Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1376: Shen Tu Mingyang

The teenager launched 1.5 billion at once, and the momentum soared to the peak instantly, even faintly suppressing Li Xing. . . At this moment, Li Xing laughed and said, "Okay, I will stay with you to the end!"

The ring on the teenager's hand flashed a little light, and he grunted coldly, ordering the seventh round to begin.

When the waiter shook the dice, Li Xing stared at the ring on the teenager's hand, and said lightly, "How can the little ring affect the luck of this emperor? Break me!"

The words fell, in the void, as if heaven and earth came with majesty. Under this unparalleled might, the ring on the teenager's finger seemed to have been struck by a fierce blow, and it “clicked” into powder.

The teenager's face changed and he was taken aback. The ring on his hand was the moment he was born. His father caught the luck from the sky and condensed it into a gift given to him by the lucky ring.

The lucky ring can greatly strengthen his luck, plus he is originally the so-called "first lucky man in the world", so this way, smooth sailing. At the age of twelve, he already had twenty broken practices.

Nowadays, he has always maintained the image of that year, made rapid progress in spiritual practice, and opened up his own civilization. It can be said that the potential is infinite and the future is infinite.

In the remaining four innings, he gambled with Li Xing with 1.5 billion merit points. If he loses, he can't even afford it, maybe he will be eliminated at the 75th level. In the last three stages, selling more powerful props, he needs a lot of meritorious points to buy, which can never be lost.

The teenager's face changed continuously, and the seventh game had already started. It was one point, single, Li Xing won!

Li Xing looked at the gloomy teenager and smiled, "Hehe," It seems that I am lucky, boy, it seems you are about to lose. "

From the beginning, he saw that the ring on the teenager's hand was extraordinary, and he observed it carefully and discovered the mystery. He is now a top ten civilized deity, possessing many civilization privileges, and controlling powerful civilization secrets.

It is not difficult for him to break this small ring. In fact, in order to win this boy, he hesitated to run a newly learned civilization secret, calling it "the head of Hongyun".

Once this mystery was exhibited, luck was unstoppable, and Hong Fu was sky-high and unparalleled, allowing him to easily defeat the boy, even in the seventh inning.

But this secret technique also has side effects, that is, after the show, Li Xing's luck will be very bad for a long time to come. This is probably the reason why good luck is overdrawn in advance, so the rest of the time, it will be "compensated".

Li Xing has never been afraid of bad luck. The egg of the ninth emperor's doom had nothing to do with him, but achieved him. Therefore, he has no fear of this small side effect.

The boy gritted his teeth and he didn't understand why he lost. He was always confident and never lost. At this time, his heart was full of anger, resentment, and even murdered Li Xing.

However, he soon calmed down those emotions, and said lightly, "Do you know that if you win me, you will have no choice but to die."

Li Xing didn't say anything, but Tu Ba laughed "haha": "Big nephew, you are not very old, but you have a lot of time to play with your skin, and I am shocked by your uncle."

The boy's face showed a proud look: "You know, who is my father?"

Tu Ba intentionally teased the Master and asked Li Xing, "Brother, is this your baby?"

Li Xing shook his head and said deliberately, "I don't remember."

The young man's face turned into a pig's liver, and he said in a dark voice: "My father, after 33 days of wandering and making troubles in the source of civilization, and so on. Anyone who mentions his name will be killed by murder! You two Personally, how dare to make fun of me like that, **** it! "

With a cold face, Li Xing snorted and said, "Little guy, your father can't scare us. If I'm not mistaken, your father should be Shen Tu Mingyang of the 33rd Heaven!"

As soon as the four words of Shen Tumingyang appeared, there was a ray of killing in the midst. This killing machine seems to exist in the heavens and earths all around, accompanied by the name that Li Xing spit out, and besieged.

At the beginning, someone told him that the name of the big man could not be mentioned, otherwise he would be wiped out by the killing machine in the underworld, unless his strength reached ninefold.

Later, after Li Xing's strength stepped into Ninefolds, I naturally knew this name.

This Ming Tu Mingyang can be described as a generation of magnificent heroes. When this person was in the world, even the Proterozoic Altar almost died in his hands.

This man was in heaven and underground, surpassing his prestige. Even if he is not going out much now, many monks still dare not mention his name.

Now that Li Xing named the man's name, he directly scammed him and killed him. This ray of killing is relatively powerful, monks below Jiuzhong Broken really can't resist.

However, this was nothing to Li Xing. He just snorted heavily, and the power of the sound wave directly dispelled the killing ray.

