Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1355: On gambling

Chapter 1355 Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1355: Gambling

A man named Zhu San smiled "Hey" and said: "Everyone said that Zhu Sanfeng Jiu, never let the grass grow. How many heroes have we killed together along the way, why not make a bet?"

The "Brother Feng" was named Feng Jiu. He smiled slightly and said, "Okay, how do you want to bet? How much?"

Zhu Sandao: "Do you want to bet? Just bet a little bit. I think it is worth a million."

Feng Jiu looked as usual, and said, "Okay, bet a million." Then he glanced at Li Xing and said, "But you haven't said anything yet."

Zhu San stood up, pointed at Youxiang Tiantian, and laughed: "I bet this chick, I will sleep with me tonight."

The followers behind him also laughed unwillingly.


On the side table, there was a disdainful hum. This is the only woman among the five, cold. Her jade bone ice muscle, white clothes wins snow, a blue silk waterfall hangs down, and she wears a pink ice flower on her head.

The woman said coldly: "If the strength of the followers was not affected by the master, would you dare to make this bet?"

Zhu San's face changed, and he said, "Bai Bing, do you want to be nosy?"

The woman Bai Bingto said coldly, "What about it? No matter what?"

Zhu San laughed three times with a "hehe" gesture, pointing at Baibing Road: "In the thirty-three days, it is not your Bai family that respects you. You rarely slap yourself here. I am not afraid of you! "

Since hearing the other party's bet, Li Xing's eyes flashed a murderous light. You Xiang was so angry that she almost stood up, but was stopped by Li Xing. When Zhu San's remarks came to an end, he stood up and said coldly, "I'll also gamble, how about it?"

Seeing that the Lord finally spoke, everyone focused their attention. Zhu San said scornfully, "Boy, I thought you didn't even dare to put a fart, but it was a bit courageous."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The benefits of speaking tongues are not heroes. There is a kind of gamble with me."

"How are you gambling?" Feng Jiu came to interest and asked.

Li Xing's face was full of coldness: "Bet your life, I fight you two at the same time, the loser, die!"

Feng Jiu and Zhu Sanyi met each other, and then laughed loudly, and the laughter was so loud that they seemed to hear the most jokes in the world. That Feng Jiu said: "Brother Zhu, some people don't know our names."

Zhu San shook his head and sighed, and said, "Yeah, I'm afraid that I don't know the origin of Zhu San and Feng Jiu."

Bai Bing said lightly: "Don't brag about the two, isn't it the ninth of a Feng family's combat power, or the third of a Zhu family's combat power? On the thirty-third day, the Feng family and the Zhu family are nothing.

Feng Jiu frowned: "Bai Bing, today's business has nothing to do with you. The acquaintance is the best to look at, and don't provoke us."

Bai Bing sneered and said nothing.

Li Xing said at this time: "Everyone here can bet. If I lose, I'm willing to give two million credits."

At this time, there were two other people besides Baibing. One of them was a teenager with white hair and the other was a fat man.

The white-haired boy grinned, "I bet, if you don't die, I will give you two million credits."

After that, a message appeared on Li Xinggong's monument, showing that he had accepted the challenge. But because there is not enough merit points on the body, the props will be converted, and the total price is about two million merit.

At the same time, the white-headed young man's meritorious monument also showed the same information, which means that the gambling agreement between the two sides has officially entered into force and cannot be regretted.

The fat man with a big belly was tightening his belt tightly, and "hehe" laughed: "I also bet, if you win, I lose two million feats."

Feng Jiu and Zhu San finally felt that something was wrong. How could this guy have such guts in front of him? Where is his confidence?

However, at this stage of the matter, as celebrities in the ancient road, they will never flinch. They looked at each other and said, "Okay, we bet with you. Whoever loses will be killed by the other party!"

The fact is that in this prop city, killing is prohibited. However, if the parties make a bet, then the foul will not be counted and the exemption will not be used.

Two people said nothing, the three people's meritorious monument, at the same time appeared on the gambling contract message. At the same time, on the eighth floor of the restaurant, a portal appears, with the word "gambling bureau" written on the portal.

Li Xing said coldly: "Two, you can enter the game."

Feng Jiu and Zhu San Leng hummed and took their followers into the portal. Li Xing and You Xiang also walked in and gambled with the two masters.

When the two sides enter the portal, the internal image is displayed on the portal for outsiders to watch. The white-headed boy, the fat man, and Bai Bing all watched and watched with concentration.

The fat man said, "Bai Bing, why don't you bet?"

Bai Bingdao: "Fu Bao, your luck has always been good. I'm afraid it's going to be unlucky today, and gave away two million merits in vain."

The fat man's name was Fu Bao, and he grinned, and said, "Two twenty-five people, and two twenty-seven people. I don't choose the latter as a fool.

Bai Bing: "You are not a fool, you are a blind man."

Fubao was unwilling, and said, "Bai Bing, since you are so sure, can you dare to gamble with me?"

