Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1360: Taichu 1 sword

Chapter 1360 Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 1360: First Sword

Li Taichu laughed: "It doesn't matter, you will really like me sooner or later. [FБ" Then suddenly look serious, "Compared to this matter, how to save you from the fire pit is the most important thing."

Speaking of this matter, Mo Er looked sad and said, "I, as a nurtured girl, can never betray the teacher. This matter must be considered from a long-term perspective."

Li Taichu sneered: "Are you still grateful to Jade Girl Gate? The mortals in the lower world raise pigs and sheep, and those pigs and sheep will be slaughtered after being raised. I think those pigs and sheep, There is absolutely no gratitude. Some are just angry. "

Mo Er narrowed her mouth and said, "You are a pig."

Li Taichu quickly called Haha and said, "I just make an analogy, how can you be a pig? How can there be such a beautiful pig?"

Mo Er punched him with anger.

In a flash, it was three months. During this time, he had become familiar with Mo Er, and the two had finally developed a real relationship. On this day, the two were sitting on the top of a mountain, and Mo Er was lying in the arms of Li Taichu, with a look of innocence and joy on their faces.

Li Taichu bit the grass stem in his mouth, squinting his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Mo'er suddenly reached out and tickled him, the latter just "haha" slowly and slowly, without any sincerity, obviously not really laughing. Mo Er gave him a grudge, and said, "Why don't you laugh?"

Li Taichu rolled her eyes: "Please, beauties, I am a monk in a broken world. I think it's more fun to be ridiculous."

Mo Er laughed loudly and said, "I'll beat you every day. Don't be afraid."

Li Taichu gave an indifferent hum, turning his eyes, as if calculating something. Mo Er spent three months with him, knowing this guy's crooked idea, and suddenly asked, "Brother, who's your idea?"

Li Taichu immediately said: "Mo Er, how can you say that to me? A person like me who is so devoted to love, who else will you miss?"

Mo Er apparently didn't believe it, and snorted: "Is that? Who sent the love poem to the master sister? Who made a magic weapon for the third master sister? Who was chatting with the fifth master sister at night?"

Li Taichu suddenly blushed and said, "Ma'er, you blame me wrongly. You must know that you are the maiden of Jade Girl's Gate. If I don't get in touch with my sisters, how can I marry you later? As long as there is one objection, the two of us will hang. "

Mo Er sighed, and said, "You, you obviously do not want to admit it. I understand in my heart that a man like you is very romantic and capable, and I can't hold you back."

Li Taichu smiled, quickly shifted the topic, and said, "Mor, I think of a set of swordsmanship, how about passing you on now?"

Mo Er's eyes brightened. In the past three months, Li Taichu passed on her sensitive routines, both of which were extremely powerful. She had long been addicted to learning, and she quickly said, "Okay!"

As soon as Li Taichu's thoughts moved, she had a little thought and entered Mo Er's consciousness. Such a means of communicating consciousness can only be carried out by people who have great trust, because if it is an enemy, it can take the opportunity to attack the sea and cause major damage.

"Mo'er, I learned this set of swordsmanship myself. It's called Taichu Yijian. Don't look at it because it has only one move, but it has many changes. If you study hard, you can make thousands of moves from it."

Mo'er is also a highly qualified person. After watching for a while, she praised: "It's a good swordsmanship, how many times better than Master's teaching. I'm too young, you are so good!"

Li Taichu laughed and said, "What's so good about a set of swordsmanship? I have a high-level civilization, and it's twenty-five broken, and I want to be supreme in the future."

Mo'er admired in his heart, saying, "Brother Taichu, your strength is rare in the great powers of the state. With you, I am not worried about the future at all."

Speaking of this, Li Taichu said, "Mo'er, these days, I have been thinking about this thing, thinking about it, the best way is to leave here with me."

"Where to go?" Mo Er asked, "Are you going to the 26th Heaven?"

Li Taichu shook his head: "Of course not. After a while, the broken ancient road will be opened. At that time, we will enter the ancient road together and take the opportunity to leave this ghost place."

Mo'er was startled and said, "Brother Taichu, Broken Ancient Road is an extremely dangerous place. What shall we do there?"

Li Taichu laughed and said, "How can you become a talent without going through the grind of the ancient road?" After that, Guanghua flashed behind him, and the Four Elephants appeared. These four characters are Li Taichu's protectors, Lao Yin, Shao Yin, Lao Yang, and Shao Yang.

These four people have benefited from Li Taichu for many years, and now they are all top 20 broken people, and they have opened up their own civilization.

Laoyang Datianzun laughed: "The Lord said so much, presumably the emperor will enter the broken ancient road at that time. When you reunite with your father and son, you will be able to dominate the party and go to the source of civilization.

