Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1292: Book of order

Chapter 1292: Book of Order

Chapter 1292: Book of Order

It turned out that when Li Xing retreated, he gave him the reincarnation Datianzun and the light of order to Li Ba, so that when he walked the world, he could perceive the existence of the orderer and strengthen his vigilance.

At this moment, the light of order on his body sensed the existence of the orderer, emitting a bright brilliance.

Sanqing Datianzun was startled, and said, "Dagong, Gongming has a person who has order. Is it related to the door of order?"

"Maybe, the gate of order cannot collect all the orderers in the world. You are not a person who has imprisoned two Gongming families, why not ask? Such things, they must have heard." Li Ba laughed.

San Qing immediately flipped his palms and photographed the two undead immortal celestial deities, and said lightly, "Is the Gongming family an orderly one?"

Sanqing Datianzun's tone was bland, and he didn't even say anything harsh. The two were terrified and busy: "Yes! Our patriarch Gongming Buyi is an orderer and a king of order."

Li Ba smiled "Hey" and said: "It is actually the king of order. This kind of thing must require the father of Jiuyang to get out of the horse and just destroy him."

After that, he typed a message sign. Immediately, Guanghua flashed in front of them, Jiuyang appeared as an avatar, and asked, "What happened?"

Li Ba grinned: "Father, the patriarch of the Gongming family is the king of order, and the father is already the pinnacle of the king of destruction. If he can swallow it, he may break through the last layer and become the king of order. ! "

Li Xing's Jiuyang twinkling eyes flashed and said: "There is actually a king of order here, which is very good." He closed his eyes, feeling the other person's breath, and a ray of order power was felt by him.

"The other party is an early-order king of order, and it didn't help me much. But ..." Li Xing showed a dignified color, "I felt something very important in his hands, which released the order The rules are hundreds of millions of times stronger than the King of Order! "

Even Li Ba was startled and asked, "Father, what the **** is the power of order?"

Li Xing felt a little and said, "It's not clear yet, but it must be very powerful." He thought for a while, and said, "You and the two still went to the Gongming family and acted as originally planned. The king of order gave a blow. "

Sanqing Datianzun nodded and said, "The Lord is wise, so maybe you can eliminate the Gongming patriarch without any effort and avoid risks."

Therefore, Li Xing was hidden in Li Ba's position, and the Sanqing Datianzun continued to rush to the Gongming family. Before long, he entered a continent. The name of this continent is called Changming. Upon entering here, Li Ba and Sanqing both felt that there was a rule of order in the midst to suppress the two's plane.

Sanqing Datianzun's face changed, and he said, "Master, there are weird ones here. My strength can only play a third at most now."

Li Ba said indifferently: "Anyway, this must be something important that my father said is working. Yes, it is the power of order. You see that the light of order is almost flashing." He sneered, "OK Well, this shows that the thing is extraordinary, we didn't come here for nothing. "

Shortly after the two appeared, a face suddenly appeared in the sky, looking like a middle-aged man, with extraordinary vigor, coldly: "Who is coming?"

Sanqing Datian said: "I and the two are from the Sambo family. I want to see the patriarch of the Gongming family."

The man said, "I am, what are you looking for?"

Sanqing Datianzun thought about the countermeasures early, and said at this time: "I sanqing Datianzun. I lost my hand and killed Gongmingxiu. When he returns today, he will plead guilty to the Gongming family."

"What? Is it you?" Exclaimed anger on that face, and yelled, "you **** thing, dare to come back, well, very good, suffer!"

The air condensed into a big hand of order, and when fishing down, Li Ba and Sanqing Dazun were both shrouded in it. The power of horrible order blocked all their actions at once, and it was extremely difficult to even move their fingers.

Li Ba was shocked and told Li Xing: "Father, this place is too weird. Be careful for a while!"

"Anyway, because my father has sensed the power of that thing, he has his own way of cracking it." Li Xing said, "You two first stabilize, and when their true body appears, I will shoot."

The two talked secretly, and they were both ### lived by the order hand, and then the situation changed, and they appeared in a hall. In this palace, the rules of order are tens of thousands of times stronger than the outside, making Li Ba and San Qing have trouble breathing.

The two of them were worried, for fear that Li Xing could not carry the power of such a huge rule.

Inside the hall, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the two. He looked indifferently and stared resentfully at Sanqing Datianzun: "It was you who killed my son, Gongming Qing. He is the genius of Gongming's family. The future The orderer was actually killed by this waste! "

At this moment, the Sanqing Datianzun was rather suffocated and said loudly: "Gongming commoner, I have come here to plead guilty, and not malicious. Why do you hold such a grudge? Do you want the Sambo family to go against the Gongming family?"

