Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1362: Discipline the grandchildren

Chapter 1362: Supervising the Grandchildren

Chapter 1362 Discipline the Grandchildren

The owner of this house has frequent contacts with Tianxue Pavilion, and naturally knows Li Xing's prestige. At this time, he can't help but chill when he sees him. "The emperor, Li Jiao is indeed a student of the university, is she the daughter of the emperor?"

Li Xingti looked at the owner of the house. Suddenly, when he felt Li Jiao's idea, he unfolded the consciousness, and soon found the direction. . . ┝ & 网, when he saw that baby daughter Li Jiao was tied to the torture platform, he was instantly angry and killed.

"Old thing, your school dares to bully my daughter like this. Today, the emperor is going to kill a **** river!" He shook his body, the four avatars flying towards the execution platform at the same time.

However, they said that the young moles and the young men with blue hair only felt that they were shocked, and then an overwhelming will came to this place. They looked very different, looking at each other in horror, and shouting, "What should we do? He's here!"


A large hand directly lifted the roof of the execution room, and four figures came down instantly. One of them was carrying the owner, like a dead dog.

As soon as Jiuyang shook herself, she reached the stage where she tied her hands and squeezed. The electric lights tied to Li Jiao "cracked", disappeared, and rescued her daughter.

Li Jiao didn't see his father for a long time. At a glance, his father came, cheering, and rushed to Li Xinghuai, bouncing like a cheerful bird. Li Xing asked distressed: "Daughter, can you be injured?"

Li Jiao laughed: "My father came in time. I was not injured, but I was beaten a few times by these two bad guys, and my body still hurts."

Jiuyin's avatar suddenly shook behind the two, and looked at the two as if they were dead. He said, "Two little beasts, dare to move my daughter, are you enough? Who gave you the courage?"

Under the coercion of Li Xing's terror, the two youths were so frightened that their legs were soft and they all fell on their knees. The Mole youth forced the fear in his heart and called: "We are grandchildren! Father is the seventh son, you ... you can't kill us."

When he heard the name of the seventh emperor, Li Xing laughed three times and hummed, saying, "The seventh emperor? You dare not dare to mess with me, but you dare, really **** it! Yeah, Ben The emperor took you, and went to the Seventh Heavenly Mansion. I'd like to see what the Seventh Heavenly Man says! "

The old man ’s look was startled, and he even said, “The great emperor, you ca n’t! The emperor is so famous that he is the same as the seventh son, so do n’t care about these two children. Moreover, the emperor and the seventh son are both It's the heavenly people who fight, no one can get better. "

Li Xing angered: "You old devil, as the owner of the house, really deserves punishment!" As soon as he reached out, he sent the old house owner to the execution platform, and opened a mouthful of thunderbolt and began to frantically. Bombed down.

This thunder and lightning was a trivial matter, and the old man screamed repeatedly, but he couldn't stop persuading, "Emperor, you can't go to the Seventh Heavenly Mansion!"

Almost all of the people in Yinyang Academy have arrived. Seeing this battle, who dares to step forward and stop? Each of them was pale, standing beside a chicken, and he was afraid to say a word.

Li Jiao stepped forward and shook Li Xing's arms, and said, "Father, forget it, you can learn it. The owner is so old, don't humiliate him any more."

Li Xing stared at him: "He is the head of the government, but he is letting such miscellaneous mischief do not punish him? You needn't say, I will let him go after he has been sentenced for three days."

After the words, Jiuyang and Jiuyin were respectively seized a grandson, left, and rushed to the seventh Tianzifu.

Although the old man was tied up, he said loudly to the people around him: "Quick! Quickly inform several pavilions and let them meet the emperor. Now only the emperor can save the seventh emperor!"

Several henchmen flew away and met Ge Lao.

Li Xing's methods were extraordinary, and he reached the seventh Tianzifu in an instant. He was relatively familiar with the path of the heavenly court, broke into the palace brother directly, and descended into the Temple of Heaven.

At this moment, the seventh emperor is having a feast with a hundred civil and military officials, singing and dancing together, lively and extraordinary. Suddenly, four great figures appeared, and the powerful momentum made everyone breathe and freeze, and my heart was shocked.

The seventh emperor naturally recognized Li Xing. When he looked at Li Xing's two avatars and carried one of his sons, he could not help angrily, "Li Xing! What are you doing? Do you want to threaten your grandson? "

Li Xing laughed three times and said with a very cold voice, "Seventh son, your son dared to hit my daughter with bad heart. Come over and ask you, what should you do?"

The seventh emperor actually hit Li Su as soon as he saw Li Xing. In the past, he had a fierce conflict with Li Xing, and although he no longer confronted him, Li Xing's strength advanced by leaps and bounds, and it is rumored that he could fight against each other.

The former opponent has grown to the point where he is not able to deal with it. Hearing what happened, he had to clenched his fist: "There is such a thing, these two miscellaneous things, I must have taught them well! I also asked Brother Li to take the lead and let them go."

"You can't let them go," Li Xing coldly said.

The seventh emperor was unhappy in his heart and said that no matter how strong you are, I am the emperor. These two are my son and the grandson of the emperor. Do you actually want to do it? However, he still ran into anger, and Shen said, "Brother Li, they are your junior. Even if you do something wrong, you should give it a chance, right?"

At this time, Li Jiao was unwilling. She just let the two grandchildren in vain. She absolutely disagreed, saying, "Seventh son, your two sons are acting arrogantly. Less bad things. That ’s it. Their idea of ​​this ### hurt me almost to be insulted. How can such a crime be let go?

The seventh emperor said lightly: "Adults speak, younger people do not interrupt."

Li Xing glared: "Fart! My girlfriend has face than the emperor, why can't I plug in? Seventh son, whether you agree or disagree today, I will teach these two little beasts!"

When Dad's face scolded the child, the small animal, ~ www.readwn.com ~ This was even the seventh day son scolded in, the latter angered: "Li Xing, don't be arrogant! This is heaven!"

Li Xing "haha" laughed and looked at the other side obliquely, and said, "You said that the emperor was arrogant? Okay, I will show you arrogance today. The emperor must not only teach your son, the two grandchildren, but also teach You are a poor parent! "

With a wave of his right palm, a peculiar light flashed, the planes of the two grandchildren were instantly destroyed, repaired to fall directly from the broken realm to the Great Holy Realm, and dying, it seemed that they might die at any time.

The seventh emperor was furious: "Kill the emperor! Li Xing, the emperor and you will never die!"

Li Xing snorted: "Because you are not worthy, give it to me!" With a big wave of his hand, there was a magical power that set this grand emperor in the air.

Then, the war avatar drew a whip and beat it fiercely in the presence of civil and military officials. Which dare to speak, Baiguan? They are not ignorant of Li Xing's current power, and there is a trend of unification.

If it is really successful, it will be famous all over the world and become the Four Emperors and Commonwealth, a great generation!

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