God of Jiuyang 1295 shot

Chapter 1295

Sixty super-plane battleships are lined up. After the battleship, among the four heavy shattered celestial deities and three hundred broken celestial celestial deities hide in the warships, they are preparing to attack the pure land of the gods. ┌

The double-broken Yuanshan Grand Celestial Emperor, manifesting the Great Celestial Emperor ’s Dharma, was so powerful before the battleship.

One side of the Pure Lands of the Gods has also been ready for a long time. Eighty super-plane battleships, three of them have broken up the Great Celestial Master, many of them have appeared. Among the battleships, the twenty civilized chariots were the most striking.

A **** emperor rises in the air, and also reveals the celestial body of the heavenly god, and said coldly, "Xumi cleans up the land to start the teacher and move the masses. Come not far away. I don't know what to teach?"

Two rays of electric light were emitted from the eyes of Yuan Tiandazun, striking the emperor. The power gap between the two sides was huge. The latter swayed a bit and was forced to withdraw the French phase. He fell horribly on the battleship, spit blood and was seriously injured.

"Huh! It's severely broken, and is not qualified to speak with this seat!" Yuanshan Datianzun said coldly.

"The tone is not small, aren't you just a double-broken? Let the great emperor know you!" Li Xing's divine spirit stepped out of an open door in the void, and each step seemed to drive the rhythm of heaven and earth and the order of the road.

For a long time, the deities have been practicing in retreat. With the continuous improvement of the mixed-yuan civilization, his strength has also made breakthroughs. He broke through the double fragmentation more than ten years ago and is currently at the peak of the double fragmentation. .

As soon as Li Xing's deity appeared, the gods and kings felt the oppression of a high-ranking godhead, and they were shocked. They knew that the avatars of the gods had the chaos, and now they were oppressed by the chaos, and the mood of looking up suddenly reached the extreme.

"See the Lord of God!" Almost out of control, the Eight Divine Emperors and the Three Thousand Divine Kings worshiped on the ground and visited Li Xing.

The chaos of the gods completely suppressed these people, but now their strength is far above them. Such a sense of gap and power is even more powerful and irresistible to them.

Deterring the gods to clear the land is one of Li Xing's goals here, so he let the gods come, not the nine-yang avatars, nor the seven-color avatars.

As expected, the immense coercion released by the divine deities, and the noble chaos of the gods, immediately made many demon monks surrender, creating an invincible impression in their hearts, laying a foreshadowing for future storage.

Yuanshan Datianzhuang naturally also felt the power of the **** avatar, not under him, his face changed, Shen Shen asked: "Who are you? The pure land of the gods does not have such masters as you."

"I am the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. You quickly retreat, or you will be at your own risk," Li Xing said coldly.

Yuanshan Datianzun laughed and said, "This seat will be you today, kill!" He suddenly rose up, turned into a supreme disease, and slammed into Li Xing.

Both parties practice by faith, the difference is that the deity is the power of faith in the deities. The belief in Xumijingtu is another kind of belief power. But in essence, the two are the same.

Li Xing fisted his counterattack, and the three-life lore tyrant attacked. With a loud noise, Yuanshan Datianzun was blown away with a punch, and went backwards quite embarrassingly.

The power of faith carried by both sides was transferred in mid-air, and it was another explosion, which was appalling.

Two double-broken masters, they are similar in strength. Once they start, they can't be over for a day or two. It didn't take long before they broke into a different space and the battle continued.

Below, the two sides also launched a battle. In terms of strength, if there are no 20 civilized chariots, the fighting powers of both sides are equal. However, the addition of civilized warfare made the gods pure land dominate.

I saw Li Ba screaming loudly. Twenty civilized battle forces lined up in a battle line and rushed directly into the enemy line. Two hundred orderly artillery guns locked in each other's twenty superplane warships, and in one salvo, twenty of them were destroyed.

Sumi was frightened and immediately counterattacked, but at this time, eighty super-plane warships of the Pure Lands of the Gods also opened fire. The same number of ten hit one, and this time destroyed eight more.

The remaining thirty-two Sumi warships can only attack the civilized vehicles in a decentralized manner. But at this time, twenty civilized cars suddenly lined up, and their civilization shields overlapped and intertwined into a powerful defensive mask.

This mask has more defensive power than the ark line ship. It is not something that can be broken by more than 30 super-plane warships.

In the gap between the opponent's attacks, the eighty warships of the Pure Lands of the Gods volleyed again, killing eight again. Among them, a battleship that let the masters of the Broken Realm explode, hundreds of people rushed out.

Suddenly, on each chariot, 5,000 guards from the Broken Realm rushed out, forming a mixed Yuan civilization to kill, and besieging the other side. Tens of thousands of broken masters, against hundreds of broken masters, the momentum alone frightened the other party, and no fighting spirit.

In just one or two rounds, many Xumi shattered masters' blood-stained sand fields, all of them were chopped. There is also no way for them to run away. Enemies are on all sides. If they fight, dozens of opponents will hit one, which is an overwhelming advantage.