Shaoyin also said: "And only by entering the source of civilization can the civilization of the pre-primary of the Lord be truly carried forward."

At first sight of the four people jumping out, Mo Er was startled. Li Taichu quickly introduced, "These four are my escorts, four elephants, you will be familiar with it in the future."

After that, he asked, "What are you four running out of here?"

It turned out that for a long time, Sixiang Datianzun practiced in retreat in the Taichu Plane, and suddenly came out today, which surprised Taizi Li.

Laoyang Datian said: "Lord, we learned that he entered the twenty-fifth heaven, and thought that it was necessary to explore the world and increase experience. It is said that in the thirty-three days, there are many ancients left behind. Jumbo, maybe there will be gains. "

Li Taichu thought for a while, and said, "I have the same intention, but I still have to explain things over Mo Er, you go back first, I will call you when you leave."

The Four Elephant Datianzun answered, and immediately returned to the plane. Li Taichu asked Mo'er's opinion, and the girl naturally had no objections. She had long since settled that she was born to be the Li family and died as the Li family ghost, and she was willing to follow.

However, she is still the maiden of the Jade Girl Gate, and she must have an explanation before leaving.

So, on the second day, Li Taichu and Mo Er appeared in front of the face of the Jade Maiden.

For many months, the head of the Jade Girl was quite tired and tired of Li Taichu's frequenting with Mo Er, and always felt that something would happen. However, she thought that Wang Yili would hook up Mo Er and take it away soon.

When she said that the two wanted to leave the Jade Girl Gate, she couldn't help anger and pointed at Mo Er: "You ungrateful thing, you go, what will the Jade Girl gate do? Where do you put the Jade Girl Gate?"

Mo Er lowered her head and said nothing, at this moment, she didn't know what to say. In her heart, the feelings for Yumenmen are very complicated, she is grateful and she hates it.

Li Taichu frowned: "I said Dasao, speaking can't be so unpleasant. Although Mo Er was born in Yu Nu Men, this does not mean that Yu Nu Men can sacrifice her at any time in exchange for the interests of the martial arts. This way, Yu Nu Men is simply not good for animals No human being. "

The hostess of the Jade Lady was furious: "Boy, who am I, dare to teach this master! Come, take it!"

The entire Jade Girl Gate, except Mo Er, has no second person who knows Li Taichu's true strength. In the eyes of this head, Li Taichu's realm will not be higher than her.

So when she was furious, she ordered the Jade Girl Door to be out of the best, and she set up a battle to kill Li Taichu.

In the face of this situation, Li Taichu only played as a child, and didn't take the matter seriously. "Hehe" smiled and said, "Don't you say that you have to do it? I really don't dare to compliment you."


As soon as the master of the jade girl ordered, 28 monks of the jade girl would come out and form a jade swords array. Their swords are staggered, their power is extraordinary, and they are more and more overwhelming.

Li Taichu stood up and smiled at Mo Er, "Mo Er, give you a chance to practice your hands."

Mo Er looked up at this moment, and said lightly: "Sisters and sisters, Mo Er offended." She held a sword and slashed into the air. An ordinary sword, but it has infinite killing power.

I saw a sword light condensing into a bigger punch, and hit the sword net. Then there was a huge explosion. The powerful Jade Lady Sword Formation was suddenly broken, and everyone flew back quickly.

Li Taichu claps her hands and applauds, "Well, this sword has got my three-point essence, which is already pretty good."

Having said that, he turned around the town with a big hand, and used a trick in his sleeve to put the entire Jade Girl's Door directly into it. Suddenly, everyone found that they had entered a huge plane, and the flavor of the early civilization was very strong.

"This ..." The head of the jade girl froze, almost unable to believe her eyes.

At this time, Mo'er also entered the Taichu plane and said, "Master, here is the Taichu plane. Our mountain gate before Yunvmen is more suitable for cultivation and living, right? "

"What? Twenty-five heavy broken? High civilization civilization deity?" The head of the jade girl and a cadre were shocked.

For a long time, the head of the Jade Girl sighed and said, "If the Jade Girl Gate can cultivate here, it is really a good thing, but ..."

Mo'er hurriedly said, "Mo'er knows what Master is worried about. Please rest assured that there is Mo'er in there, and it's okay to protect Yumen's Gate. And in the early stage, Taichu's brother will take care of Yu'men.

The people in Yumen Gate wanted to stay in this place. No matter from which perspective, the resources or environment here are much better than the outside. At the very least, they can practice with peace of mind, without having to worry about being attacked by any forces, or paying tribute to the saint.

All of this is naturally based on Li Taichu's powerful strength. A twenty-five broken character is fully capable of providing adequate resources and safe shelter to the Jade Girl Gate.


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