Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1351: Female follower

Chapter 1351: Female Follower

Chapter 1351: Female Follower

Youxiang Datianzun laughed: "Isn't this great? I met you again, and I can stay with you in the future ... 网 & 网," Speaking of which, he lightly faded his shirt and changed the wonderful body The child was in front of Li Xing.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and said, "I really want to have a child for me?"

"Not one." Youxiang Datianzun corrected him. "There are several."

Li Xing sighed, and said, "Say this, am I not tired?"

He held Youxiang Datianzun in his arms, caressing her smooth skin, and said, "It's not easy to cultivate this male and female avenue. Let me teach you well."

Within the gate of this time, there was a sound of spring, a murmur of gentle groaning.

As a matter of fact, at their level, men and women are no longer just in love, they are also the exchange of civilized information. In this process, the flower civilization of Youxiang Datianzun and Li Xing's mixed-yuan civilization communicated with each other.

This joy is not comparable to ordinary men and women, and both are immersed in the supremely wonderful experience. Youxiang Datianzun kept screaming, and Li Xing couldn't help sighing.

They have forgotten the change of time and do not know how long it has passed. When they came back from joy, they were all surprised to launch their own cultivation as a significant improvement.

In particular, Li Xing, his mixed-yuan civilization, unknowingly, went directly from the 16th class to the 13th class in one fell swoop. A qualitative leap in the entire civilization has resulted in him gaining several new civilization privileges.

The improvement of civilization makes his subsequent cultivation have greater potential, and it will come to fruition without any effort. Thirteen advanced civilizations are rare even on the entire broken ancient road.

Youxiang Datianzun also benefited. He felt that his flower civilization reached the most satisfactory state in an instant. And gained a privilege, that is, the right to advance civilization.

The general civilization ca n’t be fixed. The elementary level is the elementary level and can never be changed. The intermediate level is the intermediate level. It is impossible to enter the advanced level.

There are exceptions. This is the privilege of civilization. In the process of communicating with Li Xing civilization, she actually inadvertently obtained this privilege, so that her civilization reached the tenth perfect level directly.

As long as she continues to deepen her enlightenment, she can break through in the future and enter the advanced nine civilizations and even higher civilizations.

After discovering this change, Youxiang Datianzhuang screamed with joy, biting a bite on Li Xing's face and called out, "You bad guy, you are really my lucky star."

She was irresistibly infatuated again, hugged Li Xing, and kept asking.

Li Xingshi was a peerless macho. His wife was frightened, and he was afraid to disobey. So he rose up and sent this over-excited woman to Yunxiao again, and the scream sounded twice.

When two people walked out of the gate of time, Youxiang Datianzun had a beautiful face and a very different temperament, similar to the transformation process from a girl to a young woman.

She was like a bird, holding Li Xing's arm, the two talked and laughed, and continued to hunt down the monk Fang Cheng.

In fact, in the past few days of their retreat, the Tucheng faction had been beheaded and killed, leaving only a few particularly powerful monks.

With the help of spying eyes, Li Xing teamed up with Youxiang to kill eight people in a row in just three days, beheading the most difficult monk to kill and gaining numerous merits. Youxiang Datianzun intentionally or unintentionally, when killing the enemy, only Li Xing was finally allowed to work, and that feat naturally fell into Li Xing's name.

She only randomly selected some props to keep on her body, and most of them were given to Li Xing. This woman has put her full speed energy on her husband without reservation.

The Tucheng faction was all killed, and Li Xing's side won the victory. At the same time, data was displayed on Li Xing's meritorious monument.

At this moment, the amount of merit he has obtained has reached 5.7 million points, and the merit list is within 30,000!

Also, the next tasks are listed. The mission required Li Xing to go deep into the Chalcedony Pass, in the endless mines, to find twelve kinds of essences. After that, we will use these marrows to refine a magic instrument, called the marrow spirit.

The meditation spirit can find the chalcedony hole, and in the chalcedony hole, a Tianchanggong is placed.

The task didn't seem difficult, but Youxiang Datianzun's face changed. He showed Li Xing the task on the meritorious monument. The task is to slay Li Xing and rob the heavenly powers!

"How could this be?" He was startled, and then his face was full of rage. "Did that Duan Zixiong not die, followed this place?"

The task received by Youxiang Datianzun is to slay Li Xing and capture the chalcedony. In this case, the goals of the two will conflict, and one person must fail, and they are no longer qualified to continue walking on the ancient road.

"Xing brother, this is someone who is calculating us. Your and my tasks should be equal. It may be so clever that I should kill you." She looked at Li Xing and asked, "What should I do?"

Li Xing raised her eyebrows: "What should I do? Stay in the Chalcedony Pass, practice directly to the highest level, and then smash the ancient road!"

