Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1300: Meeting the enemy

Chapter 1300: The Strategy of Meeting the Enemy

Chapter 1300: Countermeasure

As soon as this statement was made, Flying Needle Datianzhuang's face changed drastically, and he stared at War Datianzhuang with a yin voice: "Brother War is really crazy, can you think that everyone present is afraid you will fail?"

The Great War of Heaven said coldly: "I never need others to be afraid of me. I just said, whoever fights with me and who dies, if you don't understand, you can try it once. '"

The flying needle was furious, but he still didn't say anything at all, but the Great War of Heaven was broken in fourfolds. In case he really kills him, only the grandson can rescue him. But it's hard to say if the grandson Long Xian has rescued him.

Long Xian hit a haha ​​at this time, and then said to everyone: "I don't think it's time to talk about the division, because the mixed empire is still there, and it is a difficult bone. As for how to divide the benefits in the end, I see It's not too late to defeat the mixed Yuan empire and kill the mixed Yuan emperor. By then, whoever has the ability, who can get the most benefits, what do you think? "

The Great War Emperor glanced at Long Xian and said, "It makes sense."

The rest did not object, and they all agreed, and then Long Xian presided over the battle plan. After a lot of deliberations, it was decided that the main force of the mixed Yuan empire would be attracted by the Great Heavenly Lord of War, and the remaining forces sought the opportunity to give the mixed Yuan empire a blow.

In the process of discussion, the people naturally also considered the current strength of the mixed Yuan empire. In fact, in the recent period, only the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce have communicated externally, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter the mixed Yuan empire, so the news heard by them is limited.

In fact, even the people inside the mixed-yuan empire do not know how much and how much the empire changes every day.

From clues, the heroes believe that the current strength of the mixed Yuan empire is slightly improved compared to that year, which will not affect their expedition.

As everyone conspired, the last continent of Li Xing's refining industry also came to an end. This continent belongs to the advanced civilization continent, and the refining process is relatively long.

The nine women of Li Xing, like him, are practicing in the gate of time at this moment. After a long period of time, the daughters have gradually broken through to a broken state. In addition, Li Xing prepared nine powerful magic weapons for them.

The nine magic weapons, all of which are dual broken magic weapons, are extremely powerful. At present, they have already subscribed to the magic weapon to subscribe to the contract, so their own attack power has also soared to the two broken weapons.

The nine magic weapons were collected by the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce over the years, and they cost a lot of money, and the value of each one is horrible.

Once the contract was established, all the nine women took Baobao out of the customs, and they were all very upset. In fact, in their realm, they are already very strong, so they are ready to go out and do something.

After learning about this, Li Xing was quite disapproved, saying, "Everything in the Empire is on track. What can you do? It's better to set your heart to cultivate."

Murong Jiaojiao said: "The business of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce is the top priority of the empire. We have decided to help you manage the business of the Chamber of Commerce today."

The business of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has been taken care of by Sanqing Datianzun, Ronghua Datianzun and others, but with the rapid growth of the chamber of commerce, these managements have been feeling a lot of pressure.

The Shihuang Chamber of Commerce is a huge organization, with countless people under it, one level of control. The strength of many lower-level personnel has far surpassed those of Sanqing Datianzun and others, putting a lot of pressure on them.

Although the management of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce requires the wisdom of overall management, strength is equally important. If a person has the ability, if the strength is not enough, the people below can't be calmed.

Nine women knew this situation long ago, so they asked to take over the chamber of commerce today.

Li Xing said with a smile: "Okay, since you have a heart, then do it."

Murong Jiaojiao said: "We have already negotiated. Nine people will manage the major departments of the chamber of commerce, and will reform the chamber of commerce."

Li Xing was very strange and said, "Reform, how do you want to reform?"

Murong Jiaojiao: "Now the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce is already very strong, and we think that we should go to another Three Wilderness for development at this time. And the development model of the other Three Wildernesses should be distinguished from the North Wilderness."

"Since the Empire entered the Northern Famine, many contradictions and conflicts have been related to the development of the chamber of commerce. If this idea is still used elsewhere, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble."

"So after we thought about it, we thought that we could engage in cooperative management as we did before, and divide the profits out, so as to draw some powerful forces to ally with us. By then, the alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce could not compete with us."

Li Xing laughed: "I have used this method of cooperation and cooperation. Although some initial results have been achieved, it has not reduced the trouble."

Murong Jiaojiao: "At that time, the empire was very weak and could only cooperate with small forces. How can they ensure the development of the chamber of commerce? With the current reputation of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, it is like the power of the jade emperor wonderland, We also have to put an end to it. We can find stronger and stronger forces and build partnerships with them. "

After hearing this, Li Xing took it seriously and said, "You're right."

