Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1358: 25th day

Chapter 1357: Twenty-five Heavy Heavens

Chapter 1357: Twenty-Five Heavens

After gaining Tianpeng's combat skills, Li Xing's strength has been improved by leaps and bounds, and the peak combat power can reach thirty-two broken in an instant. This horrible fighting power is enough to make him laugh and stand out. Difficult to meet real opponents. [FБ

After a long journey, Li Xing and You Xiang marched along, writing a legend.

Next, time returned to the period after Li Taichu left home. As far away as the thirty-three days, there is a young man looking at this side of the world with a confused look. This is the 25th day, and young talents have just arrived here.

The young man's description is similar to Li Xing, who is exactly Li Xing's youngest son, Li Taichu. After Li Taichu left the mixed Yuan empire, he went north and south and experienced many ups and downs.

He had good luck. By chance, he found the lotus flower in the beginning and practiced in it for a long time. At the beginning of this year, the lotus flower is no small matter. It is a kind of supreme treasure bred in the universe when the heavens and earth are in the sky.

Undoubtedly, this thing is of great help to Li Taichu. When he came out, the civilization he had pioneered in the early years had already reached the state of high-ranking twenty-four.

In addition, his strength has also reached twenty-five broken. Although not as good as Li Xing, he has surpassed Li Gui and Li Ba, and is the strongest of the three Li family members.

However, after good luck, it was bad luck. Li Taichu was quite a father, and when he came out, he did not spend a lot of time on flowers. He was met by a talented woman and called Su Qinger.

There is nothing wrong with Su Qinger. She is tall and beautiful. She also likes Li Taichu. But very unfortunately, Su Qing's other identity is the daughter of the emperor.

To say that Li Taichu's strength has reached twenty-five broken, he can almost look down on the four shortages, but why he met the emperor. So the emperor immediately introduced him to the twenty-fifth heavy sky, so that he would never see Su Qing'er again.

Regardless of Su Qing'er crying to live, but after all, she can't see Li Taichu, unless she also practiced to be twenty-five broken and willing to enter the thirty-three heavy days.

The twenty-fifth heavy sky is a strange world. Here is a place of roundness, with the sun, the moon, the stars, the rivers, the lakes, the mountains and the plains.

Now that Li Taichu has just entered the twenty-fifth day, he is still a bit uncomfortable. He glanced left and right and sighed, and murmured, "If Dad knows I'm in trouble here, he will be furious, and then savagely I have a meal. "

After thinking about it, he said, "Mother must also be very worried, oh, what can I do, this ghost place cannot go out."

He was chanting in his mouth, and people flew aimlessly at high altitude, and a mountain gate appeared faintly in front of him. That mountain gate is very magnificent, with the three characters "Jade Girl Gate" written on it.

Seeing these three words, Li Taichu's eyes suddenly flashed, and he said, "Jade Girl Door? There should be more beautiful women in it?"

This product is a person who can't pull their legs when they see a woman. It is expected that there will be beautiful women here. Naturally, they have to go and take a look. He turned his eyes, took out a dagger from his body, and “snapped” his thigh, then screamed and fell from high school.

He was unbiased and fell right into the gate. Such a big movement immediately shocked the people of the Jade Girl's Gate, and two women's nurses in Suyi Qingsi flew over, not seeing Li Taichu lying on the ground in pain.

At first glance, I found that the two female disciples were one or two broken characters, very weak, and he immediately showed a look of fear. "Two beautiful sisters, my brother, I am under attack. , Accidentally landed here, bother. Please be kind to my sister and save me. "

Although these two women are ordinary Beizi, they are also very beautiful. They look at Li Taichu's imagination, are handsome and extraordinary, and they don't dare to make arbitrary decisions. One said, "Who are you and where do you come from?"

Li Taichu thought that if he wanted to say that he was an outsider, he might be beaten and would go out. Then he said, "The younger brother is a casual repairer, and I pass by here."

The two women saw Li Taichu's great looks and had good feelings in her heart. The other said, "If you are injured, you must have offended someone. Our Jade Girl Door cannot be in trouble."

Li Taichu quickly said, "No, no, that enemy has already left, and definitely can't chase here." Then he sighed, "But I don't want to embarrass the two sisters, please let me rest a little and leave immediately. "

The two women looked pitiful to him and couldn't bear it. One said, "Well, wait a minute, I'll report to the maiden and see what to do."

Li Taichu changed his mind and thought, "What kind of way is there actually a sage?" Thinking in her heart, she thanked her again and again.

In a short while, a woman in white, with ice muscles and jade bones, and unparalleled looks, she was dressed in white, with bare feet, bright white wrists, and walked slowly. Seeing this woman, Li Taichu's eyes were straight, and she cried, "It's so beautiful, if you please your wife, your father and mother will be happy!"

