Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1339: Innocence

Chapter 1339: Apocalypse

Chapter 1339 Free Charm

The Yuan Dynasty altar shouted loudly, rose into the sky at the moment, turned into a giant Yue, radiated billions of black light, locked and locked these hundreds of people in one brain, and did not run away. . . 【?:!network

This Proterozoic altar is a fierce creature, linking another time and space, with lethal force. These people feel powerful pressure at the same time, not even a finger. Several of the fifteen-strong broken masters, even using their means, could not shake Wu Guang. If one face was dead, they screamed and screamed.

Li Xing looked coldly at these expressions, or scolded or shouted, and was shocked by the Ji family, said lightly: "Killers, kill them all, walk slowly."

Then, Wu Guang shook for a moment, and hundreds of people instantly turned into blood mist, and their strength was absorbed. However, the treasures in their plane were left by the altar, all of which belonged to Li Xing.

This is an agreement between Li Xing and the altar. The strength belongs to the altar, and the wealth belongs to Li Xing. Everyone has a five or five account, and no one suffers.

At the same time, Li Xing's merit monument also shows that he has received thousands of points of merit. It turned out that the Ji family belonged to the indigenous monks on the ancient road. Because they do business with people all the year round, everyone has some merit.

Li Xing killed them, and the merits naturally belonged to him. This is the rule of the ancient road. If you kill a person, you can get all the merits of the other party.

At this moment, he has as many points of merit as 17,800. In addition, in the plane of the Ji family, he really treasured many good things, and he was sent into the plane for the practice of the real people of the Yuan Dynasty.

In recent times, the real people in Junyuan, like Li Xing, are constantly improving. For example, Li Xing's practice of regenerating Tiangong and Tianchang Shengong, as well as real people in Yuanyuan are practicing, keeping pace with him, so their progress is also huge.

You know, Li Xing is now a sixteen-fold broken monk who can integrate all forces. The power of the real person in the plane is his power. The stronger the hybrid Yuanyuan is, the stronger he is, and he is the ultimate beneficiary.

Therefore, Li Xing's cultivation is constantly improving. Of course, this kind of promotion requires huge amounts of resources, which cannot be met by ordinary people at all. Thanks to Li Xing's killing the Quartet along the way, he obtained huge resources and greatly satisfied the needs of the plane.

Li Xing continued to hurry, and he saw a portal before long. This portal is different from the portal that entered the Boneland at the beginning, more powerful and solid.

On both sides of the portal, two guards stood, and they could not see how high it was. Wearing armor, they glanced coldly at Li Xing, confirmed their identities, and let them in.

Upon entering the portal, Li Xing found himself entering a small town. The small city is not large, and its length and width are less than a thousand miles. The hazy emptiness around it should be a small space in the portal, a place for the broken people to rest temporarily.

As expected, he soon found that the small town was full of shops and flowers, and even the Goulan courtyard existed. It was a place for people to rest and adjust. And as soon as he entered the small city, a reminder sounded in Li Xing's mind.

"This is a small rest city, a place to rest before entering the second pass Chixue pass. Within the town, no one is allowed to fight and kill, and offenders shall be cut."

Li Xing walked along the street in a hurry. Whenever he encounters a shop, he will go in and take a look, but he will find something strange. For example, most shops sell a free sign.

This type of innocence is expensive, and a rune is worth a thousand merits! One thousand meritorious points, this is simply not what ordinary people can afford. However, with this symbol, even if you violate the rules of the ancient road, you can be saved from death.

Of course, a charm can only be exempted from one crime, and the next time you commit another crime, you still have to die.

Li Xing hesitated for a moment while standing in front of the innocence charm, and immediately bought ten. In fact, he wasn't worried about anyone threatening him along the way. On the contrary, he was more worried that the rules here would kill him in unpredictable circumstances.

In addition, there may be special circumstances in which he has to violate the rules of the ancient road, which also requires an exemption. It is therefore necessary to have a few exemptions.

However, a special feature of innocence is that it is tied to the buyer, and even if it is available to others, it cannot be used, which is no different from waste paper.

It can be said that the exemption charm is a privilege in a sense, and it can violate the privilege of the ancient road rule.

Li Xing's shot was 10,000 merits. The owner of the shop was shocked. He looked at Li Xing up and down, and said, "Guest, ten charms. Want 10,000 merits, don't you consider it?"

In fact, this kind of innocence is sold by the shop, and the merit points of the sale do not belong to the shop, so the store kindly reminds Li Xing.

Li Xing said lightly: "Ten."

The shopkeeper no longer said that he had ten ten exemptions. Instantly, Li Xing's merit was 10,000 points less.

