Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1356: Unbounded

Chapter 1356: The Unbounded Realm

Chapter 1356: Unbounded Realm

Li Xing frowned slightly when he saw that the moron-like black gas was so small that he could block the lethality of the nine-turn fight. [Feng Jiu laughed, "haha", sternly: "This is a black flag, see how you break it!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "Black flags and white flags cannot save you!"

After that, he raised his hand and played Qianyingzang array again. You Xiang also released nine 30-strong doubles in cooperation. Suddenly, a huge figure appeared in the void, but the nine major avatars of Youxiang merged into one, forming a more powerful avatar.

This stand-in pointed out, that Molong broke down, revealing Zhu San and Feng Jiu inside. The black flag order is indeed a treasure, but when it resists the nine-turn fight, it is barely.

Now add the nine amulets displayed by the Qianying Tibetan Formation, and immediately break it.

Zhu San and Feng Jiu looked like little girls who had been stripped of their clothes, their faces changed color. Li Xing no longer gave them the slightest chance. After nine rounds of killings and one round of battles, hundreds of millions of killings instantly twisted the two into a flesh.

Seeing this scene of the three Bai Bing, all stood up in shock. Fubao and the white-headed boy found out that their accomplishments had been reduced by 2 million points!

The merit points on both of them are not much, so those props are recovered at a discount, which makes up for the merit points and is transferred to Li Xing's book.

As soon as Guanghua flashed on the commemorative monument, he saw seven million more merits. The four million merit is a bet; the remaining three million merit is the reward obtained after beheading Zhu San and Feng Jiu.

In addition, some of the props, as well as a large amount of treasure wealth, were also stolen by the two.

Such a 27-year-old shattered master can be described as earth-shattering. The collection of any one person is enough for Li Xing to spend a long time.

After beheading the two, Li Xing and You Xiang walked out of the gamble. The three people outside looked at his expression with some vigilance and fear. In fact, Li Xing's combat power is not stronger than them, but he can release nine-turn fights and thousands of shadow formations, which is a big deal.

None of the five people, including Zhu Sanfeng Jiu, was as lavish as Li Xing and dared to buy such things. Take the Nine Turns Fighting Array as an example. Nine 30-strength attack symbols plus one-third of the consumed symbols are used to burn millions of merit points.

Li Xing still returned to his seat. He raised a glass and smiled at Bai Bing, saying, "Your wine, I've invited you."

One of Bai Bingbao smiled, turned to smile and asked Fubao: "How?"

The baby sighed and sighed. The two million feats are gone. How can he not hurt him? At this moment, he bowed his head to drink drunkenness and refused to say a word.

The white-headed boy looked at Li Xing with a complicated look, then left the restaurant without a word, without a trace.

At this time, Bai Bing came across to Li Xing and smiled slightly: "If I'm not mistaken, should you be the famous brother Li?"

Li Xing said indifferently: "It is Li Xing who wins the prize."

Bai Bing introduced himself: "Little sister Bai Bing, thirty-three days of the Bai family, I don't know what kind of talents Brother Li is?"

Li Xing: "I am from the Four Wildlands."

Bai Bing was surprised: "What? It's really amazing that the lower world can produce such talents as Brother Li!"

You Xiang has no liking for this woman named Bai Bing, and said coldly: "The second emperor of the east, the second emperor of the north and the south, and the emperor of the ancient times, which one is not a shocking character, have you not heard of it?"

Bai Bing glanced at Youxiang Datianzun and smiled, "It's not bad to say that although Sihuang has few talents, he may not be outstanding. The characters mentioned by his little sister are indeed famous and resounding through the thirty-three days. "

You Xiang snorted and stopped talking to her.

Li Xingdao: "You are from Thirty-Three Heavens. You definitely know the things over there. Can you talk about one or two conveniently?"

"Brother Li wants to listen, and the younger sister is naturally willing to help." Bai Bing smiled, and immediately told some of the knowledge of half thirty-three days, and told Li Xing one by one. In the meantime, Li Xing also inquired about some ancient rank matters, and they all got a response.

Thirty-three days, refining from 33 planes, each plane has a one-way passage, which can only impact from the lower plane to the higher plane. For example, a person in the double sky can only break through to the triple sky through cultivation. This person with a double sky can neither return to the heavy sky nor leave the 33rd sky. The only convenient place to go is the third sky.

Of course, this person can also choose to stay on the second day. But once he entered the third day, he could not return.

The only exception is that every time the Broken Ancient Road is opened, a monk in the 33rd Heaven can enter the Broken Road to be tested. This is the only opportunity to leave the 33rd Heaven.

"After entering the 33rd Heaven, once it breaks through, is it supremely broken?" Li Xing asked.

