Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

: 1340th Yuan Blood Treasure

Jiuyang Xiejun's 1340th Blood Treasure

Chapter 1340 Blood Treasure Body

The tea house is divided into three classes. In fact, in order to facilitate communication between characters at different levels, master wizards must have many merits. [And such people generally disdain to communicate with ordinary ancient road monks.

Since it is for the convenience of communication, even on the third floor, it is still a spacious place, so that the guests on this floor can see each other and exchange information.

When he reached the third floor, a young prince greeted him immediately. Wen smiled and said, "What tea does Grandpa want?" Then, holding a tea list in front of Li Xing.

Li Xing didn't even look at it, and said, "Whatever."

His eyes fell on the only guest on the third floor. This guest, who has grown up to describe the great shore, has an extraordinary temperament, and his bronze skin looks like bronze cast, revealing the vicissitudes of war.

This man was naturally a bronze warrior, and Li Xing's arrival caught his attention. There were three women sitting next to him, one feeding him seeds, one rubbing his shoulders, and one gently holding his legs for him.

The bronze warrior raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "What kind of thing do you deserve to be in the same room as yourself? Get out!"

This is also the bronze warrior who saw through Li Xing's practice. He was broken in sixteen, and he was arrogant by nature.

Li Xing sighed slightly, and then sighed, saying: "The so-called bronze war body turned out to be a stupid bird!"

The bronze war body was furious. He rose to the scene with a cold look and had an idea to kill Li Xing. Masters like him can kill people with one thought, and live with one thought. He deceived Li Xingxiu to lower him two levels, so he wanted to kill him with thoughts.

In fact, he does have this strength. If Li Xingzhen is an ordinary sixteen-fold shattered celestial deity, he may not be able to survive this idea and may be cut off directly.

A ray of killing will arrive in an instant, covering Li Xing. Powerful and sharp forces, beheading Li Xing from different angles.

He just smiled coldly, with a flash of light behind him, and this thought of killing entered the bottomless pit, and it was swallowed up without any sense.

The bronze warrior suddenly opened his eyes, and he finally turned his face to face Li Xing. However, his eyes were extremely cold and proud, as if Li Xing was a cow and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"No wonder it's so crazy, it turned out to have some skills." The bronze warrior coldly.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It's better to be famous than to meet, but this is the case for bronze warriors."

Instead, the bronze warrior was not angry. He stared at Li Xing and said, "The master is lonely. You are a person with great potential. When you are strong enough, I will kill me again. That will be interesting."

"Haha" laughed and said, "I'm afraid you'll only be killed by me. Don't regret it."

The bronze warrior said that if he did not kill, he would not kill. Even if Li Xing said ironically, he was not angry, but just smiled and said, "You are qualified to sit here."

The words did not fall, and another figure flashed in. This time, a young man in white appeared with handsome eyes and a silver face. He said coldly, "What about me?"

As soon as this man appeared, the bronze warrior suddenly stood up, staring at the youth, saying, "Yuanxuebao! You are here!"

The comer is actually another wizard who is known as the Yuan Xuebao. He grinned, and said, "Go anywhere."

Then he nodded slightly to Li Xing and said, "This brother, let's take a seat here."

Li Xing also replied, "I have heard of him for a long time.

The two casually found a place to sit, ordered tea, and chatted one after another. The content of the conversation was all-encompassing, saying casually. During the conversation, Li Xing found this person's knowledge and wide knowledge, it was amazing.

In addition, the red blood treasure body has a close temperament, which is generous to others, not as arrogant as the bronze war body. However, Li Xing did not take any good attitude towards him.

The two sides were saying that one person came up suddenly below. This man looks like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy. He is also in white, and his face is a hundred times colder than that of the bronze warrior.

As soon as this person appeared, he sat opposite the bronze warrior and said loudly, "Do you think you can escape me if you run here?"

The bronze warrior said scornfully: "You really don't know the heights and heights of the earth. I don't care about you, but I look at the guard and make my face, otherwise I would shoot you dead with a single palm!"

The young man laughed wildly and said, "Anyway, you don't dare to kill me. If you don't kill me, I will be strong until I can kill you." Then he turned suddenly, staring at Yuanxuebao and saying, "And you ! "

Yuan Xuebao didn't seem to hear it, still talking slowly with Li Xingpan. His state irritated the teenager, he yelled, and suddenly slammed at Li Xing.

This catch hides three mysterious methods of killing life, and uses vicious means to kill people.

Li Xing was so angry that he reached out and hit a black light. The volume of that black light unleashed the supreme power and evil murder. The young man only felt that the front was dark, and he was unable to resist this force in the sixteenth broken, and was suddenly included in the Proterotype altar.

