Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1352: Beheaded

Chapter 1352: Cut Off Evil Heads

Chapter 1352 Cut Off Evil Heads

Duan Zixiong seemed to catch a life-saving straw all of a sudden, and said in a hurry: "Yes! The imprisonment is unfathomable, and Li Xing must be killed!"

Duan Guanzhu said nothing. He slaps forward and beats Duanzi to vomit blood. He looks at his father in surprise. [Fe ?! Duan Guanzhu angered: "What useless thing, if you are not doing bad things, how can we come to this step?"

Duan Zixiong gritted his teeth and hated his father. He said to you that this old thing, if you shot early, how could you have trouble today?

Chalcedony said: "Well, we still have to solve this big problem, and I will talk about other things later."

Duan Guanzhu snorted and said, "The chalcedony Guanzhu, you and I acted immediately to get rid of this as soon as possible, otherwise he will be in trouble once he breaks through the barrier."

But he said that after Youxiang gave up his qualifications for the ancient road, Li Xing was in a mixed mood and said positively: "You can rest assured, You can go as far as you go!"

Youxiang Datianzun smiled a little and said, "Xing brother, I believe in you. With you, my future will be many times more brilliant and glorious than one person."

Then, under the aegis of the fragrance, he closed his practice again and made a further breakthrough.

This time, he received a change in the meditation of heaven, and further realized the nine changes of the marrow. The three methods of blood exchange, bone exchange, and marrow exchange complement each other, and Li Xing seeks common ground from them.

After the celestial marrow changed, he merged and merged the three methods to further sublime his strength, which allowed him to make great progress, breaking from the twentyth, breaking through the twenty-first, the twenty-two, and continuing to the twenty-five .

The reason why he can make progress so fast is, on the one hand, for the sake of changing the nature of the marrow, on the other hand, it is also a deep accumulation, and has a foundation such as the advanced thirteen civilizations. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve such a rapid speed in spiritual practice.

After entering the twenty-five heavy fragmentation, Li Xing exerted the strongest power of the mixed Yuan killing technique, and instantly rose to thirty heavy fragmentation. It can be said that his current combat strength is already comparable to that of You Xiang, and he has become a first-rate master.

When Li Xing exited, the meritorious monument showed that his ranking on the broken list kept changing, and the name "Li Xing" kept flashing, going up ###. In the end, it was less than 3,000, and it was about 28,000!

With more than seven million points of merit, he also ranked very high on the list of meritorious services, entering less than 8,000.

After leaving the customs, Li Xing decided to take Yuxiang to leave Chalcedony Pass. With his current strength, he can completely break the chalcedony barrier and jump out of this world.

However, shortly after he went out of the customs, he found that the place where he practiced had been given ### by a peerless array, and he could not go out at all.

Youxiang Datianzun smiled bitterly: "Xing brother, this time a master shot, and you started to arrange this at the beginning of your retreat. At that time you were practicing the juncture, I dare not be distracted, so I can only let them arrange . "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Anyway, a little chalcedony, what kind of master can you produce?" He held a mixed gun and flew up to the sky with Youxiang to observe the large array.

As soon as the two talents got off the air, they felt countless swords in all directions. ### Down, the power was horrible. Li Xing hurriedly landed again. If so, he figured out the origin of the array.

"Although this array is good, we can't hold us back, let's go!" He and Youxiang flew together while throwing two 30-strike attacks. These two runes, which he obtained from the battle, belong to the extremely high-end of the props.


Two Fuguangs slammed into the big array fiercely. Although they did not break the gap, they also made the array extremely stable. At this time, Li Xing shouted, "Shoo!"

At this time, they shot at the same time, and they broke out with thirty pieces of broken fighting power. They burst a burst and burst out. As soon as he came out, he suffered numerous attacks, and was a monk in all directions.

Li Xing held up his hand and took down all the attacks. He glanced coldly at the people around him and said, "I have no resentment and hatred from you, and no task conflict. Why did you kill me?"

Seven or eight hundred monks attacked, none of them said anything. In the distance, Duan Zixiong, Han Qiu, and the two Guanzhus stood by and watched. Duan Zixiong sternly said, "Li Xing, if you kill my Duan family, you must accept punishment today!"

Li Xingsen's cold eyes will come, and he sternly said, "The people who have been plotting against me must be you? Okay, since you are all here, you will all die!"

"Bold!" The Chalcedony Guan shouted sharply. "I am the ambassador. If you dare to attack me, that is a death penalty!"

Li Xingyin said: "You forgot that the innocence can give me privileges! Go to death!" He yelled, and the mixed yuan gun would pierce straight, and the combat power would be raised to thirty broken instantly.

Chalcedony Guan's face changed greatly, and he said loudly: "Please raise the sentence and let the adult take the shot and kill this child!"

