Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1311: Join the alliance

Chapter 1311 Joining the Alliance

Chapter 1311: Joining the Alliance

After hearing these words, Li Xing laughed. The most he wanted to hear was this, that is, he could cross the Union Chamber of Commerce under the guise of Tianxu Department. . . ┝ & 网 ,,

The Four Wild Chambers of Commerce wants to develop faster and must compete with the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, otherwise it will only occupy such a small area and it will be difficult to develop. The reality is that the Alliance Chamber of Commerce is a behemoth, with masters like clouds. With the current strength of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce, there is no way to compete with it.

The only way now is to break into the league. The Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce has become a cancer inside the North Desolate Chamber of Commerce. It will continue to grow and drain the blood of the Chamber of Commerce.

Until one day, the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce completely died and was replaced by the Four Wilderness Chambers of Commerce. This must be a long and dangerous process, and there will be twists and turns. But Li Xing is confident that this day will come.

"Okay, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is willing to join the Tianxumen!" Li Xing said, "In the future, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce will not let the messenger down."

Wuwei Datianzun is very satisfied, saying: "Very good, there will be other people to come to handle the follow-up matters, and you will handle it by yourself." Then, he reached out, "This messenger has worked hard, have you not Means? "

Li Xing scolded him, but this person saved himself and should give a little benefit. He laughed and said, "You don't have to messenger, it's already ready." Then he gave a cloth bag to Wuwei.

Although the pocket is small, there are other things in it, and it contains 10 billion pieces of broken Dan. This is part of Li Xing's search of wealth from the Sumi Chamber of Commerce, and it is not distressing to take it out.

Wuwei Datianzun's eyes brightened, and he smiled: "Okay, refreshingly enough. In the future, this messenger will take care of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce. However, it is mainly up to you." Remember one rule, fat people eat it, and you're surrounded by fat. "

Li Xing understood and laughed: "I understand that the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce will not forget the messenger and Tianxumen when eating fat."

"You're fine." Wuwei Datianzun smiled and patted Li Xing's shoulder, then drifted away.

As soon as the three pavilions in the heavenly court left, they never returned. It was about worrying that another master would help Li Xing. On the contrary, Tianxumen quickly sent follow-up ambassadors to formally form an alliance with the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

The benefits of joining the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce are huge, and the major aspects are as follows.

First, since then, the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce can share all the information of the Chamber of Commerce. In each chamber of commerce, a message wall is provided. Through the message wall, the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce can obtain information in many aspects.

For example, which chamber of commerce can purchase which kind of goods, how much is the price of a certain commodity in many chambers of commerce, and so on. You can also pass the information of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce to let the outside chamber of commerce know.

For example, the strength of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce is warship manufacturing, so he can post information on the message wall, what warships can be manufactured, how much output, and how much the price.

In this way, a large number of chambers of commerce will know that there is a four shortage of chambers of commerce in the field of warships. If they think it is appropriate, they will maintain commercial relations with the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, approve the warships and go to retail.

For another example, due to the construction of a large number of super-level battleships, the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce has a huge demand for basic seed materials. Then he can report the number of names of these materials and post them on the message wall.

At that time, there will be a large number of merchants to come to the auction, the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce can use these auctions to choose the lowest price merchant, thereby saving costs and shortening the procurement cycle.

The benefit of sharing information is one of the biggest benefits for the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce.

The second benefit is naturally that it can be protected by the alliance. In Beihuang, no force is willing to offend the alliance of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, which allows the Four Wilderness Chamber of Commerce to settle down for a period of time.

No matter it is the door of order or the old court of heaven, they will not start at random.

The third benefit is to accept orders issued by the top ten core forces. Those orders are very large and often need to be completed by many chambers of commerce in the alliance.

It turned out that the top ten forces were not one of the ten most powerful forces in the Northern Famine. The reason why the top ten forces were united in the first place was to fight against the first power of the Northern Famine, a continent with a successful civilization.

The ten major forces united a large number of forces and took the entire chamber of commerce to fight against it. This stabilized the super power and maintained its advantages to this day. However, the two sides still fought from time to time, and once the fighting broke out, a large number of warships, weapons, runes and so on were needed.

When the war starts, it is often when the alliance places an order, which is also a benefit of the chamber of commerce. Because in terms of order purchase, the alliance has always been very generous, and the following chambers of commerce will never lose money.

In short, joining the Chamber of Commerce has many advantages. He can let the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce expand rapidly while maintaining a relatively stable development environment. This is what Li Xing needs most.

After Li Xing occupied the four districts of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, this large area was conveniently renamed the Tianxu District 49. "Tianxu" represents that Li Xing is a person of the Tianxu system, and forty-nine represents that this is the 49th place under the Tianxu Gate.

