Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 121: Heaven demon refining heart [unban]

Looking at Li Xing as he was attacked by the demon head, the Emperor Tianxian suddenly burst into a thunder, and uttered a reprimand, shocked Li Xinglingtai with a sense of clarity. Emperor Tianxie seized this moment and said loudly: "Li Xing! Get rid of distractions and have no heart!"

Li Xing's heart was stunned, he realized that he was disturbed by the fascination, and he quickly bit his tongue to strengthen his spirit. Then he held his heart and expelled all kinds of magical thoughts.

"Li Xing, do you love me?" Suddenly, a woman appeared in Li Xing's mind. She was petite and delicate, looked at Li Xing with a smile, and asked him softly.

This woman is the girlfriend of Li Xing's previous life. If he was severely hit, the Lingtai just in the early morning was disturbed again.

"Su Li!" Li Xing reached out and grasped subconsciously.

Wu Suli turned into a phantom again, the demon phantom sent out a sharp laugh, and another voice sounded in the heart of Li Xing.

"Su Li has left you, you will never see her again in this life! Oh, I forgot to tell you that Su Li now has a new boyfriend and has long forgotten you."

Li Xing was furious: "Nonsense! How did Su Li forget me?"

"Giggle ..."

Wu Tianmo continued to laugh sharply: "Did you forget? She has been complaining that the house you bought is too small, complaining that you cannot afford to drive a car, complaining that because your income is too low, she cannot buy advanced cosmetics?"

In fact, the question of Xia Tianmo originated from Li Xing's heart. Su Li did complain about these aspects. For a person like Li Xing who started from scratch and did ordinary work, her income was not too high. Therefore, the lives of the two were tightly bounded, and they made up for it.

Xun Youmei's words hit Li Xing's key point. In fact, he has always been worried since dating Su Li. Worried that this pretty girlfriend left him and would be with someone with better conditions.

时代 In the era where Li Xing lived, the whole society was full of impetuousness, men were impetuous, and women were also impetuous. A man's measure of a woman's excellence lies in her looks and body. And women measure men's success with money and status.

Li Xing is by no means a wealthy person, not a powerful person, even if he has always treated it wholeheartedly and dedicated his efforts, he still has some concerns. At this moment, all his anxieties were induced by the demons.

"Li Xing!" Emperor Tianxie uttered a second cry.

Li Xing sighed: "I am no longer in that world, forget her!" Suddenly, the sadness on that face disappeared.

The Emperor Xie Tianxie loosened his mouth, and he thought he would continue to fall into the magic.

The sullen but irritated, in a mocking tone: "Are you going to let your woman cherish others' arms? Are you willing?"

Li Xing said lightly: "Since I am gone, she should have her happiness."

The color of Yan Youmei's face changed, and she became Wang Yang. "Wang Yang" pointed at Li Xing, with a disdainful expression: "Humble hybrid, thinking that if you reuse it from your father, can you compete with me?"

Li Xing was unmoved, and said lightly, "Wang Yang is just a clown jumping clown, no need to worry."

Next, the charm changed into Li Fei, Li Jie, and even Chen Shuang, Chen Xue, etc., to interfere with Li Xing's mind. From time to time, Li Xing was sober, always sober, and repeatedly contended with the charm.

"Take a break," the Emperor Tianxie said suddenly.

Li Xing withdrew from the set, and the charm disappeared. His expression looked terrible, it was only one night, but it seemed as if it had been ten years.

"Is this the power of the demon? Eighteen levels, I don't know which level I can cultivate." Li Xing felt in his heart.

The Emperor Wu Tianxie laughed: "The first time you think about it is the most dangerous. In the past, you passed this level today. After that, you will be safer until you think about the second-level demons."

Li Xing couldn't help but ask: "Master, to what level did Nayaya Hara practice?"

"Mayer and this person have amazing qualifications, and they have conceived the fifteenth level of demons."

"What is the power of the fifteen-level demons?" Li Xing became interested.

The Emperor Xie Tianxie smiled "Hey": "The fiend at the fifteenth level can be turned into an entity, and its lethality alone is not weaker than the strongest in the heavens of law."

Li Xing was surprised! The powerful man of law and heaven, also known as the master, is a legendary character. Can the demon be so powerful?

"It seems that the fierce Zen is not easy to cultivate!" Li Xing secretly warned, but he also understood that the more dangerous the fierce Zen, the more obvious the effect after cultivation.

At noon, Li Xing ordered fifty members of the forward camp to put on different clothes. Some dressed up as merchants, some disguised as travel doctors, etc., and started in batches. These people, they will either ride in a carriage, or ride a fast horse, or walk, and rush to Benma City.

Li Xing left Hou Fu last, with Zhang Xu and Han Qing beside him. Zhang Xu and Han Qing both pretended to be bookboys, while Li Xing was dressed as a scholar, with three men and three horses heading towards Benma City.

Benma City and Xuanwu City are not far away. For more than an hour, Benma City is already in sight. Although Benma City has changed its owner, the city has not been completely closed. Because the residents of the city need goods and food.

In order to ensure that no attempted people are allowed to enter Benma City, all four gates are strictly guarded. No suspicious person is allowed.

Fifty people in the forward camp ~ www.readwn.com ~ all were murderous, so they did not pass through the gate. Instead, they directly crossed the city walls and forcibly entered the city. Of course, in the process, it is inevitable to kill several soldiers in the caretaker city.

Li Xing did not intend to forcibly enter the city. He rode a horse slowly, and the hoof sounded "to" the city gate. In front of the city gate, there was a flood of traffic, and eight warriors stood outside the city. With a quick glance at Li Xing, it became clear that at least eight people were all masters of blood training.

八 These eight eyesight is very strong, if the other party is suspicious, you can see at a glance. When Li Xing's horses approached, he felt eight eyes over him.


When a strong man gave a low drink, Li Xing quickly jumped off the horse, clenched his fists, and asked with a smile, "What's the advice from Brother Bing?" In the past, he didn't look at the costume films very much, so the appearance of the scholars out there was a little taste.

In general, the temperament of the top ten blood-racing soldiers cannot be covered up. But Li Xing's blood was highly restrained, and his blood was not transparent. He squinted, his face was dusty, and he couldn't see anything unusual.

A few people looked for a moment, then waved their hands: "Past it!"

Waiting for Li Xing to walk past the gate, his squinting eyes slowly opened. If anyone saw it, he would see that his eyes were as shiny as jade, and when he turned, there would occasionally be a flash of lightning-like coldness. If Li Xing washed away the dust on his face at this time, others would find his skin shiny and white, just like beautiful jade.

This is the peculiar temperament of the ten strong warriors in training, and only monsters like Li Xing can cover up so well.

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