After a short time, Li Xing heard a voice: "Breaking the ban, be chopped, and consume a pardon."

At the same time, the ten innocent amulets on his body were just one less.

However, he said that the boy was actually included in the ancient altars by Li Xing. He did not hesitate to directly refine the altars. The boy screamed again and again, his heart was terrified, and he cried, "Don't kill me, my father is a guardian, you can't kill me!"

Li Xing was unmoved and still refined this.

This action shocked the Yuanxuebao body and the bronze warrior body. The two have been entangled by the youth before, but they did not dare to do it, because this youth is the only son of the ambassador, and the character is rampant.

If you touch him with a finger, the guard will definitely not let go. This consequence was unwilling to bear even the two extreme figures, so they have been patient.

However, Li Xing beheaded and killed them as soon as he came up. The guts of his rework were so courageous that they both felt ashamed. All of a sudden, the two were weak in Li Xing's strength.

After being shocked, the bronze warrior spit on the ground and said, "Stupid! Your death is here!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Why do you know that the birds are fighting, as long as you are a rat?"

The three women behind him were angry. They were all obsessed with bronze. One of the peach-eyed women scolded scornfully, "You are a weak man, and dare to do such a big thing, only to show that you are stupid and ignorant, and seek your own way."

Li Xing snorted and said, "The person you are serving, I will let him lick the mud of my feet to eat in the future. Then you can eat together. The emperor will not care."

The look of the bronze warrior changed, but then he just rolled his eyelids and said, "I don't care about the dead."

Yuanxuebao smiled: "You are not disregarding it, you are limited to the rules and you can not do it. There are four innocences on your body, all of which have been used by you. If you dare to do it, you will die."

The bronze body was said, and he smiled sternly: "You two will die in my hands sooner or later!"

Yuan Xue snorted heavily and stopped giving him a thumbs-up. He said, "Xiaotai is so brave, even the guardian's son dares to kill him. You know who the guardian is, and how Strength? "

Li Xing asked: "But Supreme is broken?"

Yuan Xuebao was dead, and shook his head, "Nature is not, he is a powerful power that is twenty-one broken."

Li Xingdao: "Then there is nothing to worry about. He is a guardian and he should obey the rules of the ancient road. Moreover, since he is not supremely broken, he is not eligible to violate the rules, so he does not have to be afraid of him."

Yuanxuebaoti: "Though that is said, the guardian can still get rid of you in the way of the rules, you must be careful."

"Thank you, I won't die," Li Xing said confidently. In fact, he had a number in his mind. With the Proterotype altar, this twenty-one broken guardian had nothing to do with him.

During the conversation, Li Xing knew that the name of the bronze warrior was Gu Lei, and the name of the Yuanxuebao was Zhu Bai. Both of them came from the eighteenth heaven.

Knowing the origin of the other party, Li Xing naturally will not give up the opportunity to investigate the Eighteenth Heaven. That Zhu Bai knew everything, but whenever Li Xing asked, he answered them one by one.

Li Xing learned from this that thirty-three heavy heavens were very different from his previous imagination. He used to think that Thirty-Three Heavens was an independent closed small space, with no entrance allowed. If you want to leave, you can only make a breakthrough towards the last sky, until the Supreme is broken.

In fact, Thirty-Three Heavens is precisely the thirty-three worlds. Zhu Bai told him that a tyrant was born before the ancient Emperor Taikoo in the distant time.

This man is superior in combat ability and irritable. He oppresses all races, and has ruled the heavens and races for a long time. During his reign, he murdered countless people and, by unreliable means, transformed the world of thirty-three of them into a thirty-three heavens.

Speaking of which, Li Xing was curious and asked, "Who is that tyrant and why did he do it?"

"The tyrant's name is Tiandu, but he is a supreme character. It is said that this person can connect with the outside world and possess the ability of supreme fragmentation. In order to prevent other people from having access to the outside world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Thirty-three barriers have been set up. It is said that as long as the thirty-three barriers are broken, things outside the territory can be obtained, and the impact is finally broken. "

"Thirty-three days, each layer is progressive, and each ascension represents a step closer to the supreme fragmentation. In fact, if there is no thirty-three days, the characters in the broken realm should have the opportunity to sense outside the domain. But Thirty-three barriers cut off everything, and if you want to know things outside the territory, you must break through them. "

Li Xing thought for a long time, and said, "How did this tyrant die? He is so powerful, I don't know who can cut him?"

Zhu Bai laughed: "Every era has a hero or a hero in every era. The tyrant was later overthrown by Taigu Tiandi and raised it ###. But no one knows where he was ###."

Li Xing was taken aback: "It turned out that the sky wasn't dead, could he still be born again?"

"Who knows this." Zhu Bai shook his head. "Everything is a rumor. You must believe it or not."


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