Later, Li Xing picked something. Three twenty heavy double amulets, five twenty heavy flying charms, and one twenty five heavy stealth. These things, all of a sudden, took Li Xing's various merit points, all of a sudden, his merits were only three thousand outcrops.

Among them, the twentieth double amulet can at most escape the life of the twentieth broken master. Twenty-stroke flying amulets can also produce the limp effect of a twenty-fold shattered master, which is extremely fast and can directly open the space, the effect is obvious.

The twenty-five heavy invisibility has increased, and the broken ones under twenty-five and under twenty-five can't find it at all.

However, these symbols can only be used once. Considering such an expensive price, Li Xing had a real pain. But in order to survive, he bought it with his teeth.

After visiting the shop, he was not in a hurry to open it immediately, but instead found a tea house and went in to inquire about the news. The teahouses in such a small town are where the monks of the ancient roads gather, and many small groups are formed in such teahouses.

At the same time, the tea house is also a place for exchanging information and exchanging news, which can make people's vision wider, so that they will not go wrong in the future.

This is a relatively large flower building with three floors, and each floor is full of people. However, the charges on the third floor are different. The first floor is for ordinary guests, and they can only eat one pot of ordinary tea.

The second floor is a VIP. They have a very small amount of tea and at least 50 points of merit. Of course, this tea is also very effective. If you eat a pot, you can strengthen the plane and increase your strength.

The third floor is even more extraordinary. It is full of big people. A pot of tea also sells three or five hundred meritorious points, and idle people are not eligible to enter.

After Li Xing came in, he sat down on the first floor, ordered a pot of tea, and drank slowly. He found that once the ancient monks entered the teahouse, they became less hostile to each other and talked one by one.

They talk about what they have learned on the road and experience **** battles, so they exchange information and knowledge to increase their experience.

As soon as Li Xingcai sat down, one of them came together and smiled, "This brother invited me."

Come with a majestic body, a raglan shirt, a square face, and bow a gift to Li Xing.

Li Xing responded and said, "Brother, please sit down." Then he called a pot of tea and said to the person, "I invite you."

The Han smiled "hehe" and said, "You're welcome."

The two sides exchanged names, and then they started talking. This man, named Zhan Changge, was broken in fourteen, and has been in the town for several months. He plans to leave in a few days.

During the conversation between them, three more people sat down at this table. Li Xing also ordered a pot of tea for each of them, and everyone had a good impression on Li Xingsheng.

During the conversation, Li Xing learned a useful piece of information, that is, on the ancient road, many characters with the ancient blood of the Lord appeared, and they became the most dazzling star of Baiguguan.

"I heard that those two people were the ones who received the most merit, received the most subordinates, and had the most speed. They even shocked the guards of Baiguguan, and came to meet them in person." Zhan Changge said, with a look Admiration.

Li Xing has always fought alone and had little communication with others, so he did n’t know about it, so he asked, "Brother, can't the rest compare with these two?"

In fact, he thought that he was passing fast enough. He was very clean on the way, without any delay, and he didn't expect anyone to be faster, which made him very shocked.

Zhan Changge: "Compared? One of these two is the Yuanxuebao body, the other is a bronze warrior, with an ancient heritage and a strong bloodline. It is said that when the two passed, they only used thirty breaths."

The other person was more reminiscent, saying: "This matter, but I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, the bronze warrior yelled, and the million bone demon exploded collectively. Then, the man went out and disappeared Now. "

Li Xingdao: "Sure enough, such a talent is really terrible, and its repair is probably eighteen-fold broken, or even higher."

Zhan Changge nodded: "You're right, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com. The bronze warrior body and the Yuanxue treasure body are both eighteen-fold broken peaks, and their strength is unfathomable." After pointing upstairs, he said, "Several, it is said that the bronze warrior body is drinking on the third floor at this moment, and there are several beautiful women."

Speaking of beauties, Zhan Changge came to the spirit and said, "These women are said to be indigenous people on the ancient roads. They were fascinated by the bronze warfare. They had to follow, and their looks were very beautiful."

Li Xing heard the words and suddenly arched to the crowd: "Some, take a step next."

The crowd thought he was leaving the tea house, and they gave each other hands. I don't know, Li Xing shook his steps and walked towards the second-floor teahouse, seeing that everyone was dead.

"Let's go, this one is also a master." Zhan Changge opened his eyes and said, "People who go to the second and third floors for tea are all strong!"

Li Xing went to the second floor and found that there were only a dozen monks sitting here, far less than the first floor. However, instead of staying, he went directly to the third floor. He wanted to see the so-called bronze warfare.


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