Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1359: Yumen Gate

Chapter 1359: The Jade Girl's Door

Chapter 1359

It turned out that those monks who entered the twenty-fifth heavy sky through the broken path were considered masters. 'Twenty-fifth heavy sky in the real world, most people are unable to reach the twenty-fifth heavy fracture.

As a result, the strength of those who are broken is quite arrogant. Absolute power will bring absolute power, so one country after another is born. These countries control the nearby powers, large and small, like the Yumen Gate.

Those small forces who want to survive must have the support of these great powers, or they may be destroyed in a minute and it is difficult to survive.

For a long time, the Jade Girl's Gate has paid tribute to the saints in Pang State, thus receiving the support from above. Those saints who are tributed will be the slave women of the nobles and nobles in the great power of the state.

Getting this news, Li Taichu was secretly upset. When he saw the maiden at first glance, he was already designated as his wife. How could he give it to others to be a slave? In a short time, the three young members of the Li family ignited an evil fire.

Entering the Jade Lady's Hall, a middle-aged nun sits on the hall. Behind her, stands a virgin.

Zizhu said: "This is the master."

Li Taichu arched his hand slightly and said, "I've seen the master."

The middle-aged female Xiu nodded slightly, and said, "Dao You came far away, please take a rest in Houshan. If you need anything, just order Zizhu and Bailan."

Dare to love others, there is nothing to ask, Li Taichu didn't say much, retreated.

As soon as the others left, the middle-aged woman practiced: "Mor, why do you have to persuade this teacher to leave this person?"

The maiden name Moe, she said, "Master, this person is very good at training. I was hurt at the moment. My Yumen Gate can help him, and it will be a good destiny. Maybe it will help us in the future."

"What help does our Jade Girl's Gate need?" The Jade Girl's host disagreed. "With the asylum, no one can threaten us."

"Master, there are more than one Jade Girl's sects sheltered by Shangbang. What should we do in the face of such enemies?" The maiden asked.

The middle-aged female nun was silent for a long time, and she said, "You have a reasonable point, okay, just temporarily keep this person and wait for him to leave him immediately."

After speaking, her eyes flashed coldly, and said, "Mor, you are working hard to train an adult for your teacher. You will have a bright future in the state. You do n’t want to make any ideas, you understand?"

The maiden's heart was cold and she lowered her head, and said, "Yes, Mo Er understands."

Li Taichu was placed in a small building with a good environment. For several days, Zizhu and Bailan will regularly deliver what they need and take care of it.

On the third day, he said, "She should be here today?"

Sure enough, the second half of the day, the maiden appeared in his room, and there was only one person. Mrs. Li pretended to be surprised, and said, "Oh, it's my elder sister, please sit down quickly."

The maiden's expression was very indifferent. She didn't sit down and said lightly, "Your lord's injury seems to have recovered a lot. After the injury is good, you can leave."

Li Taichu laughed and said, "If I go, wouldn't anyone be able to help you?"

The maiden was startled and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Li Taichu sighed and said, "Look at you, it's so easy to grow so big, so beautiful, you have to be sent to a place you don't know, to wait for someone who doesn't know. If that person is good, you may pass Well done, be a slave of a generation. If you encounter something bad, you will be miserable, and you will live a worse life than pigs and dogs. "

The maiden's ### trembled slightly, but still wearing an indifferent mask: "So what? This is the destiny of the maiden."

"Is destiny?" Li Taichu shrugged. "My father told me once, he said that in this world, only I can control my own destiny, and no one else."

The maid sneered: "Your father didn't tell you that there are things in this world that can't be resisted?"

Li Taichu laughed: "Of course there is, but my father said that if something can't be resisted, then find a way to resist. If you can't figure out a way, then wait for the time to resist. If you can't even wait for the time, then it is better to be broken , Not for tile. "

The maiden Liu Mei frowned slightly: "This approach is simply stupid. In this world of weak meat and strong food, you will only die early."

Li Taichu shook his head: "You are wrong. Your father is very well now. He will be the first person between heaven and earth in the future. I am convinced."

The maiden was so shocked that she couldn't help asking, "Who is your father? He taught you this way."

"You didn't know it," he said lightly.

The maiden was silent, then turned and left.

Li Taichu stopped her and said, "Are you here just to say something inexplicable?"

Saint girl stopped ### 子, it took a long time before she asked: "Do you think I have a chance to resist?"

