Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1354: Tianpeng Plane

Chapter 1354: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1354

You Xiang stood beside Li Xing, and she also felt the greatness and extraordinaryness of this plane, saying: "Xing brother, the 72nd level, in fact, is the 72 great planes ... The Lord was a supreme figure in the past, but now they are all ancient. Their plane was created in the 72nd level and appeared on the broken ancient road. "

Li Xing nodded. He glanced at the meritorious monument on his body and found that the next task was already displayed on it. This level, called Tianpeng Pass, is named after the master of the plane, Tianpeng Tianzun.

What he has to do next is to break through the obstacles and enter the Tianpeng Secret Mansion to get the Tianpeng Battle Monument.

After getting the Tianpeng Battle Stele, you can participate in the Tianpeng Battle Technique recorded on the monument. Of course, different understandings have different Tianpeng combat skills. The better the qualifications, the deeper the understanding, and the greater the benefits.

Tianpeng's combat skills have 13 realms. Obtaining the Tianpeng Battle Monument, at least, he can also realize the first small realm. If you have better qualifications, you can go to Three Realms and Five Realms. Only in the superbly qualified realm can you realize the ninth realm.

Since the ancient road was opened, the strongest person in history has only come to the Twelve Realms, and that person is the Supreme Emperor of the Ancient Times, the legendary supreme character.

Of course, this is not to say how powerful Tianpeng Datianzun is. That's because the monk at the Tianpeng Pass at this time was far inferior to the Tianpeng Tianzun that year, and it was difficult to participate in Tianpeng's combat skills.

It's like a little guy who will become the first master of martial arts in the future, but now just a toddler. If you ask him to learn swordsmanship with a martial arts master, then as long as he can learn one or two moves, it is also quite remarkable, after all, there is a big gap between age and knowledge.

In the early days of the Great Emperor Yuan Dynasty, he was able to comprehend the twelfth realm, which shows how powerful, even Li Xing was very impressed.

This information, along with the mission on the meritorious monument, appeared in Li Xing's sea of ​​knowledge, which made him quite moved.

It is not easy to enter Tianpeng Secret Mansion. In the meantime, there are three fierce lands, four restricted areas and five large arrays. And, along the way, they will be hunted down by the indigenous monks from the Tianpeng plane.

Tianpeng plane, there are a lot of monks, many of them masters. Once these indigenous days are encountered, they must be killed with all their strength. What they did was not to exclude outsiders, but to slay the ancient monks and obtain merits. This is the rule of the 72nd level.

This rule led to the fact that monk Gulu was like a rat crossing the street at Zhongqier Pass, and everyone yelled and killed, in a dangerous situation.

Before looking for the secret house of Tianpeng, Li Xing decided to go to the shops first. According to the map instructions on the monument of merit, he quickly found the Tianpeng plane. For the ancient monk, the only safe place is the prop city.

The prop city is similar to the small rest city of Qiansanguan. The ancient road monk can find the required props here, and can also meet partners to form small groups.

The prop city has a large area. There are two kinds of people in it. One is indigenous, they account for the majority; the other is the ancient road monks. They are a small number, but they are the largest consumer group of the prop city.

Indigenous people can also purchase props, and they also have corresponding merits. However, it is difficult for these people to compare with the ancient monks. The number of merits is not large, they often do not have the strength to buy too much, or even do not have the ability to buy at all.

Li Xing and You Xiang took a few steps in the prop city, found one of the largest shops, and began to choose the required props. He now has tens of millions of merits on hand, and naturally he wants to buy a special one and fully equip himself.

Entering the shop, they found that the props here were dozens of times more expensive than the previous Xiaoguan City in Sanguan! For example, an amulet, only sold 5,000 merit in Chalcedony City, but it costs 100,000 merit points!

Another example is a 30-fold broken invisibility charm. At that time, more than a thousand merit points could be won, but now it requires 70,000 merit points!

You Xiang couldn't help sighing, saying, "Xing brother, it seems that if there is not enough merit points, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive on the ancient road."

Li Xing nodded: "Although the merit point is only a supplementary effect, the initial effect is very obvious and can completely affect the outcome. However, the more the role of the props becomes weaker and weaker, you see, the attacker and stealth here Fu, etc., the highest is thirty, this is the limit, there will be no props above thirty. "

Yuxiang turned her head and asked, "Why is this?"

Li Xing: "It's very simple. The ancient road should be a way to cultivate strong people. They will not let the role of props affect the true potential of monks, so that they can dig out the true wizards."

"Digging for Wizards? What does this mean?" Youxiang Datianzun was slightly surprised, she obviously did not know the ancient road better than Li Xing.

Li Xing sighed: "Youxiang, haven't you thought about why the ancient road exists, and who controls all of this behind the scenes? That is the supreme will. He is too powerful and terrible. He controls everything and controls everything."

