Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 119: Hou House [Unban]

Yunhou Mansion is very magnificent. Compared with Sanyi Garden, Xiaowu sees big witches, not in a grade at all. As Liu Donghou, Wang Zixing is the most powerful person in Liu Dong and the richest person in Liu Dong.

The horse-drawn carriage entered the Houfu House, a special person guided Li Xing into the Houfu, and then took a small sedan straight to the Houfu Hall.

In the hall, Wang Zixing and several of his subordinates, along with Wang Yang, were present.

The men in Qianfeng Camp stayed outside the hall. Li Xing was led by Hou Housekeeper into the hall.

"Li Xing is here." The general manager shouted outside.

"Haha ..." Wang Xing laughed, and actually went out to greet him, "Director Li, you are finally here."

Li Xing had a faint smile on his face, and his insult and disappointment made Wang Zixing sigh in secret, foreseeing that it would not be easy to make the young man in front of him.

He bowed down, Li Xing said, "Subordinates see Fang Hou."

Li Xing was introduced into the hall, and the people in the hall showed nothing. No matter how great Li Xing's credit and reputation became, they were no big officials. They were too lazy to get up. Even, Wang Yang snorted coldly.

Wang Wangyang didn't want Li Xing to be in the top position, but he didn't dare to violate Wang Zixing's intentions and didn't dare to ask Li Xing for trouble. However, in his heart, Wang Yang still hated Li Xing very much, and showed this disgust in front of Li Xing.

After Li Xing entered the hall, he didn't look at anyone.

Xun Wangxing politely asked Li Xing to sit close to him and deliver tea and fruit products. Just a few chats, the conversation went to the topic.

In the meantime, the people in the hall, if any, looked at Li Xing. Wang Zixing invited Li Xing to participate in this important occasion today, and put him in an important position, which has shown that he will reuse this person in the future.

虽然 Although these people have a higher status than Li Xing, even if they show contempt on the surface, in their hearts, Li Xing is quite frightened. At present, this man, among Wan Wan, took the top rank of the generals, led the forward battalion, forced the retreat of Wuling 7,000 troops, and beheaded and killed a practicing Qi dual nationalist.

Everything Li Xing did made them extremely envious and jealous.

Wang Zixing coughed and said: "To call everyone today is to discuss the quellment of the rebellions in the cities. Any suggestions you have can be made."

At this time, behind Wang Zixing, Feng Tang stepped out and said to everyone: "After investigation and preliminary analysis, there are currently 18 cities in Liudong's 35 cities controlled by Tsing Yi League. Tsing Yi League is behind them. They Originally, they wanted to use the strength of Su Zhanshan and Wu Ling to defeat Liu Dong in one fell swoop. But Fang Hou Yingming was so skillful that they failed to succeed. "

不过 "However, the current situation is not optimistic. The 18 cities have already been united and completely controlled by the Tsing Yi League. If this situation is not changed early, once Wu Ling and Su Zhanshan attack again, Liu Dong will be in danger."

After briefly introducing the situation, Wang Zixing said, "What do you think, you can say."

Wang Yang glanced at Li Xing, seeing Li Xing's eyes, nose and nose, and quiet expression, he thought: "This person is just a courageous courage, there must be no way for such a strategy." Immediately, he shouted "Father, I have an idea."

Wang Zixing nodded slightly: "Yanger, what can you do?"

King Wang said: "Although the Tsing Yi League occupied 18 cities, their foundations were unstable. As long as they found a way to get in touch with the people in the city, they could use the strength of the city to remove the Tsing Yi League."

Xun Wangxing shook his head: "Your idea is too wishful thinking." Then he said no more.

Ye Wangyang bowed his head and was not satisfied with Wang Zixing's evaluation.

At this time, a tall general with a purple-cheeked face stood up. This man was named Zhang Hua, and he was one of the strongest men under the throne.

Wu Zhanghua said with a loud voice, "In fact, it's simple. Give me three thousand warriors and break them one by one! No matter how many Tsing Yi alliances, it's not Hou Ye's opponent!"

Feng Tang immediately objected: "No, this will cause too much damage to the city."

Prince Wang Xing frowned and said, "If you could send troops, Ben Hou would have sent troops long ago, wouldn't he have discussed with you?"

Wu Zhanghua closed her mouth, laughed, and stopped talking.

Yun Zixing set his eyes on Li Xing and asked with a smile, "Librarian Li, I don't know what you can do?"

见 Li Xing asked and said, "I don't think everything is right at the moment. It is not appropriate to leave a bad impression on Wang Zixing." Even from another world, he is not an idiot who knows nothing about how to make himself the safest.

After turning his thoughts, Li Xing said: "The subordinates think that the rivers and lakes are in trouble, and the rivers and lakes are knotted."

Wu Zixing's eyes brightened, "Continue."

Li Xingdao: "Tsing Yi League established forces in various cities by subverting and overthrowing the original forces. Fang Hou can also send a group of people to regain 18 cities in the same way. The subordinates think that since the background of Tsing Yi League is Qingxiao faction. The Qiyun faction will certainly not sit idly by and send someone to assist. In this way, as long as Fanghou plans again, it will not be difficult to benefit 18 cities.

Wang Zixing clapped his hands gently: "Okay! I did not expect Li Buguan not only to use force, but also wisdom. This is also the idea of ​​Houhou, and has already spread the word to the Qi Yun faction. Before the dark day, there will be some people in the Qi Yun faction. Come and assist. "

Everyone's eyes focused on Li Xing again. He still looked indifferent and didn't care.

After a tone, Wang Zixing said: "General Manager Li, Benhou promised you that after the victory, you will be free in the forward camp. After today, everyone in your forward camp will be free. Www.readwn.com ~ Yang Ling got up and said, "Subordinates thanked Fanghou for them. "

He Zixing smiled "Hehe": "It's good to say that as long as the forward camp works hard, Ben Hou will never treat you badly."

Emperor Xie Tianxie suddenly said: "Boy, now you take the initiative to help him calm down the war?"

"Why do you do this?" Li Xing asked.

Emperor Tianxie: "Let you do this not to please the prince, but to give you a chance to practice your skills. Your sword-killer technique that day must be continuously completed in battle. At present, it seems that you cannot practice qi in the short term , Then improve martial arts first. "

Li Xing promised to come down and immediately said to the prince: "Fang Hou, the brothers of his subordinates and the striker battalion, are willing to go and calm the rebellion."

King Wang Yang's face showed anger, but he was ready. This time, he would go to peace and chaos in person. He did not want Li Xing to compete with him. He couldn't help but stand up and yelled, "Li Xing, this messenger will be done by this son, nothing is yours!"

The prince stared at the cold, scolded: "Sit down!"

King Wang Yang was so strange, but still sat down obediently.

Wang Zixing looked at Li Xing with a smile on his face again: "Mr. Li, you are willing to contribute, Ben Ho is very happy." He thought for a while, "Okay, two of the eighteen cities are close to Xuanwu City. They are Benma City and Huaguang City, you are responsible for destroying the Tsing Yi Alliance forces in these two cities. "

Li Xing: "Yes, my subordinates take orders!"

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