As soon as this idea appeared, he screamed "Ahhhh", and went straight to "coma". At this moment, the new female nun couldn't ask anything, she said lightly: "The rules in the door are not easy to keep outsiders and carry them out."

Li Taichu, who was posing, scolded in his heart, saying that the girl was so hard-hearted that she was not afraid to fall on your future husband? He suddenly groaned and groaned slowly, opening his eyes slowly, and saying, "Sister beauty, did I just faint?"

As he spoke, he stared at the nun. This nun is the maiden of the Jade Gate, and she said coldly, "Who is your lord?

Li Tai's scores at first showed that the virgin's cultivation was only broken in sixfolds, not a master. He couldn't help but wonder, "I entered the twenty-fifth heaven, and the people I met were all weak."

But after a moment's thinking, I realized that the descendants of those who entered the twenty-fifth heavy heaven would have to be repaired.

The maiden said coldly: "Since the Lord is awake, please leave here quickly."

Li Taichu said that her husband was gone. Wasn't that stab just now? He sat up hard from the ground, sighed, and said, "Excuse me, leave here next."

As he said, he slowly turned around and walked down the mountain step by step, as if he really wanted to leave. After taking a few steps like this, and seeing no response from the people behind him, he suddenly fell and fell, and then stayed still.

At this moment, two exclamations finally came from the rear. The only two female nuns pleading, one said, "Sir, this man is a pitiful man, let's save it? The beast under the mountain is infested, and if it hurts him, it is our sin."

"Yes, sir, this man is not malicious. He was only temporarily injured and unable to act. Let's treat him well and let him leave again."

The maiden said coldly, "Don't you listen to my words?"

The second girl shut her mouth and dared not speak.

Li Taichu told everything clearly and said that this girl was really cruel. He simply used secret means to connect the whole person with this mountain. Therefore, when the two nuns came to lift him, they found that they were still as if they were one with the mountain.

The two women said, strangely, "Why is he so heavy? We can't lift him!"

The maiden was impatient, and she stepped forward to take Li Taichu's shoulders and lifted him. But as soon as her hand touched her body, she felt extremely heavy. She changed her face and said, "It's so good!"

It turns out that, for all Great Heavenly Venerables, there is a big world in the body, and the weight of the big world is the weight of this person. You usually do n’t see anything, but once you give up control, the weight of the big world will be displayed on your body.

Now Li Taichu is releasing the power of the plane and does not control it. Therefore, if someone wants to move him, he will wait for the weight of a plane. If this person's realm is high enough, it is good to say that he has the opportunity to move.

But if the strength is inadequate, it is halfway to move. Therefore, after this maiden tried, she knew that Li Taichu was a powerful figure, otherwise the plane would not be so heavy.

"Madam, what's wrong?" The two nuns hurriedly asked.

The Virgin said, "This man is a master!" She thought for a moment, and said, "You two are here to stay, wait for him to wake up and show him to me."


All of this was naturally heard in Li Taichu's ears, so he didn't take long to "wake up" again. Opening her eyes to see the two women, she was very embarrassed and said, "I'm so sorry, I fainted again, and troubled the two sisters."

In the hearts of the two women, their affection for him increased even more, and they said that this man was really good-tempered. We kicked him out, but we weren't angry, and they were so polite.

"This Taoist friend, our maiden invites you into the mountain to speak." One female Xiu said with a smile.

Li Taichu said: "Since the maiden asked, I dare not obey."

So the three went to the Jade Gate. On the way, Li Taichu asked the names of the two women and knew that they were Zizhu and Bailan. The two women, one in purple and one in white, are in line with their names.

Seeing that she was going to the Jade Lady's Hall, Li Taichu said, "Two sisters, why are there virgins in your door? According to the younger brother, only the lower world place ~ www.readwn.com ~ has a virgin seat."

Hearing, Zizhu and Bailan looked dim, Zizhu said: "It seems that you don't know about the Jade Girl Gate, the maiden of the Jade Girl Gate, will contribute to Shangbang in the future, this is the old example set by the predecessors."

Li Taichu froze and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Therefore, the two women informed Li Taichu of the cause and effect in an instant through the method of transmitting thoughts.

Since the beginning of the establishment of the Jade Girl Gate, it has not been a real big school, and it is very weak. If such a small wing is to exist, it is absolutely impossible without the support of great forces.

So, in order to survive, the first head of the Jade Girl's Gate promised to tribute a woman with good qualifications every three hundred years.

The so-called Shangbang means that in the twenty-fifth day, those big countries often have the best masters. Generally speaking, such great powers are established by masters who are more than 25 times broken and have extraordinary strength.


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