Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1310: Alliance Messenger

Chapter 1310: Nine Yang Xiejun Chapter Alliance Messenger (3300 flowers)

Chapter 1310 Alliance Messenger (3300 flowers)

But the previous two strikes really shocked the three elders. They didn't think about the lack of shells for a while, they just felt that Li Xing was unpredictable. 'Especially from the text created by Li Xing, the mixed-yuan civilization is a high-level civilization, much stronger than their primary civilization.

Kongmingge Shen Shen said: "Mixed Yuan Daoyou, the old man can avoid Pan Guzhu, but you must know how you promote civilization. If you are willing to say, everything before is blameless, we can be friends."

Li Xing sneered. He relied on the ancient tree of civilization to promote his civilization. The ancient tree was his ### 子, and the King of Heaven would not let him know, let alone the person in front of him wanted to seize it?

He sneered for a while and said, "Don't worry about it, either fight or get off!"

Kongmingge's old face was excited and said, "So, do you really have a treasure to promote civilization?"

Li Xing sank in his heart. Is this old thing going to release this news? It was his greatest secret that he suddenly had a killer in his heart. It must not be known to outsiders, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

He immediately laughed, "Haha", and said, "You are also a seven-fold broken old man. Is it true that once the civilization is created, the level has been determined? He asked such a stupid question of the emperor!"

He looked at the seventh emperor with a clear confusion, and the latter cried out loudly, "He is lying! The civilization of this man has really improved, and this emperor will not read wrong!"

Kongmingge turned to Li Xing, and frowned, "Hunyuan Daoyou, the old man still has no powerful means. If you don't surrender, I'm not polite to blame you."

Li Xing's face was gloomy and he said, "Old thing, what means do you have, despite making it out, this emperor will continue."

The old look of Emperor Kongmingge was condensed, and the Emperor's door behind him gradually expanded, and then there was a great suction. The strong suction instantly locked the civilized warship and pulled it in.

The gate of civilization has unpredictable power, and Kongmingge always wanted to swallow up the entire civilization battleship, thus subduing Li Xing. This move was beyond everyone's expectations, and Kongshan Datianzun said in surprise: "Okay, swallow this child!"

The empty gate is getting bigger and bigger, releasing the supreme coercion, Li Xing's full power to run the world cannot be separated from his control. The Quartet seemed to be flooded by the power of emptiness.

Li Xing's heart sank and ordered all the ancient civilizations to fire. But as soon as the gun light appeared, they were all swallowed up by the empty door, silent.

"Oops! The gate of civilization is really powerful, he is going to devour my plane!" Li Xing was anxious.

At this critical moment, a great figure appeared. The man in ancient clothes had a high crown and a smile. He reached out and nudged gently, but it felt like he was doing nothing.

But with his push, the empty door suddenly deviated from its original position, and the suction power was also interrupted.

"Who's coming?" The three cabinet veterans are preparing ### Li Xing, not wanting to be destroyed by others, are extremely annoyed, killingly revealed.

The comer smiled and said, "My husband is inaction, the first messenger of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce."

The name of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce came out. The three cabinet veterans lost their tempers and secretly called out of luck. Why did they meet this person?

Wuwei Datianzun said: "I just saw a few friends fighting with mixed Yuan Dao, they tried it under their itchy hands, and some of them were strange."

Upon hearing this, the emptiness and other people's faces changed greatly. It turned out that he was on the side of the mixed Yuan Empire!

Hollow angrily: "Brother, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. The mixed empire in the future will be the partner of our alliance with the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce. You ca n’t kill major customers."

Li Xing had recovered his freedom at this moment. He glanced at the person and was shocked. This ineffective messenger possesses seventh-level civilization and seven-level civilization, and is a power of eightfold fragmentation. No wonder he can open the empty door.

After a change of heart, he stepped forward to see the ceremony and said with a smile, "It was the messenger of the alliance, thank you!"

Wuwei Datianzun nodded to him, and then said to the Three Pavilions: "Are they still leaving? Do you want to send this messenger in person?"

The three are empty, hollow, and empty mountains. They suffered a lot here, and it took a long time to get rid of this person. But they also know that the combined strengths of the three may not necessarily be worthless.

Besides, there was another Li Xing watching beside him. If they started, they would suffer.

"Let's go," Kongmingge said decisively.

The seventh emperor was anxious, and shouted, "Are you going to let this little thief out?"

With a sigh, Kongshan swept away the seventh son. Subsequently, three people disappeared into the chaos of time and space.

At this time, Wuwei Datianzun walked over with a smile, and arched to Li Xing: "Mixed Yuan Daoyou has a bright future!"

Li Xingdao: "The award is over. Thanks to the messenger for his help."

"It's not enough to raise your hands," Wuwei Datianzun said with a smile. "Is this the case to discuss cooperation with you?"

"Oh? Cooperation?" Li Xing pretended not to know, "What cooperation?"

