Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1375: Chapter 75

This is still relatively cheap, because a few people don't plan to live here for a long time, so there is no entanglement in terms of location and area, so I chose one at random, but I didn't expect to pay 80 million.

Such an expensive price almost made Tu Ba give birth to a murderous heart, but in the end he still put up with it.

After buying the house, the three settled a little, then walked up the streets of the market to hear the news. You know, you can inquire about the situation in the last three stages. You can even buy useful news by paying merit points.

The three people used their means to break through the void and directly entered the main commercial street at the 75th level. This is the most prosperous place and is conducive to hearing the news.

This master class was built so wide that 35 horse-drawn carriages could run side by side. The shops on both sides are also magnificently built, which is unusual. The three walked for a while and looked at several shops on the way, but did not see what they liked.

Until he walked outside the door of a house called "Ruyi Gambling House", Tu Ba paused. Li Xing took a look and laughed, "Why, wouldn't you want to go in and bet two?"

Tu Ba rubbed his hands, smiled "Hey," and said, "Brother, I have to sip it all my life, or else we should just play around?"

Li Xing laughed: "One of the bets is the calculation. Brother and I are good at this, so let's play a few together."

You Xiang saw that the two were actually going to the gambling house, and resentfully said: "You guys all have to wait for the cultivation, but you still have to gamble. Why are n’t any practitioners like that, don't go!"

Li Xing laughed: "Yuxiang, are n’t the practitioners at the end? Or we can say that we are returning to normality."

You Xiang rolled her eyes and said, "It's always reasonable for you, forget it, you go, I have to go elsewhere and listen to the news."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, let's go separately, remember to be careful on the way."

He didn't worry that Youxiang would be in trouble alone, because Youxiang was his entourage, he would know what happened to Youxiang, and arrived at the first time.

When Li Xing and Tu Ba entered the casino, they found that it was very lively and there were quite a few people participating in the gambling. And these people are often powerful figures, otherwise how dare you gamble at this place?

The two did not hurry to participate first, but made a lap in all the gambling games, and got a preliminary understanding of the scale and playing method of this casino.

In fact, for practitioners, gambling is more a practice, so there are fewer gambling methods, only a few. There are only two ways to play Ruyi Casino, which are dice and cards.

These two methods of play are the simplest and most common gambling methods in the secular world. However, there are university questions in simplicity.

Of course, the practice of the practitioners is different. For example, when playing dice, the dice cup that rolls the dice is actually a huge plane. And that dice is also a special thing. The treasures of the world can't be manipulated at all.

Think about it, how can a small dice fall into the infinite plane? How can it be guessed? It's like throwing a dice into the sea and letting an average person guess the dice's points, which is extremely difficult.

So this dice is basically played by luck, but for the monk, luck is not invisible. A clever monk can touch luck or even touch it.

In the eyes of some monks, luck is a kind of momentum, and as long as it is maintained, luck can stay inseparable. In fact, mortal people sometimes encounter such examples.

For example, gambling people sometimes feel very smooth, winning several games or even a dozen games. When you have bad luck, you may lose to the end. For example, people who do business often come when business comes; when business is cold, there is no business for half a day.

This is a manifestation of luck.

The other way of gambling is the card. Jiu, this card. Jiu is also different. It is made of something called "wanbianyu". The cards are in your hands and change at regular intervals.

This led to the very complicated game of Pai Jiu, which required complicated calculations and inferences. Most people couldn't figure out the way and won or lost.

The guests of the Ruyi Casino are all wealthy people. Many of them have made Li Xing and Tu Ba feel a dangerous breath. It can be seen that these people should have stayed in the seventy-five city for a long time, otherwise they should have been met at the previous pass instead of never meeting each other.

After looking around, Li Xing nodded to Tu Ba, and the two entered a table. The gambling game on this table has just ended. One of the monks in black just lost 30 million points of merit and left with a look of embarrassment. They went straight out of the casino. .

The man who won was a teenager who looked only thirteen or four years old. He was so contented that he watched the gamblers all around: "Why, who else is gambling?"

Tu Ba looked at the boy's arrogance, sneered, sitting on the seat with his buttocks, Avenue: "Big nephew, I bet on you."

This big nephew, when he heard the boy's anger, stood up and scolded: "Where are you Mao, who is your big nephew, are you begging?"

Tu Ba smiled "Hey": "The eldest nephew didn't recognize the uncle, remember that when you were still feeding, the uncle still hugged you."

