He is building a civilized warship. If he can understand the heart of the ark, he will certainly enhance the power of the civilized warship.

The heart of the Ark is a flowing brilliance, it is very large, with a diameter of more than billions of miles.

At this moment, this talent was moved by Li Xing before the ancient tree of civilization. Guanghua represents the inheritance of the ark civilization. The ancient civilization tree was immediately shocked, issued hundreds of millions of beards, pierced into the light group, and began to draw its power.

There are 13.6 billion continents, which is more than six times the number of continent empires now. It is a huge process to take over them completely. Thanks to the existence of civilized fields, Li Xing was not allowed to devote all his energy to this matter.

A conservative estimate is that it will take at least sixty years for the Hunyuan Empire to fully control this 13.6 billion continent.

In the process of taking over the ark power, many warships quickly became the combat power of the mixed Yuan empire, which made the mixed Yuan empire quickly rise to the first force in the seventh district, even the Chamber of Commerce Alliance could not compare with it.

However, now Li Xing has no time to go to the trouble of the Chamber of Commerce, because he must first digest this piece of fat from the Ark mainland before he can go back to do other things.

After receiving the battleship, Li Xing refined the Ark continent and converted it into the fifth version of the mixed Yuan battleship, which was used to replace the Tiandu warship. In contrast, the Battleship Tiandu is a small witch and a big witch.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is not really the fifth version of the mixed yuan battleship. The real five version of the battleship will be equipped with a large number of broken ancient guns.

The so-called first-class broken ancient cannon is an ancient cannon built by Li Xing based on the thirty-three heavy broken realms. This cannon is essentially an ancient cannon in the plane, which can kill a large broken celestial spear in power.

However, this gun is still being tested and cannot be used in actual combat, but it is not far from the day it was born.

After the Ark battleship was refined, all 120 super-plane warships were merged into it, which led to the number of super-plane cannons on it reaching 100,000!

Think about it. What kind of scene would be when 100,000 super plane ancient guns fired at the same time? Not to mention the shattered Great Celestial Master, even those who are triple-broken, or even quadruple-broken, have to turn around and run, and definitely dare not resist it.

In addition, a thousand broken cannons were erected on the Ark battleship. Broken ancient artillery, as the name suggests, is an ancient artillery with a broken series. It is a transition product between a super plane ancient artillery and a first-class broken three artillery.

The destruction of a broken ancient cannon is absolutely ten times that of a super plane ancient cannon. It can pose a threat to a heavy broken celestial statue, but its power is not as high as that of a broken ancient cannon.

The most important thing to receive the Ark mainland is to receive the sales channels that the Ark mainland has established over the years. The warships on the Ark mainland are unparalleled. All four nearby chambers of commerce will buy it and distribute it.

At the same time, the Ark mainland not only engages in the wholesale of warships, but also the retailing of warships. It also has a huge sales network. Now, this network belongs to Li Xing.

Inheriting the huge sales channels of the Ark mainland, the warship business of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce suddenly grew, and sales soared nearly seven times overnight! Moreover, in addition to the seven districts, the other three chambers of commerce alliances are continuing to do business with Ark Mainland.

Time flies, ten years are fleeting. At this time, the mixed yuan empire has not been able to fully accept everything from the Ark mainland, but the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce has made great progress in this decade.

Nowadays, several districts in the seventh district of the Chamber of Commerce have been squeezed out. Two-thirds of the business has been done by the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce. The seventh district has taken over the remaining one-third of the business, which is difficult.

For ten years, Li Xing was paying close attention to the Chamber of Commerce. As he expected, the Chamber of Commerce was very honest. He never bothered him anymore, and even deliberately avoided conflicts with the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce in business.

However, he also found that several major figures in the chamber of commerce alliance went out to the headquarters of the alliance several times and seemed to be making several real figures. In this regard, Li Xing didn't take it seriously. He knew more about the Chamber of Commerce, which is a huge organization with low efficiency. Moreover, if it is not the ten core regions, the alliance will not care about its life and death, it will only extract profits.

Compared with the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, there is another thing that makes Li Xing quite reassuring, and that is the news of the great deity of war.

The Great Demon of War came from the abyss of the ransom. He had aggressively attacked Makino Pass and fought a battle with Li Xing, but was finally shocked by Bayu Great Deity. I haven't seen it for many years, and now he has actually entered the Northern Wilderness, and he is fighting for the hegemony.

It is worth mentioning that the Great Heavenly Lord of War did not know what adventures he had achieved, and he has made rapid progress, and now he has entered a state of dual fragmentation. This person has extraordinary means, and a war civilization is built in the plane.

He currently controls more than a dozen forces, and the territory is ten times larger than that of Li Xing. Because he possesses a civilization of war, he can evolve the field of civilization like Li Xing, use it to assimilate many continents, and turn it into a country of war.

These war nations are no small feats, capable of producing war machines and assisting them to fight the Quartet. In the list of newcomers to the Northern Wilderness, his ranking has been above Li Xing. At present, Li Xing's ranking is one hundred and thirty-eight, and the Great War Zunzu ranks nineteenth.

Although I heard the news of the Great Lord of War, there was no conflict because the two sides were far apart. However, the War Chamber of Commerce established by the Great Lord of War has gradually extended its tentacles to the scope controlled by Li Xing.

The War Chamber of Commerce sells all war items, such as war crossbows, war ships, war cannons, and so on. Therefore, for the time being, the Chamber of Commerce in War cannot compete with the four deserted commercial lands, and Li Xing did not take it seriously.

However, the War Chamber of Commerce also has its special features, which attracts a considerable number of customers. In response to this, Li Xing's Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce has engaged in fierce competition with them, and they are incapable of fighting for war consumables. At present, the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce has an absolute advantage.

Compared with the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, the War Chamber of Commerce can provide a full set of war weapons, with complete matching. This is the virtue of war civilization. Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce are mostly warships.

Everything in the mixed yuan empire is on track and is developing rapidly. Over time, it will become a powerful force and rise strongly.

Huhu was still quiet for several years ~ www.readwn.com ~, but it was broken by the appearance of the messenger of Sumiland.

It turned out that in recent years, the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce has been selling warships to the continents of the gods, and has given great discounts on prices. Sometimes, Li Xing even sold some abandoned warships for one or even two percent off.

As a result, the strength of the pure land of the gods continued to increase, and finally began to completely suppress Putuo Lingshan. Continue to develop according to the current situation, and within a few years, the pure land of the gods can win the Putuo Lingshan.

The background of Putuo Lingshan is Xumi Pure Land. After knowing the situation, the latter believes that the key lies in the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, so he sends a messenger.

Li Xing met the messenger of Xumi Pure Land in the Hall of Mixed Yuan and gave high-standard reception. This land must be cleansed. It belongs to the forces inherited by advanced civilization, and it is not necessary to offend.

There were three messengers sent by Xumi Pure Land, one was 500 million steps broken, one was 600 million steps broken, and the strongest one was one billion steps broken strong.


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