Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1304: Expedition 4

Chapter 1304 Conquering the Quartet

Chapter 1304: Expedition

Speaking of the Chamber of Commerce, everyone is gritting their teeth, Li arrogantly: "Father, the Alliance, you can't let one go!"

Li Xingdao: "Most of the strength of the four districts of the alliance have been eliminated, and the rest is not a concern, so Li Ba ... This is the use of civilized chariots, and there will be no major problems."

Everyone agreed that Li Ba's strength is not weak, and coupled with the civilized combat power, four districts can be easily destroyed.

Li Xing added: "The second thing is the development of the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce. After the Fourth District was destroyed, the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce will completely replace them and establish a strong rule here. This range is very large and complex. Thousands of continents exist. "

"The mixed-yuan empire must build up an area so that it can become the empire's backyard, so that the empire can be truly strong and have a foundation. This matter is left to Li Gui to handle, and the Ark mother ship is put to use."

Li Gui said: "Baby will live up to expectations!"

Li Xing nodded and said, "The third thing is to cleanse the land. This force is equivalent to the Jade Emperor Wonderland, and it must be removed. This matter was shot by the Emperor himself to help the Jade Emperor Wonderland destroy it. . "

"As for the gate of order and behind the scenes of the Great Heavenly War, the empire must also take precautions. Both forces have not yet surfaced, but they must be quite powerful and cannot be overlooked."

Li Gui said at this time: "The Alliance Chamber of Commerce must also take precautions. Before, it only started with the four districts, but now it is necessary to destroy them. The leaders of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce will definitely respond."

Li Xingshen was right, saying, "The core of the Chamber of Commerce is ten major forces. They form the core of the chamber of commerce, and the head of the alliance is also produced by the ten major forces. This is indeed a giant existence. With its strong control, Gathering the wealth of the Northern Wilderness will be the future enemy of the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce. "

"However, the ten major forces and ten districts are all located in the central area of ​​the Northern Barrens, far away from the empire. And the four districts are not much for this behemoth, so the possibility of the other party is not very likely." Li Hing analyzes, "The biggest possibility is that it will force the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce to join the Chamber of Commerce and extract profits from it."

Li Ba frowned: "Father, do we want to take advantage of this in vain?"

Li Xing laughed: "Cheap is not for nothing, the Four Wild Businesses will have the bargaining qualifications, and the profits will not be too much. If these profits can make the Four Wild Businesses further develop, it is worth it."

"Moreover, if you join the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance, the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce can openly attack other areas of their alliance. On the other hand, the commercial associations can also use the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce's name to enter another world."

"In summary, compared to the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce alliance that can bring huge benefits to the empire, those contributions are really nothing." Li Xingdao said, "and it is foreseeable that the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce will surpass the Chamber of Commerce in the future. This situation It will not last forever. "

Prime Minister Taiyi Datian said: "陛 ### share is the King of the Northern Wilderness, and the Chamber of Commerce will definitely be cautious about this, and the cooperation at that time will probably not be smooth. In addition, the heaven court may not be satisfied that we join the Chamber of Commerce. "

Li Xingdao: "The prime minister's words are reasonable, but don't worry. As long as the empire sweeps away the power of the prefecture in the process of expansion, the heaven will only draw and support, and there will be no opposition. As for the alliance, such a behemoth, confident The heart is extremely powerful. If you run across the Northern Wilderness, would you care about a heavenly court? Nor would you care if this Emperor is the Northern Wilderness King. "

In other words, he said to everyone: "These are the few things we have to deal with in the near future. Let's work hard and go all out!"

"Yes!" Everyone cried.

As the mixed-yuan empire prepares for a new round of expansion, far in the high-level space-time of the central pure land, the King of Hydra and the King of the Deer are kneeling in front of the Emperor Luan, and tears shed tears, telling that these years have been difficult.

"Lord, that junior child is brave and brave enough to do bad things in the north. He treats us like pigs and dogs and ignores heaven."

Zangu Datianzun was expressionless. There were several people sitting beside him. It was his brother. The first person was a boy in white, playing with a dark golden gourd.

The second is a man in red, playing with a flying knife in his hand. Next, there is a blue shirt and a yellow shirt.

Huangshanren looked at Luangu and said, "Three brother, that Li Xing is impatient, and dare to attack your man. I think it is necessary to teach him."

The man in the blue shirt also said, "Yes, we have been retreating at the ancient Tianting site for years. The effect is equivalent to practicing a hundred epochs outside and being fully cultivated by my father. The strength has been surging forward. It is not easy to pack such a small person. ?"

Humane in Red: "The fourth and fifth are right. The elder brother's realm has now entered fivefold fragmentation, and my third and third brothers have also reached fourfold fragmentation. Even the fourth and fifth children are now triplefold broken. Realm. With such strength, is it not easy to deal with a small force? "

At this time, the King of the Hydra said: "Several masters, the Zunyuan Empire has developed very rapidly over the years. When we fled, the four forces, such as the Order of the Gate and Xu Mi Pure Land, were working together to attack the Zunyuan Empire. How's it going."

