Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1290: 3 treasure patriarch

Chapter 1290: Three Treasure Patriarchs

Chapter 1290: Three Treasure Patriarchs

Suddenly, the people of the Sambo family were shocked. A dozen ray of light flew across the air, and a monk appeared in front of Li Ba and Sanqing. . . ┌ These people are all masters of the Sambo family. They saw Li Ba ### 's courage and screamed: "Bold, who are you, and dare to go to the Sambo family's territory!"

Sanqing Datianzun took a look at Li Ba, knowing that the grandfather was so bad-tempered that he would open up a killing ring, and hurried forward: "Some, it's me that Sanqing is back. This is Li Gongzi. "

As soon as Li Ba's palm was flipped, the courageous Tianzun was dropped to the ground, and he rolled a few times before standing up. He glared at Li Ba fiercely, and then pointed at Sanqing Datian and cursed: "Sanqing, how dare you, collusion with outsiders, and deal with your family!"

The dozen or so people who came here naturally knew Sanqing Datianzun, and their faces were not very good-looking. One person said, "Sanqing, you have been exiled, and the time has not expired. How dare you return?"

Sanqingdao: "I'm here to discuss matters with the patriarch. Please take me to see the patriarch."

"Huh! You shouldn't come back before the time is up. And, no matter if this man is Li Gongzi or Zhang Gongzi, he dares to punish the people of the Sambo family, and we should be punished!" It is necessary to start with Li Ba.

Li Ba was very impatient and immediately released a broken power. A violent breath surging around, all of these dozen people were shaken and flew, and then lay down one by one, unable to move. Even a few were low, and the nose and mouth had begun to bleed.

Sanqing Datianzun sighed and said, "Daddy, forget it, don't embarrass them, let's meet the patriarch."

Li Badao said: "Sanqing, you are really unfavorable in doing things, why bother talking with these little people and see your patriarch directly?"

Sanqing nodded: "The grandson learned the lesson, let's go now."

Immediately, the two rushed to the patriarch's residence and ignored the dozen or so people lying on the ground. After they left, these talents reacted, and one trembled, "Is that man a broken Heavenly Supreme? The momentum on his body is really terrifying, not even the patriarch is so powerful."

Yongli Tiantianzhuang's face was very ugly, saying: "Sanqing is going to reverse. He brought a master and didn't know what the idea was." He turned his eyes, "I will immediately inform the Gongming family about this matter. Knowing that Sanqing is back, the Gongming family will not let him go! "

These people were embarrassed by Li Ba's momentum. They were so scared that they were justified in doing so, and they all agreed to let Da Tianzun to notify the Gongming family.

On the other side, Li Ba and Sanqing soon arrived at the residence of the patriarch. This is a beautiful mountain environment, which belongs to the top of the Sambo family. Only the patriarchs and elders in the tribe can come here.

Sanqing Datianzun knew that if he did not show his strength, the family members would not wait to see him, so he released the breath of immortal Datianzun and said loudly: "Sanqing is back, save the patriarch!"

Suddenly, in the magnificent building complex in the mountains, three brilliance rushed up and three people appeared. All three were immortal figures, all of whom Sanqing recognized. They are all elders in the clan, second only to the clan.

Sanqing quickly stepped forward to salute, saying: "Sanqing has met three elders."

One of them must have white hair, his face gloomy and ugly, and said coldly, "Do you dare to come back in advance and think that the clan will not deal with you?"

Sanqingdao: "Elder, when I come back this time, there are important things to do, and I need to see the patriarch immediately."

"Presumptuous! You are a junior, and you are a sinner again, why is the patriarch willing to see you? Leave quickly, otherwise leave the three of us unwelcome!" The elder retorted harshly.

Sanqing sighed and said, "Even if the three elders block, the junior still wants to see the patriarch."


The second elder was furious and waved to Sanqing Datianzun. Seeing this momentum, he is very powerful. Sanqing sighed and did not dodge. After all, he was a member of the Sanbao family and could not start with Changdi.

But Li Ba didn't have so much scruples, angrily: "Old things give shame to his face!" He flew to Sanqing in a flash, and the power of terror forced the elder's palm to fail. However, he slaps his back, slaps directly on the other's face, and makes a crackling sound.


The three elders were frightened, one by one, scared to stay in place, afraid to move. It turned out that the breath released by Li Ba directly locked them, making it difficult to move their fingers, let alone to fight back.

Li Ba slaps the elder, slaps them twice, and slaps them on the faces of the second and third elders, and then says fiercely, "One more thing, I've knocked you!"

No one would dare to doubt his words. With such powerful strength, he could indeed easily kill the three elders, making the latter afraid to resist in the slightest.

Sanqing Datianzun was very embarrassed. Although he knew that Li Ba had a bad temper, he didn't expect such irritability, so he directly pumped three elders with his mouth. He hurriedly said, "My grandson, the patriarch must be below, we don't have to worry about them, we'll see the patriarch now."