Several of Xu Mi's severely broken characters were also horrified. Which one dared to come over? Tens of thousands of broken masters can definitely eat a few of them raw. In addition, the battleships lost more than half as soon as they came up, and they quickly retreated.

"Want to go? All left!" Li Ba snorted, urging the Twenty Civilization Chariots, and suddenly locked these several pieces together, then the gunlight flashed and was wiped out in one fell swoop.

The rest of the miscellaneous soldiers were scattered, and they fled in fear. Li Ba was too lazy to chase, screamed, urged the civilized chariot to go to help Li Xing.

As soon as Li Ba left, the emperors looked at each other, and a fierce battle ended like this?

They knew in their hearts that if there was no help from the mixed Yuan empire, they would have to pay a considerable price, even if there was no Yuanshan Great Celestial Master in their opponent's camp, and even if they won, they would kill one thousand enemies and damage 800.

What's more, there is also a Supreme Master of Yuanshan, who alone can let Shen Gui drink a pot.

The gods cleared their troops, and the eight emperors immediately summoned the three thousand **** kings to discuss major events in the temple.

"Why is the Emperor calling me?" Said a **** king. "The enemy has retreated. Is there any crisis?"

A **** emperor said: "The kings should know that the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty possesses the supreme chaos, and the blood is noble and above us."

The kings of the gods said: "Does the emperor mean that we should surrender the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty?"

The eight emperors looked at each other, and another said, "It is not surrender, but vassal." He observed the expressions of the people, but did not see much opposition, and said, "Xumi Pure Land is very powerful and must not be We will give up on this. If we do n’t attach to the mixed Yuan empire, we will not be destroyed next time. "

At first, the eight kings of Li Xing ### stood up at this moment, one person said: "The Emperor God said that the way of attacking Putuo Mountain was too hasty. But we are forced by the situation. Putuo starts, Putuo will surely attack my divine land after being strong. "

"I was in a hurry at that time and did not expect today's plight. Xu Mi will be very powerful and will never let Putuo. Even if it is temporarily restrained by the Jade Emperor Wonderland, this restraint will not last forever. In case of excessive effort It is the day when my divine land falls. "

"The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty possesses the supreme godhead, and it is clear that the godhead belongs to our lineage, and it is not a shame to join such a master. Moreover, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and the jade emperor's wonderland are in close contact and are fighting against Xu Mi. When we join the mixed yuan empire, we can provide an extra strength to make Sumi die early! "

The eight **** kings each expressed their views, and their main purpose was to join the mixed Yuan empire, and even directly surrendered to the mixed Yuan emperor to ensure peace forever.

Regarding these opinions, the eight gods Yu and the **** kings still hold conservative opinions, they only want to temporarily affiliate with the mixed Yuan empire, and do not want to fully integrate into it.

The eight **** kings secretly exchanged views, and one of them stood up again, and Shen said, "The continents of the gods were also high-level civilizations at that time, and there have been peerless masters here, and the forces are not under the Sumi Pure Land! However, they were offended that year A ruthless person, many masters of the Pure Land fell together, and even the blood of the higher gods was cut off. "

"I wait for the gods, and rely entirely on the heritage of bloodlines. In the future generations, if there is no accident, we will not be able to reproduce the higher-end gods, nor will they be revived! Now, when the Yuan Dynasty emperor crosses the birth, he undoubtedly owns the noblest gods. It ’s a huge opportunity for Divine Land. Once it is missed, it will never be in the future! "

The **** emperors and **** kings are quiet, thinking about the words of Fang Cai. Indeed, if there is no strong blood in the Divine Land, it will be difficult for eternity to be strong. Because the Great Heavenly Deity inherited from the spiritual civilization is different, they need to have the corresponding godheads before they can have the corresponding strong strength.

After some thought, the Eight Emperors exchanged opinions, one of them said: "Everything is here, we will discuss later, and see if the emperor can kill Yuanshan."

However, it was said that Li Xingzheng and Yuanshan Datianzun fought fiercely, and Li Ba suddenly rushed out. Twenty civilizations surrounded Yuanshan, and 200 orderly artillery blocks it.

Yuan Shan wholeheartedly fights with Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is difficult to disperse his energy. Now he is locked by the ancient cannon of two hundred orders. He wanted to use his secret technique to break free, but found that his whole body was locked by countless chains of order and could not move.

This is the power of the ancient cannon of order. You can use the order chain to lock the enemy and then kill it to form a killing bureau. In addition, Li Xing looked side by side, and also formed great pressure on Yuan Shan.


Two hundred shots finally blasted to Yuan Shan's plane. The huge destructive force directly fragmented this double-fragmented plane. A jade **** rose to the sky, its brilliance was dim, he was seriously injured, and he wanted to escape from this place.

Unfortunately, the chain of order besieged it and couldn't rush out. Li Xing stepped forward, grabbed it with one punch, and then wiped out the weak jade's original consciousness, turning it into a multicolored relic with a big fist.

(Tomorrow at 9 o'clock, 13 o'clock, 13 o'clock, 16 o'clock, 18 o'clock. It's not a promise. The little demon try it and write a short outline, it should be fine.)


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