Youxiang Datian Zun thought for a moment, and Zhan Yan smiled, "What about it? Aren't we going all the way?"

Li Xing also laughed: "Yes, we have been moving forward. Regardless of the controller or the highest will, we will have the opportunity to face them in the future."

Entering the shop, the two first sold the props obtained at Chalcedony Pass, and sold everything they could not use. This is a huge amount of income, which made Li Xing account more than 3 million achievements!

If the pockets are bulging, Li Xing won't ignore merit. When buying props, don't look at the price, only look at the function. One thirty-eight double amulets with 80,000 pieces is fifty pieces for one purchase; the seventy-one stealth amulets are thirty pieces for one purchase.

There is also a thirty-strike attack symbol of 90,000. Li Xing needs it most, and he dare to buy fifty at a time.

These props alone will cost him more than 10 million feats!

And the remaining three million merit, he did not stay, and used it to buy two large arrays. The two large arrays are the nine-turn fight array and the Qianying hidden array.

These two teams are all auxiliary teams. The first nine-turn slaying array can be used in conjunction with the thirty-strike attack spell. Three or nine attacking spells can be used to cooperate with the slaying array to increase the damage of the attacking spell.

Thousand shadow hidden glyphs are suitable for use with incognito or avatars. They will bring the effects of the two props to the extreme and produce unexpected effects.

Of course, although the two large arrays are powerful, they can only be used three times, after which they are scrapped.

After buying these props, Li Xing's merit was only over 90,000, and his ranking on the merit list plummeted. However, he didn't care, and took a fragrance to find a restaurant to drink.

When he drank before, the best wine was the wine that was full of robberies, but the wine in this place was different, and it sold civilized wine.

A civilized celestial deity, devoted to one century, can only brew a hundred altars of civilization. Different civilizations produce different levels of wine. For example, a middle-class first-class civilized deity, the wine he brews is the highest first-class wine.

Drinking the wine of civilization can taste the meaning of civilization and benefit a lot. Of course, this also caused the price of civilization wine to be very expensive, and a pot often lost thousands of merits.

This is an eight-storey restaurant, each level of consumption is different. On the first floor, you can only drink the drinks of the primary civilization, and on the second floor, you can drink the drinks from the intermediate nine to the fifth.

By analogy, the third level is intermediate fourth to intermediate first; the fourth level is advanced twenty-four to advanced twenty-first. Until the eighth floor, you can drink the sprinkler of the perfect civilization.

Of course, the wine of perfect civilization is also extremely expensive. Li Xing inquired about it, a pot requires 88,000 merit points!

Who is Li Xing? Naturally, he would not sit on the lower floor, and went directly to the eighth floor with a fragrant fragrance. He ordered a pot of 88,000 bottles of wine, and he wanted to taste the taste of a perfect civilization.

You know, even if it is the Northern Emperor, its civilization is only a high-level first-class civilization, and it is not complete. It can be seen how scarce and extraordinary a complete civilization is. Some time.

After going up to the eighth floor, the above scene surprised Li Xing, because there were already five people sitting on this floor. Behind these people, there are a group of people, apparently those who have given up their qualifications, similar to Youxiang.

As a follower, you are not eligible for merit points. Even if they can earn meritorious points, the merits will be owned by the owner. For example, You Xiang kills an ancient monk and obtains 100,000 feats, then these 100,000 feats will belong to Li Xing, and You Xiang won't get any.

Each of these five people stood behind at least five followers. The strength of these followers ranged from the 20th to the 24th, with no weak hand.

As for these five people, it is even more remarkable. Four of them are twenty-seven broken and one is twenty-six broken. These strengths made Youxiang and Li Xing secretly startled.

The arrival of the two people caught the attention of everyone upstairs ~ www.readwn.com ~ and projected their eyes. When they found the twenty-seventh fragrance and the twenty-fifth weight of Li Xing, they all showed a vigilant look.

Li Xing ignored them and found a place to sit with Youxiang. The waiter quickly brought a jug of wine and stood by.

You Xiang sat opposite Li Xing, and they toasted each other. The strange relationship between the two people caused five people to be very curious. They saw Youxiang as a follower. However, as an attendant, she was not qualified to sit on an equal footing with the host, but she was sitting opposite Li Xing.

Moreover, Li Xing's repair was only twenty-five broken, while the follower was twenty-seven broken, which is totally out of common sense.

One of the five was wearing a black armor, and the weapon in his hand was an epee. He stared at Li Xing, and then said to the side: "Brother Feng, how about we gamble?"

The brother Feng Feng had a bare shoulders, red hair and blue beard, and a serrated sword was placed on his side. He said coldly: "Feng San, you have to take outsiders as a bet again? I'm afraid that others will not agree."


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