Youxiang Datianzun smiled slightly and said, "My Xing brother, you have such a big temper that you want to break the ancient road. I mean, why don't you kill me and continue on the road, okay?"

Li Xing angered: "Nonsense, why did you kill you well? Is it because of this **** mission?"

Youxiang Datianzun laughed: "In short, one of you and me must be disqualified from the ancient monk. There are two in the end, one is dead and the other is always a resident of the ancient road."

Li Xing sneered: "Look at your success, what an ancient road is, just keep going."

Youxiang Datianzun earnestly said: "Xing brother, I said, I do n’t want to be supremely broken, I do n’t care about the source of civilization, I just want to follow you. If you do n’t kill me, how do you go on? According to the rules, You must slay those who rob the chalcedony! If you soften your hands, you will also be disqualified and even killed by rules. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Anyway, I have a confession in my hand. To die, we will die together. What is there to fear?"

Youxiang Datianzun was full of sweetness, and said with a smile, "Xing brother, in fact, this thing is easy to handle. I will become your follower now, and the task will be cancelled by myself."

The so-called follower is a more common choice among the ancient monks. Some monks, after experiencing many ordeals, understand that there is a sky outside, and that the strong have their own strong hands and have given up their plans to compete for the best.

Such monks would choose to follow some big men, in order to safely leave the ancient road and enter the source of civilization. These monks will also lose their qualifications for missions and will become vassals of others forever.

Li Xing heard this and shook his head and said, "Your potential is so good. It is too grievous to do so. I can't agree."

"If you don't agree, you must agree." Youxiang Datianzun Jade Finger suddenly hurry up in Li Xing's eyebrows. In a hurry, a master-slave contract was established between the two.

On the monument to Li Xinggong, there is an additional record showing the name of the follower, Youxiang Datianzun.

Li Xing was taken aback, but couldn't change anything, because this follow-up was unilateral. That is, as long as one person is willing, he can establish a contract unilaterally with another.

But after the establishment of the contract, life and death are left to others. Now Li Xing can make the fragrance disappear.

"You stupid woman!" He shoved away Youxiang with an angry expression, and stared.

You Xiang laughed: "What's the matter? Become your arbitrarily, I can still practice, maybe there will be secrets, and another way out. Xing brother, you also know how dangerous this ancient road is, with your shelter, I will go all the way safely. So Xingge, you must work hard to make yourself stronger so that you can protect me. "

Li Xing couldn't bear to blame her again, saying only: "The person who calculates us must be in Yushuiguan, and I will meet them for a while when I get my meditation."

Subsequently, Youxiang Datianzun was disqualified from the mission, and the meritorious monument in the sea of ​​knowledge disappeared, leaving only a group of Guanghua. All her meritorious points have also become Li Xing, with more than one million, making Li Xing's meritorious service reach 7 million points.

The remaining tasks are not too difficult. Find the chalcedony and refine it into the spiritual pulp to sense the existence of the chalcedony hole. In the chalcedony hole, there are several guardian beasts, whose strength is about twenty, and they are easily cut and killed.

The rest is no difficulty. Li Xing was given a marrow replacement and started practicing under the support of Youxiang.

At the moment Youxiang became Li Xing's entourage, several people changed their colors in the ancient fortress. Behind Duan Zixiong is his Laozi Chixueguan Zhenshou.

Behind the Emperor Han Qiutian is the guardian of another Chalcedony Pass.

All four were ugly, and Duan Zixiong even cried with a cry, "What to do? Is this woman abandoning her qualifications, is she a fool? Is it important that the future of men and women love her?"

Han Qiutian Tianzun also paled, the choice of Youxiang Datianzun was beyond everyone's expectations. Cultivation is at the level of Youxiang Datianzun, what ### are not trivial matters, and cultivation is the top priority.

No one, www.readwn.com, is stupid enough to give up qualifications and become a follower of others. What's more, her strength is far above Li Xing, and she can easily get rid of Li Xing and gain the exchange of merits.

However, she did not do so, and she actually became a follower of Li Xing, greatly increasing her strength, which was unacceptable to everyone.

"We need to be prepared. This person must feel wrong and will find the castle." The guard of the Chalcedony looked dignified. "You are wrong at the beginning, you should not offend such people."

Chi Xueguan frowned, "It's useless to say that, but think about how to deal with these two people. They are very powerful, and you and I may not win together."

Lord Chalcedony said coldly: "What can be done, please raise the sentence so that the adult can come forward, only he can help us."

Chixueguan said: "Only this, the adult who raised the sentence is unfathomable. As long as he is willing to take the shot, the two must not dare to mess up!"


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