Juvenile crooked his nose, he said angrily, "Fart! Master Ben knows the heavens and earth when he was born. Why don't I remember it? You Mao can dare to talk nonsense, and you shouldn't blame Master Ben!"

Tu Ba sighed and said, "In fact, whether you admit it or not, you are still my eldest nephew."

The boy was so angry that his eyes swelled up.

Seeing that the other party was almost angry, Tu Ba waved his hand and stopped stimulating, saying, "Okay, uncle is here to gamble. Do you play? Do not play while peeing and mud."

This young man has been a genius since he was a child. He has been praised by all the people in the world. He was so annoyed when he was called by Tu Ba, he screamed, "Mao, let you lose your pants first, and then discuss with you the other!

After all, the teenager asked the waiter to take out the dice cup, and the gambling game officially started.

The two sides agreed to bet 10 million points for each bet.

The waiter threw the dice into the dice cup a little, and the mid-plane of the cup oscillated. Of course, the dice also turned over countless scuffles. I don't know what time it turned into and where it fell.

The boy sneered, "I said it was even!"

Tu Ba smiled and said, "Then I am singular."

One three and five points are single, and two four and six points are double. The two of them will bet directly without looking at the dice cup. This shows that both people have absolute self-confidence in themselves, and this self-confidence has evolved into a kind of potential, which will inevitably generate luck.

Li Xing has been observing the boy secretly. But he didn't dare despise this boy, because his performance showed that he was a very powerful character.

The waiter opened the dice, and a brilliance rose. It showed that the dice was up at three points, which was odd.

Tu Ba laughed and said, "You must not be polite, nephew."

The boy snorted and said, "Come again!"

But then, Tu Ba seemed to start to lose luck, and after losing ten times in a row, he lost hundreds of millions of merits.

Seeing the fierce light in Tu Ba's eyes, he was already agitated. The young man looked cold, with a look of bamboo on his chest.

Li Xing then pressed Tu Ba's shoulder and said, "I'll meet him for a while."

People in gambling are the easiest to feel the momentum of others. Li Xing, he felt, as if there were countless mountains and seas coming at him, unstoppable!

This is a kind of momentum developed all year round, not comparable to ordinary people. You know, Li Xing is now the Quasi-Fresh Emperor. His four avatars each rule a waste. In the future, he will be the Great Emperor of the Four Wastelands without any doubt, the first person in the Four Wastelands from ancient times to the present!

This kind of situation is Li Xing's advantage, and he immediately made the youngsters vigilant.

However, the boy soon recovered his calmness and said coldly, "You come, you still have to lose."

Li Xing smiled slightly, waiting for the start, saying: "I said that the next six innings were all doubles, and the next four innings were all singular."

What is it like when the teenager is surprised? Do you gamble ten times at once? This is too arrogant! You know, the other side said that the first six games were double, and the last four games were single. You have to be right in ten innings. If one is wrong, he loses.

This gambling method is extremely risky, and it is impossible to do so without absolute confidence.

The young man's heart was unhappy and anxious. Li Xing's performance let him know that the person in front of him was extremely confident and naturally very powerful. He encountered a strong enemy.

The boy took a breath, and turned a ring on the ring finger, groaned slightly, and said, "Okay, I bet!"

The waiter shakes the dice next time, the ghosts are so bad, the first round comes out, the waiter has a strange idea in his mind, he thinks that this round must be even.

Sure enough, the first game came out with two points and even numbers.

The teenager's face changed, sneer: "There are still nine innings, you can't just guess."

"Not guessing," Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I make him double, he is double, I make him single, and it is single."

How domineering is this? I can hear the gambler's face changing all around ~ www.readwn.com ~ Is this person going to order the world? It's so arrogant!

The boy's heart sank, and he said fiercely, "The second game!"

The waiter continued, and the next five innings, they really asked for a double, which was two o'clock, two o'clock, four o'clock, four o'clock, six o'clock, and six o'clock.

This result made the teenager's face pale, his lips trembled, and he seemed unable to accept the blow. He murmured, "Impossible! My father said, I am the luckiest man in the world, and no one can be beaten!"

After the teenager said this, a bit of fierceness flashed on his face, and he suddenly said, "There are still four games, do you dare to bet a little?"

Li Xing laughed: "How big do you want to bet?"

The boy stood up and said coldly, "I have 1.5 billion merit points, so I will ask you to bet!"

At this moment, Li Xing's mind sounded a reminder of the meritorious service monument. Among the 1.9 billion meritorious service points, 1.5 billion were separated and suspended on top of the meritorious service monument, waiting for his consent.

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