Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1294: Order Cannon

Chapter 1294: Ancient Cannon of Order

Chapter 1294: Ancient Order of Artillery

With 120 suddenly increased super-plane battleships, the Jade Emperor Wonderland gained a certain advantage over Xumi Pure Land. ╠ Moreover, as more super-plane battleships were handed over to the Jade Emperor Wonderland, the balance of strength between the two sides continued to tilt towards the Jade Emperor Wonderland.

Thirty years passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, the Hunyuan Empire provided more than 2,000 super-plane battleships to the Jade Emperor Wonderland, which greatly increased the power of Wonderland, stabilized and stabilized Xumi's land, and occupied the absolute Advantage.

At the same time, during this period, the Jade Emperor Chamber of Commerce also provided the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce with a large amount of materials needed to build warships. Even in order to provide enough materials, the Jade Emperor Wonderland even opened a storage warehouse.

In addition, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has made great progress in the Jade Emperor Wonderland. This makes the Jade Emperor Wonderland not only purchase warships from the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce, but also purchase a large number of other items.

For goods other than warships, although the Four Wilds still have concessions, it definitely does not only sell at a cost price, which can make huge profits from it. In addition, with the help of the Jade Emperor Wonderland, the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce began to expand to a wider place and entered other small and medium-sized forces to establish chambers of commerce.

Because of the status of Sanqing Datianzun, those small and medium-sized forces did not dare to do unfavorable things to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, which made the development of the Chamber of Commerce a thousand miles away, which has expanded several times compared with the original scale.

The growth of the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce not only allowed the Junyuan Empire to earn more fortune, but also acquired more precious materials for building warships.

In particular, Li Xing has recently started to build several attack mother ships for the Jade Emperor Wonderland to enhance its combat effectiveness. The manufacture of the mother ship is extremely demanding. Like the previous poison ship, and the current ark ship, it belongs to the mother ship.

The mothership can consolidate many forces into one place, thus forming a huge lethality to the enemy, three in and three out in the enemy army, such as entering the unmanned realm, killing the enemy's living force.

The mixed-yuan empire not only supported each other on battleships, but Li Xing repeatedly launched the horrible Ark battleships into the Xumi Army repeatedly, chopped the admiral, killed its masters, and saved Jade Emperor Wonderland a lot of energy .

This cooperation between the two parties has further strengthened the relationship between the people of the mixed empire and the people of the Jade Emperor Wonderland. Moreover, many people in the Jade Emperor Wonderland entered the mixed Yuan plane to practice, learn about civilization, and promote cultivation.

People from the mixed Yuan empire will also enter the Jade Emperor Wonderland, increase their knowledge, and make friends. For a time, the two major forces entered the honeymoon period, like glue.

Therefore, in the past few years, Li Xing established the second world portal in the Jade Emperor Wonderland, so that both parties can quickly provide military assistance to the other party.

Of course, over 30 years, many changes have also taken place outside. For example, after all these years of battle, the gods of Pure Land finally destroyed Putuo Lingshan and took it as their own, with the powerful battleships of the mixed Yuan empire.

But shortly after the gods 'pure land destroyed Putuo Mountain, Xu Mi's pure land forcibly allocated a number of troops to attack the gods' pure land.

Li Xing had already achieved this trick, so he set up a teleportation array on the land of God. When the other party had an incident, he could canned his troops over the first time.

For more than three decades, the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce has developed greatly. Li Xing not only provided a large number of super-plane warships to the Jade Emperor Wonderland, but the mixed Yuan Empire also had more warships.

At the beginning, the 120 super-plane battleships on the Ark battleship were all delivered to the Jade Emperor Wonderland, which caused the strength of the Ark battleship to weaken a lot. But after years of accumulation, the number of ancient cannons on the Ark has reached 200,000!

On the battleship, there were 3,000 broken ancient cannons. This type of ancient artillery is ten times more powerful than the super plane ancient artillery.

This doesn't count. Ten newly-made broken ancient cannons were manufactured by Li Xing. Such ancient cannons are much more powerful than broken ancient cannons, and they can directly kill a heavy broken celestial spear.

Li Xing, a first-class broken ancient artillery, was still in the process of research and development, but only recently successfully launched, and became another powerful killing weapon.

However, the manufacture of first-class broken ancient artillery was too complicated and difficult, and it required a heavy crushing plane. Therefore, Li Xing only produced ten and could not make more first-class broken ancient artillery.

In addition to the Ark battleships, the remaining four versions of the Hunyuan battleships and the third version of the Hunyuan battleships were all dismantled and used to provide materials to the Ark battleships and the mothership of Wonderland.

Today, the Hunyuan Empire is still digesting the tens of billions of continents left by the Ark continent, and it has the great power of the Jade Emperor Wonderland, which is temporarily in a safe environment. In addition, the mixed empire has no intention to expand at present, so only one ark battleship remains.

In this way, you can reduce expenditures, focus your efforts on big things, and consolidate the power of all empires into one iron fist, killing masters in one fell swoop.

