Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1357: Tianpeng Talisman

Chapter 1356: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1356

"The monks in the 33rd Heaven are different. They don't need to break any obstacles, and they can't clearly sense the strength of the unbounded power, so they are very confused and difficult to recognize their own strength.

Let's talk about it, and unknowingly drank two pots of wine, Li Xing called two pots again, and the two talked about the world. Later, when talking about the heroic figures on the broken list, Bai Bing could not help showing admiration.

"On the ancient road, there are masters like clouds, but there are few who can go to the end. Those who enter the Hou Sanguan are all peerless talents, and one party is the overlord. Some are stranded in Housanguan. "Bai Bingdao.

"Why are people stranded, don't they want to continue the ancient road below?" Li Xing asked puzzledly.

"Not waiting, but waiting." Bai Bing looked worried at Li Xing.

"Wait?" Li Xing said, "Wait?"

"Wait for the wizards in the back." Bai Bingdao, "People who have entered Hou Sanguan have accumulated a lot of merits and a considerable number of props. If they can kill these people, they can get huge gains and thus more Needed props. "

"So the last three stages are very dangerous. There are many hunters there, waiting to kill us latecomers."

Li Xing sneered: "It's very good! These people kill one when they meet one, and there is nothing to be afraid of when they kill a group."

Bai Bing praised: "Brother Li is domineering, come, my sister toast you!"

The two sides talked for a long time, and Youxiang was already impatient, saying, "Xing brother, we have stayed long enough and it is time to do something."

Listening to her call, Bai Bing, who had originally guessed the relationship between the two, was immediately determined and laughed: "The two were actually accomplices, but why should they become followers?"

Li Xing also didn't hide it, so he talked about the design framed in the chalcedony, and then said, "That guard is abominable, and I am chopped."

Bai Bing smiled bitterly: "I only heard about it before, I don't know the details. That's the case, the guard really did have a way to take death." Fang Ba, she got up and fisted, and said, "Brother Li, let's say goodbye and hope that we can Goodbye."

"There will be a period later." Li Xing stood up with a smile and watched Bai Bing leave.

As soon as Bai Bing left, Youxiang Datianzhuang wrinkled her nose and glared at Li Xing, "Xing brother, is it fun to talk to her?"

Li Xing said with a serious face: "Of course it's not fun, but in order to know the useful news, I can only be fun. Are you jealous?"

You Xiang said disdainfully, "She is an outsider. What vinegar do I eat?"

Li Xing smiled and said, "Okay, the business is still important. Let's hurry up to complete the task, and then find the Tianpeng combat skills. I'm curious to know now, how many levels can I realize?"

1357 Tianpeng Talisman

There are 13 realms of Tianpeng combat skills, but from ancient times to the present, countless people have come to understand, but at most they have only come to understand the twelfth realm. Li Xing wanted to give it a try, and he was able to perceive the realm.

The two did not say more, and completed the branch tasks one by one in accordance with the task requirements recorded on the meritorious monument. These branch tasks can't be more difficult than two people, all the way through the pass easily.

After more than ten days, they finally entered Tianpeng Secret Mansion, and after killing several powerful guards, they found the Tianpeng Battle Monument. However, the two people couldn't get the monument immediately, because there were more than one Li Xing to grab the monument.

Inside the huge cave, hundreds of monks are encircling the huge Tianpeng monument, and they are fighting in chaos. Most of these monks have a combat power of 22 or more. Among them, the masters have reached 27 and 28 are broken, which is very difficult to mess with.

When the crowds were fighting, Li Xing carefully observed the Peng Zhan monument that day, and found that the monument was a thousand feet high, and the base was a square jade with a size of 300 feet. On the battle monument, there are wonderful runes carved, which seem to contain the profound meaning of martial arts.

After looking at Li Xing for a moment, he found that there are only three wonderful runes on it, which can be quickly remembered. Is Tianpeng's combat skills hidden in these three basic runes?

This idea came to his mind, and he looked at the field again. It didn't matter, and his eyes widened. Therefore, he found that the tricks and tricks used by the various people in the battlefield actually evolved from these three runes and varied.

If the three runes are called A, B, and C, respectively, then the integration of A and B will create a new rune. In this way, two new runes appeared.

Next, all six runes can be merged in pairs to produce fifteen different runes. By analogy, the endless runes can be derived from the three types of runes.

These people under the field are constantly combining various runes, one by one, as if entering a state of madness.

You Xiang looked for a while, then drew air-conditioning, and said, "Great, this Tianpeng combat skill is really amazing!"

Li Xing sneered: "It's ridiculous that these people have gone away and don't know it. It's ridiculous."

You Xiang said: "Xing brother, do you see the doorway?"

In fact, as soon as he arrived here, he was making calculations attentively, and his calculation method was unparalleled in the world. It didn't take long before he discovered a pattern.

