Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1303: All enemies

Chapter 1303: Total Destruction Comes To The Enemy

Chapter 1303 Total Destruction

Long Xian and Wen Sheng stood together. Both felt the horrible threat, and they were frightened. Long Xian Datian Zun was frightened, and he did not hesitate to hit the nine-fold sign in his hand. . . │ ''

The Jiuhemu is equivalent to the hit of Jiuzhong Broken Heavenly King. Its strong attack power is self-evident, and the ancient civilization cannons are overshadowed by comparison.

Seeing that, the fan-shaped rune resisted the light of civilization and broke it down instantly. The afterglow was still strong and swept across. Behind Li Xing, he gradually manifested a powerful battleship.

This battleship was the first civilized continent to be refined using 129,000 continents as a component. Its attack power far surpasses the ark mother ship and civil war vehicle, and it has many powerful weapons on it.

Among them, the most powerful are the high-end small civilization cannons.

There are huge differences between civilizations at all levels, such as primary civilization, intermediate civilization, and advanced civilization. Different civilizations can only build corresponding civilization weapons. Take the ancient artillery as an example. Within the scope of primary civilization, you can build small, large, giant, and ultimate four grades.

The ultimate civilization ancient cannon is the most powerful weapon in the primary civilization and the most lethal. However, due to the limitation of primary civilization, the ultimate ancient artillery at this level must consume its own civilized forces to fire, and it cannot confront the enemy in large numbers. Four types of ancient artillery of the primary civilization, and is called the ancient civilization ancient artillery.

In contrast, the intermediate civilization also has four grades of ancient artillery. This type of ancient artillery can absorb the air of heaven and earth by itself, and transform itself into a civilized force, thereby causing damage to the enemy.

The four-type ancient artillery of intermediate civilization is also called the ancient civilization of intermediate civilization. This type of ancient artillery is the mainstream mainstream artillery of the mixed Yuan civilization warships, with the largest number.

All ancient cannons previously owned by Li Xing were all four types of ancient civilizations.

There are essentially no differences between the four types of ancient artillery. It is nothing more than the difference in the size of the shells and the difference in power. Therefore, Li Xing can now manufacture four large-scale ancient civilization artillery.

At present, civilized warships are equipped with a large number of ancient civilization artillery, including one million ancient civilization artillery, 200,000 large civilization artillery, 40,000 giant civilization artillery, and one ultimate civilization artillery.

In contrast, the number of ancient civilizations of the ultimate civilization is the least. This is not because Li Xing does not want to build more. It is the difference between the ancient civilizations and the first three types of ancient artillery. This type of ancient artillery represents the strongest force of intermediate civilization A civilization can only create one, so it is called the ultimate ancient artillery.

Of course, there is also an ultimate cannon built by the primary civilization on top of the civilized chariot, but it does not belong to the mixed Yuan civilization, so it can still be assembled on the civilized chariot.

The ultimate ancient artillery equipped on a civilized warship belongs to the middle-level civilization level. Its power is much stronger than the ultimate ancient artillery on a civilized chariot. In one blow, it can kill seven broken pieces in a single shot and pose a big threat to eight broken pieces.

Although Li Xing's mixed-yuan civilization has entered a high level, it is only preliminary after all, so these civilization weapons are still in a state of intermediate civilization. Even so, this still gave Li Xing a powerful fighting force.

This is the power of civilization. Even if Li Xing's deity is not powerful, he can use civilization to enhance the extra power and thus have the ability to kill high-ranking powerful enemies.

As soon as the civil warship appeared, the warrior contracted his pupils and turned away. His war plane is also the plane of civilization, but it is only the starting point of primary civilization, far from being comparable to Li Xing.

He can't even make the ancient artillery, and he doesn't have the ancient cosmic treasure of the ancient tree, so his level is far worse than Li Xing. He was an expert, and at a glance he saw that Li Xing was already invincible in the same order and no one could win.

Long Xian and Wen Sheng did not see the powerful, thinking that Li Xing must die if Jiu Fu Fu shot. However, I saw a huge battleship suddenly appearing in front of me, the thunder light flashed on it, and then a blast of gunfire struck overwhelmingly.

This thunderbolt interweaves into a web of destruction. Going forward, the fan-shaped runelights are taken around and turned into a ball of energy light, and then become a part of the power of the lightnet, blasting towards Longxian and Wensheng.

They both changed dramatically and fled. But that optical network has a slight attraction, and the speed is extremely fast. The two people are caught in an instant, and then the ninefold Fuguang blows into a fly.

Li Xing slayed the two, looking at the distance, said lightly, "War, can you get rid of it?"

He stepped out, followed the three battleships behind him, and caught up with the great war lord in one fell swoop, holding the other's vest in one palm and screaming, "Eat my palm!"

The Great War of the Heaven was shocked. He turned back and punched him, and his palms collided. He was blasted all the way away, his mouth and nose spurting blood. At this moment, Li Xing's dedication has reached its peak of fourfolds.

In contrast, the Great War of Heaven is at the beginning of the quadruple stage, and he was seriously injured before. He is not an adversary at this moment.

Li Xing was as imposing as he was. He stepped on his feet, mastered the fist, and stepped forward again with three fists. He fought the war and broke his bones and had no strength to fight back.