Li Taichu smiled and said, "Yes, naturally, I'm your timing." He stepped across from the saint, "As long as you promise to be my woman, I will help you."

The maiden was stunned. She lived in the Jade Gate since she was a child. Where did she meet this direct person? What's more, it's about men and women. It's from a stranger.

Li Taichu said positively: "Nothing surprising, my father said that when one day you see a chick, then you must tell her immediately, otherwise the chick may run away."

At this moment, the maiden didn't know what to say, she glared at Li Taichu and turned away. However, she took a step, and felt that the sky was turning, into a strange time and space.

At this moment, she was in a small kiosk with tables and chairs and a pot of tea on the table.

Li Taichu sat opposite and asked her to sit down and said, "Please drink tea. This is a good thing. I secretly carried it from my father's treasure house when I left the farm. The quantity is limited."

The maid first panicked, but for some reason, when she saw the smile on Li Taichu's face, the panic quickly disappeared. She came across and sat down, glanced at the tea, and found that it was civilized tea of ​​high quality.

She said, "What do you leave me for?"

Li Taichu looked directly at her and said, "You and I just said it off. You kept me because you saw my strength wasn't weak, did you? So you wondered if it might be me. Friends? Or go further and be my woman. "

The maiden was ashamed: "You bullshit!"

Li Taichu grinned: "You can be **** when I am, but keep listening." He paused and said, "And you see, I look really lazy, Yushu is in the wind, and heroic."

The maiden finally rolled her eyes and encountered such a cheeky narcissist, I really didn't know what to say.

Li Taichu: "Although you think so, you think this possibility is extremely small. After all, you don't know what kind of person I am. But you still fight for this opportunity, and in order to make this opportunity further realized, you even Ran into my room. "

The maiden's heart suddenly jumped, and every sentence of Li Taichu said that she was thinking about her, which was indeed her calculation. She since ### is very arrogant. She has practiced thousands of miles a day, and she has won the appreciation of her masters.

But in the end she became a maiden, and in the future she will be sent to a strange place and become a slave to a strange man. This fate was unwilling to accept her, so she must resist.

But he was too weak, and those thoughts of resistance could only flash by accident in his heart, and then annihilated. Until she met Li Taichu, the other party was obviously a master. This made her feel ashamed, as if she saw a faint hope.

Although the hope was extremely small, he could barely see it, but she still caught it, trying to keep Li Taichu at the Yunmen Gate. All this was done almost in her subconscious.

When Li Taichu said everything, there was shock and sorrow in the sage's heart. She finally took off her indifferent mask, and tears shed in her beautiful eyes.

"How did you know?" She stared at Li Taichu, looking very shy, and was discovered by an adult like a little girl who stole candy.

Li Taichu smiled "Hey": "It's nothing, my father told me how to calculate, I know a little or two. I know what you are doing when you think about it."

The sigh sighed: "Since you know, then ..."

"I didn't say that already." Li Taichu smiled badly, "As long as you promise to be my woman, I will help you and give you freedom."

The maiden blushed and said, "What you say is not a random person."

Li Taichu said positively: "I'm even more of a casual person, but at the first sight of you, I know that I already like you. Don't deny that you have a good opinion of me, and this kind of affection has been Has increased and has begun to like me now, hasn't it? "

The maiden blushed and said, "This is all you said."

Li Taichu smiled and said, "You don't refute, that's the default. Well, I like you, you like me, what are you waiting for? Be my woman, a handsome and handsome man like me, a promising man You absolutely can't find a second person on your 25th level. No, to be precise, it is impossible to find a better man than me throughout the 33rd level! "

After saying this, even Li Taichu felt a little bragging, so he added: "Even if it is not now ~ www.readwn.com ~ it must be the future!"

The maiden listened for a moment, and then "aunt" laughed and said, "You are really cheeky."

Li Taichu was depressed for a while, and he suddenly remembered a sentence that Su Qinger said: "Brother Taichu, you are fine, but you have a thick skin."

After laughing, the maid said softly, "My name is Moer."

Li Taichu laughed and said, "Mo'er, good name, nice!" He stepped forward and took her hand, and said, "So, have you agreed?"

Mo Er's eyes circled red, saying: "Compared to the unknown tomorrow, do I have any choice? At least, I know that you will not hurt me, and I really do not hate you."

"Just don't you hate it?" Li Taichu was more depressed.

"We don't understand." She raised her face. "Can you give me some time?"


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