Li Xing later learned that the other forty-eight districts controlled by Tianxumen were very large, far from being comparable to his Shihuang Chamber of Commerce. However, later the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce became more and more powerful and became the first force under the gate of Tianxu.

There were no twists and turns, and everything went smoothly. The Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has become a member of the Beihuang Chamber of Commerce, and its popularity has further increased. On the other hand, the normal business transactions of the Chamber of Commerce are more prosperous and more profitable.

After joining the chamber of commerce alliance and stabilizing, Li Xing issued an order, which is to temporarily and steadily develop, build a large number of warships, and accumulate strength for the next expansion.

The first step is to take complete control of the site in District 49. Li Xing has been doing this and is currently nearing completion. It will take another 30 to 50 years to complete it.

The second step is to build a large number of battleships and build up strength.

Speaking of warships, the fifth and sixth editions of the mixed yuan warships have come out one after another.

The fifth edition warship is equipped with 800 first-class broken ancient cannons and powerful first-class broken shields. This version of the battleship has more power than the fourth version, and its strength has been greatly improved.

The sixth version of the battleship is equipped with 800 second-class broken cannons and second-class broken shields, which are naturally more powerful.

These two warships will serve as the main battleships of the mixed empire in the future. Li Xing plans to build three hundred six-edged mixed-yuan battleships and twelve thousand five-edged mixed-version battleships.

In addition to the six and five mixed-yuan battleships, Li Xing also plans to build ten mixed-yuan motherships. The hybrid mother ship is naturally more powerful, equipped with one hundred ginseng broken cannons, ten tier four broken cannons, and one tier five broken cannons.

Moreover, there are thousands of positions on the mother ship, which can integrate the power of other warships, and it plays a major role in the war.

The third step is Li Xing himself. He will further improve the mixed Yuan civilization, strengthen his avatar, and promote his deity.

Speaking of upgrading and repairing, Li Xing is not far from the five-fold disruption, and it will take a maximum of three to five years to break through. After he was ready to make a breakthrough, he hurried to the ancient Tianting ruins before hitting the broken ancient road to try his luck.

Moreover, when he entered the site, he planned to bring a group of real people from Yuanyuan to enter at the same time, so that they could also gain something. Of course, those who can enter the site must have a very strong cultivation practice, at least it must be a broken state.

There are two other avatars, the Jiuyang avatar and the war avatar. There is a lot of room for improvement in these two avatars. Li Xing must have time to allow them to further improve. You know, in the future, he will embark on the broken ancient road, and the affairs of the empire can only be entrusted to the two liaisons of Jiuyang and War.

If their strength is too weak, he can't rest assured after leaving.

The promotion of Jiuyang avatar is relatively easy, because when the previous Jiuyang avatar was beheaded, another part of Pan Guzhu's power was inspired, making the current Jiuyang avatar the emperor of destruction.

The Emperor of Destruction has extraordinary means, and it is easy to promote the realm.

Therefore, Jiuyang's avatar entered the gate of time and practiced shortly after Li Xing's exit.

Regarding the war avatar, Li Xing also attaches great importance to it. In the future, the Four Desolates Chamber of Commerce will expand, and it will definitely launch countless wars, large and small, which will be the strength of the war avatar.

The war avatar has also entered the gate of time to cultivate, and his progress will also be very rapid.

In addition, Li Xing also carefully selected 100,000 mixed-yuan real people to provide the best conditions for them to enter the gate of time to practice, and wanted to train a group of real masters in the short term.

With the two majors retreating, the empire's major affairs can only be determined by the deity Li Xing. He became busy and had little time to cultivate. During this period, he was able to receive news from time to time that nine ladies were breaking ground.

It may be in the name of the Alliance of Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce. They have gone very smoothly. At present, they have achieved certain results ~ www.readwn.com ~.

At this moment, Li Xingpan was sitting in the chaos of time and space, and he could feel a place calling him. As long as he is willing, he can break the barrier and enter a new world, which is the fourth day.

The fourfold fragmentation can break through the fourth heavy sky, but unfortunately once he enters, he cannot come out, so he is not willing to be broken at this time, and he still has a lot of things to do in the Nether.

In addition to the fourth heaven, Li Xing also vaguely felt that another place was also calling him. That should be the fifth heaven, which shows that he will soon break through and enter the five-fold broken realm.

After the fivefold break, he can consolidate the gate of the Hunyuan and have stronger means. The gate of the mixed yuan belongs to the gate of civilization. Its appearance indicates that Li Xing can expand his civilization indefinitely and annex the world in the future.

This is because the Gate of Civilization has a huge purpose, that is, it can annex planes and evolve civilizations, so that the plane of civilization can be infinitely expanded.


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