"Two lifetimes, three lifetimes, and three lifetimes. These three runes belong to the basic warfare. They can be combined with each other to form endless combat skills. If you compare like this, you will never find its secret . "Li Xing said.

He was explaining to You Xiang, but there was an offended guy who jumped over from the side and punched with a punch. As soon as Li Xing reached out, he restrained the man, then smashed his head with one palm, and threw it into the heavens and earths furnace for refining.

His hands and skillfulness immediately attracted more people around him. He snorted, let Yu Xiang look at him, rushed into the crowd, pointed east and west, and killed the Quartet.

In terms of strength, most of these hundreds of people are not Li Xing's opponents. And he was extremely fierce, killing one person in one step, and solved a dozen in an instant.

The rest were immediately frightened, and only masters dared to put him right. Not long after, a white-headed boy rushed over and slashed at Li Xing.

Seeing this person, Li Xing said: "It's you!"

This man was exactly the white-headed boy he met in the restaurant. He left without saying a word and did not want to meet him at this time.

The white-headed boy sneered: "Let you see, what is the real Tianpeng combat technique, kill!"

When he unfolded the sword light, he had a sharp sword gas cut horizontally and strangled on all sides. Li Xing was taken aback, only felt a cold on his face, and half of his eyebrows were shaved by Jian Guang.

He said coldly: "It seems that you have cultivated Tianpeng's combat skills, but you don't know where you are."

The white-headed boy proudly said, "Seventh state! Boy, take your life!"

Li Xing flickered from left to right, and indirectly hit three attack armaments and dropped two substitutes. He was not injured under this man's sword, and he couldn't help but secretly startled. Although he just saw the key of the battle monument, he hasn't had time to calculate yet, naturally he is not the opponent of this white-headed boy.

However, the two fought a few tricks, and the young man's magical tactics were shown to him. He simply took the opportunity to pick up the ready-made ones, and used his opponent's tactics to test his ideas.

After fighting like this for a moment, he "haha" laughed: "Although you have realized the seventh realm, unfortunately you have taken a different path, and it will be difficult to go further!

The white-headed boy sneered: "It seems that you still have eyesight, yes, the path I take is really not the best path, so I can only cultivate to the seventh realm. But using the seventh realm to kill you is enough!"

Li Xing frowned: "You and I have no grudges and grudges, why did you kill me?"

"Huh! You earned me two million merits, shouldn't I kill you?" The white-headed boy asked.

Li Xing angered: "I'm willing to gamble to lose, and you will kill if you lose. It's really no gambling. You also have to be crazy and watch me cut you later!"

"Don't hesitate, I will kill you now!" The white-headed boy sneered, a sword sharper than a sword. He often cut it out with a sword, making Li Xing unable to resist and backing down again and again.

In desperation, Li Xing's props were constantly consumed. In the end, he had to use the Qianying Hidden Formation, consuming nine hidden charms, and lurking with Youxiang.

The white-headed boy suddenly lost his goal, and then he slashed with his sword, but how could he succeed? There was a vicious light in his eyes, and he looked around, wondering what he was thinking.

In Qianying's hidden formations, You Xiang sighed: "Xing brother, what can you do? I did not expect that Tianpeng's combat skills are so powerful that Qijing can kill us without any help."

Li Xing scornfully said: "What else is this? I have already seen the principle and watched me build a deeper gun and go out to kill him!"

You Xiang was very curious and asked what the principle was. Li Xing said: "The three basic war symbols do not need to be fused with each other. Instead, they will make the war symbols more and more endless, so how to cultivate?"

"My approach is to directly combine the three types of wars into one, and then merge with my own combat skills." Li Xing laughed.

"What? Fusion with your own combat skills? But is this still Tianpeng combat skills?" Youxiang is incredible, always feel that doing so is outside the scope of Tianpeng combat skills.

Li Xing laughed: "Everyone is as good as you think ~ www.readwn.com ~ I believe that Tianpeng's combat skills must be within the range of three war symbols. But the world ’s martial arts have something in common, this day The Peng Zhanbei only left three methods. With these three methods, one can continuously improve his combat skills. "

Youxiang Datianzun suddenly realized that he was very impressed by Li Xing and laughed: "Yes, these people are constrained by this kind of thinking, so they are caught in a puzzle and it is difficult to extricate themselves."

"However, it depends on how strong my martial arts are." Li Xingdao said, "I will first blend the seven styles of the mixed Yuan killing technique, one by one, to see which realm I can practice."

Having said that, he went into a retreat and became aware of Tianpeng's combat skills.

Once the trick is found, it is much easier to do. When Li Xing merged the first mixed style of Yuan Dynasty with the war amulet, he got a style, and instantly increased the power of this style by dozens of times, resulting in extremely powerful lethality.

Then the second, third, and up to the seventh style all merged with the battle symbols, and the combat power soared.


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