Chen Xue also said: "Xing brother, we decided to divide the army into three groups, in groups of three, going to the west, south and east, respectively, to build the strength of the chamber of commerce, and lay the foundation for future comprehensive expansion."

Li Xing said with a smile: "Okay, I promise you that only the name of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce is worthy of the name." But at the same time, he said solemnly, "Although I promise to let you go out, remember that if there is danger, immediately Go back and do n’t deal with it alone. "

The girls promised in succession, rejoicing to be able to go out and do things. In particular, Chen Shuang, he glared at the other women and said, "Let's compare them and see which one first makes the chamber of commerce stronger and bigger."

Xiao Xiu on the other side laughed: "Sister Frost, I'm afraid we have to win, because we have Jiao Jiao here, she is good at management."

Chen Shuang was very unconvinced and said, "What's so great, let's walk and see!"

In this way, after a few days of preparation, the nine women respectively went to Sanhuang and set up a chamber of commerce. Shortly after the nine women left, a cloud of war filled the air outside the empire, and it became more and more intense. The murderous intentions spread out, so that the monks in the vicinity flew away and did not dare to stay long.

The Empire naturally sensed this as well, and the three major members called together masters to discuss countermeasures.

Li Xingdao: "The coming person must be the great deity of war. This person's strength has leap again in the past 20 years. Now it is quadruple broken and very powerful."

Li Ba disagreed, saying: "What is the fourfold broken, once the ark battleship and civilized chariot are out, this person can be destroyed instantly!"

Li Xing said, "The Ark and the Civilization Tank are now in the gate of time, ready to receive the successful baptism of the Civilization Battleship. The Civilization Battleship is in the final construction. At this time, it has the ability to upgrade everything, especially arms."

"The Ark battleship can be transformed into a more powerful mothership, as is the civilized chariot. The attack power of both can at least double. Now they are at the critical moment of transformation, and they can come out in a maximum of three days. So don't take it out at this time. "

After hearing what Li Xing said, Li Ba was suddenly surprised, and said, "Father, what should we do? Without these two big killers, I am afraid that we cannot defeat the four-fold broken enemy!"

The emperor also said: "And the empire has taken deep root in the northern wilderness. If it retreats in this way, it will inevitably have a huge loss, especially in the chamber of commerce."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Naturally will not retreat, the Jade Emperor Wonderland will definitely respond, and our current strength is not weak, so we can fight against it."

Guangyan Datianzun suddenly remembered the incident and said, "Lord, the strength of the three hundred and thirty thousand civilization guards is now a broken strength. With such a force, are you still afraid of the big deity of war?"

Li Xing waved his hand and said, "The guards of three hundred thirty thousand civilizations have not come out for a long time. They have been reabsorbed by the ancient trees of civilization and transformed into civilized forces to support the fruits of civilization."

Guangyan Datian said: "In this way, the empire can only rely on itself now. Although the empire is like a cloud, it lacks super masters. The strongest is the master, which is only threefold."

"Subordinates' calculations, I am afraid that this is not easy. There must be a back move, and the empire has to defend it."

Li Xingdao said, "You are right, but there is no better way to date. As long as you can carry these three days, you can give the enemy a fatal blow.

Li Ba frowned for a moment and said, "If you say that the past three days, there is no way out, but in three days, my empire will also suffer heavy losses, which makes us superiors tolerate?"

Li Xing glanced at him and said, "Three days are fleeting, and great strategies can be used to delay." At the moment, they uttered the strategies in their hearts, and everyone was surprised.

Li Domineering: "The truth is the truth ~ www.readwn.com ~ The truth is the truth. Although his father's strategy is risky, it is a trick. Maybe it can last for three days."

As a result, the Junyuan Empire secretly prepared to meet the strength of the enemy and issued a rush to the Jade Emperor Wonderland, while the other side spread news that the Junyuan Empire had built a powerful battleship that could kill the four broken masters.

Of course, the news was delivered in a clever way, by the spies who have been under surveillance.

The speed of information transmission is rapid. It didn't take long for the Great Master of War to know all this, and the cloud of war temporarily stopped and continued.

At this moment, the great war lord is hidden in the cloud, his eyes flickering. The news made him dare not take risks. He knew the potential of Li Xing. He was terrified. Maybe he had made such a powerful warship.

Moreover, through the eyes of war, he saw that the entire mixed-yuan empire was very ruined and unguarded, and even the patrolling soldiers did not have it. They were presented in front of them as they were, and they could attack the army at any time.


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