The King of Deer said: "The strength of the mixed Yuan emperor should be about fourfold. He originally had three major avatars, but after that battle, it has all fallen down, so the mixed Yuan empire is not afraid."

Luangu Datianzun said: "You can't underestimate the mixed Yuan empire. The four wild merchants it built will be a bit interesting, and there are a lot of powerful warships."

The man in white said coldly: "This is not enough. We will meet him in a few days and see how capable he is and who dares to move us."

The King of the Hydra and the King of the Deer were very happy, and said, "Several masters go out, and the gangster thief must be obedient."

At this time, these people did not know that the mixed Yuan empire had finally won, and Li Xing's strength had also been greatly improved, and he had entered a fourfold fragmentation. And now with the help of the heavens and earth, the combat power has soared to the level of ninefold fragmentation.

When Liangu Datianzun and his party were preparing to go to the mixed yuan empire, Li Ba had launched an attack on the four districts of the Chamber of Commerce. With his civilized warships, he was invincible, and the combat power of the four districts fell sharply, and he was not an opponent at all.

So in just half a day, Li Ba won all four districts, not only killing a number of leaders, but also earning a lot of accumulated income in the four district chambers of commerce over the years.

On the other hand, Li Xing also began to help the Jade Emperor Wonderland to start against Xumi Pure Land. The two major forces fought again. With the joining of Li Xing, the situation turned to one side and developed in a direction that was beneficial to the Jade Emperor's Wonderland.

On this day, Li Xing urged the civilized warship to launch a total attack on Xumi Pure Land with the cooperation of the Jade Emperor Wonderland. This time, all Sumi battleships in Sumi Pure Land were out.

However, there are one million small civilization cannons, two hundred thousand large civilization cannons, 40,000 giant civilization cannons, and one ultimate civilization cannon on the civilization battleship.

Such lethality is simply not acceptable for Xumijingtu. When one million volleys of medium-sized and small civilized artillery were volleyed, one million Sumi warships were directly destroyed.

The salvo of 200,000 large-scale ancient artillery cannons destroyed all the broken masters of Xumi.

At this moment, the Lord of Sumi was unable to sit still, and personally came forward to fight with the Jade Emperor. Both are five-fold broken peaks, and their strengths are comparable.

Li Xing urged the civilized warship to kill the enemy with all his might, while paying close attention to the duel between the two masters. Seeing that the Jade Emperor could not gain an advantage, he shouted aloud and then joined the battle group.

His strength has stepped into the ninth broken state, and his strength is overbearing. I saw him holding a mixed yuan gun, and a stab came, and the power of the mighty civilization gushed out, making it difficult for the Lord of Xu Mi to dodge, and he had to do it.

The master of Xu Mi held a sword and severely chopped the hybrid gun. Unfortunately, the strength of the two is huge, the sword is instantly smashed, and the Lord of Xu Mi also vomits blood and retreats.

Li Xing was so powerful that he resembled a poisonous dragon and took the heart of Xu Mi's master. The latter's complexion changed so much that he could not stop Li Xing's smashing attack even after he had used his secret technique.

"Three lives!"

Li Xing screamed, the Lord Xu Mi felt only a pain in his eyebrows, and a fierce plane force rushed into it, and instantly destroyed his five-fold broken plane. Then his physical body cracked and turned into fly ash.

The Lord of Sumi was reluctant to scream and curse before dying: "Little thief, you must not die!"

With no expression, Li Xing dropped the result.

As soon as the Lord of Sumi died, there was no suspense in the war between the two sides, and the Jade Emperor Wonderland layer ### eventually occupied the Sumi Pure Land. Of course, in the process, Li Xing did not take advantage too, he will search for the wealth accumulated in the Pure Land.

Jade Emperor Wonderland had the biggest gains, its power doubled at once, and its strength was greatly improved. It is ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing's fortune hunting was carried out with his acquiescence.

This is also a richness of both sides. Li Xing only collects wealth, and the Jade Emperor Wonderland is responsible for controlling all mainland forces under Xumijingtu.

By destroying Xumi Pure Land, the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce was able to expand and grow further here. The current Four Wild Chambers of Commerce has been expanding in the Northern Wilderness, and has a considerable scale, far exceeding the total amount of the four nearby districts.

At the time of the attack, Li Xing did not forget to cultivate. He used Panguzhu to recreate a nine-yang clone. Moreover, the new Jiuyang avatar is in a state of five broken levels, and can be regarded as a master.

In addition, the ancient civilization tree created a war clone after absorbing the civilization of war. Although this war avatar had a lower realm at the beginning, it rose rapidly. In just a few months, it broke through the five-fold fragmentation realm and was not weaker than the Jiuyang avatar.

Moreover, when the Jiuyang avatar stepped into the fivefold, a door of destruction was condensed. The appearance of this door represented that he had entered the ranks of the top four masters.


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