Gongming Buyi laughed. He released an unparalleled breath on his body, which made Li Ba's heart bewildered. At this time, he realized that Gongming Buyi was a broken master, which was seriously inconsistent with the rumored realm.

"What do you think your Sambo family cares about?" Gongming Buyi scorned. "If I hadn't intended to hide my strength over the years, I would have destroyed the Sambo family and killed a chicken and dog."

Sanqing Datianzun deliberately showed shock: "You are actually a broken master. What do you want to do when you do this?"

"Huh, mortal man, what's the use of knowing too much?" Gongming commoner looked at Li Ba. "It's a broken figure. I don't think your Sambo family can invite such masters. It's just a pity Today, you will die here too. "

With a look of indifference, Li Ba said, "Do you know who I am? Dare to kill me, aren't you afraid of revenge?"

Gongming commoner sneered: "Retaliation? In the future, I will be the supreme of Yuhuang Wonderland, what is the power behind you?"

Li Ba couldn't help laughing, and said, "It turns out that you want to conspire in the Jade Emperor Wonderland."

Gongming Buyi was about to speak, and suddenly his neck tightened, feeling a big hand choking him. It turned out that Jiuyang's avatar quietly appeared behind him, strangling his neck.

Jiuyang is acquainted with a secret technique called "Future Step". This secret technique evolved from the three-life lore. When performing this step, it is as if walking in future time and space, people do not feel the existence of the stepper at all, it is very delicate.

Of course, this step also has disadvantages, that is, it can not last, it can only be displayed in an instant, and then the real body must be manifested. After all, people cannot walk in the future for a long time, or they will become the future.

As soon as Li Xing's hand fell behind Gongming Buyi, the latter felt a destructive force burst into his body, crushing everything and breaking everything. The rules of order are vanished, the plane of order becomes a mess, and everything is lost.

"You are a saboteur!" Gongming commoner shouted, trying to resist, but was tightly controlled by Li Xing, and even the power of the world could not be exerted.

Li Xing smiled and said: "You have a powerful thing in your hands. If you use it, I can only be killed by you. Unfortunately, you are too careless to let me get closer. Once I get closer, I am destined to die . "

Li Ba smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you that my father is not only the vandal, but also the king of vandals among vandals. He is at the peak, and may at any time step into the level of the emperor of vandalism!"

The skin on Gongming's face cracked, and numerous rays of destruction burst out from the cracks. This was a sign that his plane had been completely damaged. The king of destruction is born to be the nemesis of the orderer, and Li Xing's level is much higher than the other.

At this moment, he tried to make a close shot, and shot it quickly.

He opened his mouth and wanted to curse Li Xing for a few words, but his mouth opened, and the whole person turned into an infinite light rain, completely disappearing from this world. Li Xing held a mass of order in his hands.

This group of order force is the core of its power. After refining it, it will greatly help its practice.

After destroying the common clothing of order, Li Xing set his sights on the whole hall again, and said, "I say something here."

Li Baqi said, "Is this right?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, otherwise there would not be such a strong order rule here. If it were not for the power of destruction, I could barely break through its restraint and use the next step to kill Gongming Cloak."

Then, he shot two rays of destruction with his eyes, and searched the whole hall with impunity. Where the light of destruction goes, the rules of order are broken, electricity is generated in the void, the space collapses, and a rumble in the hall.

Not long after, the light of destruction locked a certain mysterious space in the hall, and that space exploded and dropped a book from it. This book resembles a door plate, surrounded by countless dense chains of order ~ www.readwn.com ~ Each order chain is enough to trap and kill a broken master, which is extremely scary.

Upon seeing this book, Li Xing took a sigh of air conditioning and said, "Book of Order!"

Li Ba blinked, "Father, what is the **** of order?"

Li Xingdao: "Three order treasures exist in the orderers. They are the foundation of the orderers' existence. They are the door of order, the book of order, and the scepter of order. According to legend, when the emperor of order reaches the peak, he can hold it The door of order, leaning on the door of order, the book of order above it, opens up a civilized order. "

This information was taken by Li Xing from Pan Guqiu. Few people in the world know it. It can be said to be highly confidential.

"So, this is really a good thing. But my father is a saboteur, what use is it for?" Li overbeared.

Li Xing: "You don't know that order is the foundation of civilization and the yardstick of rules. Only with order can we build a truly powerful civilization."


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