Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1291: Komei family

Chapter 1291 Gongming Family

Chapter 1291 Gongming Family

Upon hearing this, everyone in the Sambo family was surprised, looked at each other, and saw surprises in each other's eyes. ┌

Li Ba swept through a few people and said indifferently: "The Four Famine Chambers not only provide warships, but also sell them to the Jade Emperor Wonderland at a cost price, and how many are required."

"Cost price?" A few people stayed, can't believe their ears. They knew, however, that the warship business was a profiteering industry, costing less than a third of the selling price.

If the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce is willing to sell it at a cost price, then Jade Emperor Wonderland can buy three times more warships with the same good fortune, which will greatly enhance the strength of Jade Emperor Wonderland. How to make them unhappy?

An elder couldn't believe what Li Ba said was true, and could not help asking: "Li Gongzi, the configuration of the Super Plane battleships is very different. I don't know what the configuration of your chamber of commerce is, and what is the price?"

Li Ba had already prepared and stretched out his palm, and a model of a super-plane battleship appeared in the palm of his hand, explaining to everyone: "The super-plane battleships manufactured by the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce have forty super planes in attack. Artillery. In terms of defense, there is a super plane shield that can withstand the attack of a broken character. "

Everyone heard that their eyes were lighted up. Forty super plane cannons really belonged to the mainstream configuration of super plane cannons. The Shihuang Chamber of Commerce did not contain water.

"As for the price, if it is sold normally, such a super-plane warship will sell at least three trillion immortal Kawakudan. However, if it is purchased by Jade Emperor Wonderland, we only charge one trillion immortal Kawakudan, which is the cost price . "

As soon as this statement was made, no one suspected that Li Ba was deceiving them, because such a warship is indeed worth this price, and one trillion is absolutely close to the cost price, and they are very satisfied.

In fact, these people do not know that with the help of the ancient ship, the cost of this type of super-plane warship is about 600 billion yuan. The Shihuang Chamber of Commerce still makes money. It is not trading at a loss, but just making less.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Li Ba knew that it was done. He smiled slightly and said, "Quantitatively, as long as you need it, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce can provide at least five superplane warships every month."

"Okay! Good!" The patriarch was flushed with excitement, and raised his fist. "Your Majesty the Jade Emperor must be very happy, and will be a senior Sambo family."

Feeling that these people were almost excited, Li Ba suddenly said again, "However, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce also has conditions."

The patriarch stunned and said quickly: "Of course, of course, it is not profitable and early, what conditions do you have, despite the proposal, the Jade Emperor Wonderland will be fully satisfied."

Li Badao: "First, I hope that the Jade Emperor Wonderland can increase its attack on Xumi Pure Land so that it will not have a chance to breathe."

The patriarch thought for a while and said, "If you can really provide such a high-quality and cheap super-plane warship, and if there is a sufficient amount, the Jade Emperor will definitely agree, because with the warship, the attack power can naturally be improved."

Li Ba continued: "Second, because the materials used to make warships are not easy to buy, I hope that the Jade Emperor Wonderland can do its best to sell materials to the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, and also sell them at cost."

The patriarch thought for a while and nodded: "This is not difficult. The Jade Emperor Wonderland has also established a chamber of commerce called the Jade Emperor Chamber of Commerce, which is mainly to serve Wonderland. If you need it, the Jade Emperor Chamber of Commerce should be able to ask you for your price Party to provide materials. "

"Third, the Jade Emperor Wonderland must allow the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce to trade in your land and give preferential policies." Li Badao, "the above three points, there is no room for negotiation. If you are willing, then you can cooperate, not willing to It's okay, just treat yourself as not coming. "

The patriarch said: "These three conditions are not excessive, presumably the Jade Emperor will agree. However, the final result depends on the meaning of the Jade Emperor. Please wait for a few days for Li Gongzi to go to the Jade Palace. , Ask what your Majesty means. "

Li domineering: "Then there is labor, I can wait."

When Li Ba discussed the cooperation, Sanqing Datianzun was standing with the woman on a quiet mountain top, exchanging heartfelt opinions.

With a faint smile on his face, Sanqing Datian said, "Little leaves, I haven't seen you for a long time. When I left, you were only 13 years old. At that time, you always lay on my back and let me carry you. Flying all over the sky. "

The pretty face of the woman also showed a look of nostalgia, saying, "Brother Qing, you were not big then, only sixteen years old. At that time, you were a genius in the family, and you are already a great old man at an early age. This incident also alarmed the patriarch. "

San Qing: "Unfortunately, after I entered the Promise, I had to fly with you both, but accidentally killed a descendant of the Gongming family and made a big disaster. The patriarch did not want me to die, so I was exiled to ten discipline."

"Brother Qing, do you hate the patriarch?" Xiao Yezai asked.

"Of course don't hate, the patriarch is saving me. He should understand that after the tenth century, my cultivation is enough to fight against the Gongming family, and it is long enough, there should be no more danger. He is protecting me, I My heart is clear. "Sanqing Datianzun said.

