Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1374: The privileged space of civilization solidifies

The ninth style of mixed yuan, with infinite power, directly raised Li Xing's combat power to the "superior" state. Therefore, this shot was mysterious and hidden behind the roulette, which made the gluttons feel the threat.

The teenager's face changed, and said, "Okay! Very good! I didn't expect that you also touched" Supreme Supreme ", I really underestimated you. After people like you eat it, it will greatly help me!"

In other words, he is more fully motivated to vortex, launch a more powerful offensive, and produce a more horrible suction. At the end of the day, the second killing roulette couldn't support it, and then sucked into the center of the vortex.

After Li Xing followed the Vortex, he asked that the pressure was blocked by the Vortex, so his power was not lost. It was not until the moment when the Vortex was approached that the killing roulette disappeared, the strongest fighting force broke out, and Huanglong was shot straight .

This attack was extremely destructive, and the sharp gunman actually had a different kind of power, which made all things and all spirits freeze at once, as if the picture was frozen.

"Time and space freeze!"

In Li Xing's mouth, four words were spit out, and then the vortex suddenly stopped spinning, and even that suction suddenly disappeared.

This is a privilege possessed by the advanced tenth class civilization, which can order time and space for a short time, so that time and space can be solidified, and everything is infinite. At this moment, even crickets were affected, and all of a sudden stood still.

At this moment, not only his movements, but even his consciousness has fallen into a stillness. At this moment, the brain of the gluttonous body is blank and there is no thought activity.

At the time of full-time solidification of time and space, Li Xing couldn't cast attacks at all, he just sang, "Kill!"

Behind him, a phantom of a mighty shore appeared, and it was Guiyuan's clone. This avatar has a weaker strength, but has the blood of the protoss, but is the nemesis of the gluttonous body, which is why Li Xing summoned him with a teleportation array.

When Guiyuan's avatar appeared, he laughed loudly, and stepped forward, smashed it, and broke the solidified plane of the plane, destroying its roots, and killing his jade god.

This is like a master of martial arts. If he sits still, a five- or six-year-old child can also kill him with a knife. Although the strength of Guiyuan's avatar is not as good as the opponent, he can kill it at this time.

At the moment when the consciousness of gluttonous body was restored, it was found that his plane had been shattered and broken, and the jade **** was almost lost. He instantly understood what was happening, and the roar yelled, "Abominable! You beast, I won't let you go!"

Guiyuan Emperor snorted, "Do you still have a chance?" When he stretched out his hand, the flesh was torn into pieces and burst into blood mist.

A jade **** rose into the air and wanted to escape. He was caught up by Li Xing. He shot it and set it in the void. He sneered, "Now, are you a butcher or a pig?"

I was still sneering, and said, "Li Xing, the implementation tells you that this is just a clone of me. My deity is strong, not something you can imagine! However, you do n’t have to use the deity to kill you, in front of the ancient road, and My two avatars, they are more powerful and will definitely kill you! "

Li Xing was fearless and said scornfully: "Even if your deity comes, the emperor can also destroy him!" He said, the jade **** was wiped out as soon as the tip of the gun trembled.

Guiyuan's avatar absorbed the power of the puppet and then returned to the plane of the mixed element. After transmitting the large array, he returned to the Four Wastelands. Now in the middle of the four shortages, the war with the land government is under way, and the Guiyuan avatar should not leave for a long time.

Seeing the destruction of the cricket, Tu Ba could n’t help but shouted, “Great! Then the civilization solidifies, and the killing is directly broken, making the younger brother admire him more and more!”

After that, he set his gaze behind the thin black monk and sneered: "You two, can't you come?"

These two people belonged to His followers, and when He died, they became unowned, and the end was very bad. It turned out that when their faces changed, they were about to run away.

Youxiang said angrily, "Where to go!"

However, Tu Ba had already rushed up without her shot, and the two were captured in one round, thrown in front of Li Xing, and cursed: "Grandma drops! Although you are followers, you can't be light."

You Xiang said: "Brother Tu, these two men have harmed us before, but they did not succeed."

When Tu Ba heard it, he was even more angry, and said, "Dash things, dare to fight Laozi's idea!"

Li Xingdao: "Brothers, these two have some practices, but it is a pity to kill them. It is better to be slaves. You can also run around and do things."

Tu Badao said: "Brother, they are already the followers of others, and now they are not easy to control."

Li Xingdao: "It doesn't matter, I have my own way." Then, he scattered the plunder seeds into the two-person plane, and immediately controlled them.

