Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1364: Assimilation of civilizations

Chapter 1364: Assimilation of Civilizations

Chapter 1364 Assimilation of Civilizations

Seeing Li Xing's expression, You Xiang's heart had a rhinoceros, saying, "Xing brother, is there anything special about this kind of thing?"

Li Xing nodded slightly and said, "Yuxiang, I must take this thing, it is very important to me ... [?:! 网"

You Xiang nodded: "If anyone comes out to compete, I will also participate in it so that they can retreat." Then smiled, "It seems that such a humble thing should not attract anyone's attention. "

As they talked, they watched the hundreds of auction items. Suddenly, You Xiang's gaze was doomed to something. This is a withered flower, but the color is still bright and exudes a faint fragrance, which can be smelled from a distance.

You Xiang's eyes lighted and she said, "Xing brother, I also encountered the same baby. This is Yuanhua. When the world is not divided, it is born in the chaos. If I can refine, I can achieve the highest Treasure. "

Li Xing laughed: "Okay, let's bid together."

After a while, the shop owner announced the auction. Auctions are conducted at the same time. One person can compete for several items at the same time.

The scene seemed a little confusing, and the shouts were loud. Li Xing and You Xiang watched the branches of the ancient civilization tree and the flower branches of Yuanhua, respectively.

The branch was not very eye-catching, and everyone could only sense a scent of civilization from above, and there was nothing special about it, so this thing was nobody's interest.

It was the Yuanhua, who recognized that there were many people and the competition was fierce.

Li Xing tried the situation, so in the absence of competition, bought dead branches for a thousand merit points. As soon as this dead branch was in place, it was taken up by the ancient civilization tree and immediately refined.

A small piece of dead branch once entered the ancient tree of civilization, but it caused a shocking movement. The entire plane of the Hunyuan rang loudly, and a strong sense of civilization pervaded the Quartet.

The ancient tree of civilization has unparalleled ability to calculate, but when we calculate this dead branch, it is surprisingly slow. Li Xing initially estimated that it would take a long time to completely eat through the avenue of civilization hidden in this dead branch.

With dead branches, he immediately went to Youde, only to hear that the competition was fiercer than fierce. Yuan Hua has soared from the original 10,000 meritorious service points to 220,000.

At this time, there are still many people willing to bid, and most people refuse to stop.

Li Xing was impatient. At the same time, he also understood that such a slow fight would raise the price very high. This reason is the same as boiling frogs in warm water. It might as well be fierce.

On his meritorious monument, the number of meritorious service points is as large as 38 million. It costs him 1.8 million to be trivial, so Shen said, "One million!"

From 220,000 to 1 million, all of a sudden, this is the difference between heaven and earth, and a considerable number of people were deterred instantly.

However, there are more than one rich man in Li Xing. Among the crowd, a young male was handsome, handsome and arrogant. Behind him, there were actually dozens of female nuns, all of whom were very gentle to him, embarrassed, and almost idiotic.

The young man said lightly: "1.5 million."

You Xiang has not participated before, he and Li Xing secretly winked, at this time bidding: "two million."

The young man glanced at Youxiang, and the corner of his eyes showed appreciation, and smiled: "This girl, if you like it, I can photograph it for you."

Youxiang Datianzun said lightly: "No need."

Li Xing looked at the goods and felt tired and crooked, saying that my woman used you to send things? I thought about stepping forward and pumping him an old punch, but I thought I could still put up with it, wait for the bidding to end, and take Yuanhua in hand.

This time, a group of female nuns behind the man were unwilling. A red makeup woman stood up and said coldly: "Ben # # # Out of three million, younger sister, you better not rob me, or end It would be miserable. "

You Xiang was not scared. Before reuniting with Li Xing, she also experienced countless dangers and went all the way to today. When she heard the threatening words from the other party, she smiled scornfully and said lightly, "3.2 million."

The red makeup nun said: "Four million!"

Li Xing rolled his eyes at this moment, and he couldn't help but meet such a stupid woman. If you continue to fight hard, you must lay down your blood, but if you do n’t argue, you ca n’t get anything.

After a moment's thinking, he preached: "Forget it, don't argue with him. I'll grab something directly."

You Xiang said: "Xing brother, I'm afraid it's not good to do this. The masters in the city are like clouds, which will inevitably be jealous."

Li Xingdao: "You can rest assured, this group of people have bad intentions, and they will come to you."

You Xiang trusted Li Xing naturally and immediately stopped asking. In the end, the Red Makeup Girl bought Yuanhua at a sky-high price of four million merits.

The female Xiu bought Yuanhua, and was very happy to dedicate it to the male Xiu, and said loudly, "Hong Brother, Yuanhua Honger bought it for you. Do you like it?"

There was nausea in Li Xing's heart, and it seemed that the identity of the two men and women had fallen.

The male Xiu smiled a little ~ www.readwn.com ~ then took Yuan Hua, and said, "Thank you for your love, go, let's find a place to sit."

Seemingly or unintentionally, this group of people followed Li Xing and You Xiang into a tea shop. Li Xing and You Xiang just sat down, and the male Xiu uninvited, standing at the table with his arms folded, smiling: "Two, can my brother sit down here?"

Li Xing said coldly: "No."

The man repaired it for a while, and a hint of unhappiness appeared on the powder-white face, saying, "This table is not yours, why can't you let me sit?"

This was a horrible one. A dozen or so females behind the men's self-cultivation hurled around, revealing their murders to Li Xing without any concealment. The red makeup girl said: "You two are blind, don't you know my brother Hong? You dare to be so rude, I think you are impatient!"

Li Xing was curious, and asked, "I'm awkward, and I really don't know Hong Brother. I dare to ask your family who's surname is Hongming, who is the best person, and who has such a big face, should I scare him?"

Another green sneer sneered: "My brother Hong is the 33rd Tiantian, a master among the young people of Hongjia. Hongjia, among the 33rd Tiantian, is one of the top ten surnames. Do you Don't you know? "

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