Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 122: Zhang Xu whistleblower [unban]

Before Xu entered Benma City, Zhang Xu had already chosen the place where everyone would meet, an inn named "Ping An". Ping An Inn, located in the most prosperous area of ​​Benma City, is one of the best inns in Benma City.

Zhang Xu was familiar with the road, took Li Xing to the inn, and booked a room. The rooms at Ping'an Inn are divided into three classes, the first class is the sky font size, the second class is the ground font size, and the third class is the herringbone font size. Li Xing lived in Tianzi Room 9.

The rooms are spacious, luxuriously furnished and comfortable. Li Xing sat in the room and waited for about half an hour. Hearing people from outside the room knocked at the door two times long and shortly, ringing twelve times. This shows that all 50 striker camp warriors have also arrived at Ping'an Inn.

Ping'an Inn is a meeting place for everyone to discuss. They were divided into twelve batches, arrived in the inn one after another, and stayed.

After the people were gathered, Li Xing instructed Zhang Xu: "You are here, go out and ask, what's changed in Benma City? Come back and tell me."

Han Qing hastily said: "Secretary, the younger is willing to accompany Zhang Xu, if there is something, it is better to take care of it."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, you go together."

Zhang Xu and Han Qing took the lead and went out of the inn together to find out the news.

Li Xing intends to stay in the inn for the time being. He doesn't know much about Benma City. Only after Zhang Xu brings news, can he start the operation.

He said that after Zhang Xu and Han Qing left the inn, after two people determined that no one was following them, they went east and west, and eventually entered a house. In the house, there was an old servant. When he saw Zhang Xu coming, he stepped forward and called "Master".

Zhang Zhangxu's face showed a cruel expression that a young man should not have, and said to the old servant, "I haven't any outsiders come during this time?"

"Master, no one has come." The old servant replied with certainty.

Zhang Xu nodded, asked the old servant to fetch the pen and paper, and then retired him, and began to discuss with Han Qing how to plot Li Xing.

青 Han Qingyin said: "As long as Tsing Yi League knows Li Xing's position, he will die."

Zhang Xuning whispered, "Let Tsing Yi League know about this, it will take some means."

After the secret discussion, the two wrote a letter, and after hiding it, Han Qing came forward and went to Tsing Yi League.

Tsing Yi League is located in a garden in Benma City, with beautiful scenery. Before the garden, twelve warriors stood side by side to monitor the characters entering and leaving the garden.

At this time, Han Qing came hurriedly. The goalkeeper did not recognize him, stepped forward, stopped and drank, "Who are you?"

Han Qing smiled slightly, took a piece of blood crystal from her arms and handed it to the warrior, and said, "Brothers have something to see the master of the church, Fan Lao, please hand this letter to the master of the church."

Holding a blood crystal worth ten thousand dollars, the warrior put it away, took the letter from Zhang Xu, and looked at him, and asked, "What are you doing to the master of Chengtang?"

Han Qing laughed: "It's a business matter, and there is something that needs the help of Cheng Tangzhu, and I'm tired."

It ’s not a big deal to hand in a letter. Besides, a blood crystal was entered into the account. The warrior took a moment to think, and nodded: “Okay, wait for me.” After taking the letter, he strode into the garden and went to the host went.

Cheng Tseng, the leader of the Tsing Yi League, was actually the leader of a small gang in Benma City. After joining the Tsing Yi League, he became the leader of the church. Zhang Xu just got in touch with the people in this gang, so knowing something, he told Han Qing about it and asked him to send a letter.

As soon as the warrior left, Han Qing immediately left the scene.

Cheng Chengtang's main name is Cheng Changkong, a five-character figure who practiced blood. Originally, a warrior of his level was not qualified to take the position of the church owner, but because he was the leader of the Sabre gang, Tsing Yi League gave him this position in order to win the gangs.

Although Cheng Chengkong became the host of the church, due to his weak strength, he still has no place in the Tsing Yi League. At this moment, he was holding the young coquettish aunt and rubbing her plump chest vigorously.

Aunt Bian was just emotional, and someone suddenly called out, "Master, someone sent a letter."

I was interrupted by a good thing, Cheng Changkong raised his eyebrows, but he was not angry. After being the master of the church, he was very boring every day. He heard someone send a letter. He quickly hurried out of the bedroom and seized the letter from the subordinates.

As soon as Yu Xin opened, Cheng Changkong's eyes suddenly widened, and he murmured, "Fuck! I'm doing great work this time!"

Cheng Chengchang didn't even have time to wear a coat. He came to the main hall of Tsing Yi League as quickly as possible, and met the main helm of Tsing Yi League's Ben Ma City. The mask on the main face of the sub-rudder has been removed. At this moment, Tsing Yi League no longer needs to hide its identity.

In the grand hall, the main sub-helm and several main halls were all present. Obviously, they were discussing how to respond to Wang Zixing's counterattack. Cheng Changkong, the master of the church, should have been present, but he was too insignificant, so the sub-master did not ask him to attend.

Cheng Chengkong hurriedly rushed, and the sub-master asked faintly, "Cheng Tang, what are you doing?"

Cheng Chengkong looked excited, raised the letter in Yang's hand, and shouted, "It's a big deal!" He said the letter.

The rest of the church owners showed a disdainful look ~ www.readwn.com ~ They have not always looked at Cheng Changkong. It is decent to think that Cheng Changkong was so fussy about a letter. However, they changed their views quickly, because the sub-master's face also dignified.

"Sub-master, what's wrong?" A church owner couldn't help asking.

The master of the sub-rudder reversed the letter, and everyone was a master. It was excellent. I saw that the letter read: Wang Zixing sent the forward camp to the Ping'an Inn and was ready to take action. The manager is named Li Xing. He is a very dangerous person and very powerful.

"Sub-master, can this be false?" A hall questioned.

Just at this moment, he had surrendered the city leader of Tsing Yi League, hurriedly entered the hall, and yelled: "Separate the helm master! Dozens of soldiers guarding the city have died, and apparently someone broke into Benma City!"

The news came in time, and the sub-rude master thought for a moment and sneered: "So, the people in the Ping An Inn are most likely the striker camp sent by Wang Zixing!" He paused, "regardless of whether the news is true or false , Immediately prepare me to wipe out these people! If the running horse can get rid of Wang Zixing's striker camp, we will do a great job! "

The owners of the hall were excited, but they knew that the backstage of the Tsing Yi League was the Qing Xiaomen. If they made great contributions this time, the benefits would be unimaginable.

此时 At this moment, Li Xing does not know that he has fallen into the calculations of others, and is still practicing the fierce Zen. The practice of the fiendish fierce meditation is very exhausting. After an hour, Li Xing woke up from his fixation and looked a little tired.

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