He yelled, "Li Xing, there is no one under the door, you can kill if you can kill, you will regret it!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Why do you regret killing you like killing a dog?" In a word, the mixed yuan gun was revealed, and in one fell swoop, he entered the right eye of the war **** and raised it high.

This hybrid gun has gradually evolved in the direction of a civilized weapon after the soul and weapon smelting and the baptism of civilization.

Here just ### The great war of heaven, Li Xing suddenly moved in his heart and felt the vision of the mixed plane. It turned out that the stubborn stone that was photographed at the auction that year contained the furnace tripod and finally broke through today.

I saw the stubborn stone exploded, but it was a bronze stove, surrounded by wind and clouds, two colors of heaven and earth, strong breath, no small matter.

As soon as this furnace came out, Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he cried, "Good baby, a magic weapon that is broken in ninefolds! You can melt all things to enhance the essence, and you will be called the world's great furnace!"

The heaven and earth smelt loudly, shrank into the size of a fist, and fell into Li Xing's hands. This thing belongs to the congenital treasure, which is born naturally, and is born in the ninefold realm, and there is still a strong room for improvement in the future.

The heaven and earth Honglu has been nourished by the mixed Yuan civilization. Today, when the barrier was broken, it naturally recognized Li Xing as the principal and entered into a contract with Li Xing. This time, Li Xing felt that his strength had soared secretly, from the peak of the quadruple to the fifth, and then rushed to the ninefold.

He was in a better mood, and said to the half-dead war Datian: "Baby is born, just use your blood sacrifice!"

Immediately, the war was refined into a world of fire. The heaven and earth furnace can extract the purest power from all things, and can also transform all power into the power of heaven and earth.

It was only three or five breaths, and the Great Heavenly Lord of War turned into a pile of blue ashes, and two groups of energy were refined here. A mass of energy is white and belongs to the power of the world; a mass of energy is blue and a force of civilization.

The power of that world continues to be refined by the heaven and earth, and it is transformed into pure power of heaven and earth. As for the power of civilization, it is handed over to the ancient tree of civilization, which will deduce the mystery of war civilization.

In this battle, although the mixed empire finally won, it suffered heavy losses. More than 600 billion monks fell in the war. More than 1,000 super-plane warships and tens of millions of high-level warships were destroyed, and tens of thousands were broken. Realm master drink hate.

Even some people who Li Xing valued, such as Chaoyang, Bazhi, Jianzhi, Baixiao, and Daohuang, were cut off. Core figures such as the Emperor, the Emperor, and Li Ba were also hit hard.

Among them, quite a few are Yuanren real people. They are the real main force of the Yuanyuan plane. They grow with the growth of the Yuanyuan plane, which makes Li Xing very distressed.

This campaign had far-reaching effects. The mainland of Xumi stopped fighting with the Jade Emperor Wonderland for the first time and entered a state of full alert. Now that the situation has changed, the first strong enemy is no longer the Jade Emperor Wonderland, but the Yuan Empire.

The Jade Emperor Wonderland was the most happy. They also temporarily stopped using troops on the Xumi Pure Land and waited for the empire to respond. According to information, they determined that the mixed Yuan empire would definitely come out of Xumi Pure Land.

The response to the Gate of Order was more intense. At one time, high-level officials decided to send another master to wipe out the mixed Yuan empire in one fell swoop, but after all, they were still depressed by some insightful people. They believe that the climate of the mixed Yuan empire is now complete. You will definitely pay a heavy price, and you will not lose anything.

The Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce frightened the four districts where the empire used troops, and at this time it shrank completely and kept seeking protection from high-level officials. This incident also finally caught the attention of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, but not to protect the four districts, but to make the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce accept the four districts and then join the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce.

Although the ambassador of the alliance has not yet arrived, forcing Li Xing to join the alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, it is a matter of time to confess to him like the fourth district.

Similarly, when the Great Deity of War was refined, the ancestral ancestor in the abyss raised his eyebrows and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were cold and ruthless, and he said to himself: "Sure enough, as I expected, the war is not something else. The enemy ~ www.readwn.com ~ is his idea! "

After a moment of contemplation, he trembled: "The emperor of Yuan Dynasty is a big trouble, and he can't say that the old man can only go out and kill him."

Reactions from all sides were mixed, and Li Xing did not mind and went all out to recover the trauma. The dragon of the mixed-yuan empire is dormant, devoting itself to stabilizing itself. This allowed the hostile forces such as Xu Mijingtu to breathe a sigh of relief, and intensified their time to prepare for the future war. They understood that the mixed empire would shoot sooner or later, and they must prepare for the war early.

On this day, in the early days of the mixed Yuan empire, a member of the court reported: "Your Majesty, the Hydra King, and the Great Deer King, escaped when the enemy attacked, and his whereabouts are unknown, please Her Majesty investigate the crime of misconduct."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's just two bugs. It's no need to worry about it. If you leave, you'll leave." Then he told all the ministers, "All the enemies were wiped out, but the losses were heavy, so it took time to rest."

"But we also can't let go of development and do one thing at the same time. And the first thing is to eat up the four districts of the Chamber of Commerce, and we can no longer give them breathing space!"


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