Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1299: 4 strong enemies

Chapter 1299: Four Great Enemies

Chapter 1299: Four Strong Enemies

In Osu Miguchi, two young people appeared in the middle of the high-ranking people. The two of them were handsome and handsome, and their figures were amazing. │'The two of them are the two sons of Lord Xumi, the eldest son Long Xian, and the second son Wensheng. They are the four-folded and three-folded characters, and their strength is second only to the Lord of Xumi.

The elder son, Long Xian, has a big head and a magnificent momentum, and he said to Xu Mi: "Father, the child has been retreating hard these years, failing to resolve the problems for his father. It is very guilt. Now that he is out of the customs, Despite sending. "

The second son, Wen Shengze, was elegant and dignified. He smiled slightly: "The elder brother said that my brother's retreat is one discipline, and he must have missed many things."

The Lord of Sumi was very relieved, "Haha" laughed and said to everyone: "If you have a son, what is your husband asking for?"

Someone immediately said below: "The young master, the second young master, there is indeed a matter that the two young masters must take the initiative, otherwise it will be difficult to succeed."

This person then explained the situation of the mixed Yuan Empire and the battle with the Jade Emperor Wonderland. After hearing this, the two young masters were shocked. The young and old masters said, "What are you talking about? So many broken masters, including one broken one, haven't been able to win this person? You still need three other houses to shoot together?"

The man smiled bitterly: "The young master and the two young masters have no idea. That man has great strength and amazing means. Moreover, according to reliable news, the recent mixed Yuan empire seems to have undergone major changes, and many continents have disappeared. I do n’t know what the situation is, it is very likely that person has made a breakthrough again. "

"What is the practice of the mixed children, do you know?" Er Xiaozhu asked Shen Sheng.

"It is estimated that the strength should be broken in the double, only high or low, and it may even reach the broken triple." Someone said.

The young master and the two young masters looked at each other and were very surprised. They worked hard for one discipline, and finally broke through to the quadruple and triple, and never expected to meet such a master.

The young master thought for a moment and said, "You are doing the right thing. Such people must not move lightly. If you want to move it, kill them in one fell swoop without giving them any respite." Then smile sneerly. Seriously, Master Ben learned several Supreme Secrets and just used him for surgery. "

Xu Mizhi said: "My son doesn't have to worry, but he should not underestimate the enemy. At that time, the other three will have masters who can use their strengths, as long as they can get rid of each other."

At this time, someone introduced the tripartite forces to the two young masters, namely, the gate of order, the alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, and the Great Lord of War.

The door of order had long been in disagreement with Li Xing, and always wanted to destroy Li Xing. Later, he even dispatched the master Blood Soul Datianzun and others, but Li Xing left in time. By the time they found Li Xing, the latter was already so strong that they couldn't kill them casually, so they couldn't shoot.

The Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce originally had only one North District loathing Li Xing, so he repeatedly attacked and was defeated by Li Xing. When Li Xing was strong, it could not compete with it. Later, by leveraging the power of the Ark continent, he started to fight against the Hunyuan empire, but the entire Ark continent was put on board, and the strength of the Hunyuan empire was simply promoted.

But this time to find the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, but not only one in seven districts. It turned out that the seven districts were close to the nine, ten, and thirteen districts. These three districts also contacted the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce at the beginning. They only had a lively mind about what happened in the seven districts.

But later, the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce gradually grew stronger, compressing the living space of the three districts every day. However, at this time, the mixed Yuan Empire and the Jade Emperor Wonderland had close contact, which made the four districts afraid to start it.

The appearance of the people of Sumiling Mountain this time, and the participation of other forces, immediately made these four districts fat, and decided to kill the Mixed Yuan Chamber of Commerce in one fell swoop and regain the lost trade share.

Compared with the two above, the purpose of the Great War is even more simple and pure. What he needs most is war. Through the war, he can plunder resources, powerful, and improve the realm. The goal of others and one is war, and the motivation for ascension is also war.

Therefore, in response to the battle of the mixed Yuan empire, the great warlord requested that he personally refine Li Xing and obtain all the continents owned by Li Xing. Xu Mi Pureland agreed to these requirements.

Knowing that the forces of the three parties should not be underestimated, the two young masters couldn't help laughing and said, "So many people, destroy the mixed Yuan empire between the fingers, why don't the fathers start early?"

Xu Mizhi said: "As the father, the Jade Emperor will also shoot, and then it will be a shocking battle. Until the last moment, I and the two will not be able to take a shot. Instead, I can send several detachments to go, the best time is already Lost, it is difficult to cause a threat to the mixed Yuan empire. "

Dasong said: "You don't need to mention the previous things. This mixed empire is nothing. It will be destroyed. My father is assured that this time, I and my second brother will join forces with the three parties to eliminate this scourge."

Lord Xumi took out two nine-characters and gave them to the young master and the second young master, respectively. Jiuzhong Fu is made by Jiuzhong Broken Datianzun. It is extremely precious and powerful. It can be compared with Jiuzhong Broken Datianzun.