Wuwei Dayzun said: "The four districts of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance have been destroyed by you and replaced by them. Therefore, the alliance has decided to recruit the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce to join the Chamber of Commerce Alliance instead of the four districts."

Li Xing's expression was quite happy, saying: "Once the empire could never agree, joining the alliance meant giving up profits. However, the messenger has the life-saving grace, and if he does not agree, he must agree."

Wuwei Datianzun is very happy, saying: "It seems that you are a practical person and don't hide you. If the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce refuses to join, the experts will be immediately sent to erase it."

Li Xing sneered, saying, "It seems my choice is right." Then he invited Wuwei Tianzun to the temple as a guest, and the two sides discussed the cooperation in detail.

At the time of the negotiations, Wuwei Datianzun reported himself. He is one of the top ten forces in the alliance, and the elder of Tianxumen is also the first messenger of the alliance. Originally, this negotiation was only intended to send an ordinary messenger.

But Wuwei Datianzun heard of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce and thought it was a potential force, so he decided to come and check in person, so as not to miss the opportunity to win.

Along the way, he was actually inquiring about the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. He was quite surprised and decided to draw Li Xing even more. So as soon as he appeared, he rescued Li Xing and retreated from the three cabinet veterans.

"The Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce is doing well. In the Northern Desolation, it can be regarded as a relatively large chamber of commerce." Wuwei Datianzun said, "But such a chamber of commerce is not worth the presence of this messenger."

Li Xing laughed: "So what made the messenger come down?"

"It's you." Wuwei Datianzun looked at Li Xing. "If I read correctly, your plane civilization is still above the old man and has potential. I am optimistic about you, so I decided to accept you into Tianxumen System. "

Li Xing: "I would like to hear the details."

Inaction: "In the beginning, ten forces joined forces to establish the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance. After countless developments, it is now very strong. In terms of major events, the ten forces are unanimously outward, but there is still competition in ordinary operations. . "

"The rules in the alliance, alliance members can attack each other, the winner can replace it. Even if someone outside eats the alliance members, the above is generally not a question, but it will definitely recruit foreign forces to join, if not agreed, remove . "

"This has led to the fact that each of the forces is stepping up its efforts to nurture its own forces, thereby surpassing the other nine forces. But everyone wants to get the powerful forces, but their number is limited, and they have already been divided up. Now the top ten What the forces have to do is to find potential forces and help them grow. "

After hearing, Li Xing nodded and said, "So you think there is potential for the Four Wild Businessmen, so come here in person and want to determine if it is worth supporting?"

"Yes, if you are willing, you can become a member of the Tianxumen family today. You can rest assured that if a strong enemy appears in the future, the Tianxumen will rule for you. You are different from the previous four districts. They are not backers. Lonely soul and ghost, and your patron will be Tianxu Gate, you are a disciple of Tianxu Gate. "

Li Xing groaned for a moment and said, "I still have a few questions."

"Say." Wuwei was patient.

"In the future, will the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce provide confessions to the Alliance or to Tianxumen?"

"Nature is Tianxu Gate." Wuwei said, "You are a member of Tianxu Gate, and you are only responsible for Tianxu Gate. As for the alliance, you have Tianxu Gate to deal with it."

Li Xing nodded and asked, "If the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce conflicts with chambers of other departments, will Tianxuemen help?"

"No." Wuwei said, "The rule of the alliance is that the members of the two lines conflict, and the relevant forces will only allow themselves to die, so it depends on your strength. When you win, Tianxumen is naturally happy. , You are defeated, but Tianxumen cannot take action for you. "

"Then how much profit is turned in?" Li Xing asked the most important question.

Wuwei laughed: "I have observed the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce in detail, and beware that your current income is at least 100 billion yuan of broken Dan a year. Therefore, you only need to pay 40 billion yuan of broken Dan every year."

Li Xing took a sigh of air conditioning: "30 billion?"

"It's 30 billion ~ www.readwn.com ~ It still depends on your potential. For another person, the old man will let him pay 50 billion, which is 50%." Wuwei said coldly, "Why, You don't seem happy? "

Li Xing sighed: "I'm just a bit shocked. Although there is 100 billion yuan in income, it's just a gross profit. The actual amount that can be obtained is definitely not more than 60 billion."

"This is your business." Wuwei said, "In short, you have to pay 30 billion yuan, and it is the first day of each year, without delay."

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "So, after joining the Chamber of Commerce, I can swallow other chambers of commerce, no matter which force this chamber of commerce belongs to. And, as much as I have an appetite, I can swallow as much as I can. Any power limitation? "

"No." Wuwei Datianzun said affirmatively, "And when external forces are not good for you, the Chamber of Commerce will also help, so you can rest assured that no matter how much ability you can display, there will never be anyone blocking. After all, God The virtual gate is also part of the alliance. If you are strong, you will be strong in the virtual gate, and strong in the sky, you will be strong in the alliance. "


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