Although the warship has only one mothership, the empire has twenty civilized war forces. These civilized chariots, with the improvement of the level of civilization of the mixed Yuan, have undergone evolutionary upgrades over and over again, and their attack power has been as powerful as terror.

Today, the mixed-yuan civilization pioneered by Li Xing has entered the intermediate fourth-class civilization, so these combat capabilities are not trivial. And over the years, Li Xing's book of understanding the order has learned a lot of subtleties and applied it to civilized chariots.

There are now ten first order cannons on each civilized chariot. These ancient cannons of order are essentially civilized cannons, but they can borrow the power of heaven and earth order, so they are much more powerful.

The power of the first-order order cannons is roughly equivalent to that of the first-class broken cannons, and their lethality is slightly better.

Except for the ancient order cannons, each civilized chariot also has a shield of civilization, which has a very strong defense force. Even if it is double broken, it cannot be broken.

In addition, a considerable part of the three hundred thirty thousand civilized guards were also placed on civilized chariots. The protection of these civilizations has soared to 500 million steps of fragmentation with the improvement of Li Xing's strength.

This is equivalent to the addition of three hundred thirty thousand five hundred million broken masters. There were 330,000 civilized guards, 200,000 were placed on civilized chariots, and 10,000 were placed on each chariot.

Ten thousand masters in the Broken Realm, plus ten first-order ancient cannons, made the lethality of the twenty civilized chariots not under the ark battleship, and it was more flexible.

Li Xing sent 20 civilized chariots to help the Divine Land fight against the army of Xumi Pure Land, and Li Ba led the army.

After 30 years, Li Ba's strength has been improved at least doubled. He is full of confidence. He led 20 civilized chariots and rushed to the pure land of the gods as soon as possible.

For so many years, the gods' pure land has long bowed their heads to the mixed Yuan empire. As soon as Li Ba appeared, the pure land shook, and eight **** emperors came out to welcome Li Ba.

There are three thousand **** kings and eight **** emperors in the pure land of the gods. Of course, this is based on the theory of godheads. If you talk about realm cultivation, there are three **** emperors who are broken one by one and four who are broken. Among the **** kings, there are three or five hundred masters in Broken Realm.

There are even more immortal gods, countless.

In contrast, the battleships on the Divine Land are more powerful. At present, the Pure Land of the Gods has 80 super-plane warships and 500,000 high-level warships.

The eight emperors came together to welcome Li Tu with the highest standard of hospitality. Li Ba was greeted into the hall of the emperor, and the two sides exchanged views on the operation.

A **** emperor said: "The granddaughter, Xu Mijingtu sent sixty super plane warships, four broken masters, three hundred broken masters, and four hundred and fifty thousand advanced plane warships. "

"It's nothing, we can deal with it depending on our strength. But terribly, Xu Mi has an outstanding person. He is a capable person with a double-breaking peak. He is called Yuanshan."

Li Dadao said: "That man has his own emperor to deal with, I will help you to solve those warships and broken masters, the rest do not have to worry about it." After thinking about it, said, "The Four Wilderness Chambers in the Divine Land are more or less affected. , You have to send as many people as possible to protect. "

It turned out that in the past few years, the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce have been located in every corner of the Pure Land of the Gods, and have controlled all the transactions of the Divine Land and obtained a lot. This is one of the reasons why the mixed yuan empire is willing to support it.

The eight **** emperors repeatedly agreed, saying that they would definitely protect the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce and avoid mistakes.

As soon as the Sumi Pure Land Army spoke, the dark masses appeared outside the pure land of the gods, manifesting in the chaotic flow of time and space. On one of the Super Plane battleships, a young man was full of confidence and confident.

He has a golden mountain-shaped pattern on his eyebrows, and the whole body is so dignified that he feels heavy. Next to the young people stood several generals in this battle.

The young man is Yuanshan Datianzun, who is triple-broken and extremely master. He stared at the pure land of the gods and said, "How do you think, how dare the pure land of gods confront me, and dare to kill Putuo Lingshan?"

One humane: "The gods are pure and bold, they are brave enough ~ www.readwn.com ~ to take their own way."

Another person said, "The gods have no such guts. Behind it is the mixed Yuan empire. The mixed Yuan empire controls the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, is very strong, and is close to the Jade Emperor Wonderland. Some time ago, it was with the Jade Emperor Army In the battle, the giant warship of the mixed Yuan Empire appeared. "

Yuanshan Datianzun nodded: "You are right, our real enemy is the mixed Yuan empire. However, before dealing with it, we must destroy the pure land of the gods and see how it reacts."

"If the mixed-yuan empire didn't hesitate, then slowly clean it up again. If the mixed-yuan empire dares to send troops to help, then the army of Xumi will destroy this force within ten years, and then fully deal with the jade emperor wonderland."

Everyone said, "Marshal is wise!"

Yuanshan Datianzun evoked a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, and said arbitrarily, "Everyone, every day, destroy the land of God in one fell swoop!"


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