I thought things were over in this way, but what Li Xing couldn't think of was that the killing was dispelled, and the more powerful killing came again, even more crazy.

He was taken aback. This Shen Tu Mingyang is really overbearing, not even mentioning his name? He had a bad intention in his heart, and yelled, "Shen Tu Mingyang!"


A force, not knowing where it came from, suddenly collapsed the entire void, carrying countless forces to suppress it, trying to obliterate Li Xing.

Li Xing called his first name twice in a row, which seemed to anger the uncle's will to stay in the heavens and earth, and drew stronger punishment.

This murderous power, even if the strength below 30 is broken, it can't be resisted at all, and can wipe out most of the masters in the world. Unfortunately, facing Li Xing at this time, he hummed again, sending a wave of mighty power all over his body, and once again relaxed this power with ease.

Seeing that Li Xing actually mentioned his father's name twice, the teenager was angry: "No one dare to disrespect my father. If you dare to mention it again, you will provoke his avatar and directly kill you!"

After that, the teenager looked at Li Xing gleefully. He believed that it was absolutely impossible for Li Xing to say it again, because as long as he dared to say it the third time, it would lead to a peerless attack by his father's will.

As long as Li Xing didn't dare to say it, the momentum on his body would weaken and he would not win the next three games. Those 150,000 merit points will belong to him!

Li Xing smiled "Hey" with a gloomy smile. He looked at the teenager and said, "Your father is truly amazing. Many people today remember his deeds and know his reputation. However, my future will far exceed you. Father. "

The teenager froze, and then sneered and said, "You don't dare to say it a third time after saying so much."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "This emperor is just thinking, in this third sentence, how to say hello to this great man."

Tu Ba took the conversation and said, "It's easy to do." Then he affixed to Li Xing and said something.

Li Xing nodded and praised, "Okay, very good." Then he stood against his hands, stared at Gao Tian, ​​and drank, "Shen Tu Mingyang on Dog Day, get out of this emperor!"


This sentence seemed to have alarmed the killing power of the heavens and the earth, and the entire theme was furious. There was a huge opening in the sky, and a **** hand, as if it were a substance, came out of it.

This dark hand is huge and can grab the mountains and cover the sea without limits. As soon as it appeared, the supremacy was suppressed, yes, this is the power of the "superior" series.

When the young man saw Li Xing, he really dared to say the third sentence, and he sweared unknowingly. He was furious and shocked, and said loudly, "My father, kill him!"

As soon as the **** hand appeared, the whole Ruyi gambling house was shocked. None of them dared to move, and looked at the **** hand with eyes, his mood was complicated.

This is the means of supreme characters! How dare you break into the broken ancient road, any killing?

The teenager "haha" laughed, watching the darkened hands getting closer and closer, and sooner or later he would grab Li Xing and Tu Ba and wipe them out. He couldn't help but be proud, and said, "You idiot! Road, left a strong will under the ancient road, you dare to mention his name here, and speak well, I see how you die! "

Li Xing stared at the dark hand and said coldly: "How powerful I am, it is nothing more than a wisp of will gathering heaven and earth to kill, condensed phantom, seeing me break it."

With that said, he raised the mixed yuan gun and stabbed him in one shot. The shot stabbed him into the air, and the man and the gun became one.

This style is Li Xing's peak combat power, and it has also reached an incomparable level of combat power ~ www.readwn.com ~. Therefore, two equal terrorist forces violently collided in the void and violent explosion occurred.

After the explosion, the black palms disappeared and Li Xing fell to the ground. There was a blood stain on the corner of his mouth, but his chest was arrogant and dry, saying loudly: "Shen Tu Mingyang, but that's it!"

This is the fourth time he has called out Shen Tu Mingyang's name, but he has not suffered any further attacks, because Shen Tu Mingyang's will has been consumed by his first three times, and it may take some time to recover slowly.

Li Xing has long understood that like this supreme will, he can only attack once, as long as he blocks it, he wins. Sure enough, the dark hand disappeared after a blow.

The onlookers all took a sip of air-conditioner and looked at Li Xing with great fear, because they had just felt the supremacy of Li Xing from Li Xing, and this man's combat power had reached supreme!

The whole young man became stupid, with an incredible expression on his face, and murmured, "Impossible! You actually repulsed your father's will. Impossible. Broken ancient road is the strongest place of my father's will!"

At this time, Li Xing spoke and said lightly: "According to the agreement, there are three games left without betting, and we can continue now."

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