Bai Bing sneered: "What about gambling, the same is two million, I'm afraid you can't afford to lose."

Fubao lifted up a haha ​​and said, "Just casually, everyone is a friend. Winning or losing is hurt." Even so, his face showed anxiety.

Bai Bingdao: "Fu Bao, I know this person."

"Oh? Who is he?" Fubao was intrigued. After all, it had two million feats, and he couldn't help it.

"A while ago, I got a message that the guards of Chixueguan and Yushuiguan were killed. Moreover, even the sentence of torture failed to kill the horse ### murderer, but was forced to leave." Bai Bing Road.

The white-headed boy stood up and asked, "Is this the murderer? Is it also that he killed King Kong?"

Bai Bing nodded: "Do not leave Ten, because the news said that there was a 27-year-old female follower who was broken."

Fubao fell down and sighed, "Broken and broken, the second one is going to make a mess!"

The white-headed boy looked serious and said, "That King Kong is not bad. I have encountered it, although not as strong as me, but not weak. He was broken in the twenty-fifth, and even when he said that he would kill, he would be killed. The strength of the sentence is even more extraordinary. In the middle of the thirties, they can't even fight these two? "

Bai Bing looked at the video and said, "Is it right? He immediately announced. Look, the battle is about to begin."

At this point, Li Xing and You Xiang entered a huge circular platform. Feng Jiu and Zhu San stood opposite each other, and behind them were their respective followers.

While fighting, followers were part of the ancient monk's power. In the battle, once the master is killed, the followers will also be wiped out. Therefore, during the battle, the followers will exert their best efforts without reservation.

Facing the enemy, Li Xing said, "Feng Jiu, Zhu San, you have to pay the price of your previous words, that is, give up your life. Only by doing so can you eliminate the anger in the heart of this emperor."

"Boy, you're not bad, you're so arrogant. But you're going to be a corpse soon, so let you go crazy." Zhu Sanlian shouted.

Li Xingliang issued a mixed yuan gun and nodded with Yuxiang, so he didn't say much anymore and shot arrogantly.

As soon as the connoisseur took the shot, he knew if it was there. The momentum that Li Xing broke out at this moment made Feng Jiu and Zhu San's faces change greatly. The two of them can increase their strength to thirty at the moment of performing the nirvana.

Obviously, the person in front of him has the same fighting power, that is, Fang, and they do not have an advantage. If you have an advantage, it is the followers behind you.

In the face of Li Xing's overbearing and violent shot, Zhu Sanda gave a sigh and greeted his sword. The epee in his hand was an archaic treasure, which was later refined into a weapon of civilization, and his combat power was extraordinary.

The spears and swords cut, and the two sides fought, and there was no distinction between them.

Feng Jiu was also confronted with You Xiang. Youxiang is graceful in footwork, and mysterious step by step, does not fall into the wind.

The two sides fought real fire, especially Li Xing, and they were bent on killing the people in front of them. He dared to insult Youxiang in front of him. This was beyond his tolerance. Zhu San had only to repay his sins and solve his anger.

The two sides fought three or fifty moves, and Zhu San and Feng Jiu's followers had all been slaughtered, which made these two angry. Halfway through the fight, Feng Jiu shouted and raised his hand to hit a 30-strike attack.

You Xiang shook her figure and cast a thirty-fold double amulet, and she smashed the attacking sign.

Fighting like this is quite powerful, the fight is props. The number of props will play a key role. So for a while, Zhu San and Feng Jiu repeatedly displayed props, trying to kill Li Xing and You Xiang.

However, Li Xing's worst thing was the props, which he consumed with the other party, smashing the seven Dao charms in a row, which made Feng Jiu and Zhu San feel more heartbroken. There are not many amulets on them. Each person only has dozens of them. They cannot withstand such consumption.

Later, Li Xing suddenly gave a loud scream, and the nine-turn fight was suddenly activated. Killing all in a circle, falling from the sky, covering everyone. At the same time, You Xiang also has a conscience, raising her hand is a nine-strike and thirty-strike attacking charm.

The Nine Attack Charm and the Nine-Turn Fighting Formation were combined into one, and immediately formed a Killing Rune ~ www.readwn.com ~ with great power. At this moment, the power of the Rune broke through the limit of thirty broken pieces and reached thirty-one broken pieces of combat power!

"Si Lingling!"

Array # # # There are hundreds of thousands of swords and swords, and each one is very scary. On the bodies of Zhu San and Feng Jiu, there are cuts of blood.

These two people are finally afraid. They have seen this in the Nine Turns, and they have also seen it in the shops.

Zhu Sannu said, "Boy, the Zhu family and the Feng family are powerful in the 33rd heaven. If you kill me, you will get revenge and you won't die!"

Li Xing said coldly, "Knelt down and beg for mercy, I might be able to save you two from death."

Feng Jiu said angrily: "Animals, don't be arrogant!" He said with a blow, and a black gas rushed out, turned into a Molong, turned the two of them, and forced the sword light sword shadow out, Keep two people temporarily safe.


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