Bai Bing sighed: "How difficult is supreme fragmentation! Although thirty-three days, although people cannot be moved back and forth, information and items can not be transmitted. Between thirty-three days, there are items and messages passed between them. Teleporter. "

"So the little girl's plane has some understanding of the entire 33rd Heaven. In the 33rd Heaven, a small part of the power has the supremely broken strength, but it has been suppressed and refused to proceed. The final shock. "

Li Xingqi said: "Why is this? Don't they want to be free?"

"Is it free?" Bai Bing sneered. "From ancient times to the present, those who thought they had accumulated enough, broke down again and again, but failed again and again.

Li Xing said, "So, after the Supreme Supreme is broken, will he enter the Supreme World?"

"Unboundedness is a supreme space-time, more than thirty-three days. As for what kind of place this is, no one knows, because anyone who has entered the unbounded world has never returned. Of course, those who enter the upper bound cannot know anything, "Bai Bing said." But according to some powerful speculation, the upper bound should be the place where the Supreme Broken Monk lives. "

Li Xing frowned: "Supreme Fragmentation, hasn't it broken the main plane, why stay in the supreme realm? Is the so-called supreme fragmentation just a bullying theory?"

Bai Bing smiled bitterly: "I don't know this anymore. I want to know the truth, unless I enter the upper bound."

"Why did those who accumulated enough not be able to enter the upper bound, what killed them?" Li Xing asked.

Bai Bingdao: "According to some powerful people, wanting to be supremely broken requires a critical point of power. But this critical point is difficult to grasp, and even I do not know where it is. Only at the moment of impacting the upper bound, To be able to perceive clearly. In fact, those who fail fail to reach the critical point. "

Li Xing thought for a while and nodded: "Yes! The masters of Thirty-Three Heavens are already very powerful and have no power comparison, so they cannot measure their own power, which leads them to not know whether their power is Enough to hit the upper bound. "

Bai Bing: "Brother Li is really wise, so many mighty people think so. Monks below thirty-three days can judge their strength according to the barriers on the upper level. It's like a nine-fold broken person. As his strength continues to break through, he can accurately measure his strength based on the tenth heavenly barrier and the eleventh heavenly barrier. "

"The thirty-third heavy monk is different. They don't need to break any obstacles, and they can't clearly sense the strength of the unbounded power. So they are very confused and can't recognize their own strength."

Let's talk about it, and unknowingly drank two pots of wine, Li Xing called two pots again, and the two talked about the world. Later, when talking about the heroic figures on the broken list, Bai Bing could not help showing admiration.

"On the ancient road, there are masters like clouds, but there are few who can go to the end. Those who enter the Hou Sanguan are all peerless talents, and one party is a hegemonist. It is said that these people are quite Some are stranded in Housanguan. "Bai Bingdao.

"Why are people stranded, don't they want to continue the ancient road below?" Li Xing asked puzzledly.

"Not waiting, but waiting." Bai Bing looked worried at Li Xing.

"Wait?" Li Xing said, "Wait?"

"Wait for the wizards in the back." Bai Bingdao, "People who have entered Hou Sanguan have accumulated a lot of merits and a considerable number of props. If they can kill these people, they can get huge gains and thus more Needed props. "

"So the last three stages are very dangerous. There are many hunters there, waiting to kill us latecomers."

Li Xing sneered: "It's very good! These people kill one when they meet one, and there is nothing to be afraid of when they kill a group."

Bai Bing praised: "Brother Li is domineering, come, my sister toast you!"

The two sides talked for a long time, and Youxiang was already impatient, saying, "Xing brother, we have stayed long enough and it is time to do something."

Listening to her call, Bai Bing, who had originally guessed the relationship between the two, was immediately determined and laughed: "The two were actually accomplices, but why should they become followers?"

Li Xing also didn't hide it, so he talked about the design framed in the chalcedony gate ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then said, "That guard is very abominable, and I am beheaded."

Bai Bing smiled bitterly: "I only heard about it before, I don't know the details. That's the case, the guard really did have a way to take death." Fang Ba, she got up and fisted, and said, "Brother Li, let's say goodbye and hope that we can Goodbye."

"There will be a period later." Li Xing stood up with a smile and watched Bai Bing leave.

As soon as Bai Bing left, Youxiang Datianzhuang wrinkled her nose and glared at Li Xing, "Xing brother, is it fun to talk to her?"

Li Xing said with a serious face: "Of course it's not fun, but in order to know the useful news, I can only be fun. Are you jealous?"

You Xiang said disdainfully, "She is an outsider. What vinegar do I eat?"

Li Xing smiled and said, "Okay, the business is still important. Let's hurry up to complete the task, and then find the Tianpeng combat skills. I'm curious to know now, how many levels can I realize?"


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