The Lord of Sumi said: "These two amulets are attacking amulets. Once used, they are too powerful and affect both you and your surrounding companions. Therefore, you must be careful when using them as a last resort. In addition, There are only two nine-characters in the father's body, which are very precious. If not necessary, do not use them. This is a life-saving charm. "

The young master and the second young master took solemnly the Jiuhemu, and the latter couldn't help but worry and said, "Father has the Jiuhemu in his father's hands, presumably not in the hands of the Jade Emperor. In that case, isn't it dangerous?"

The Lord Xu Mi smiled lightly: "For the father and him, they are the top five broken peaks, and their strengths are comparable, so once they start, they will not be dead and can only be tied."

The master of the young and old nodded: "Big forces like this, no one will win if they fight, they will only weaken each other."

"But things have changed because of the emergence of the Hunyuan Empire." Xu Mizhi said, "It continues to provide the Jade Emperor Wonder with powerful attack ships, which keeps us at a disadvantage. If we continue to do so, we may really be affected by it. Destroy. You know, in the face of countless warships, there is nothing you can do for your father, at best you can only protect yourself. "

"If it weren't for you, your father wouldn't be so anxious to get rid of the mixed Yuan empire, so your trip must be successful and not allowed to fail, otherwise the consequences are very serious, the mixed Yuan emperor must grow up and become more terrible than the emperor enemy."

"Father rest assured! We must not humiliate our mission and kill the emperor!"

Immediately after the two young masters got the order, they started to contact the three parties. Soon, the four districts of the Gate of Order, the Great Lord of War, and the Chamber of Commerce all sent people to meet in the Sumi Pure Land.

Most of these forces did not send an army, but only a small number of experts. The only exception is the Great War God, who is a war machine in his own right and has countless armies.

Among them, the gate of order sent six masters, two of whom were double-broken and one was triple-broken. The remaining three are the Blood Soul Great King and King Kong Great God of Immortal, and Mi Luo Po in the Broken Realm.

Compared with the first three people, Blood Soul Datianzun and others are very weak, but they are familiar with Li Xing's situation, so they were brought this time. In addition, King Kong Tianzun has a solid life lock, which is used to restrain the detention bell. There is also a triple-broken weapon on Mi Luopo's body, and her strength is not weak.

The six people at the gate of order can't be described as weak. Although they are not as good as the two young masters who need to clean up the land, they are also quite impressive. In particular, they provide a solid life lock, but they can restrain the terrible detention in the rumor. Yin Ling.

The four major districts of the Chamber of Commerce, the yuan capital of each district arrived, and each of them brought six broken leaders. As a result, twenty-eight people on the coalition side were severely broken.

In addition, the head of the four districts drove an ancient battleship. This battleship came out of the four districts at the same time and was borrowed from a core region. It was called the "Sky Surveying Ancient Ship". This ship originated from the ancient heaven court and was powerful. Non-normal super-plane battleships are comparable.

Twenty-eight smashed Great Celestial Masters are all on the battleships, and their combat effectiveness is evident. They are not lost to the gates of order, and they still have.

The third party is the Great Celestial Master of War. Although the Great Celestial Master is alone, he is now a four-fold broken master, and there are billions of male soldiers in the war plane, which is by no means weaker than the above two forces.

Seeing that the three parties are masters, Long Xian and Wen Sheng Da Tian Zun are very happy. The two met with people at the Osu Miya, and hosted a banquet to discuss and discuss war.

These people all have their eyes high, and when it comes to how to divide their interests after victory, they immediately conflict. The Northern Wilderness Alliance Chamber of Commerce has the biggest appetite, and the head of the seven districts Shen said, "If you talk about the Chamber of Commerce, who can be compared with the Chamber of Commerce? So all the business and resources of the Four Wilders' Chamber of Commerce must be taken over by the Alliance! We have reported this. Feng, the headquarters will ask about this, and I advise you not to argue! "

The gate of order, the triple-broken Great Celestial ~ www.readwn.com ~ Taohao flying needle, this person is a nun, but he is not easy to deal with. She smiled coldly and said, "What a big power! Since your chamber of commerce is so powerful, why should you cooperate with me and join forces with others? You can let the people at the headquarters of the union go to the north. With great power, the mixed empire will be wiped out in an instant. "

Another head was furious: "Flying needle, do you want to compete with our chamber of commerce?"

Feizhen Datianzun scorned and said, "Don't treat others as fools. Your chamber of commerce alliance has always been very loose. The biggest role of your four districts is to provide high-level confession instead of trouble. I said Got it right? "

The four heads looked ugly. They didn't admit it, and they didn't say a word.

Flying Needle Datianzun is proud of himself and is ready to express that he will get the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, but the war big Tianzun speaks coldly, "Whoever fights, who dies!"

A simple sentence, four words, but contains a strong sense of war, infinite killing!


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