Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1293: Jade Emperor

Chapter 1293 The Jade Emperor

Chapter 1293 The Jade Emperor

As soon as Li Ba's eyes lighted, he realized that he really found the baby today and said, "So, with this book of order, my father's realm can be elevated again. │ ''"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "This is not just a matter of upgrading the realm. With the Book of Order, civilization can be perfected and civilization can be promoted." He thought for a moment, "the emperor has never had a decent weapon, The three treasures of order are most suitable for him. Now that the book of order is found, the scepter of order and the door of order will be found in the future, which will allow the emperor to control and improve the civilized order and further strengthen the mixed Yuan civilization. "

Although San Qing Datian Zun rejoices, he is also worried about how to take away the **** of this order, saying, "Lord, this thing looks very scary. How can I take it away?"

Li Xingdao: "You can't do it naturally. In this book of order, there are countless chains of order, each one can trap you. However, Pan Guzhu is its nemesis."

In other words, Jiuyang spit out a splendid light of destruction. This Guanghua is the core force in Pan Guzhu, and was forced out by it. As soon as this power came out, he was attracted by the book of order, as if the ant saw honey and immediately rushed up.

The light of destruction collided with the chain of order, and the violent force shook the Three Realms and the Five Elements, all major planes. But the light of destruction was finally strong, and it suddenly stunned, forcing the book of order into Panguzhu, ### 起 起。

After receiving the book of order, Li Xing suddenly spit out blood, saying: "It is indeed a book of order. Even if there is Panguzhu ###, it still hurt me."

Li Ba was worried: "Is my father okay?"

Li Xing waved his hand: "No problem, minor injuries." He also said, "There are no masters here, you can solve the rest."

After speaking, Li Xing left the scene and returned to the mixed Yuan Empire. Sanqing and Li Ba, by virtue of supreme means, soon ### the entire Gongming family. Anyone who refused to accept the Gongming family was killed, and those who surrendered were brought to the Sambo family by Sanqing. They chose to join the Sambo family in order to survive.

When the two went out, they destroyed the Gongming family and shocked the senior members of the Sambo family. After thinking about it, the patriarch of Sanbao passed the position of patriarch to the hands of Sanqing Dazun a few days later, and he took the position of elder elder.

Sanqing Datianzun did not intend to be the patriarch, but this was what Li Ba meant, and he could only follow suit. In Li Ba's view, no one in the entire Sanbao family can be trusted, and only Sanqing can fully control this place, he can rest assured.

After Sanqing became the patriarch, after careful preparation, accompanied by the elder Tai Shang, he went to see the emperor.

The place where the emperor Jade Emperor sits is the Jade Emperor Continent, which is also the immortal continent, also known as the Jade Emperor Continent. On the immortal continent, there is a palace, tall and majestic, unpredictable and deep, called the Jade Emperor's Palace.

The old patriarch of Sambo, which is now the elder Taishang, with the status of Wonderland, took the Sanqing Great Supreme, and after waiting for more than ten days, he finally had the opportunity to meet the Jade Emperor.

Entering the Jade Emperor's Hall, Sanqing Datianzun feels that his Sanqing plane seems to be connected with the entire Jade Emperor's Wonderland, and his plane becomes part of the entire Jade Emperor's Wonderland. He even felt that Yuhuang Wonderland could borrow his plane power at any time.

This feeling surprised him, and he couldn't help but take a look at the elder Tai Shang, who said, "Don't be surprised, your Sanqing Avenue originated from Xiandao civilization, and this temple is the hub of the entire Jade Emperor Wonderland, so you It feels under its control. "

Sanqing Datian Zun nodded, letting go of the tension in his heart, and entered the temple with elder Tai Shang. In the hall, there are many immortal officials and masters like clouds. On the left, 108 generals are standing. On the right, there are eighty-one civilians standing.

These military generals, none of them are weak, are roughly broken in a big way, all of them are masters. There are even some immortal officials who have reached a level of duality and triplet and their strength is extremely terrifying.

At the most central position, there is a throne, the golden wall is brilliant, and the light is immense. A man with a vague face, sitting on a throne, with a tall and mighty shore, seems to be the embodiment of the universe, the master of heaven and earth.

Seeing this person, the elder Sanqing and Taishang bowed involuntarily: "See Jade Emperor!"

A waiter in front of the seat asked, "Who is coming, and what is the matter?"

Sanqing Datianzun quickly said: "Little minister Sanqing, hereditary Wupin Jiedushi, today there are important things to report to the Jade Emperor."

Jade Emperor's eyes penetrated Sanqing's body through nothingness. Suddenly, Sanqing Datianzun felt that everything he had seen through the other party, without reservation.

"Say." Jade Emperor finally spoke, and the waiter stood aside and stopped talking.

Sanqingdao: "Little ministers and the mixed Yuan empire, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce will have gas exchanges. The day before, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce sent messengers and expressed their willingness to provide a large number of super-plane warships to the Jade Emperor Wonderland at cost.

As soon as this party came out, all the ministers were shocked. A civil official couldn't believe it, and shouted, "It's nonsense. What is the origin of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce? It can make super warships!"

Sanqing Datian Zunzhengzhenzhengzheng said: "Little ministers dare not deceive, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce can not only build super-plane battleships, but also build one every five or six days. If you don't believe it, you can confirm it in the next day."