Now that the Yuanyuan civilization has reached the advanced tenth grade, plundering ancient trees is even more powerful. Not to mention this kind of character, even if it is thirty-three broken, it may not be able to bear it.

In an instant, the two were completely controlled by Li Xing and became war puppets, and then teleported to the war avatar plane, allowing them to participate in the battle against the land government.

For a long time to come, Li Xing will turn hostile monks into war puppets, and then send them into the mixed Yuan empire, thereby greatly improving the fighting power of the mixed Yuan empire, and even eventually changing the battle of Tianting against the land. .

After that, leave it alone.

But it was said that after the two were turned into war ravages, Zhu Bai, who was forced to become a follower, was also liberated at this time. However, his status is equally embarrassing and he has been disqualified.

Li Xing also knew it, and allowed him to temporarily stay in the plane of Junyuan. When he got out of the ancient road, he was free. In fact, Zhu Bai's family was quite influential in the thirty-three days, and it might be useful in the future.

After the matter was over, Li Xing and Tu Ba continued the ancient road below and entered the next level.

Time passed, and before unknowingly, Li Xing and Tu Ba broke through the 75th level. The 75th level is the last level of the 72nd level. The next 3 levels are next.

After going through these barriers, the two experienced hundreds of years along the way. In the past hundred years, they have experienced countless vicious dangers, but all rely on their powerful strength to turn the danger into danger, and finally reached the 75th level.

In the meantime, regardless of Tu Ba, Li Xing, or You Xiang, they have accumulated enough, so after entering the seventy-five level, they decided to further improve the repair to deal with the more difficult second three levels.

These last three barriers are a famous dangerous place. They claim to return with no life. They must be fully prepared.

Along the way, they have encountered many masters, knowing that although their own strength is strong, but they are not absolute hegemons, supreme masters. There are people outside, and there are mountains outside the mountain.

Entering the seventy-five level, several people first entered the city's shops, preparing to sell the props accumulated over the years. In fact, Li Xing had already discovered that the more the props became more expensive, the more they kept going and selling them now.

When Tu Ba and Li Xing shot a lot of looted items from their bodies, everyone gained a lot of meritorious points. Among them, Tu Ba added 350 million meritorious points, bringing the total meritorious points to 1.70 billion.

Li Xing's income is higher. He sold 530 million meritorious points for props. In addition, the original meritorious total was over 1.97 billion. The ranking on the meritorious list directly entered the top 100. The ninety-ninth place!

In addition, because he challenges the master every year, or is challenged by others, his record is extremely high. Now he has reached 995 points, which is still five points, and he can reach a thousand points!

According to the reward rules, you can get twice the merit reward when you have a record of 1,000 points. Today, his merits are 1.970 billion, and double the reward is 3.94 billion!

This is an astronomical figure, and Li Xing is very excited. However, he killed the majesty along the way, and now no one dares to challenge him.

After selling the props, Li Xing went away, but did not buy any more props. Because Tu Ba told him that the power of the props in the 72nd level is limited, and only after entering the next 6 levels will you find the truly powerful props, and then you can buy them later.

The seventy-fifth level can be said to be a place where masters gather. They are the fierce characters left after the big waves, and they are all extraordinary. Everyone is extraordinary. In particular, in order to be able to prepare adequately and be sure to impact the next three stages, they are stuck at the seventy-five stage and are prepared to do more.

Therefore, in the 75th level, you can often see the challenged monks. This level is called the challenge level. I do n’t know how many heroes have fallen here since ancient times.

Like other monks, Li Xing and Tu Ba are also preparing to improve at this 75th level, and then enter the last 3 levels.

Because the 75th level plays the role of the predecessor ~ www.readwn.com ~ is the bridge between the 72nd level and the 3rd level, the environment in this level is very different from the rest. It can be said to be very prosperous and very dangerous.

Prosperity is because most of the ancient masters gathered here. The danger is that the purpose of these masters to stay here is to enhance strength and kill. Because only killing people can get more meritorious points, so in the next level, try to buy as many powerful props as possible to improve the chance of survival.

Li Xing and Tu Ba came to an ancient city. This city has been built for many years. The large and small buildings in the ancient city are row after row, and you can't see your head at a glance.

Between these buildings, a wide avenue is built, with prosperous commercial streets and shops on both sides. It's like a big city in the lower world, with everything.

It was here that Li Xing and Tu Ba were told that if they wanted to live here, they had to buy a house, otherwise they would not be allowed to practice.

In desperation, the two searched for a long time and found a house. This house is not large and its location is remote, but it is such an inconspicuous small courtyard house that it cost Li Xing 80 million credits!

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