Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 118: Emperor Tianxie [Unban]

The Emperor Tianxie said: "In the beginning, as a teacher, I once met a stranger named Moye He. He came from a place far away from Tian Yuanzhou. This person's cultivation methods are quite different from those of Tian Yuanzhou. That stranger and I talked for three days and exchanged some experiences with each other. "

"Namaya and taught me a method of refining gods called" Heavenly Fierce Zen "." Tianxie Emperor smiled, "I have never seen such a dangerous degree of refining gods."

Li Xing asked curiously: "What is the benefit of fiendish fierce Zen? How fierce?"

Emperor Tianxie: "The satanic fierce Zen, you need to visualize all kinds of tian demons from your soul, and under the interference of tian demons, you calmly settle down. If someone contemplates tian demons and cannot resist the invasion of tian demons, they will fall into a state of madness, Insanity. In spite of such a huge risk, the demon fierce Zen promotes the Yuanshen extremely quickly and is the fastest means of refining the gods known to the teacher. "

Li Xing is lost in thought. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing a shortcut means taking risks. However, his practice is now bottlenecked. If he does not break through, he will not be able to deal with Wang Zixing in the future.

Xi Wangzixing is a quartet of qi training. If Li Xing wants to deal with it, he must reach the level of qi training.

After thinking for a long time, Li Xing laughed, "Master, the disciples are willing to give it a try."

Emperor Yuntianxie became silent instead. He managed to find this disciple, and he had great hope in the future to use his strength to get out of trouble. If Li Xing were to practice the fierce Zen of the Demon, he would be in danger. However, if Li Xing is not allowed to practice, he may end his life at the level of blood training.

的 The breakthrough from practicing blood to practicing qi lies in human's wisdom root. The deeper the wisdom root, the faster the breakthrough. Obviously, Li Xing's Huigen is not so profound. At least, he can't break through in a short time and step into the level of training qi.

"Mayer and the fierce Zen taught, including a mind-boggling mentality, if you practice according to the law, there is a great chance of success. And the teacher will protect the law for you, you can try." After thinking about it, the Emperor Tianxie decided to teach Li Xingtian Demonic Zen.

Immediately, Emperor Tianxie taught Li Xing the fierce Zen of Tian Mo. The first step of the fierce Zen this day is to visualize the devil, and then suppress the devil with a special heart. With the improvement of Xiuwei, the demon head conceived is getting more and more powerful.

If you want to continue suppressing the devil, you must continue to improve your mental toughness. In the course of a long struggle with the demons, the mind will be continuously improved.

There are 18 levels in the evil spirits of fierce Zen. The first step of Li Xing was to conceive of the lowest-level demon named ghost.

At this moment, in accordance with his mentality, Li Xingjing was pursuing his mind, and the sound of Tianxie sounded in his ears: "Imagine the demons, there are 18 kinds of tricks, with 18 kinds of patterns of the demons. The demon figure tells you. "

Immediately, an image appeared in Li Xing's mind. In this image, the bull's head and the sheep's body, the dorsal wings, the eyes are dazzlingly cold, and the name is fascinating. It took hours and hours for Li Xing to remember the charmed image.

The practice of 天魔 fierce Zen does not happen overnight, and in a short period of time, it will not be effective.

Unconsciously, three days later, Li Xing was ordered to bring forward camp to Xuanwu City.

一 In the morning, Li Ying had arranged a luxury carriage, waiting outside Sanyi Garden, and sent ten servants to accompany him. In doing so, he undoubtedly wanted to repair the relationship with Li Xing.

Li Xing boarded the carriage, gradually drifting away, and far away, a hidden corner, Li Jie was staring at the disappearing carriage with complex eyes. Behind him, Li Zheng and Li Fei's faces were not very good-looking.

三个 These three people are among the worst and most violent conflicts between Li Xing and San Xing Yuan. They repeatedly tried to assassinate Li Xing without success. Originally thought that Li Xing would certainly die when he entered the striker camp, but he never imagined that this person not only did not die, but also made great progress and made great achievements.

In the past three days, Li Xing's name has spread through the streets and lanes of Qingyun City. Even a three-year-old child knows that Li Xing led the striker to rescue Qingyun City. On the contrary, some people in Li Jie were greedy for life and feared death. They hid their heads and shrunk things during the battle, and they were presented for comparison with Li Xing.

怎么 "What to do? Li Xing is a big man now, and even the homeowners value him." Li Zheng hated and stomped. "He has a deep hatred with us. Come with him, we still have a good life?"

Li Jie gritted his teeth: "What's the matter? Father, although they don't move Li Xing anymore, don't forget that people who think of Li Xing's death are more than us." He smiled coldly, "I got the news that Zhou Xiang is already in Qi Yun Send activities to prepare to dismiss Li Xing's qualification to enter the Qi Yun faction. Also, with Wang Yang's character, he will never tolerate Li Xing to live, we wait and see! "

Li Xing spent a day on the road and arrived at Xuanwu City at noon the next day.

Xuanwu City is more prosperous than Qingyun City and is the core city of Liudong. Horse-drawn carriages are driving on a wide and flat avenue, and shops on both sides are connected to one another, and business travel is endless. Inside the carriage, Li Xing sat in front of the messenger.

Halfway along, the messenger quietly entered the carriage. Since the carriage was closed, no one outside could see what was inside, so no one knew that there was an extra person on it.

"How much loss this time?" Li Xing asked. While guarding Qingyun City, the three ambassadors and their subordinates ~ www.readwn.com ~ were all dispatched to help Zhu forbidden to defend the city, inevitably causing casualties.

The newsman said: "Return to Young Master, our people have died 28 and injured 33."

Li Xing sighed: "You are doing right. Under the nest cover, is there any eggs? Qingyun City is over, everyone has to die. The dead are all good, take good care of their family. Accepted If you are hurt, you have to settle them one by one. You can use those batches of Xuanjing without reporting to me. "

The messenger nodded his head: "Yes, the villain must do it."

"Settle them well, you and the two other messengers are ready to leave Qingyun City immediately and find a way to go to Tianchen Kingdom."

命令 Li Xing's order surprised the messenger of the news. He groaned for a moment and said, "The foundation of the young master, his subordinates and others is in Qingyun City. It is extremely difficult to go outside to establish power, especially the Kingdom of Heaven.

Li Xing nodded: "I know it is difficult, but I will go to Tianchen sooner or later. The batch of Xuan Jing is the capital of your founding forces. With this batch of Xuan Jing, plus the richness of the three of you Experience, I think we should be able to establish forces initially. "

The messenger of the message bowed, "Yes, when the subordinates go back, they start preparing immediately."

"I mean, after traveling to Tianchen, you can start with business and build up your forces gradually. You don't need to worry, you must develop steadily. If you have any difficulties, you can raise them with me."

He explained for a moment, and as soon as he was approaching Hou's house, the messenger of the news turned into a phantom and flashed out of the carriage.

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