Void, manifesting a middle-aged person. The man had a square-brow face, a purple face, a majestic face, and a mighty face. As soon as he appeared, he reached down and pressed. A transparent wall of space lay between Li Xing and Duan Zixiong.

At the same time, the torture made Dan Dan said indifferently: "Li Xing, give Ben a thin face, and today's business ends here."

Li Xing closed his gun halfway and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"I'm a torture ambassador, who is in charge of the punishment of ancient roads." The torture ambassador Zhengrong said, "The fact that the chalcedony sergeant and the red blood siege ambassador have calculated their powers beyond your account has been found. And you, even if you are treated unfairly, you can't attack him or you, even if you have an exemption, you can kill you. "

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and looked at the sentencer. He could see that this man's cultivation was broken in the twenty-eighth, and the combat strength should not exceed thirty. He really wasn't afraid to get started.

After turning his mind, he said coldly: "I see. If I can fight you, the innocence will be useful. If I can't fight you, it will be a death. That is, as long as I kill you, the innocence is as effective."

It is precisely this reason that if Li Xing is present, if Li Xing is to be exempted from the crime, he must have fought his sentence. This is an unwritten rule.

Upon hearing the sentence, I could not help but be furious: "Arrogance! There are countless geniuses on the ancient road. No one dares to ignore this torture. Are you impatient to live?"

Li Xing "haha" laughed, pointed his gun across the board, and said, word by word: "The one who blocks me, die!"

At this point, there is nothing more to say. The torture made him wave his face coldly, and ordered those monks who besieged Li Xing: "Anyone who kills this person will get 100,000 feats!"

The wages of avarice is death. When these people heard this, they were so tempted that they rushed to death. In their hearts, it is not difficult for so many people to kill someone alone.

They obviously underestimated Li Xing's combat effectiveness, and when face to face, they were picked and killed by Li Xing for more than ten.

The torture raised a cold view, and was not in a hurry to take the shot. It seemed that through combat, Li Xing's flaws could be seen.

On the other hand, Duan Zixiong and others were nervous. Han Qiudao: "Even if the dust is upside down, he cannot trap this person. His strength is really terrifying, I am afraid that he is no longer under the woman."

Duan Guan said in a deep voice: "We think about trapping this person in a battlefield, and then slowly assemble the troops to form a lore. Now it seems that we can only do this step, and the rest will be mentioned. Can adults handle it? "

The torture brought a look to life, and more than 800 monks were beheaded and killed by Li Xing hundreds of them instantly. Compared to Li Xing, these monks are too weak, and the strongest are only 27 and eighty.

These strengths, under the thunder of Li Xing's 30-strength combat power, had no force to counterattack, and they directly spiked.

He finally couldn't stand it, yelled, and shot out against Li Xing. The confessionist held a square four-edged sword in his hand in an odd shape. The sword stabbed directly to Li Xing's heart.

The latter killed more than a dozen enemies with a single shot, and then returned to meet them. This time, both sides shot with all their strength, without any reservation, and put together.


At the moment of the big collision, Li Xing and his sentence lifted off at the same time. Just at this moment, You Xiang finally shot, and his jade hand waved lightly, and ten million petals flew out, surrounding the sentenced torture mission.

The sentence of torture just made a shot, and the qi and blood rolled, and at this time it was surrounded by flower petals. However, he could not give up the resistance.

At this time, Li Xing took the opportunity to slow down and stabbed again. This shot, dominates the sky, traverses the universe, and the murderous spirit is joyful.


The torture was extraordinary, after all, he reluctantly shot at a critical moment, patted the tip of his gun with a palm, and opened the petals at the same time, forcibly breaking through.

However, Li Xing had calculated everything well, raising his hand was a thirty-fold attacking aggression, and forced his sentence back to force him.

Two-on-one, and the strength of the three are comparable, and the sentence is undoubtedly disadvantaged. The two guards were so anxious that they were afraid of raising the sentence to retreat, so they winked at each other and joined the war team at the same time.

The two prisoners who raised the sentence were also considered masters, both of which were 26 broken, or they were not enough to defend a level. They each carried a knife and one held a sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ to kill Xiangyou.

Youxiang Datianzun turned abruptly and said coldly, "Wait for you a long time." She raised her hand lightly, and two apertures appeared, one left and one right, and the two masters were locked at once.

This aperture can lock the two for about a tenth of an instant, which is a very short moment. But this moment of tenth is enough for Li Xing to kill.

Suddenly the assault gun came out from an impossible position, and struck the two together with a single shot, stabbing a heart to cool. The two Guan masters were unwilling and roaring.

Li Xing shook his spear and the two were shattered. At the same time, the two innocent amulets on his body exploded at the same time, which was the price he should pay to kill the two defenders.

The torture made one careless, and he watched his colleague killed with anger, screaming, "You are so brave, you should be guilty!"

Li Xing Lengheng: "Did you have that ability?" Say it, get up with the might and fight with all your strength.


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