The civilian official was taken aback: "What are the origins of the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce you said, why do you want to take the initiative?"

Sanqing Da Tianzun said: "The other party naturally has the conditions." So he said the three conditions that Li Ba said at the same time.

Only after finishing talking, all the officials were angry, and a general commander yelled, "Presumptuous! What a small Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is, what a dare to ask the Jade Emperor, it is ridiculous!"

Another Wenchen also sternly said: "I really don't know the heights and heights of the land, how can the Jade Emperor Wonderland do it, and how to use others' fingertips? Moreover, the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce have the intention of killing with a knife, and have a bad intention.

Facing the reprimands of all the ministers, Sanqing Datianzhuang looked as usual and faintly said: "Your Majesty, Xu Mi ’s pure land is not small, and his strength is not in the Jade Emperor's Wonderland. Now that the two sides are fighting each other and fighting endlessly, this will only result in both defeat and injury. The three parties benefited. "

All the ministers were silent, and they had to admit that Sanqing Datianzun was true. Xumi Pure Land is not weaker than the Jade Emperor Wonderland. No one can gain any benefit from such a fierce battle between the two sides. The two tigers will inevitably have a wound. Even if it wins, it will pay a heavy price.

"However, if my Jade Emperor Wonderland can acquire a large number of Super Plane battleships, it will be just a short while to clear the Sumida Pure Land. A Super Plane Battleship can fight against a heavy fragmentation. Within a hundred years, the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce can provide us At least 7,000 Super Plane battleships! "

"Excuse me, my princes, how many monks can I have in the jade emperor who have broken more than one heavy? I am afraid that there will not be more than 300! What will happen if I encounter thousands of super-plane warships?"

As soon as Sanqing made this remark, all the ministers were in shock. Seven thousand super-plane battleships, that's equivalent to seven thousand broken masters! Such a huge force can definitely kill Xumi Pure Land in one fell swoop.

In terms of strength, the masters of Xumi Pure Land's broken and above are definitely not more than 300. Three hundred pairs are over seven thousand. There is no suspense in the outcome, and Xu Mi will lose.

The Jade Emperor said at this time: "Goodness! The Sambo family has made great achievements and has great rewards."

Too elders and Sanqing are overjoyed, quickly ### 玉皇.

The emperor of the Jade said: "The ambassador has been invited to meet with you."

The Supreme Master of Sanqing said: "The messenger is just outside the temple, and the minister will dress him and enter the temple."

Li Balong walked into the hall, he met the Jade Emperor, and did not worship, but he arched his hand, saying: "Prince Li Ba, the prince of the mixed empire, has met the Jade Emperor. . "

The ministers were furious, and a military general rushed to Li Ba and yelled, "Be bold, see the Jade Emperor, why not kneel?"

Li Ba proudly said: "Prince Ben worships only the Emperor Yuan, the mother of the birth, and the rest never worship!"

The general was furious: "You are killed!" Raising his palm, he shot at Li Ba, seeing the killing.

Li Ba showed no fear, greeted his fists, and performed a great killing technique. At this moment, a soft ray of power was generated, and the offensive of both was removed at once.

Jade Emperor Road: "A visitor is a guest and must not be rude."

The military commander bowed down and retreated. Li Ba said with a smile: "It is still the case of Jade Emperor. I am here to do business on behalf of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce and the Jade Emperor Wonderland."

Jade Emperor nodded slightly: "Prince Li Ba, you can agree to your three conditions, but there is another condition in Jade Emperor Wonderland."

Li Ba Jian raised his eyebrows: "It depends on what conditions, consult the Jade Emperor."

Jade Emperor: "The Jade Emperor Wonderland is willing to form an alliance with the mixed Yuan empire to integrate offense and defense."

Li Ba was taken aback, the ministers were even more frightened, and said, "Your Majesty, you can't!"

Jade Emperor waved her hand: "You don't need to say more, Qing and so on, it's decided."

Li Ba never expected that the other party would add such a condition and could not help but decide, so he secretly asked Li Xing by secret method.

At this moment, Jiuyang's avatar is studying the book of order, and he said with a smile: "The emperor emperor is so advanced that he can see through to the future, so he intends to associate with him, so he promises him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Ba immediately Laughing: "Okay! The Jade Emperor is indeed a wise and decisive person, and the mixed Yuan Empire can promise! "

Above the chapel, Yuhuang was named Sanqing Datianzun, a member of the First Class, who is fully responsible for the transactions with the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce, and is responsible for part of the business of the Yuhuang Chamber of Commerce. In this way, the Junyuan Empire and the Jade Emperor Wonderland can conduct transaction communication efficiently.

In addition, Li Ba, an outsider, was actually given a million continents as his private place, and he could build palaces on it and go at any time.

The Jade Emperor was so happy, and the Hunyuan Empire also made corresponding cooperation to completely reduce the price of the battleship to the cost price. That is to say, the Hunyuan battleship that was sold to the Jade Emperor Wonderland in the future could not earn a fortune.

The Jade Emperor Wonderland soon realized its first promise and increased its offensive against the Sumi continent, making it unable to take into account the mixed Yuan Dili, and only fully resisted. As a first step of cooperation, Li Xing delivered all the 120 super-plane warships originally captured by the empire from the Ark mainland to the Jade Emperor Wonderland, thereby greatly increasing its strength.


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