"Brother Qing, but it's only after the Third Age, and you haven't come back before the time is up." Xiao Yeye looked at him worriedly, "Gongming's family will definitely embarrass you."

Sanqing Datianzun snorted coldly: "What is Gongming's family doing now? I can blow it off with a sigh of relief. You can rest assured, Xiaoye, I will be fine."

The little leaf appeared surprised: "Brother Qing, is your master really so powerful?"

The expression of admiration on the face of Sanqing Datianzun was extremely admirable, saying, "Little leaf, you have not seen the Lord, so you cannot imagine his greatness. Hundreds of years ago, the Lord was only a small person. Because, you can be his guardian. But now, the lord's avatar has a broken power, do you say it is not great? "

Xiao Ye took a breath of cold air and said, "Sure enough, it is only a few hundred years. Is it a heavy break? If you give him the first and even third period, wouldn't he have to step into supreme fragmentation?"

The Sanqing Datianzun smiled "Hehe": "If the Three Ages are not used, I can guarantee that in the Yin and Yang era, the Lord can become the supreme figure."

The two were talking, and when they heard a cold hum in the distance, they saw that Yongtian Tianzhuang brought three monks to the place. Each of those three people is a master of immortality, with a terrifying breath.

The courageous Datianzun pointed far from Sanqing and said, "It is Gongming's family who killed the genius of your family."

These three people are all ninety-six and seven calamities, and the courageous master believes that with these three masters, Sanqing will be eliminated. However, the three people who came here didn't think so, because they all felt that Sanqing Datianzun was similar to their realm and was not easy to deal with.

"Boy, after running out for so many years, you have actually become the Immortal Great Celestial Master, worthy of being the genius of the Sambo family." One of them was cold.

Sanqing Datianzun rose into the air, staring coldly at Yongda Datianzun, saying: "Brave, you haven't published it for so many years."

Then he glanced at the three of them again and said, "You three are not my opponents. Go back and call your patriarch."

The three of them were furious, and said in unison: "It's daring! I will catch you back today and listen to the patriarch's hair!"

In other words, three immortal big deities shot at the same time, and the three big hands turned into a web of light in the air and shrouded their heads. This is a secret technique of the Gongming family, which requires three or more people to cast at the same time, called "covered net", which is used to capture the enemy.

Seeing that the light net fell, even the small leaves were within range. Sanqing Datianzun looked cold, saying: "I beheaded the Gongming family's genius Gongmingqing that year, and today I will be beheading three Gongming family's immortal big deities!"

He reached out to shoot in the air, and did not perform mystery, but just exploded the power of the world at will, condensed into the palm of the Great Heavenly Venerable, and propped up into the sky. When the giant palm touched the light net, it made a loud noise, tearing the light net.

Then, the giant palm changed to the size of three acres of land, grabbed forward, and immediately held the three immortal gods together.

In the giant palm, the three great celestial screams were full of anger, and the scream was full of fear. They never thought that the strength of Sanqing Datianzun was so strong that they were far above them.

Brave Da Tianzun was so shocked that he shouted and turned to leave.

San Qing snorted coldly, and opened his mouth, and an airflow erupted, forming a gust of wind. The wind blew through, and the body of the brave Datianzhuang exploded, and he was blown to death!

"As a Sanbao tribe, actually colluding with foreign enemies and killing the same tribe is a crime!" Sanqing Datianzun said coldly, and then stared at the three in the palm, saying, "Since you come to the door, please come with me. Gongming family, I'd like to see how many masters there are in Gongming family today. "

The three immortal faces changed greatly, screaming, "What are you going to do at Gongming's house? It was you who had made mistakes before!"

Sanqing Datianzun sneered: "That Gong Mingqing intended to misbehave the little leaves and was killed by my palm. It was cheap for him at the time! Your Gong Ming family always reported to me. Home is gone! "

"Haha ..." Li Ba laughed and said, "It should have been so long. People in the empire of the Yuan dynasty do things. When they are popular, they just do it. The most annoying mother-in-law is."

Sanqing Datianzun also laughed and said, "Today, Mr. Lao and I will go with me."

Li Dadao said, "I will go to www.readwn.com ~ This Gongming family may have some powerful people, and you may not be able to clean it up."

San Qing Dao: "If the Gongming family is willing to ignore the suspicion, it is not difficult for him. If it is entangled, it will be destroyed."

One person in the palm scolded: "You and the two do not know the heights and heights of the earth. When they reach the Gongming family, they will be beheaded and killed by the patriarch!"

Sanqing looked cold, and said, "You idiot, your small life is in my hands, and you dare to say so wildly, when I won't kill you?" Then, the palm of his hand shook, and the big deity who spoke was suddenly flesh. Smashed, the Holy Spirit disappeared at once.

His strength far exceeds these three people, and killing them is effortless.

The remaining two were frightened and scared to say a word. Li Ba and San Qing flew forward to the Gongming family. As the Gongming family approached the mainland, Li Ba suddenly raised his eyebrows and took the light of order from his body, saying: "It seems that there is order here, you and I have to be careful!"


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