Li Ba gave a cold hum, and his big hand turned over, and a force shrouded it. The three immortal celestial beings all felt tight, and suddenly they became the size of their fingers, and they were sucked into the palm by Li Ba.

He said in a deep voice: "Matriarch, if you don't come out, I will pinch the three elders immediately!"

Sanqing Datianzun is completely speechless, but he has to admit that this method is effective, because an old man slowly walked out of the void, he glanced at Sanqing Datianzun and said: "Sanqing, you are prosperous, bring a master Go and bully your own people. "

Li arrogant: "Old man, Sanqing and I are here to send you riches, don't be so ignorant."

Sanqing Datian paid tribute to the patriarch and said: "Cpatriarch, I will come back this time to tell you something." Pointing at Li, "This is the son of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty."

The patriarch said indifferently: "I haven't heard of any emperor of Yuan Dynasty, and I don't know any sons. Where you come from and where you go, you will not give away the old. But leave before leaving."

Li Ba frowned: "You old man doesn't know how to uphold." He threw away the three elders and said to Sanqing, "Let's go and go directly to the Jade Emperor, without going through this group of old guys."

Sanqing Datian smiled bitterly. He knew Li Ba's temper and would not change his words. He gave a tribute to the patriarch and the three elders, and said, "So, Sanqing has left."

The elder of the clan moved in his heart and said, "Slow." He stopped in front of Sanqing and asked, "You want to see the emperor?"

Sanqingdao: "Yes, I'm here on behalf of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce to discuss business. The Shihuang Chamber of Commerce is willing to provide a large number of warships to the Jade Emperor Wonderland at a low price for a long time."

The patriarch froze for a while, and seemed to think of something, saying, "The Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce you said, but the one who defeated the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce recently?"

Sanqing Dao: "The patriarchs already knew, exactly. Our emperor learned that Wonderland was fighting the Xumi Pure Land, so we decided to assist the Jade Emperor Wonderland and suppress Xumi Pure Land, so he sent me here."

The patriarch and the three elders suddenly realized that this was an opportunity for the Sambo family to fly Huang Tengda, and they realized that their previous words were too heavy. The other party did come with good intentions, but they were very uncooperative at the beginning.

After a change of thought, the patriarch smiled slightly and said to Li Pa: "This friend, I have misunderstood before. Please go down and discuss it in detail."

Li Ba said indifferently: "I said that I have no interest in talking to you and let the way go."

The patriarch looked embarrassed. He winked at Sanqing Datianzun, who turned his face when he didn't see it.

The elder looked down and said, "Without the help of the Three Treasures, you want to see the Jade Emperor. That's a silly dream. It's impossible."

Li arrogantly: "Seeing or not seeing has nothing to do with you." He stepped out, and a few forces pushed away a few people, and he would leave with Sanqing Datianzun.

The patriarch of Sanbao was anxious and yelled, "Slow!"

Li Ba was impatient and shouted, "Why, do you want to stay?" Then, he released a terrifying momentum, the collapse of the void, and the trembling of the heavens, forcing four immortal characters to retreat at the same time, feeling terrified Dare not speak.

As Li Ba and Sanqing were about to leave, a female voice came from below: "Brother Qing, are you back?"

Li Ba looked down and saw a woman in plain clothes, but with a beautiful appearance. She looked at Sanqing Datianzhuang madly and hurried up. The latter trembled, looked at the woman, and moved his lips a few times, but said nothing.

Li Ba couldn't help laughing, "Sanqing, is this your woman?"

Sanqing Datianzun sighed and said, "When I was exiled, I was still a boy with a strong voice. She was my lover at that time. We will meet together to cultivate and grow old."

Li Ba laughed: "That's the case, then you won't leave." He told the chief of the three treasures, "Old man, if you are willing to abdicate and let Xian, and Sanqing assume the position of patriarch, I can consider working with you."

Beyond Li Ba's expectation, the patriarch of Sambo just thought a little, and said, "Okay, the old man is willing to let Yin!"

What Sanqing Datianzun said to Li Ba ~ www.readwn.com ~ what to do, he didn't care at all, all his attention was on the woman. When they approached, they stared at each other for a long time.

Li Ba said, "Sanqing, you go and have a relationship with a woman, and the rest is up to me." In other words, he went back to the palace with the patriarch to talk.

The Sambo family realized that this was an opportunity for the Sambo family to rise, so the patriarch was willing to give up the position. At this moment, they are very polite to Li Ba, and they must be called "boys."

"Li Gongzi, I have heard the name of the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce for a long time. I wonder what kind of warships you can provide to Wonderland?" The chief asked with a smile.

The Jade Emperor Wonderland is far away from the mixed Yuan Empire, so the understanding of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce is limited to rumors, not very well.

Hearing, Li arrogantly said: "The chamber of commerce can provide super-planar warships. The power of such warships, presumably you all know, can kill and break."

(Today chapter)


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