Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1363: 4 Wasteland Industry

Chapter 1363: Four Wildlands

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1363

Li Xing led the order: "Let's take orders!"

Emperor Tian Fu replied: "The deity of Jiu is far in the Supreme Realm. In this matter, I rely on Li Qing, and I hope Li Qing does not forget the agreement ... [fe ?!"

Li Xingdao: "Your Majesty rest assured that the Minister will comply with the agreement."

When he spoke, he was startled: "The original Emperor of Heaven has reached the Supreme Realm, does it not mean that he has reached the Supreme Broken Realm?" He wanted to ask something about the Supreme Realm.

But the emperor said: "I still have something to do, go one step ahead." Then the words disappeared and disappeared.

As soon as the emperor left, the seventh emperor did not dare to say anything ruthless, left the emperor's mansion directly, and went through retreat to the retreat, until the next period before leaving.

At this time, Li Xing took the opportunity to meet the ninth emperor. The two sides haven't seen each other for a long time, they are very close to each other, and talked about their respective experiences in recent years. Since the ninth emperor was promoted by Li Xing, he has made great progress, and now he is a twenty-fold broken celestial deity. It was only shortly after today that he was out of customs.

The ninth emperor also asked about the recent situation of the four wastelands, and learned that the mixed Yuan empire had been expanding in the four wastelands at the same time, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, saying, "Brothers are really amazing. In the future, these four wastelands must be under your rule."

Li Xingdao: "Although the empire is powerful, it is easier to want to unify the four wastes. Among the four wastes, there are a lot of masters in seclusion. Their individual combat power may not be as good as mine. Non-empires can compete. "

The ninth emperor was startled: "How should this be good?"

Li Xing smiled slightly, so he came up with the latest measures.

It turned out that Li Xing had already counted on today's situation, so from the beginning, he focused his energies on the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. He understands that although it is difficult to unify the four wastelands, it is much easier to make the four wasteland chambers larger.

With his current strength, no force dares to challenge, otherwise it will be death. With this advantage, he can confidently expand and strengthen the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce in a real way.

With the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce as the foundation, the mixed Yuan Empire can extend its tentacles to every corner of the Shihuang. We must know that the countless bases of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce are actually monitoring stations and gathering points of force, which are extremely beneficial to the unification of the future empire.

In addition, the Hunyuan Empire also released a series of means. For example, if you are a member of the Mixed Yuan Empire, you can enjoy 20% discount on the purchase of items from the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. It also stipulates that anyone who has contributed to the mixed Yuan empire can become an empire citizen.

Contribution points can exist as a currency like the alchemy. In this way, in the unknowing and subtle way, the contribution points released by the mixed empire gradually became the hard currency of the entire four shortages, which is even more useful than the chemical alchemy.

When people trade, most of the time they are willing to trade with the contribution points of the mixed yuan empire. Of course, the premise is that such contribution points can be circulated outside the empire members.

Once the contribution points are allowed to circulate externally, a series of effects occur. For example, a certain merchant does not belong to the mixed yuan empire, but he sells goods and obtains several points of contribution from the buyer.

When the merchant's contribution points have accumulated to a certain degree, then all are eligible to become imperial citizens. In this process, the contribution value can be traded and circulated, which directly makes a considerable number of people unknowingly become empire citizens.

At first, those who became citizens of the Empire did not take it seriously, but when they discovered the benefits of becoming citizens, they regarded it as a noble identity.

Now walking in Sihuang, the first sentence of meeting between friends is often: "Have you joined the mixed Yuan empire?"

The number of members of the mixed-yuan empire is growing in horror. Now, nearly one-tenth of the monks in the Four Desolations have already contributed points, and a considerable number of people have become imperial citizens.

With the rise of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, the original Northern Wild Chamber of Commerce Chamber Alliance, the West Wild Chamber of Commerce and Trade, and other major forces have also been squeezed out, and there is almost no way to do business.

When it comes to power, they can't do anything about the Yuan Empire. When it comes to doing business, they don't have the qualities and types of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. As a result, the old forces of these chambers of commerce faded out of the historical stage one by one, and were gradually replaced by the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

Li Xing originally envisaged that the plan to unify the four shortages with the Four Wastes Chamber of Commerce and firmly control the world finally made substantial progress. It can be said that he was half successful.

The development process of the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce was not smooth sailing. Its appearance directly led to the influence of the Chamber of Commerce among the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce, and another organization was established to fight against the Four Deserted Chambers of Commerce.

This newly formed organization includes not only a group of old organizations such as the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, but also the enlightenment of several successful civilization forces, so it is also extremely powerful.

This organization calls itself the "Chamber of Commerce Chamber" because its members, including the six major forces, are extraordinary. The emergence of the chamber of commerce alliance immediately became a close enemy of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, and the two parties began to compete in business.

Facing this new enemy, Li Xing adopted a steady and steady strategy, slowly ###. While stabilizing the original site, continue to nibble at each other's site. In general, the league is defensive, while the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is on the attacking side and has an advantage.

The ninth emperor heard these things and said, "Brother, this alliance of chambers of commerce is really so powerful? Why don't you kill their bosses directly, a hundred? With your strength, can't you kill them?"

Li Xing shook his head: "It's not that simple. I have investigated that this chamber of commerce union does not have a real leader. It is composed of countless small forces. Or they also have leaders, but they are hidden behind it and difficult to find. In addition, this force is ~ www .readwn.com ~ There are also some secret masters. Even if I do, I may not be able to kill. "

The ninth emperor nodded: "However, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce has really embarked on the road of kings. As long as there is no accident, it will be eaten in the future." He paused, "Brother said, do you have any plans to start with the prefecture?" "

Li Xingdao: "Now there are a large number of warships in the mixed Yuan empire. In terms of configuration, there are all kinds of broken ancient guns up to the 30th level and broken ancient guns down to the first level. There are even more countless soldiers. At present, about one hundred can be mobilized. One-half of the force is more than enough to deal with the prefecture. "

The ninth emperor was excited, and said, "Okay! There is a help from a good brother, this place looks good!" Then volunteered, "I will help you this time, and you and my brother will kill the enemy together."

Li Xing said with a smile: "I'm here for this purpose. To deal with the prefecture, you have to do it."

The ninth emperor: "If you work alone, and it is not easy to cooperate with the heavenly army, I must coordinate with it. Do you think so?"

Li Xing nodded: "That's exactly what he meant." He narrowed his eyes. "Actually, this move into the land government, I have something to worry about."

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